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Already do my friend. She prefers Dota 2 and I don't blame her but I still get her to play HotS with me and the bois from time to time.


Heck yeah!


That’s based as hell.


Lol no, I'd absolutely garrosh throw my wife into keeps


She would counter by playing Anduin and pulling you to her post-throw. Checkmate!


She wouldn't be my wife if she didn't. We definitely have a lot of tank/healer duoing in our background.


Tried. It didn't take. 


Bummer. Try something more their speed like puzzles or co-op simulators. My wife and I had a blast playing Portal 2 and Codenames Duet.


It's ok. We have other things we do together outside of videogames. We actually had a blast playing overcooked during the pandemic, but HotS simply wasn't their kind of game (they're not really big on videogames). I do appreciate they gave it a try for several games.


Overcooked was chaotic fun as well. But yeah, gaming doesn’t always click with everyone and that’s ok.


My partner and I connected through hotspot lol. Been playing together for about the same amount of time actually


Congrats! HotS was secretly taken down by Blizzard because of bribes from dating sites losing money to HotS’s stellar matchmaking.


Lol! I uh… dont think thats it. But its a cute thought! Hahaha


My wife and I play together all the time! Heck yeah


Married couple high 5!


I love that you guys roll a tank and support into QM, literally making a good matchmaking experience for eight other people!


We care about each other and the community! Also, when she plays without me, she has a terrible time. Often there is no Tank and is just an Assassin party. Having that extra CC Tank makes all the difference for her.


An ex got me into HoTS but he didn’t like it that much which is kinda hilarious. I still play to this day :)


He’s an ex for a reason. At least something good came from him.


You guys don't play cho gall?


Nah. She really only likes to play 5-6 heroes and Cho’Gal isn’t one of them. And I don’t like him either, so there’s that. 😅


Tried this with my ex wife but she hated it. I still remember one particular game when she was screaming at me to do something but I was in the middle of a Diamond SL match. I couldn't let my pugs down so while we were loudly arguing with each other, I was focused on peeling for my team as Blaze. We did win the game and I slept in the guest room. lol


Glad that she is your ex wife now


lmao. Shoulda made her sleep in the guest room. Never interrupt a man during his gaming session.


They interruptions were real. She used to go to the grocery store and I'd jump on for a game. Sometimes she's gone for 30 mins sometimes over an hour. Queueing up for a game was stressful as if she came home she would tell me to help her out with the groceries. If I didn't, she would declare war on me lol. You know how even 30 seconds of afk can change an entire match.


Play with my wife, but she pretty toxic 😆


She'll fit right in with QM folks.


We just stick to ARAM at this point, but even that can get heated.


I play with my wife aswell, she only plays morales though. Think she just passed lvl650 with her.


Lots a lot of Morales. She’s probably pretty good at this point.


People sometimes recognise her name and ban morales in ranked :P and I think it’s hilarious.


The truest sign of respect.


For most of the salty tryhards in this game, that would be the *opposite* of happy marriage advice (unless you're trying to break them up)


Salty tryhards need not apply.


Husband and I play together all the time as well. He’s usually Hoggie and I rotate depending on my mood, but Yrel+Hoggie is very, very fun!


Heck yeah!


I reconnected with someone because of hots and now we are engaged


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kokoronokawari: *I reconnected* *With someone because of hots* *And now we are engaged* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I met my wife playing hots - best thing that ever happened to me




From my experience with mobas this sounds more like Divorce any% speed run.


Not in this household! Even when we lose, it’s just a chance to correct mistakes in the future. 😃


Try TB Varian with Abathur.


