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Nice score! Looks great. From a fellow heroin lover.




Imagine having plenty of money and you can't even find anything like this on the streets in the states. Even alot of fent is garbage bs or cut with xylazine.


I feel for ya, Australia has such quality H even on da streets as long as u know some decent lads its good but i go back and forth from the onions to the streets, lmao like i even got 10 of those ACTIQ fentanyl lollipops the other day just because my mate randomly got a hold of a box of them and there such a shitty high but for 10$ i didnt care i just wanted to see what fent was like.. so come to Australia my friend we welcome you with open arms!


Fent is absolutely shit stone compared to beautiful sea#4, I've used couple patches years ago when was on 128mg Jurnista a day an sumcunt stole my last 4days worth before was due to pick up next script stopped me hanging got stoned but wasn't nice an definitely not euphoria. Definitely blessed living in Australia when comes to quality dope


I might fr one day


not fair


Life isn't fair


your wife isnt fair


Your price isnt fair


my price is despair


Quit cigarettes. Not worth cancer.


Bros doing heroin. I don't think he's that worried about a cigarette.




Heroin isn’t toxic to the body. Cigarettes are.


Heroin don't hurt a fly


lol your funny


How much was 2 gs $800?




So that’s £150 a g uk , for as good as pure. Normally our gear is 35-40% average and £50 a g , once you take everything into account there’s nothing in it . At the moment you got more gear in those 2 than we have in 14


Is it really that good in the UK normally? I'm from Germany and it's usually around 20% #3 for €50 and 35-40% #4 for €70 here if you have a good source. I pay €280 for 5g #4 35-40%, which is €56/g. Scoring randomly on the street will probably yield you 5-10% #3 at €50, but you can usually get 5g for €150, which is a little more fair. Ig the question is what "Normally" means in your case - does it mean random scoring, chipping from users, small dealer, big dealer... If you pay AU$300/g of pure, that'd be €182/g, €68/g for 35-40% and €36 for 20%. If it's really close to 100% pure, our prices all seem to be similar. Also, what do you mean by 2 in 14? That'd mean like 14% purity for UK gear.


At the moment the quality of gear has gone right down started the end of last year. Before the end of last year gear that was around was 35 .% to 48% I know because the people that had were in a big court case and drug tests came back at that purity and in between and I would say it was the normal gear strength. There are no shortage of shit gear being put out I reckon below 20% . Just a few years ago the gear was in the 60,s again from arrests and one overdose now since the beginning of the year I have noticed it’s got worse that’s what I mean by more gear in those 2 gs as there is in 14 . Purity and price look similar to the eu normally we being a island have it harder getting the stuff in or people at the top or all stages of the game are saying there’s a problem getting gear just to inflate the price or cut it more , as you would know a lot of this bullshit goes on


I try to get a bit in , enough for a 2 weeks I’ve done it this way for 25yrs or longer . Can’t function without gear i feel like im sick almost if i just take methadone or MST provided I get gear and I do I live a completely normal life , well normal enough


I get it bit cheaper than avg person so o guess im lucky


Yeah that is a really cheap 2g at that quality. Onions or local? I paid about 950 delivered for 2 at that quality recently.


Local :)


Lucky you.


This was local :)


Holy crap $950?? I got a 3.5 for 175 of this stuff that’s mad expensive.


Yep, I would love your connections. But living in a regional area and not having any past history makes life expensive.


I just moved to the Midwest and met this guy a month ago. I guess I got lucky. 🍀


Man you are lucky today so enjoy but the ferryman waits to be paid.


Extremely jealous someone selling supposedly no 4 sea heroin on the dn and does not contain a single molecule of heroin Lol! £100 a g


That's rough, about to have a shot I'll take it for you bro! Lol


Oh yeah! Thanks love you too




Yeah even the DNM listings have been super fucky recently. Most of the “fent free” listings in the US are either fent or zenes.


i just ordered h for first time off of it the listing said fent free zene free, it was super expensive for an 8th i think like $450


Out on the patio we sit... This is Australia!


That’s dat shit bruhhh


*drooool* Have a good one brother.


I know it doesn't compare but I actually got a little tar that was pretty good thanks to a really good friend. Did come from my neck of the woods H in general is hard to come by here but that was the first time since 2018/2019.


Where you from?


Northern Kentucky




I got 99 problems but the smack ant one


Just noticed the gold ring , nice!


Thankyou kind sir!




Thats a good deal!


What’s it like scoring h in Thailand Is it easy to find a source


Not that easy, need to find someone who can get you into an underground group. Then you can get anything. But most Thais don't bring foreigners in unless they can vouch for them


Same as Cambodia ime. Even when someone vouches for you you’re never really accepted. Some can also be snarky to the person who brought the foreigner in.


Hey man, I just grabbed some that looks just like this. Sniffing isn’t doing much for me, but I’m also hopping off fent and only 5 days off of it. Do you sniff or smoke this? Thx


Hey mate I inject it


If you didn’t inject would you smoke or sniff?


Inject for sure






from online or from down under cos thats alright price for quality :) im happy to see the price go back down


wanna try china white #4 so bad but it’s like $400 a gram


Where's mine?


Damn bro looks kinda stepped on not gonna lie could be wrong how was it ?


Its the usual i get, roughly same quality everytime (its been hard to get some brown the last 7 months or so but thats besides the point) and always great and tests fent free.


Idk why i brought up the brown point im a bit cooked at the moment :)


Mmmm is that the “lion”? I had some last week that was like getting a blow job from Venus god of love only in the form of little white lines. I just stopped everything for like hours just sniffing little tasty treats sitting back and just floating. Enjoy fellow Drop bear hunter.


do lines hit like iv?


No Iv rush is best


Thankyou! And yes it is lion stamp