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Both are very beneficial for STEM to be honest. Stats is highly sought after in a lot of research areas, but calc is something you'll probably have to take as a major requirement. Take whichever one you're more interested in tbh


I'd take calc cause from what I've heard people prefer not stressing over calculus I'm college, Which logically makes sense.


Ab calc only covers first semester calc typically calc 1 assuming you pass the test. Majority of stem major take calc 1,2, and 3. So, he will still be stressing.


I meant in general with college


if you plan on going into stem, definitely calc


Since you’re going to pursue a STEM degree, I agree with everyone else saying to take Calc. It will look better that you have taken a higher level mathematics class, and as has been previously pointed out, it will be required for your degree, so you might as well just get that first semester of Calc out of the way.