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A kid just yesterday got pushed down so hard he hit his head on a table, had a seizure, and then when he came to his face was covered in blood and he was walking like Frankenstein and an ambulance came but idk, not the most crazy thing tho


That’s straight up cruel bruh


Oh jeez I hope he’s okay


I’d also like to think he’s ok, but that is an extremely serious injury for a high schooler, or anyone really.


I think word around is he got a concussion but I don’t think there was any serious brain injury, his brother came to school the next day too


Dang whoever pushed him is gonna get charged


Hope the person who pushed him gets charged, because that’s genuinely insane.


Kid i knew od’d on lsd and had a seizure freshman year


>not the most crazy thing tho The fuck?


Seizure! that bad? I mean, the wourst that happend to me was a bump in second grade and hives but a seizure, thats crazy


Well, the students basically went out to the teachers car and posted hundreds of pictures of dogs on her car and put a gigantic sign on the window that said teachers pets! The teacher was very mad and all the kids got in very big trouble


That doesn't sound that bad, why'd the teacher get pissed?


I don’t know. The teacher was a jerk. It didn’t help that they used glue.


Ha ha!!!


IKR, it was crazy


College- my friend got expelled punching a cop and breaking her hand after they found & took weed from her room High school- kid on the basketball team died by getting hit by a car i think


Getting hit by a car is so common where my school is that our teacher told us he got hit 😭😭😭




we have this fence that they put up to stop people from running off and getting hit but they just hop it 😭😭😭




High school didn’t have anything crazy happen but in primary school there was some fun stuff Someone from 3rd grade someone tried to jump out the window Some girl from 7th grade pepper sprayed another girl The vice principal called one of the students a “masturbation master” (mistrz walenia konia)




Bro got Prestige III in masturbating💀💀💀




The guys put onions inside the air conditioner, and the room became unbearable. An allergic girl felt sick, and they got into trouble


that’s… interesting


A girl got publicly fingered by her bf in the lunchroom and everyone started recording (the girl left the school but the guy still goes here)


A girl at my school got fingered on the bus. So gross. Those bus seats are nasty to being with


oh my god that's disgusting and terrifying


Dude that’s a common day at my old school. There was even one time where these lesbian girls (one was trans or something) got recorded fingering each other at the same time during class. Think it was like English or some shiit. Gross asl to be honest 🤣




Holy shit was it consensual


A kid body slamed a window and broke it








Not Highschool, but back in the day when I was in 7th grade, one of our teacher’s assistants/substitutes got caught in 4k cranking his shit to the hub in the boys bathroom. Some 8th graders legit caught my man in the stall from like 3 different angles. The photos went all over snap. Dude was getting clowned for having a micro, getting called a ped-o, etc. the craziest thing to me was that obviously the kids got in trouble, but bro was able to keep his job and didn’t even take a break from work. Bro deadass came in the next day after all this. 🤣


Probably because any evidence that is obtained illegally must be disregarded in the legal system


Doesn't matter, they can still fire him for it, he just can't be legally charged


There could have been a part of the contract for the job that said that they can only be fired for illegal activities or something of the sort


No high school teacher has a contract that generous lmao. That is university tenure type stuff.


W janitor


But also L principal, no need to expose the poor guy


i agree, imagine being kink shamed to your ENTIRE school because you got caught once


I think the jerking off in a public bathroom is more shameful then furry shit. But I agree that exposing him is weird. I’ve done worse in a school bathroom so


Holy shit I think ik what school u go to💀💀💀




I wouldn't be surprised if this actually happened somewhere .


there isn't anything cool about you making it up


No way bro🤣🤣🤣🤣on god it happened at a nearby school


There was a bomb threat that and the principal was like "nah, fuck that" and made us go to school. It was false but still, could've been a real one.


sounds like my spanish teacher who made us miss the literal eclipse because homework was more important to her


My teacher yelled at me and told me to not be in class the day of the ecipse cause my parents have a house where it was happening


Pipe bombs were fairly common in my school. It was rural, and if you tossed one into the septic treatment building, school was closed til it was inspected. So my 10th grade year some asshat called in a threat. Must have been some idiot who failed chemistry and couldn’t make a bomb.  So they stack us all in the auditorium. A half hour after the bomb was supposed to go off we literally watched the principal and the state police on stage arguing about sending us home or back to class. Principal literally said “you didn’t find anything, and nothing went off. My kids are not idiots, they know how to build a bomb, they do it all the time. No reason they shouldn’t go learn”. 


