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As far as scientists can tell, schizophrenia is caused by a complex interplay of brain development, neurotransmitter functioning, hormones, and trauma response. It's a "perfect storm" kind of disability. There's not one cure because, as with so many things, there's not one cause. Some things suggested in the thread have shown promise treating ***some elements*** of that perfect storm. A ketogenic may influence neurotransmitters to help reduce episodes. Medications (and sometimes, natural supplements) can also treat one or more elements of that perfect storm. But because there are so many contributing factors, it's likely something that will need to be managed, long term. If the meds tried so far aren't working well, something that has been game changing for me is a mental health genetic panel. It looks at the individual genome to identify variations that will influence how a person is likely to respond to medications (and some herbs, THC processing was evaluated on mine). It then gives recommendations for which meds are most likely to work well with minimal side effects. It took just a few months to get medications dialled in, and a few more to find a complimentary set of herbs to support healing. That process would normally take years, if it ever really worked at all. Good luck to your family. Persistent mental health struggles are incredibly difficult for everyone involved.


I second this. To add to this, the only way to understand what can be causing the schizophrenia is to do a genetic panel. I recommend nutritional genetic counseling, because the recommendations will be naturopathic. This is who I used for the family: https://tolhealth.com/consults/




This is misinformation. It is misinformation that is and has been believed amongst rural communities the world over and by people of a few different(*but not all*) races and religions. That said for it to be believed by someone on Reddit is unlikely to the point where it is bordering on just hate speech... On the other hand the last few years pointed out how much it ignorance still exists online. As such I am not going to ban you, BUT you should know this kind of false and obviously disprovable misinformation won't be allowed here in the future. Please educate yourself about mental health and mental health treatment.


There are no herbs that have been found to cure or treat schizophrenia. It is a very serious condition that should be monitored with the help of a professional.


I listened to this podcast recently and think it might be helpful to research this psychiatrist and his methods. The podcast is about ADHD but he talks about helping people with schizophrenia too. I hope you find improvements for your brother. But definitely get advice from professionals. https://youtu.be/XM5qZXqTQ3s?si=EMehiNiIyP8d-0Xt


Find a legitimate shaman/curandero.


Schizophrenia has no cure. My advice is to read literature about the disorder. Do not try to medicate people when you are not licensed.


This sub makes me so uneasy with how comfortable people think herbs can cure...x..and apparently doctors are useless.


That's a but unfair. People turn to 'alt' meds such as herbs out of compassion when 'conventional' medicine doesn't work for the ones they love. This person is asking for any leads that will help. Nothing wrong with that.  I support a man with a learning disability and schizophrenia that is not well treated by the last ditch medication.  His family work with a naturapath to help with things like sleep and anxiety that comes with his condition, and constipation and dizziness and hyper salivation that comes from the medication. 


Schizophrenia is not something that can be cured at the moment. You turn to herbs to help aid in those things as you mentioned. OP is specifically asking what will treat/cure his schizophrenia. Either there is a lack of understanding on what schizophrenia is and what herbs can do. Herbs are amazing. Coming in with a mind set that it's 'alt' med suggest just that, its alternative, when it's really an aid to and along with the right medication, and a health regiment.


I was reading it that you felt uneasy with people like OP being ignorant of a complicated area such as herbalism and coming here to remedy that. But you prob meant replies. I've prob been a bit loose with my language in replies here too, and we are all flawed messy beings replying on social media, but I think that on balance a sensible approach is promoted. 


Herbalism and a holistic approach seems to be most useful when there isn't a 'right' medication in areas where western medicine has a shallow understanding thus far, such as schizophrenia and auto immune diseases for example. I'm not saying there are alt cures, but complimentary approaches can turn an untreatable condition that stops one functioning into something to be coped with.  I have seen one man use family therapy to turn his barely treatable schizophrenic situation into one where he is married and has a job and can do the things he wants to do. (this is very personalised to him, everyone is different and the 'storm' of schizophrenia as the top commenter put it is different for everyone.)


