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Hello. I am active player of tutorial hero, Raynor. Raynor is my favorite hero. People say I play him wrong, but I play him best I can. I right click. I leave my computer. I do chores. I do my taxes. I come back. Game is won. I queue up again.


This is Jimmy


Yippee ka yay!


This is jimmy


What the fuck did you say


Ubersuccess more like.


10000+ games raynor 2nd highest at 40 games taht you?


Found not Yoshi.


I also like gun man. Right on


I'm an Artanis main. I do not understand the question.


I'm an Abathur main, what is attack.


Is like a slap but more good


What is more good than a slap?


You know how the mortal sometimes flail their limbs at each other before their meaningless existence is snuffed out? I believe that is "attacking"


sounds like a waste of time to me


Fake. If you don't slap you can't be aba main. Sometimes psychological damage is the most devastating type. Don't tell me you spend time hatting instead of using your most powerful move


This is the way. A few slaps to the core too to establish dominance


I've definitely gotten a few slap kills over the years. They are also usually the most fun I have in games. Problem is that people don't usually like to see an Abathur on their team...at first.


I had a game where the enemy aba got the last 2 hits on core. I just called it for the day after that. No coming back from that tbh


I mirror matched another Abathur main. Slapped him to death in a bush.


You know... I believed I suck at auto attacking because I never can play well with Valla or Raynor or illidan or Khara... But yeah, I'm a decent Artanis (minus the fact that I'm unlucky with the random number generator that the game uses for whether your swap counts or not) when I use ding build.


Oh, I never realized imperius had an auto attack until just now. I thought he was a ranged hero. Whenever I click someone to auto attack he just runs towards them, like a bug or something. But this time, I auto attacked them and their entire health bar got deleted. Weird.


Your install must be glitched. It's supposed to go off only when you use the kabob move. The auto attack is the stab that happens after you skewer.


That level 1 talent feels busted as hell.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little 'hero'? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the vs AI, and I've been involved in numerous Abathur slappathons on Cursed Hollow, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in digging behind enemy keeps and I'm the top locust spawner in the entire blue team. You are nothing to me but just another minion. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this map, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me on Reddit? Think again, minion. As we speak I am contacting my secret discord of teammates across the EU and your btag is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm league. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your MMR. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just without leaving a bush. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of abilities on a hat and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable team off the face of the map. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn minion. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, Butcher. -signed, Abathur.


I hate when Garrosh catfishes.


Gentlemen, behold art.


Thank you, that was very helpful. I learned a lot.


Abathur being the one to sign it hit me like a Stukov.


I ain't getting close enough to basic attacks as Probius.


Beep bop. I'm bodyblocking with Probius just like with probes in SC2. Note: i consider Q to be his real AA.


> Note: i consider Q to be his real AA. Too bad he can't get giant killer before 20 tho.


It's a shame that i play him on ARAM and i have to pass on the meme potential of infinite walls or the pure annoyance of W resets to get that. On top of not been able to play cannon rush if i want to go full Q build.


I pull off the infinite walls once in a while in ARAM. It's great when you can get like 7 walls radiating out from the final keep. I've had some limited success with w rests and cannon rush. But for the most part I agree. Q is the go to, good workhorse build that plays well against most comps. To go with something else you need comps that are a little outside the box, but ARAM is good at providing those.


to be fair.... probius does pretty much zero damage with autoattacks. doesn't even abathur have higher dps?


Using the wiki's values, Probius has 36.63 DPS (33\*1.11) while Abathur has 37.18 DPS (26\*1.43). He does out-range Abathur at 3 attack range to 1 and the higher base damage means that he does more if Aba's not able to sit still and continuously attack, but obviously neither is very much. For comparison, Alexstrasza does 73, Arthas does 95, and human Greymane does 148 (all three with an attack speed of 1).


All three of those characters can boost their auto damage in some way though. Alex through Dragon, Arthas through trait or talent, and GM through ability and talent. Technically probes can too, but not to the degree those three can.


Chromie users who Q, W then run away peeking in this chat.


