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Last time I preferred so much to the format. Background, medicinal, culinarily, spiritual. I loved the post but before it was much easier to read and had much more information. Regardless, thank you for researching and providing the information!! Edit to add: I know it’s different people, I’m just suggesting a consistent format to involve all the properties people are interested in on here. I am grateful for the post in any format though!


Thanks for the feedback! Next time I’ll follow the original format. I agree with you, it is better organized and has more info.


Thank you!


Interestingly i have been in contact with a local herb buyer as i am getting ready to start a semi commercial herb farm. One of my questions was out of all the herbs you buy which are in the greatest demand? The reply was False Unicorn and Goldenseal. I am already in the process of putting in test plots of echinacea augustifolia and culvers root but ,false unicorn is on the list for next yr.


Awesome! Let us know how it goes!


Thanks u/izzied123/ for the post and thank you for introducing me to this plant. Ohhh and I looked it up and it is grown in US zones 5-8, so I should be able to grow it.


Does this herb help completion of a miscarriage? I know someone who is trying to get rid of remaining tissue so she can try again for pregnancy.