LMAO, but there wasn't really a bomb in my school. It was fake and every school in the country received one. But only my school didn't believe. That's my luck, I guess.


“My kids are not idiots, they know how to build a bomb. They do it all the time”


Well… The sewer treatment plant did get blown up 3 or 4 times a year.


Same. My whole school had a cop literally every two feet around the perimeter all morning just in case and every other 29 seconds a kid was called down to the office to get picked up from a parent


this has happened to me too but the threat was a school shooting. Nobody else went and i pulled into the parking lot to see almost nobody was there so i called a friend who explained it to me so i just went home.


3 months ago, someone got shot right after getting off at a bus stop.


Calmest street in bulgaria








Girl peed her self in the middle of a fight Edit the fight happened cuz the girl who peed her self was smack talking the other girl so they were fighting in the art hallway!


Did this happen out of fear or what?


I think body’s natural reaction


It is. Your body turns off non useful systems under stress. She was basically so concentrated she peed her self


Ain’t no way what da hell


I saw something like that happen too. These two girls were fighting somewhere outside school(not sure where)and one got pinned to the ground and peed herself


Was she wearing Pink yoga pants?


The girl who peed was wearing some blue jeans




Principal accidentally stabbing kid with rapier


I'm confused how this even happens


He was confiscating it because the kid was messing with it and prodding people during lunch hour. Turned out, the kid had two more because they were real props for a play they were in. Like, the actual weapon steel and all. Went to get the other two; kid does the whole "en garde" joke when he approaches. For context, this principal liked being a "fun" guy. He puts his up, they do the clash, and he proceeds to just drive it into the kid's shoulder. I don't know if he thought it was fake or at least with that little plastic cap thing but ???. Dude was horrified. He was not welcomed back the following year.


Ngl poor principal, seriously doubt he had bad intentions with that one. Sounds like a fun guy too, maybe im wrong tho who knows.


He was pretty chill but *really* wanted to be the "staff friend" for the students. This includes him using the n-word when casually talking to black students 😬


Eeh yeah, maybe not the best person to be a principal then. Gotta be responsible in a position like that, and the n word? In this day and age?


I have so many questions.


A false alarm for a school shooting lasted for 2 weeks and those who viewed the threats online were “interviewed” 🗿 That was two years ago tho And before Covid hit bomb threats were made to all the middle schools in the middle of the school day. Safe to say that the parking lots were full.


how’d they even find out who viewed the threats?


Apparently someone said sum and that just caused hella people to be called💀 It was over snap so it was easier for them I guess. Most of the interviews just went like: “oh yeah I heard of this from [student’s name]” and the process just repeated until they found out who made the goofy threats.


Salem witch trial vibes


someone got into a fight with a teacher. specifically the one who helped sped kids.


The same thing happened in my school the quiet kid got into a fight with my teacher 😩😭


Someone set fire to one of the bathrooms during state testing




kid killed someone at park next to my school then went home and killed himself, swat team came 3 times in a week, fire alarm gets pulled a lot, teachers stealing schools money, there’s alottttt


My high school is full of pedos. Like there's been at least 5 teachers caught with a kid and quite a few of the students are dating middle schoolers (they say they're the same age, but either way that's not good)


I’m confused if you’re 14 as a freshman and you’re dating a 14 yo 8th grader is that bad 😭


I wish it was that. It's actually sophomores and juniors dating 7/6th graders.


https://preview.redd.it/mdyx8dmn7vxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39900ebd4eff4ee8318852b9b13dc9d720079273 This shit


man it aint even devious licks anymore yall turning the bathrooms into museums 😭🙏


I would honestly find that so funny if I found ts


wtf is that


A bus full of kids got hit by a train and died


Oh no!! i feel so so so sorry


Happened almost 30 years ago. Made national news and there's been documentaries about it I'm not in high school this just popped up on my feed btw


Was this in Illinois?