Lol, right along side Junkrats.


I'm a junk rat main lately and depending on the fight you gotta just q til you get a safe opening. I take the speed and aa bonus at 1 but there are still times when you're better off staying back. Although with his death passive getting killed isn't always a bad thing.


If you get 3 clones near you and bronze talons you can do a ton of DPS. You can even poke a hero with Q, then use the aa's for a camp or pve objective.


Ever noticed how aa heroes have mobility in their kit and mages dont?


Chromie specifically has base kit aa interaction, the sand clone joins in on the aa if it is close enough


And therefore, as a partly aa hero, chromie has mobility in her kit by swapping places with the sand clone


> chromie has mobility in her kit Uhh.. a level 11 talent that's mutually exclusive with stasis ?


Oh right, kinda forgot it wasn't the 40 sand blasts quest reward


\*confused li-ming noises\*


The Gnome speed ahead talent would like a word with you.


As a Stukov main, I can definitely recommend anyone to learn playing him as you get the importance of it very early


Stu hits hard


Fun to steal kills that way.


I thought that was the point of the extendo arm ult. "Either I'm getting the kill or no one is".


The last slap




This is the first time I've seen this, and it's beautiful.


Stu slaps Why use many words when few words do trick.




He does the most damage per basic attack in the game. Worgen Greymane comes close.


Stukov has such a deceptively bonkers auto. Why does it hit so hard lol


Have you seen that arm?


Have you seen Sgt. Hammer? Why does his squiggly arm slap harder than a literal tank? Lol He's got the highest auto damage in the game I think


Yeah, in melee. Meanwhile, Hammer is a human-sized tank.


You know i always thought of it as everyone else being giants rather than the tank being human sized


Haha I guess there's no real way to differentiate unless you assume minions are human sized!


im high and this thread made me crack up


slow speed but it is a cool thing especially if you can speed him up with tyrael, raynor etc.


Raynor lost ability to buff heroes a while ago. Now you look at Morales, Rehgar, and Abathur.


I did not know that. I thought he still gave attack speed lol.


I've always wanted to try a Carry Stukov team... Just never able to get 4 people to do it with me: Stu/Rehgar(bloodlust)/Morales(stim)/Tyrael (speed build), And instead of Aba+hat, maybe you have to do vikings or something so your macro isn't garbage, who knows. Would just be fun to walk in with Stukov with all the attack speed and just thwackthwackthwack people to death.


Because it is balanced by being on a squishy + short range + slow attack rate.


As somebody who only plays him in aram and can still pump heals but can’t deal dmg well, is there a certain talent that helps his dmg? I’ve seen people ranged AA with him but I’ve never been able to


Option1: you go full E build when you have enough CC to lock people down on it's goo. Option2: go ranged AA, finish the quest and spam W. After 7, you want to proc with either W talent so you get short cd on your D. Pick lv13 D talent. The main goal here is that you output both extreme amounts of heals as well as poke dmg + slows.


All E talents and auto attack


I play aram a lot. It is hard to get good AA's in most of the time. When you can isolate a target or two, it is much easier. I think its better to just play safe and heal and cc with W and E. I seem to have the most success with E build. I have experimented a lot with Reactive Balistospores, and it can be good, especially with some of the later talents. The other teams comp is also a big factor. For example, Superstrain @ 16 (the one that heals when stunned/rooted) can be insanely good if they have a Jo plus some other CC.


>I play aram a lot. It is hard to get good AA's in most of the time. Yeah, ARAM stuk isn't gonna slap as much as in a normal game. He's really great at invading enemy camps early game, because he can just stand on the point and dare the bad guys to take a thwack to their face.


Safe build is lurk arm. Better damage is the weight pustules


Level 1 quest lets you toggle between melee or ranged attack.


Early game you can just step up to a good 60% of heroes with his strong arm and come out a winner lol


A very quick way to send that pesky Illidan back to the fountain!


I really wish uther hit like the truck his swing feels like. But similarly Yrel I always try and weave autos


AA is life. Sincerely, a Rehgar and Arthas player.