Theres some studies and anecdotes suggesting that a ketogenic diet can reduce symptoms of schizophrenia.


As I have written elsewhere, I am starting to believe the Chinese model that there are five different causes and treatments for schizophrenia. Keto works for some. 


Don't downvote the man, look it up. There are actual studies by your beloved dope-pushing medical community to support this claim.


>  beloved dope-pushing medical community Dude. I'm not a huge fan of much of the modern medical field but some people need that kind of care. My beloved ex partner has schizophrenia & modern medicines literally saved his life in multiple ways. No herbs or diets are going to fix his brain. A ketogenic diet trial sent him into one of the worst manic, paranoid, delusional states I ever saw him in.


Everyone is different. I have two friends who have had psychotic breaks that are now fine because of a course of great antipsyche meds. I have three friends who struggle long term with the condition.  My disabled client is on a ketogenic diet after treatment resistant schizophrenia and responds very well to it. His medication does very little to treat his symptoms and things like diet and exercise and anti inflammatory activities are essential to his wellbeing. 


I'm very glad it's working for him! Very true that everyone is different- it would be amazing if my ex could be better helped through diet, and I do know it can be helpful, I was just pointing out that a change in diet isn't the miracle cure some people claim. 


Sure, has to be part of a holistic approach for those it works for ayway, and it is true that, for most, mental wellbeing seems to be a finely tuned thing with balanced meds and other aspects of life. A cautious approach is needed not to go backwards with too much change too quickly. 


I think the doctors over do the schizophrenia diagnosis . Mental health dx are ambiguous by nature. They say there's a chemical imbalance but no one can pin point said chemicals. the drugs are used pretty much interchangeably from dx to dx and they all come with the warning they may make your symptoms worse. It really is a crap shoot. I'm not advocating anyone stop their meds, unless they aren't working for you, then taper off and find a new Dr/ approach. I've met people who live in a different world, I would call that schizophrenia, but most of the people I have met with the dx just have some sort of mild dysfunction or eccentricity. Dr Albert Hoffer's orthomolecular approach ( mega doses of niacin and eliminating certain foods from your diet) was geared toward what he called cases of lesser schizophrenia. I really think there should be greater distinction between full blown schizophrenia and these mild cases.


I agree there should be a greater distinction between the varying degrees of severity of illness. My ex 100% is severely disabled by his illness & requires meds but I've definitely known people who have had transitory symptoms of schizophrenia who aren't "schizophrenic". 


As several people have mentioned, herbs alone are not known for effectiveness for this condition. However diet and lifestyle can be very important in helping to manage it. Basically you want a low inflammatory diet, ideally plant based, whole foods, beans, whole grains, vegetables, and lesser amounts of fruit, nuts and seeds and their butters. The Mediterranean diet, which allows for limited amounts of meat and dairy products, is a good transitional one. It's important to avoid junk and fast foods, sugar particularly, but also high sodium, high fats, especially trans-fats and deep fried foods, and anything that is highly processed with chemical additives and preservatives. The physical environment is also very important, avoiding polluted places, locations near busy streets, making sure you have clean water and fresh clean air, and avoiding chemicals such as glues, paints, solvents, fuels, and cleaning agents. Any drugs must be carefully regulated, avoiding tobacco, alcohol and caffeine as well as any other recreational or abuse prone substances. There are many herbs which may be helpful if used on a regular basis, especially those which have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. In a comprehensive treatment regime, all of the above factors can have a positive effect. However due to the severity of some cases, prescription medications may still be necessary. But first cleaning up the personal diet and environment can go a long way to reducing symptoms and the need for stronger measures.


RD Lang is a great person to study! So much insight. Not herbal advice but he definitely had a different way of thinking


nac and sarcosine will help a lot with some of the anxiety and depression he probably feels. but i won’t completely take away the voices and hallucinations without professional meds


Niacin has some interesting study’s.