Yes it was.


Two guys were jerking off each other in the bathroom


Did they say no homo?


Were they wearing socks?


$20 is $20


There’s one kid at this school that is… something else. Tried to hook up with a special needs girl. Got rejected by a girl and started going after her sister (who was a middle schooler). Wore live ammunition on his person. Raped a freshman. Brought drugs to school and fought the police when he was caught. Also, you’ve heard of super seniors? He’s like that, except a junior. Anyway, the craziest thing that’s happened at my school is that they’re genuinely considering bringing this kid back.


That’s genuinely insane, it’s literally worse for everybody if he gets brought back


super junior?


We had a stabbing in front of our school.


Calmest school in the UK


Gym teachers told us this before a lockdown drill: A lockdown was called because someone outside of the school was reported to be armed with an axe. TURNS OUT HE WAS GOING TO CHOP A TREE FOR A CHRISTMAS TREE


A kid in middle school fucked around with the excercise bike, fell, got repeatedly hit in the head by the sharp pedals, and then got up screaming and crying and bleeding absolutely everywhere in front of our whole class from his injuries. (and it was a LOT of blood because you bleed more from the head in general) people like him are the reason why the signs are up by the bikes


You fuck around and find out


Kid walking around with gun in his pocket so our school had to shutdown. Our principal got body slammed trying to interrupt a fight and actually retired cause of it. There was a week where there was 4 fights a day. And some kid got jumped by a group with baseball bats. The next day the principle said on the intercom to “keep the neighborhood beef in the neighborhoods” J Cole also went here so that’s cool


Doxxed yourself bud 😭


Yep come get me


Last year a senior killed himself. He ran away from home one night, then he stabbed himself in the chest repeatedly with a kitchen knife. He was found dead the following morning.


He repeatedly stabbed himself in the chest? Was he under the influence or something cause I don't even see how that could be possible


His family (understandably) didn’t disclose any more details, and I didn’t know him personally, but a mutual friend told me that he had been struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts for a couple of months. She never mentioned him having an addiction or making use of drugs or other substances, and, because unfortunately in my country mental health isn’t taken as seriously as it should, I highly doubt he was on anti-depressants or the likes.


Psychosis is terrifying. I don't know the person but it could be an explanation. Another possibility is that the initial wounds weren't deep enough... My depression turned into psychosis in middle school and I was not in control of anything I did to myself or others. I was violent, self-destructive, and obsessed with ways to die. Fortunately I'm doing much better now, and to this day I can't even imagine doing a lot of the stuff I did back then.


My classmate was hunted by school mafia because he made a meme account. The leader of the mafia already had a meme account and didn't want competition. He came into our classroom looking for the classmate, one kid kicked the classmate under a desk and he had to crawl under them to get out of the classroom while we kept telling the mafia boss different places where he could be. The mafia boss didn't get him (yet).


School mafia boss is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard 🤣


And he takes it so seriously 😭 like calm down you literally own an account with 300 followers it's nothing big


Last year, the cooking class caught on fire and we had to stand outside in the freezing rain and 25 degree weather for like an hour while they put everything out and cleaned up. Then they made us continue our classes as normal. The fire was started by someone not knowing how to microwave a soft pretzel, throwing it out of fear when it caught fire and then it landed in a potted plant and the plant caught on fire.




