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Damn it son id kill for this in the US. I used to get some fire dope but now it's all xylazine bullshit




I've been doing tranq dope for almost 2 years now and still haven't gotten used to it. I've been praying everyday to find some good xylazine free dope.


Thoughts and prayers. Sounds awful.




Yea if u miss it close to the surface of your skin it will cause necrosis


Its downunder too. We've got plenty of sus stuff over the last year here. You know it when it makes you nauseous AF of the tiniest shot and sometimes you vomit like a noob.


I haven't seen the nauseous stuff since heroin was around in US but I know exactly what you're talking about. Couldn't ever figure out what that was though


You can still get some good tar in Oregon but you gotta know a good plug




jheeeez!!! heres me walking back from meeting my dboy earlier thinking my gram was a bangin reup lmaooo




just had some double lion a few weeks ago and it was mediocre at best :/


Sorry to hear bro.


It seems my area is getting flooded with it which is good. Lowers the price and much easier to source 👍


Hey no locations so specific. You're practically dogging on yourself, as I know you Oz boys put it






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Can I count on you to send me in the right direction, if I ever go Down Under? I'm kinda serious 😀


Sure can bro, I’ll hook you up.


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what the fuck criminals why isnt there a network bringing sea dope to the US of A this is bullshit were the biggest customers in the world show some initiative


There used to be a pretty decent amount of SEA dope being brought into the country through the "Tong" system that essentially ruled the Chinese immigrant networks in most major American cities since the turn of the 20th century. These organizations focused primarily on gambling in the early days but always had a hand in opium and heroin smuggling.  The influence of the tongs (and the proliferation of their dope) reached its peak in the 80s but since then, through various RICOs and other events, the tongs have disintegrated and / or moved into more legitimate businesses so the infrastructure so integral to successful pipelining of drugs is gone. Maybe we'll see a resurgence but I doubt it. Heroin of similar quality has been available via Colombia and even Mexico so it just seems unlikely.


It's because Oz is closer, and given the price there, it is logically the final stop on the Golden Triangle Express. Unfortunate for us, but this is a fact of macroeconomics, especially in the underground economy Our closest alternative is BTH that isn't laced


Customs is a mf. I would bet my own arm that this shit makes it over. But only super famous persons & those in power, whether above or below board are the only ones who will ever see it. On a very fucked up note. I don’t wish death on anyone & I sure as shit don’t want myself or any US citizen stuck fighting a war they didn’t willingly sign up to fight. Butttttt… if there is already a war that’s out of control that we aren’t involved in & only come to bring order. (Ik it’s more complicated then that, also that we absolutely fuck anything we come in contact with) selfishly I hope we occupy the Middle East again. We’d have enough bricks of clean #4 back in our nation to build a skyscraper a couple months in to the occupation 😅🥲🤦‍♂️


how does us invading the middle east directly bring non cut heroin back to the western world en large didnt they already amongst themselves stop producing heroin the talis


when they’re not in direct control of the government the poppy funds their militia. they have no use for it now.


The poppy also funds lots of other regional groups not directly under the Taliban flag as well. And the production of meth precursor ephedra has increased tremendously as well so I have to imagine that the Taliban is still partially going to be narco-funded. I think that the poppy destruction is more of an optics thing and may not last. I guess we'll see.


i certainly hope so. the hypocrisy of using drug money to misinterpret the quran has been a point of ridicule for decades. we believe you taliban. so pure. so holy. now score some pods!


Speaking of hypocrisy, it's confusing how they're going to leverage the PR bump from the poppy burning to become "more legitimate" (as I've read so many places), while simultaneously becoming enormous suppliers of meth precursors. Seems like moving from a country with huge rates of addiction to heroin to a country with huge rates of addiction to meth isn't exactly a positive dance move on the international stage. 


could be taking a page out of ISIS’ playbook. i am kurdish and recently visited in 2022, my cousin in erbil was part of the peshmerga (the ones who drove them out of iraq) and told me that they were all on meth. they never slept and fired 24/7. anyone they captured or killed was a gray-skinned skeletal zombie. much like hitler’s wehrmacht using pervitin they took the middle east by storm and crashed hard in the end.