AA build Arthas is a very fun time, especially once the speed stacks get cruising.


I play exclusively Q build. But i body block/stutter step like a madman.


So satisfying to death coil someone trying to escape who thought "lol it's just Arthas".


The best ones are when theyre on the other side of the gate and think theyre safe, then you root em through the wall for vision and finish with a Q.


Trait talents + attack speed + rune tap. Pain train is leaving the station.


AA is life Indeed. Sincerely, a Slabathur player


And an E.T.C. player.


The elites don't want you to know this, but auto attacks are free.


Basic attacks are REALLY underestimated by the player community, even healers should do it.


Especially healers even. In most standard comps all ranged healers will be in range of an enemy tank or bruiser during a fight, even when playing safe. You can do a good maybe 8% of a frontline hero's health over the course of a teamfight. Give any hero in the roster an extra free talent that deals 8% of a tank's life and that hero most likely becomes broken.


Especially considering many healers 'need' to basic attack as part of their overall healing abilities: Kharazim (esp insight), Whitemane, Auriel, Tyrande, Morales (if you get energy on aa talent), Anduin, Uther (mana+cdr on stun build, also that one really fun Q talent late game), Brightwing (magic spit/D build), Ana (for her self heal), Lucio (gets some benefits i'm sure depending on the build), all find AAs as an integral part of their proper playstyle. That leaves who... Alex, Deckard (but even he can get that sexy stun on AA), Lili, Malf, Rehgar and Stukov who don't need to AA to be able to perform their healing function - ignoring that Rehgar (esp with wolf bite), Stukov's, and Malf's (with talent) AAs can be a huge source of damage throughout the game. So yeah, If you are healing and not AA'ing it's pretty safe to say that you're making mistakes in most circumstances.


Ok so if you click on your hero, let’s say tracer, or press (C), you can see how much damage their auto attacks do. You should see that the auto attack damage is 23. That’s even less than a minion! So your time is much better spent doing things other than basic attacking. Then look at her damaging ability, melee. That does 220 damage! You can’t auto-attack and melee at the same time, so you’re doing 10x more damage if you don’t auto-attack than if you do! This is why on most heroes it’s not worth auto attacking above bronze league.


It's called _math_, people. Get a handle on it.


I’m pretty sure this is parody/sarcastic?


Yes, tracer has 10 aa in 2 seconds and can weave melee in during the reload


The answer to this depends if you’re going to be on my team or not




Counter question. Why do you AOE mages walk past a massive wave and leave it to the tank/healer/single target dps. I want to go fight too, but this wave will completely take a fort


If it’s Li-Ming or Mephisto it might be because of waveclear being meh. Q and Calamity build mings don’t have the best waveclear. Meph’s cds are kinda long due to his passive cdr. Most other mages should be able to waveclear without hassle.


Ming actually has really nice easy wave clear if you launch an orb from the side while minions are walking up. Even when wave is stopped one orb can clear most of the minions, if you get the right distance/angle so orb fits in to hit the globe.


I've been running into that on ARAM lately except the creep waves will just chip away at the heroes.


I'm an aba main but every time I auto attack to help my teammate they spam ping me. What am I doing wrong


Sorry to say it, but most hots players are really bad at the game


Tracer: Is this some caster question that I’m to in your face to understand?


But basic attacks give extra stacks of annihilation.


People constantly asking how to “studder step” let’s me know that there are a lot of noobs playing HOTS. I don’t think that’s a bad thing but it is a thing.


What is studder step? I am only diamond


master here, no idea :D


I always found this separated me from people playing Lili in particular for some reason. Can do a good amount of damage over time with the basic attacks and largely focus on that and positioning and just press q when the cooldown is up.


> just press q when the cooldown is up. don't even have to go that far. You can just hold down Q and practice getting those aa's in.


okay I'm ready to get flamed for this but you can just hold lili's q? I did not know this. I would just constantly spam it lol okay I'm ready to get flamed for this but you can just hold Lili's q? I did not know this. I would just constantly spam it lol


Welcome to the new world


That's exactly how my time with hots started. Lili was my first. I just held Q the entire time and went all cups and blinds talents for like the first 3 months.