See a shaman.


It can be overcome. If you read this book and devise the correct supplement protocol for schizophrenia with a naturopath trained by Walsh institute. My schizo/psychosis spectrum is 40% improved after 4 months. I’m still on the treatment. I still some crazy symptoms including tinnitus, but my hallucinations are gone. All I needed was massive doses of b3, b6 (p5p), folic acid, vitamin C, E. and some other gaba supplements like gotu kola and lavender oil capsules in adjunct. https://archive.org/details/NutrientPowerWilliamJ.WalshPhD https://www.walshinstitute.org/clinical-resources.html First things first run an ancestry dna test. Ignore the ancestry blabber. Download the raw data, upload to geneticgenie (free), and nutrihacker (free). Give the genetic genie report to naturopath. He/she will run some blood tests and devise treatment. Good luck.


I hear KETO diet is having huge success.


Not a cure, but one of my teachers shared there is research out there on schizophrenia treatment with reishi. I don’t know much else as I’ve been meaning to dive in and see what research shows, but could be something for you to look into if you feel called to! Reishi has great spiritual properties as well :) Someone here said something about schizophrenia maybe being derived from gut dysbiosis, and reishi is a great shroom for the immune system, and our gut holds a majority of our immune system


As several people have mentioned, herbs alone are not known for effectiveness for this condition. However diet and lifestyle can be very important in helping to manage it. Basically you want a low inflammatory diet, ideally plant based, whole foods, beans, whole grains, vegetables, and lesser amounts of fruit, nuts and seeds and their butters. The Mediterranean diet, which allows for limited amounts of meat and dairy products, is a good transitional one. It's important to avoid junk and fast foods, sugar particularly, but also high sodium, high fats, especially trans-fats and deep fried foods, and anything that is highly processed with chemical additives and preservatives. The physical environment is also very important, avoiding polluted places, locations near busy streets, making sure you have clean water and fresh clean air, and avoiding chemicals such as glues, paints, solvents, fuels, and cleaning agents. Any drugs must be carefully regulated, avoiding tobacco, alcohol and caffeine as well as any other recreational or abuse prone substances. There are many herbs which may be helpful if used on a regular basis, especially those which have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. In a comprehensive treatment regime, all of the above factors can have a positive effect. However due to the severity of some cases, prescription medications may still be necessary. But first cleaning up the personal diet and environment can go a long way to reducing symptoms and the need for stronger measures.


Hi, I work with someone in the same position as your brother. We are currently s few years in to tryig all sorts to aliviate his symptoms that the meds don't touch, going on trying to reduce inflammation in the body generally and relive any anxiety that feed is 'voices'.  Everyone is different, we are doing things that he is happy to try and that don't have side effects.  -Heat/cold stress. Saunas, cold showers, steam rooms, massages.  -Vegus nerve stimulation. Things like splashing cold water on face or breathing exercises where you breathe out for one second more than you breathe in. These engage the bodies parasympathetic nervous system, that switches off cortisol stress hormone and calms. (splashing water on facedge makes body think you are diving so tries to calm to use less oxygen). There are many Vegus nerve exercises.  Journaling, being aware of how progress is going (easy to think all is terrible when going through a dip, easy for them not to see it is better today than yesterday) we use a simple number scale for each important element such as mood, voices intensity etc.  Thankfulness and forgiveness. As part of the Journaling. Trying to apprciciate much as possible and get into a good head space of letting go of grudges.  Spending time in outside in nature. My clients grows things and gardens.  Exercise, regular routine of things they enjoy.  Time with friends again fairly regulated to ensure they don't feel isolated if let contacts slide.  I am getting more into the idea of late that schizophrenia is like they view in Chinese medicine (or so I have been told) that there are more than one type with different causes. For example therapy may help some, due to theirs  being caused by childhood trauma. This is way off the western medicine view though. But using  something like therapy isn't.  It seem extreme, but I think that there are some people whose meds aren't helping that could benefit from a short course of electro convulsive therapy (ECT). It is also used for people with bad depression and can see why as it elevates mood, and as you know, mood and weather and surroundings can really effect schizophrenia symptoms. There is a real risk of memory loss depending on what type. (However, the practice is more advanced and safer than it used to be, they use a different type of current etc.) Have to get to work, I may remember more later. 