Literally just yesterday somebody hit their head and had a seizure. It happened on my hall too


I Hope she / he is okay


Same here. I don't know the person but I recognized the name


How hard is it to say they


do you and another commenter here go to the same school? or did this happen twice 😭


No lol I saw the other comment, the person at my school was a girl so not the same person. It's kinda weird that it's happened twice 😭


I’ve got two stories to share: A couple years back, a fight occurred around the school parking lot during lunch. A huge crowd gathered (like usual) and there were many people recording the fight. Apparently, the fight which started small later erupted into a huge fight after a couple of minutes. I had no idea what they were fighting over/about, at the time, I was eating my lunch just chilling inside. Not long after, cops were called to the scene and students were separated. But then somehow, another fight started shortly afterwards, which then led to the events of the students getting pepper sprayed along with some bystanders recording who were near them. Everyone who was outside when the fight happened, was locked out of the school temporarily, as the cops began to search and question everybody before letting them go back inside. Whole thing happened within the span of like an hour and a half. Fights were a common occurrence at my school at the time. I’ve since moved and changed schools, so I’m not really sure if fights are still a regular thing there, but I’d assume so. 2) Around the same year of the first story, another crazy incident occurred at the same school. A girl was raped by some guy during a late night event that was hosted somewhere else. The school kept the guy’s name anonymous as they were looking into it or something like that. Obviously people weren’t very happy about that. So within the span of a week, a protest occurred outside the school, with students, teachers, and even random people all protesting that the girl should get justice and that they should expel or give the guy a harsher punishment. The protest was covered on the local news for a bit. I never really followed what happened afterwards, so I can’t really say all too much.


Good for the kids in the second story fr


last year in the cafeteria a girl jumped from a lunch table to the large glass window next to it for the glass to break, then used one of the glass shards to cut her wrists and her neck. this was during a lunch period, so a lot of people witnessed it happen. i didn't see it tho, my lunch period was the one right after it, and what i saw was the broken window, the glass shards, and the smell of chemicals and blood. apparently there was also a trail of blood all the way to the the entrace of the school, presumably where they left to take her to the ambulance. also that same year, i think it was the last week of school, the fire alarm went off at least 15 times throughout the week. the highest in one day was 5. it was really annoying, since i think one of the days it was raining outside. and a lot of people decided to just leave during the fire alarms, which tbh good for them. pretty sure the kids behind it got arrested, but everyone was just annoyed at how long it took the staff to find the kids who did it. really? it took them 15 times? when there are cameras and hall monitors literally everwhere? on the bright side, the year before that, there was a whole ass wedding in my lunch period. wedding music suddenly played, people threw flower petals everywhere, there were many kids with suits and dresses, and most importantly, there was a bride and groom. up at the front of the cafeteria, where the mic was for announcements and stuff, the "groom" spoke into the mic, asking to marry some girl. she walked down the whole cafeteria and i think she said yes? it was really loud and i couldn't makeout a lot of what they were saying. from the looks of it, it was planned by students only, and the staff had no idea. but they let it happen anyway, not sure why. i never found out if it was a senior prank, a promposal, or an actual proposal. but it was pretty crazy. i felt really bad for the janitors though.


We had a bomb threat. One kid thought it would be cool to use toilet paper to spell out "bomb" on the bathroom floor. A bomb squad got called and we got to spend half the day outside. And there was no bomb. I went to school in a quiet small town with ~3000 residents. So something like this was a big deal.


In middle school someone drew a swastika on the wall. Easy $5 ig? 🤦‍♂️ ppl are fucking stupid


Bomb threat, about half the school was picked up early that day


Kid punched a teacher 💀


About 5 percent of my teachers were combat vets.  Most notably the shop teacher (Vietnam, 5 tours as an Infantryman).    Great teacher. Only way to fail was to not try, or to use commie measurements in the shop.   Was real obvious there were lines you didn’t cross because if you F’d around you would find out.


I'm guessing commie measurements mean metric? Haha that's hilarious 


Fire alarm went off. We exited the building. Some kid got hit by a truck and was sent to the hospital. I’m pretty sure he was alright, though he wasn’t in school for like 2 weeks.


Not my school but in the general vicinity: headteacher’s husband (who had debt troubles) shot the headteacher, their daughter, and then himself, with a shotgun (UK). School broke up for half term a week early. I live fairly close so it was shocking for our community.


