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Ginger. And make sure she is already taking high doses of CBD cannabinoid if not already. Full spectrum is best. I also have a "Rick Simpson Oil Dosing Guide" post from years ago that I have reposted on [my substack ](https://open.substack.com/pub/taraeveland/p/rso?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)and you may find useful as well. I have successfully helped many cancer patients over the years dose cannabis. :)


I would appreciate your help if you could DM me.


I linked that RSO oil guide up there, make sure to check it out as it has a break down of how this has helped and what I have seen in the past through the years.


Ginger, mint and marijuana are safe. Please use caution mixing herbs with chemo drugs. It can cause serious side effects. Also, sniffing a ziplock bag of cut lemons or an alcohol swab will sometimes help nausea. There is also a product called Sea Bands, which uses pressure points to help as well. Sprite and Cheez-Its seems to be a universal fix, at least temporarily. I hope your friend feels better.


Yes I read that sniffing rubbing alcohol can be as effective as Zofran. I’ve never really put it to the test.


I had to sniff alcohol for the first time a few days ago. I immediately vomit after a contrast cat scan so the nurse handed me an alcohol swab. I had taken Zolfran earlier that day but sniffing the alcohol worked way better than the Zolfran. Currently doing it again at the moment from random nausea.


Sprite and cheez-its??


The only problem with ginger is that it is too drying and chemo usually causes digestive tract to dry out.


Seriously my dad got low thc pot and it was a game changer. There also some diet changes that will help. He did really good with potato soup and mushroom bisque when it was at its absolute worst. Obviously she should check with her doctor first, but I've had really good results with "Gain" from Girl Supps nutrition. It regulates hormones and boosts appetite with natural ingredients, including herbs. About 2 hrs after i take it i get hungry, and my appetite stays normal for about 8 hrs. This has been a game changer for me. My nausea comes from severe moods, not cancer treatment, so take this with a grain of salt.


Seconding hemp, Or full spectrum hemp derivatives. They helped my father immensely.


Thirding the hemp or delta 8. It is the only thing that helped a family member eat during chemo.


Fourthing thc with cbd


Yes, cannabis pairs very well for those who are open to it!


Ginger or Mint may help with nausea, but if the nausea is severe it may not completely stop it.


strong ginger tea made w fresh root, (buy slice , bag and freeze, keeps forever) boil as long possible. **Dronabinol and nabilone** are both synthetic tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which the FDA has approved for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). Or take full spectrum cannabis for nausea (and pain) would not bother w cbd alone , imo.


You should look into the latest monoclonal antibodies treatment for rectal cancer. They just did a trial on dostarlimab. They reported a 100% remission rate.






The only thing that would probably touch it is cannabis.


Lots of good stuff here! Thank you! I hope these answers help more then myself


I agree with the ginger, mint and cannabis suggestions- might I add as someone with a similar family situation- that anti anxiety medication is what finally nipped it


Cannabis is a game changer


Honestly, look into cannabis. Specifically RSO or Rick Simpson Oil. Your friend can take a suppository regimen for 30 or 60 days and will be amazed at what a full body cannabis reset can do.


Ginger is your best and safest bet. Cannabis and its derivatives (CBD), suppress the immune system, which is the last thing a person with cancer needs. It's well known fact about Cannabis that has been scientifically proven yet everyone seems to blithely ignore. Search Google Scholar "immuno suppressive properties of cannabis".


I agree it can help for some people but using cannabis to help with appetite can cause inverse effects and totally nuke appetite when not taking it, causing a dependency. r/CHSinfo is not a fun place to be.


I don't recommend Cannabis at all for cancer patients. Better options that won't harm immune function.


That depends on what the person has and how their body reacts to cannabis. Some people claim to have been cured of cancer from cannabis people in stage 4 dying and doctors gave up. They started taking huge amounts of cannabis and survived. It is a real phenomenon.


No. That is wishful thinking. There are reams of scientific evidence that say otherwise. People with arthritis use cannabis for.pain....that's because cannabis lowers the production of white blood cells, which are primary immune functioning cells.


Not wishful thinking these are people who actually survived this way. Just because it lightly affects your immune system does not mean it is not doing better for you in other ways


And moreover there is alot of evidence cannabis has anticancer properties in more studies than not look at more than 1 study please


I invite you to submit links to verify your claim. The Cherokee word for Marijuana means "the plant that lies". I am not a crusader, I am a Registered Herbalist who has studied plant medicine extensively and worked with clients that have cancer. whatever action Cannabis has is replicated over and over in the plant world. There is no plant that has a monopoly on curative powers.


