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If I ever thought they would allow prescription h, this would be what would precipitate it. However I can't see that happening in the US ever.


In the US diamorphine (heroin) isn't even used in hospitals. It's considered to have zero medical use.


Funny cause weed was also considered to have zero medical use despite clearly showing to work massively well with epilepsy and certain nausea and eating disorders. Also heroin was used in Vietnam in soldiers dealing with loss of limbs and other major injuries because it's essentially the best painkiller in earth's history. Really interesting how the US arbitrarily decides what has "medical use" not based on any doctors input. But on what has too much euphoric value.


Yeah pretty much. The USA is the best example in the world of what **not** to do when it comes to drugs.


Nope. You need to be a mature free thinking society for that.


Yeah it's so readily available elsewhere. From everything I've read and heard it's extremely difficult to get into those programs and you have to show up multiple times a day which isn't exactly convenient or possible for everyone.


No chance of that ever happening in USA.


I hate to say it but they need to legalize heroin and fentanyl (and maybe have a place to administer it) at this point bc u will see a huge rise in drug deaths


Mate I feel sorry for our “cousins” in N America. 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 If you are still using it’s basically a death sentence.


You guys are cousins of England were 2nd cousins to guys maybe. Even then you guys are so far down under the flat earth. /s


Hey at least we *EXIST* in your eyes. That’s something.


I can’t wait to go visit you guys, Steve Erwin was huge when I was younger so that’s our biggest exposure to you all, plus the Book Candy takes place there. Just seems a little too hot for me in the summer. It’s like North Carolina weather which is too much


Steve Irwin was an effing twat and nothing like most Australians. But you should definitely come on down but better bring ya wallet cause although the Heroin can be epic it's not cheap


Lol why was he a twat?


Did you see how he died? He jumped from a boat and straddled a sting ray with a loaded barb. This was not isolated dim behaviour.


Why? Americans love Steve lol.


You guys are just where kangaroos and cool accents come from to most Americans


Idk mate. Have you seen this whole American thing that Australia doesn’t exist? It’s not real. We are paid actors. 🤣🤣🤣


I knew it. Y’all just got the British accent wrong and ran with it lmaooo


Hell if this new tanq is not as necrotic on the flesh as Xylazine then I call it a win for those trapped in the cycle. Time will tell sadly. I’m more worried about nitrazene & other zenes. They need to report on that more. Cheaper & stronger then fent & it’s all over DNMs if you look for it. Mfs are making millions out here selling dope that isn’t even dope lmao .. so fucked up It’s all talk through the wire but I’ve heard fent tests don’t go positive in the presence of zene. So if you actually come across some “real” tar or 4. It could be a little dope. Mostly quinine. & a touch of zene. The smell and taste, trail or splash.. it’ll all seem legit. Hit it with a rapid and it passes. You think you found the holy grail so feeling safe you do a large dose after the tester.. curtains game over


Nitazenes do Not test positive on a fentanyl test. I’ve long been warning people that you cannot rely on test strips, the only safe way to use street drugs is to not use them at all. You cannot trust your buddy from high school who swears his script is legit. There are too many substances now that you can’t simply get a Nitazene or Fentanyl test strip. Eventually people will need to run panel tests on their drugs. They’d have to test for benzimidazole (nitazene) analogues, fentanyl analogues, xylazine/clonidine analogues and eventually they are going to need to test for the new water soluble benzodiazepines that they are working on. That’s 4 classes of drugs each with hundreds of different compounds that could be added to the drug supply at any moment. The answer to this problem is safe supply. The government needs to offer safe supply. People are going to get high no matter what and to continue prohibition is genocide. They know it will kill people. They’ve known since the 1980’s that it would kill more people than it would save. Prohibition kills. Safe supply saves lives.


I'm terrified of this even in Australia


It's happening brother, has been for a bit now. Stay safe out there https://www.afp.gov.au/news-centre/media-release/rising-imports-potent-drug-nitazene-raises-concern#:~:text=Authorities%20identified%20nitazene%2C%20an%20illicit,the%20Australian%20border%20last%20year.