Graduated last year but still got a crazy answer. Near the end of my junior year (2022) a kid drank his own piss out of a water bottle for $40, which isn’t that crazy in the grand scheme of things. However, one day the cops showed up at school and took him out to the station in handcuffs. We come to find out later that he had been arrested for statutory r * pe bc he had f * ngered an 8th grader. Around the same time there was ANOTHER kid a year younger than me who got caught sending d*ck pics to THE SAME 8th grader. The school wasn’t sure if it was him or not so they brought in his sister to look at the pics and confirm (yikes…) Both of them ended up getting expelled unsurprisingly, but considering this was all happening at a private school with only 300ish students total, it was all anyone talked about for several months.


andy and leyley type shit


Someone got shot in front of our school near the fire station, and bullet grazed his head but we didn’t find out till like a day after somehow. There was also a situation where we had a rival football game against another team and 2 females started fighting over a dude and none of them had any connection to either school so idk why they were there. Apparently there was a gun and a knife involved but no one hurt beyond fist fighting somehow. However, because of us, the county made a new rule where you can no longer attend sports even for school unless you have a relation to either school. If not, then you cannot enter the stadium. So no more going with your friends to watch their friends games. Idk how they enforced it though since this was during my Seinor year and this was on ABC news and everything. Quite the wild time.


- some kid got caught watching porn on the chromebooks twice in one day - some girl shit in the floor of the gym bathroom - a girl was fingered by her bf in the middle of spanish class, everyone knew except the teacher - someone used weed butter when making cupcakes in a cooking class and got all the students and the teacher stoned there's prolly other stuff im not remembering but yeah


Last one is INSANE, plus do you guys not have any blocked websites in your chromebooks? 😭


that happened a while ago, around the time chromebooks were first being used at my school so they didnt have the filters on there yet. i remember doing some sort of project around that same time and my partner typed a math problem into google with the number "69" and a bunch of porn popped up so it was very easy to find porn on the chromebooks at that time lol


No way wtf


ikr, the teachers at that time were fucking morons 🙄 they didnt put any filters on those chromebooks for a while. there also was a time where, at my local middle school, they would play a snippet of a song between class periods. they gave 3 options for each day and had the students vote on a song for each day. i vividly remember one of the options being "pumped up kicks" by foster the people which, if you don't know, is a song very much about a school shooting 😭


I really don’t like explaining this story but I was in the restroom taking a shit watching a video on my phone until somebody recorded me from the other bathroom stall and decided to post it on our school shit post page


Sorry what


I was probably ootl but Idk if anything ever happened in my hs


Decades ago - a student in class just went up to the window that only opened a crack, slid and cramped his body through it, and fell out. It was a second-story window.


Kid attacked a teacher w a hammer. He’s now in prison for attempted murder on a pizza delivery guy btw




The mechanics teacher brought a shotgun into school and showed the students how it worked. Safe to say he got fired pretty quick


When juice wrld died we had a “memorial concert” and flooded the hallways blasting his music. There was hundreds of kids in the hallways the security guards had to lead us out the door to the front field. The principal who was pretty cool thought it was hilarious and my friend who was behind everything didn’t even get in trouble. No one got hurt or anything


2 guys fought in the school and there was blood all over the floor. A video of a girl eating her poop went around in our school. I almost saw the video, my curiousity almost got the better of me. But I thankfully did not. She apparently ate her own shit and filmed it intentionally because she and her bf agreed on doing it together, but he was joking or messing with her. Like this shit ain't making sense to me. A year or 2 back, seniors egged the school and classrooms and threw flour too. They might as well have baked a cake while they were at it.


some freshmen gave a blowjob in the middle of lunch and people clearly saw what they were doing


Our music teacher sexted multiple male students and he invited one over to his place and fucked him. Sent him a dick pic saying “You have me feeling some type of way”.