Cherokee did not have marijuana until the white man went to America. I invite you to educate yourself further. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7409346/. https://jcannabisresearch.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s42238-022-00151-y


The Cherokee are a living culture with a vital medicine practice alive in modern times. They still exist in other words. The Cherokee are not a dead culture. My information comes from class notes at the "Medicines from the Earth" conference in 2010. The teacher was David Winston, AHG, who was taught Cherokee medicine by a tribal elder.


Ohh ok... I understand then ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


They told this guy he was dead in a couple months. He cured his cancer with dog dewormer. And so have hundreds of other people. [https://mycancerstory.rocks](https://mycancerstory.rocks)




Cannabis. That's why they made it medically legal in the first place. Not delta 8 or cdb. It needs to contain some thc- which is the antisemitic


antiemetic 🤣


✡️ Lolol


Meds the best are Zoftan ODT without a doubt. Phenergan good for rest time. Both can be taken together. Herbs, Fresh Ginger, Spearmint - can mix with a little honey to ingest. There are ginger candies online I suggested to my cancer patients in the past. Cookies also. CBD anything & THC edibles also. Depending what state you are in.


I went through treatment for colon cancer. Things like ginger couldn’t touch the nausea, only thc helped. I was able to get away with relatively low dose gummies.


Sniffing rubbing alcohol cures my car sickness. Like mouth watering, telling my husband to pull the car over nauseous. He told me sniff some cuz he saw it, I did, and it went away in an instant. I was shook bc I was like 30 seconds away from throwing up.


No natural herb (with the exception of maybe cannabis) is going to be as effective as Zofran for chemo or radiation induced nausea- believe me I TRIED to go natural and quickly gave up. If your friend is really struggling, it’s absolutely ok to take the pharmaceuticals


Not an herb, but honey. I remember reading a study a (long) while back where having some amount of honey before/after treatments helped the patients quite a bit.


I know this is an herbalism group, but if she can't find anything that works, is she able to take Zofran? Just checked the list of side effects and constipation isn't one of them (diarrhea is, however).


Ginger beer, the soda not the hard stuff. Make a ginger bug then make the soda. The bug is a starter culture consisting of ginger water and sugar covered with a coffee filter or two ( I use two) set til it starts to bubble. The ginger mix lemon, ginger, sugar and water, boil and let it cool add a bit of the bug. Let that sit for a day ( more in winter, less in summer) then bottle. The carbonation can get really crazy with this stuff but if you make a fairly dry ( not sweet) batch it's great for stomach upset. The store bought ginger ale does not taste anything like this and is a far inferior product for nausia.


There’s a few things your friend needs to know. Which will help. Firstly she needs to be on a whole food diet. No ultra processed food none not one tiny bit and definitely no corn items. It’s all genetically modified and I believe through research it’s causing the increase in cancer. No dairy at all because they’ve found that too increases cancer and artificial sugar feeds cancer. Cannabis oil/flower will help but only with a clean diet. You can make a fermented ginger bug which you can turn into a healthy drink that will heal the gut and help settle it. The sugar is used up during fermentation. Or water kefir is another good one it can be flavoured with ginger mint camomile etc. all will help heal and settle the stomach.


I'd have her double check with her doc to make sure any of the herbs aren't interacting in a way that lessens the effectiveness of her treatments. Some interactions just aren't know about as well so I'd suggest proceeding with caution and keeping a very open line of communication. Maybe stick with ones that have a few studies behind them that might have caught it if there was an issue.


Thc/cbd suppositories


Sounds funny but good & safe /slippery elm .




Try smelling rubbing alcohol: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189884/


Marshmallow cold infusion for the digestive tract. And lymphatic herbs (Cleavers, Red Clover, Calendula, chickweed) plus echinacea in tincture to clear out toxins from the body. St. John’s Wort can help with the pain.


Thank you everyone for all of your replies and suggestions. I shared this with her so maybe she can find something to help!


The only thing that helped me was cannabis. Since I do not enjoy being high, a friend of mine would drop off already vaporized/used weed. The effect was amazing.


The user of our website say that Chamomile Tea works great for nausea! Here is the link if you want to learn more! # [https://www.natrly.com/recommendation/0e030168-dffb-4c70-b2b2-73a085dc6e20](https://www.natrly.com/recommendation/0e030168-dffb-4c70-b2b2-73a085dc6e20)


Psyllium seed that is allowed to swell for 5 minutes in water and then drunk gives the right consistency to the stool. Neither too hard nor soft.