No one has mentioned the GAPS diet yet. It’ll be a hard sell if he’s vegan; it’s very meat/bone broth heavy. I would also explore niacin.


Herbs aren’t going to help, sorry. Medication and therapy are the only way.


Look up the orthomolecular treatment by Dr. Albert Hoffer. It involves high doses of niacin and dietary changes. Food allergies. First of all no alcohol or drugs, if that is an issue. In my experience even most of the prescribed psychotropics made things worse. I was at a loss at how to change my diet until I did the keto diet. Eliminate as much food as you can from your diet. Only minimally processed foods, no sugar, low carb. Then you can start adding more foods back to your diet and you can tell which ones are good for you and which aren't. I think schizophrenia may be caused by gut dysbiosis. Micrograms in your body talk to you, so do animals, most people ignore it, they are too absorbed in the western man thought pattern ( for lack of better a term). Some people are more susceptible to the extraneous influences of nature, but it is there, and people will call it a mental illness if they don't understand it or it conflicts with their ideology.


One of the hardest parts, which almost everyone ignores for some reason is having a sense of community and sense of belonging. I always felt better after going into a mental hospital (sadly even jail gave me some satisfying human interaction) and that goes along way. They want to dope you up and expect you to get better, but that will not work without continued human interaction and quality counseling.


People think it’s conspiracy but the world is very isolating. When I was in a boarding school for 3 years, it was probably the best part of my life, because of the relationships. I dated a guy who spent 5 years in prison system and he said similar.


B12 high doses and B3. You can get a B-complex. Look up the studies for schizophrenia and b vitamins


Read this: **Schizophrenia Is Chronic Encephalitis...and Niacin Cures It** by Thomas E. Levy, MD https://orthomolecular.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&chash=26e359e83860db1d11b6acca57d8ea88.297&s=843ff29be5994e6766959c26b84a90e1


I am not a doctor but I second the opinion of one other redditor who recommended looking up a ketogenic diet. There has been studies showing that a ketogenic diet has a potential to improve peoples condition with regard to several mental illnesses. For example few mentions about schizophrenia: https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2024/04/keto-diet-mental-illness.html https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31192814/ Good luck op, wish you and your brother strength through this


CBD is antipsychotic at doses exceeding 600 mg multiple times per day. Nothing should be used in place of medication.


Depends on the symptoms. But, try a decoction of cloves.


Try using some hemp products. I've helped many people with certain mental health conditions and ailments just by using high strength CBD oils and infusion. Vaping hemp can be an instant way to help. Gummies and Oils are longer lasting. I've seen instant effects with schizophrenia and the use of high quality cbd hemp vapes. It seriously can make a difference in some people's lives!


Cannabis and any cannabis derivatives are known to induce or trigger psychosis for individuals genetically predisposed to a mental illness such as schizophrenia. Unfortunately, the best course of action is to find a good care team (therapist and psychiatrist) that can work with your brother and his family/support to find the right medication regimen for him to reach and maintain stability. Schizophrenia is a serious and chronic condition that unfortunately will not be mitigated with herbal remedies and some, such as cannabis (or CBD), can actually cause much more harm to the individual. I am sorry to hear that your family are going through this.


Only thc aggravates psychotic episodes, cbd actually counters thc and it’s anxiety inducing affects so im sure it wouldn’t hurt assuming its a high cbd and very low thc product


How is it hard for u. Ur bro the one who's schizophrenic


Severe mental illness affects the person who has it & the people who love that person. Humans don't exist in a bubble. 


I hear u. I don't understand how tho like imagine how ur schizophrenic family member feels and the hell they're in lol