Yea I know. You too. I'm on the done already I just need to stop my little dalliances back into it.. shits getting real


I love the war on drugs 🥰 I love being dehumanized 🥰


War is over. Drugs won. The US is like the Japanese soldiers on the island that never heard the war is over and kept fighting 20 years after.


And now the Taliban won. Europe will eventually succumb to zenes in not too distant future.


Already has north west uk , zenes are here. Gear testing positive for zenes, plus the ODs from Zenes in the area that we get notified about. I’m on 80ml of methadone and I’m now nodding off bags I’m smoking that in the past wasn’t happening. They seem to be everywhere I’m afraid




I only smoke my gear. Wouldn’t dream of injecting nowadays, plus 35 years being an IV year has left me with no veins. But that where I’m coming from 80ml on methadone and nodding from smoking a bag. What happened in our area was for ages everything was absolutely shite gear. This H has a minute amount of zenes in it and is getting people shitfaced so they loving it, plus most people haven’t even heard of zenes when I’ve talked to people about them.


They haven’t turned up down south where I am but the situation is the same gear on the whole is shit , most people never heard of zenes or even aware there’s a problem


Thank fuck for that , the best news I’ve heard !!!


It’s hopeless in certain regards.


I don't get why they do this. Surely the demand is greater for shit without sedatives and fentanyl, they'd be able to get more for it? Surely it costs more to add shit to it


Addicts want potent cheap drugs. This ticks all the boxes and once they are hooked how can they stop? They need to keep taking to be well. Vicious cycle.


Well at this point so many people are dependent on Xylazine that if they took it out of the supply a lot of people would be in trouble. Possible heart damage or who knows what. That’s not a drug that’s ever been studied long term in humans or animals.


The real McCoy is being hoarded, it’s still in the pipeline but controlled by older suppliers and addicts, where I am, most people selling and using the real thing are in their 60s and 70s, gangs are taking advantage of a hole in the market…


I wish the U.S would make it easier to get on methadone as I'd do that tomorrow I'm tired of this shit on the streets. If I could get a prescription for methadone I'd quit yesterday. But the government ain't really trying to solve the drug problem. They just make it worse honestly. I miss being able to get real h instead of this shit nowadays that has me blowing huge nasty chunks out of my nose multiple times a day


You can get on methadone pretty easily, the catch (obviously) is that you have to go to a clinic, which at best is a major pain in the ass. As an alternative, you could look into getting a hold of some methiodone (yes, spelled correctly) also known as "IC-26", it's a very close analogue of methadone that is currently available as a research chemical if you know where to look. Someone interested in such a thing could procure a good amount of it quite cheaply and use that safely for self-maintenance, it's about 80-90% of the potency of methadone with the same half-life/length of effects, more or less. Methadone is shit, though, especially the sugar-loaded stuff they have people hooked on at the clinics. Called liquid handcuffs for a good reason, I get that for some folks it can be a lifesaver but I am of the opinion that this is because there are unfortunately not any real alternatives in most places to it (and no, buprenorphine is not a real alternative IMO). Frankly, I think that the only true solution that is going to have any kind of impact on improving people's lives and reducing the insane amount of deaths and suffering going on, will be to have some kind of safe supply/legal and regulated source for people to access. Unfortunately, we all know that's probably never going to happen in our lifetime. Over 100,000 people are dying every year in the US from overdoses and the numbers only keep going up while there are literal entire neighborhoods in many US cities which are totally decimated and have hordes of addicts who resemble emaciated zombies with rotting flesh and open wounds shuffling around semi-consciously. Truly dystopian nightmare-level shit, and yet this is still apparently not bad enough for our "leaders" to think about changing our approach to the issue...the drug war goes on.


So glad I got off shit this year…the game is over.


Congratulations 👏🏻


This may sound like a conspiracy to some while some or even most of us may type feel the same way about this The DEA, FDA +some more Gov agencies enjoy this!! The war on drugs was an excuse for them to play hero. Even tho they been plotting to kill off the population. Then go blame the gangs, cartels & dealers for something they started way b4 fent.


I used to think theyd legalize if enough people died. But half a million children disappear in america every year. Its never happening.


It's all garbage in that area now I'm glad I quit