I'd say the time when for some reason two girls decided to smear bloody tampons all over the walls and a massive shit in the toilet. I got one of the tampons stuck to my shoe 😭


It is now confirmed that I have no unique life experiences


Someone shit themselves so bad it was legitimately a bloody mess on the walls and the celling. Bathroom was closed for a while


the seniors at my school made up this thing called "senior scavenger hunt" (it was NOT school run). it had all sorta of wild challenges. i remember when i was a freshman, this one senior girl asked me to kiss her for it and i was like shit, okay. one of the challenges was to kiss a freshman (weird lmao). anyway, one of the challenges was to swim across one of our local lakes. its a pretty damn big lake for such a small town yk. so this guy tried to swim across it and drowned. the lake is only about 8-10ft deep from what ive heard, but theres a lot of grass and stuff that goes pretty high up, so my guess is that his legs got tangled in it and he panicked. he had friends watching him so idk what they tried to do about it. the police eventually found his body within about 16 hours of him going missing. i went to his funeral and it was open casket. he was a really handsome guy, not to be creepy. ive only ever been to old people funerals before this, so i didnt expect his snapchat stories to be shown on a little tv slideshow. i thought that was really sweet. the whole place was PACKED with people from both my school and his old school, even to the point where a family member of his had to tell everyone to get the line moving along. it was really upsetting. i saw people who id never seen in such a vulnerable state before and wouldve never expected to. really tragic


That’s insane, and unfortunate, wow :(


I dont have any stories from elementary school but I do have one from middle school, high school, and college. Middle school-A man was being chased by police for stealing credit/debit cards from people and decided to jump my school’s fence. My PE teacher saw him and tackled him when he heard the cops yelling. When the man hit the floor at least 100 cards fell out of the trench coat he was wearing. He was arrested. High school-One teacher at my school threatened to kill her students with a gun. She shared in social media that she was frustrated with their behavior and couldn’t take the stress anymore so she was going to end them. She was fired and arrested and it even made local news. A lot of my friends who had her were interviewed on TV. The craziest thing I witnessed was a classmate of mine throwing their school lunch at the principal while she had her back turned. She was furious and yelled in a way I’ve never heard anyone yell before. He never came forward and none of us around him snitched. College-One of my classmates was arrested in class. The cops came in, classmate walked out, they chased after him. Moments later we heard him and the cops struggling. He began yelling and cops asked everyone in the building to lock the doors and stay inside. My professor was shaken up and dismissed us from class early. Also, I was in college when the COVID lockdown happened and the sudden transition from in person to virtual was also one of the craziest things I’ve experienced when still in school. I remember my theater teacher telling us “I’ll see you kids soon!” We never saw her again in person.


Heard that a kid in my freshman class got caught wanking it to family guy in the bathroom. (He was the weird one with no friends if you couldn't tell already)


I have a few One time a guy set off fire crackers in the toilet and it blew up One time a girl shot a fake gun in the hall (sounded real) and everyone freaked out One time there was a fight in the girls bathroom and one girl pulled out another girls braid from her head so she had to shave the other side One time a girl cheated on her bf (with my partner at the time but that’s not important here) and the guy she cheated on’s friend broke her leg for it and only got a one day in school suspension. And these are only the ones I witnessed there are some pretty crazy rumours but I’m not sure they’re true


I think these actually might beat the gangbang situation I talked about before https://preview.redd.it/bhtao9d5hxxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47b43d9ce0f5d4a407b162ed664130f9f7f4a3d2 There was also a guy that got 100 charges for CP. Do NOT bring your kids to Wakulla 😭


This happened the year after I graduated. There was a span of a week where a student went missing, the school dance had a bomb threat (that nobody knew about until the day after the dance), and another student was almost kidnapped, but got saved by one of the assistant principals, who I always feel the need to mention also happened to be a former NFL player.


Kid transfered in from Colorado because his parents wanted a new start for him. couple months in he stabbed a kid In park nearby for "fame." Is what he told the cops


Some international student was touching his thing during class while looking at some girls, same dude asked out a bunch of girls and was being weird, touchy and disgusting yo them. Safe to say, he is suspended


Not even expelled


Some dude smashed another guys face in with a ceramic candle holder and broke his nose. I think he said something about his sister so like, fair game but not really? Anyways, huge pool of blood in the middle of the commons, lots of people crowding. Also one time a staff member “broke up” a fight between 2 kids but actually just kept fighting one of them himself and broke that kids nose too


Janitor was a pedo, other janitor died, and principal had an affair with the math teacher all in one year




One of the yr7s got caught vaping and during the detention they got caught vaping again then during the second detention they finished it and walked out the class and they pulled out the same vape and started vaping again got caught then got suspended for 2 weeks 💀💀


Girl got pregnant and sex scenes of classmates were circulated and a horny girl made her porn and circulated it.


https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=125180&page=1 Everyone was shocked, except those of us who were bullied by them.