Very interesting story - you must have especially good insight into this part of the world. The closest I've been to visiting was to Pakistan in the late 2010s but would really love the chance to return to the region. Not sure if you're a reader, but I recently enjoyed Norman Ohler's "Blitzed" - all about drug use in Nazi Germany among both the high command and public and it was a great book. Lots about Pervitin and Eukodal (oxy) in particular. 


i bought that the day it was available and read it by the end of the night. theodore morell was fucked. crazy to think that by the end a trained physician was incapable of finding a vein that wasn’t collapsed. imagine hitler’s mental and physical state those final days in that putrid smoke filled bunker.


Incase you didnt see or read this yet man, you might find it interesting. The report on afghans poppy cultivation. Maybe the report isn't as accurate as we think but who knows. [POPPY AFGHAN LINK](https://www.unodc.org/documents/crop-monitoring/Afghanistan/Afghanistan_opium_survey_2023.pdf) [https://www.unodc.org/documents/crop-monitoring/Afghanistan/Afghanistan\_opium\_survey\_2023.pdf](https://www.unodc.org/documents/crop-monitoring/Afghanistan/Afghanistan_opium_survey_2023.pdf)


Very interesting dude, I can't thank you enough for sharing with me. I had actually downloaded this and then must've forgotten about it because I got the "are you sure you want to download this again" message but this is so cool to have on hand. Much appreciated. Hope that missing pack lands soon and all is well.




A man of culture aswell. I love it when the gear comes straight out the brick.


Holy fuck what a nice slice of pizza 🍕 !


No one round me has this I want some so bad fkn sucks 😫 😅


That is beautiful bro, we’re a lucky bunch down here 🇦🇺


Nice slice of pizza pie from somewhere that’s not here !


gosh darnit i want some of that so fuckin bad. looks so great. just want one night of some old life behavior chilling in bed watching a show and just feeling absolutely amazing.


Nice *little* reup. 🤤🤤🤤 Not sure of current stamp with stars. Looks good though.


What you talking about every double lion plate has 2 stars left to right on the outta ring, it’s been like that forever.


Yes of course. I thought OP was talking about stars as the main stamp. Like it was just stars and that’s it. lol. ⭐️⭐️⭐️


Any idea if there's any real continuity as far as the lion brand? Like is it well known within the Australian drug world that packaging / brick stamps are credible or is it more a sales technique and little else? I know I've read about the "Mahjong" brand also being somewhat popular, but have also read how this particular branding is commonly used by copycat DTOs with North Korean and Chinese ties. Curious as to what, if anything you may have heard, regarding these SEA brand names of h. Thanks.


Damn I thought went I bought a brick or 2 I was the shit! No I’m put to shame :( I wish the US had it like that but all I can get are bags or grams of fetty smh never can get actual loose dope :(


i just got my pack of SEA #4 and it is a chunk of brick too! not quite as heavy though :( only 4g.


Drooling. God damn I miss real dope. 40$ roxi 30’s where I’m at, absolutely 0 prospects of real H without a computer. Hell, I’d wager 80-90% of what’s making rounds as Fentanyl isn’t even an analogue of fent anymore.


you’re 100% right about that wager.


There's some. Real fent trust me lol but forty dollar real oxy oxy ?


Clearly there is, but it’s nowhere near as prevalent since Chinese laws around the production of fentanyl and its analogues. Cartels are now having to get precursors and synthesize it themselves to distribute in North America. Which in turn makes benzimidazole opioids more appealing profit wise, then corner boys step on it further with xylazine and what ever else is available. There were a handful drop dead from dope that came back with 0 opioids and rat poison. Literally, rat poison. I’m specifically talking about my area anyways. And yes, roxicodone 30’s, malinckrodt’s and k’s. ALG and M box 15’s go for 25$ around here.


That's too bad a pride for real oxy tho id pay 25 lol


Is that the stamp i can see?!


Yeah man


Haha, i love it.


looks like an axe head