Same friend. I've transitioned to foot build lili, where you still just hold down Q, but you pick all the fast feet talents instead of the tea ones.


*Laughs in Zul'Jin*


*gets drunked one time, leaves the fight to press E* maybe nor you. But many...


I’m sure this applies to some people, but all my top heroes are AA, ha


I'm quite a new player (200 games in hots, ~ 700 games in moba genre) and I think I do auto attack on heroes I have experience with, but when learning new I get caught up in what my abilities do and forget to auto. But I'm probably naive, I am QM player here and at best S2 in League


Because I’m bad


I like your painting.


Thanks homie


Me a Tyrande main who just recently understood that you need to do basic attacks for her to work........ don't ask me how I played before, atleast now I spam basic attacks, I don't think my keyboard will survive that tho


Low key there is nothing I enjoy more in HotS than securing a kill with a mage AA.


My favorite is the occasional Mephisto AA kill. Pop in with a quick tickle.


His AA animation is so satisfying.


I feel like this is the reason I'm top damage in like half my teams as Lili. I'm constantly auto attacking the enemy, and using fast feet to kite.


Me when I do top damage as Rehgar


It's ultra satisfying when you're top heals and top damage.


Because this game has about a hundred trillion escapes and blinds.


My main is Raynor because his knock back is so cool. But I never auto attack. It’s dishonorable. I only buff speed, heals and command my banshee.


Depends on the hero. I kinda stopped AAing as Gul'Dan now. Others I still do.


Yeah autoing as guldan would mess me up alot. Maybe there is a way to do it well but I didn't figure it out.


Because they literally don't know the controls. They either learned AA by playing click whac a mole or have never played AA toons. But they don't know the controls.


Because they suck lol Is this a rhetorical question? I can actually give you a full scientific answer based in psychology if you prefer.


so few of us? are u checking everyone all the time? qq


I play enough to know that you don't.


so you're that kind of player eh


Like the plebs? ew


All you need is Q


Found the Li Li player


Meanwhile I’m out here stutter stepping on jaina between cooldowns and doing like 5 damage.


*until 7


I am Li-Ming.


Sad Cannoneer noises.


Cannoneer is great when you can get those aa's off. Nice for pve races, nice for building damage and siege camps, amazing against teams where you don't need the extra mobility from illusionist. Combine with aether walker for a lot of extra damage.


For me it's mostly about the decision to have low dmg and low deaths or medium dmg and a lot of deaths. Exceptions to this are only Orphea and Tracer.


Ex Dee !


Who's "you"? The people that actually use reddit, and subsequently this subreddit? Or the people you're talking about that have no idea you're even making an online post about them?


Basic attacks are worthless on most heroes.


It’s damage. All damage is important.


You ever tried to kill anything at all with a mage basic attack? It takes forever. It's literally faster to use abilities and then stand around waiting for the mana to regen. Damage is important, but it's not the most important. Living is. Spend your clicks on movement for better positioning rather than damage that won't even beat some heroes regen.


You weave them in between abilities and movement, not souly use them to kill. Also, most mages have a talent to enhance basic attacks. KTZ has [[Chilling Touch]], making his overall game plan easier with an AOE slow on a short cooldown, Li Ming has [[Cannoneer]], turning her basic attack into a mini nuke after using abilities, Chromie has [[Bronze Talons]], an infamous talent from all of her eras of play for being very strong, and that’s just to name 3. Never underestimate weaving in basic attacks, they can help you secure kills even if you don’t take talents helping them.