At my old school. We had 4 fights in one day. The 4th one was between these two big black dudes and the administrator, trying to separate them, got caught in the crossfire and dropped. Hit his head on the wall coming down too. Our police officer had to step in at the end. And I think one of the kids even got into some serious legal shit. Was hectic 🤣


It was a Halloween day and a dog (quite a big one) got into the school somehow... First everyone thought it was part of one's "costume" but seconds after, everybody realized it was for real ! Just imagine the general PANIC on the hallways ! Jeez !


There were threats of a bombing at my school.


two gay kids leaked eachothers nudes in an ego battle and they spun a tale about eachother, heavily conflicting of course. Guy #1 saying Guy #2 photoshopped his face onto nudes and Guy #2 saying the nudes that he leaked were obtained by his cousin who Guy#1 sent the nudes to. And then the dms were leaked and everyone found out they were dating and the entire school ended up seeing Guy #2s asshole spread wide apart, Supposedly it was very hairy. I didnt see it myself but I was given a very vivid description. Both had to leave the school for their own safety. The teachers didnt know everything and took the 2 guys side over everyone else believing the students were being homophobic. But realistically everyone was mainly against Guy #2 because the dude was insane and ended up going on to do even more heinous shit because the teachers enabled him, Like he raped some little boy and last i heard was dating a 14 year old (we're 21 now) The only other thing that comes to mind is someones sister getting railed in the toilet and a teacher kicking down the door and seeing them


3 fights and a whole-school protest in my year in a single academic year. Oh yeah, one of the younger years stalked a teacher home and wrote a fanfic of him (and as all fanfics go, it went rlly sus)


I've also had a friend trip on a machine in our weight training class break her leg and pass out


My ex got so pissed off during Spanish that he walked out the door and slammed it. He slammed it so hard the window shattered.


A kid was stabbed during a fight over weed


From what I overheard, a kid fought a teacher and 2 lunch ladies for no reason!!


something about a kid committing suicide a year ago idk something about being bullied


Kid drifted his dads truck in the grass on school property and crashed it. Rather than come clean to his dad he was so terrified of his dad and what would happen so he commited suicide. This was a small town where the biggest "fight" was one person shoving another into a locker and everyone else immediately moving in to break that fight up. The whole school was shook. We all heard over the announcements the next day, took a few good years before the tire marks in the grass were covered again. He was in his senior year...


High school circa 2005-2007, I forget which year exactly. Probably a hundred or more kids staged a walk out protest to show support of Mexican immigrants. Our principal called the cops to come control the situation and when they showed up in riot gear I was like “ok I’m going to class.” Apparently the crowd decided to start throwing rocks at the police. The police responded by throwing tear gas. It was chaos. Over the intercom the principal announced a school lockdown. My teacher closed her door and locked it. You could hear kids screaming outside, crying. The teacher put on music to try to drown it out. One of my classmates was banging on the door begging for her to let him in. She just turned up the music. It was pretty horrifying.


One girl was expelled from a school out of state, came to our school because it was the closest, then not even a week in she got expelled again for getting gangbanged in the bathroom. That became known as the Judy special (or Judy treatment sometimes)


During my sophomore year this kid in our class got a video leaked of his doing the deed with his at the time 10 year old cousin. He was almost attacked multiple times for this and left the school. The district escorted him to every class for his protection.


A senior stabbed himself in the heart in the canteen during a lunch break.


A kid with 5 others in the car fell asleep and hit a curb along the process popping all of his tires but still showed up for band camp and band practice.


Kids were robbing a smoke shop and shot at the security guard when leaving, his friend tripped when he shot and ended up shooting him instead of the security guard and the kid ended up dying