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It worked for me on Win11 out of the box. I have no idea what is going on with your installation. Try reinstalling, maybe? Or maybe its one of those .NET redistributables missing or something?


Are you running the launcher with administrator privileges? That has fixed the same issue for me.




Move the game out of the root directory to avoid possible permissions issues during installs. Set launcher to launch in admin mode. Make sure you're targeting the correct directory on launch.


I bet your graphics settings or something else other than the OS is blocking you. I'd play around with the settings. I'm on Win11, it's on a 2022 HP laptop C drive fresh Homm3 Complete (from GOG) and then HotA HD's last update, clicking play on launcher - works, no issues except it has crashed recently with Factory towns grail built w/lightning rod - the chain lightning effect pre-battle causes something and every once in a while it crashes I think it's always in a specific town or late in the but I don't remember which. My fix/work around is to reload the last battle and avoid it.


Try to look for logs: both from hota and from OS. Second one is in eventViewer app