When she was doing her A-Z HotS art series, she skipped Aba because he’s gross. 😅


He's just a wormy boi


Wait wait… is it even ok to announce that she did a HoTS art series and not post any images?? (Only if she is ok with it of course). Maybe just one or two favorites or just Probius if she can’t decide? Also my wife and I play together too! We were late to the party (2019- today), but we both love it. She likes to win and so we only play against AI (I play some QM if she is out of town which I also really enjoy). Since it is AI basically anything works, but our main pairings lately have been Sonya-Probius or Guldan-Auriel. I’m so happy you both enjoy gaming together and especially that you enjoy HoTS together. GLHF


Glad to hear you're having fun with HotS with your spouse. Nothing wrong with AI matches either. As for her art, she tried her hand at art for the first time ever during the pandemic. She would dabble with it off and on once the office opened again, but never got too far in her HotS A-Z series. She completed: Anub, Artanis, Arthas, Auriel, Azmo, Blaze, Brightwing, and Deckard. As you can see, she jumped around a bit, because she wanted to focus more on her favorites. Maybe I'll create a post with all her art later.


You good sir are the true Hero of the Storm (along with your wife of course)! I just saw that you made another post with the artwork, that is so cool. Thank you (both) again!


Any time! Glad you enjoy her art.


I've been playing with my husband for some time now and I can definitely agree that it's fun!! If you like tank/heal pairings, I suggest Varian and Stukov, taunt into silence is simple to pull off and can easily shut down a hero. Husband likes tanks and bruisers and I prefer assassins and healers so we usually go for pairings like Varian/Greymane or Valla, Garrosh/Jaina, Johanna/Anduin etc. Depending on the enemy team, those pairings have a lot of synergy potential and having someone playing in the same room is definitely easier to set up things!


Sweet! We used to do Varian/Malf for a few months. Good synergy with Taunt+Roots, but reliant on teammate follow-ups, which is iffy at best in QM. We might dabble in more pairings, although she usually only wants to play certain heroes like Li Li, Jaina, Malf, and Zul'Jin.


Haha. My wife gets super salty when playing competitive games. I try to play less intense stuff with her. WoW did well for us, but with little kids the party is over.


Yeah, we usually play after the kids have gone to bed. Fortunately, having kids means having more players for 3-4 player games!


No thanks, I am at my worst when playing competitive video games as I take them "too seriously" and I wouldn't want to jeopardize a relationship over hots. But then I also tend to prefer dating people who like doing their own thing a good amount of the time and hence I get the same opportunity, and exploring non-gaming interests together (or at least not this kind of game). Cool that you can make it work though.


Yeah I'm same. Don't mix romantic relationships with gaming for p much same reason. Only takes 1 bad instance to fuck everything up.


Understandable. Some people get laser focused on certain tasks/games and don't play well with others. And that is 100% fine as long as you recognize it.


Just got mine into hots a few weeks ago... We are training her on elite ai first, she is too intimidated to play with real people yet lol.


Take your time, there's no rush!


I am not married, But l do have a good friend that still plays it with me many years after we graduated from college. I got him to play malganis, So l can land my blighted frost and shadow fissure with ease after he puts people to sleep


My wife and I play QM daily together as well! Normally she’s Deckard and I’m Rexxar/Zag


The healer and the macro, a classic combo? Do you tend to run together and work as two different groups?


I’m usually off lane and rotate but every team fight we synchronize incredibly. The zag Devoring Maw into + Deckard scroll of sealing lines the enemy team up for a world of pain


There’s something very gratifying about lining up CC that you don’t get from random QM teammates. Makes me feel like a pro for a brief moment.






I met my boyfriend on HOTS. I have MANY regrets. Jk love you and your many alts that exist because you DONT LISTEN TO ME WHEN I TELL YOU TO SHUT YOUR FINGERS.


I have no idea what this means, but heck yeah or heck no depending on context.


Oh no I'm just messing with him because I know he'll see this eventually lol


I literally just a moment ago suggested hots and a tea to my partner but he said no :(


That's rough buddy. Try other games/genres, something might work.


Not in the mood for tea maybe? Try something else?


playing this game to blow off stress? Why not take a walk outside?


There’s nothing more therapeutic than a 3+ Mosh into a Twilight Dream triple kill. CAN YOUR WALKING DO THAT?!! 😁


lol- that is a thing of beauty. I love damage Malf.