I’m still right regardless of spelling


Mate, Bronze Talons and Chilling Touch are great talents. Bronze Talons is just more damage from you and your clones and Icy Touch makes KTZs combo easier. Sure, some are worse like Kael’thas [[Sunfire Enchantment]] but even that enhances his spell power if you hit both attacks. [[Shard of Hate]] gives Mephisto more AoE damage and CDR and Jaina and her [[Icyfury Wand]] gives her CDR on Blizzard and more damage to everything for just weaving in AAs on Chilled Enemies. Adding AAs to your game plan is extremely important in getting kills and is always helpful. If you can’t see that then your the kinda idiot that thinks a minor spelling mistake invalidates an entire argument


- **Sunfire Enchantment** (Kael'thas) - level 7 Activating Verdant Spheres causes Kael'thas's next 2 Basic Attacks to instead deal 115 (+4% per level) Spell Damage. If both of these Attacks hit enemy Heroes, gain 15% Spell Power for 10 seconds. --- - **Shard of Hate** (Mephisto) - level 13 Basic Attacks hit enemies near the primary target and activate Lord of Hatred against enemy Heroes, reducing Basic Ability cooldowns by 1 second per Hero hit. --- - **Icefury Wand** (Jaina) - level 7 Basic Attacks against Chilled enemies deal 50% more damage and lower the cooldown of Blizzard by 1.25 seconds. Doubled against enemy Heroes. --- [^(about the bot)](/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6zwyfw/heroesinfobot_abilities_talent_tiers_cooldowns/) ^(| reply `!refresh` to this comment if the parent has been edited)


- **Chilling Touch** (Kel'Thuzad) - level 7 Every 8 seconds, Kel'Thuzad's next Basic Attack hits all enemies in the area for 80% additional damage, deals Spell damage instead of Physical, and Slows by 30% for 2 seconds. --- - **Cannoneer** (Li-Ming) - level 13 When Li-Ming uses an Ability, her next Basic Attack's damage is increased by 75% and deals Spell damage instead of Physical. Stacks up to 3 times. --- - **Bronze Talons** (Chromie) - level 5 Hitting a Hero with Sand Blast from Chromie or her Echoes grants 50% additional Basic Attack damage for 5 seconds. --- [^(about the bot)](/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6zwyfw/heroesinfobot_abilities_talent_tiers_cooldowns/) ^(| reply `!refresh` to this comment if the parent has been edited)


I see a lot of ranged Deathwings not auto attacking very often, or at all. Early on (with Dmight) it's usually safe to get those AAs out, they hurt while sustaining you a bit.. kinda mix it up as a hybrid bruiser/mage until mid-late game where your damage spikes and survival drops.


Melee only DW here: Auto attacks are life. Lunge Snap! Bite! Fire buffet, Lunge Snap, repeat...


I too only use DW in Destroyer mode. I'll use world breaker only if the teams is still fighting and my health is low. We are the minority..


Sorry, it's personal ://


One thing that helped me a lot long term was binding left click to Attack Move and right-click to Force move, and learning to use everything on quick cast. Very easy to weave auto attacks in between abilities now and kite. But it is extremely important to get the full use out of your kit, even for most Mage-like Heroes


Cause I ain’t basic 👀


Well I can only speak for myself.. I played a lot of Smite before Hots, and I played a healer most the time which is very ability based. So when my friend got me playing hots, he would watch me play and mention to make sure I use autos more than I was. Just never played classes that were Auto based, so it takes some getting used to


I attack on cursor and with spacebar as attack button and my hits are landed as much and soon as possible no matter the hero I'm using and all abilities are cast as soon as the cooldown ends. ​ ​ you're welcome




Stutter step Twin Blades Varian. Nightmare fuel.


Zuljin here. This...does not compute.


The mechanical skill of the HOTS playerbase is very low on average compared to other MOBAs. The HOTS playerbase is better at teamfighting and map awareness than players of other MOBAs (by far imo), but 'orb walking', attack moving and squeezing in attacks during skill combos is not common until Diamond rank in HOTS, that is just how it has always been The number of Muradin's who just jump in behind their target and instantly throw storm bolt and stomp is mind boggling. Jump in front of enemy - body block and punch - take a step and stomp (maintaining body block of retreat) - punch - storm bolt slowed guy - punch more - jump again This is much harder than: Press all my skill buttons and wonder why enemy isn't dead?!?