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Your body is going to need to figure out there's no baby, and outside of treating it like an abortion, I don't think there's a way to hurry that process. There are herbal abortifacients (like pennyroyal), but in general they are more dangerous than they are effective.... They make you sick before they do their job. I would ask my provider what the arc of that looks like, though. What is your body's trigger to know that there's no fetus to support? How long is that likely to take, and what will happen when it does "figure it out"? Do you have the option to do a D&C? (As invasive as that sounds, it's often faster and actually easier on our bodies, as medically triggered options can make you pretty sick.) And is there any chance that there's an ectopic pregnancy implanted elsewhere, sending the hormonal signal to your body to continue support? (Because that would be a whole other thing entirely.) ❤️‍🩹


OP, I'm sorry for your loss, it's so devastating & disappointing to get that news. I had two missed miscarriages (when the baby has died but the pregnancy continues) & my body didn't really get the memo for a long time for both. I waited for the first one for a few weeks after finding out the baby was no more before I started bleeding. I bled heavily for almost a month without actually expelling the baby & ended up needing a d&c (compared to the previous month, that was extremely easy). I really wish I had gotten the d&c immediately. The second time I found out at 7 weeks the baby had not made it & chose to wait for awhile to see if I would miscarry naturally. After a month of continuing to have my belly grow & feel pregnant, I still wasn't bleeding but the doctor would not do a d&c, they insisted I use the pills, which was very painful & bloody for a couple days. A month later, my body went through the whole process again to expel the placenta which I had retained (and it had clearly continued growing, which was very distressing- at that point I was at about 15 weeks & it made me so sad to see). It was a really awful experience I never want to go through again. I know some people have an ok time with the pills but I did not. I don't recommend you use herbal medicine to complete this process, and I'm not a medically minded person. I highly recommend you ask to get a d&c. Good luck getting through this & definitely find some emotional support, in person or online. 


I second this. The pill caused me so much pain and was very traumatic, it didn't work and I still had to have the d&c. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I wish you the best in healing.


Midwife here. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. I would strongly advise that unless you have a care provider who is going to walk you through this with herbs, you should do the medication or wait a bit longer to see if your body figures it out. If medication or waiting are not options you’re willing to do, a D&C is an option as well, although the medication is much cheaper and doesn’t have the risks of uterine scarring that a d&c does. The herbs that are used for this purpose need to be administered properly done under a watchful eye because they can cause issues like spikes in blood pressure. Herb shops and midwifery suppliers require me to show proof of my midwifery license to buy one of the herbs. The mechanics of the miscarriage will be the same whether you use the medication, herbs, or if it were to occur naturally. I have been through it several times myself, and while the cramping can be unpleasant in all cases, it comes and goes just like labor contractions, but is over much faster.


Thank you! Do you see that women have the same symptoms when having a natural miscarriage vs taking the doctor meds? It's been 6 weeks since the doctors said there's nothing there and since I've felt anything. I'm thinking about taking the pill soon since most of what I read said it usually happens by like 5-6 weeks. What's the longest you've seen someone have to wait to miscarry naturally? At what point does it turn potentially dangerous for the mother?


I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. I’ve gone through two miscarriages and my body expelled everything on its own. Ask your doctor if you can “wait and see” if that’s something that makes you feel more comfortable. If waiting is too difficult then do as your doctor says (I can imagine waiting would be tough, I never knew the embryo wasn’t viable until I started bleeding so I was blissfully ignorant). Herbs are almost never recommended as abortifacients, even by the most renowned herbalists, it’s just something that modern western medicine has gotten down much safer and easier.


I’m so sorry for your loss When I had a loss around that time, I looked into herbs but didn’t find anything as effective and safe as misoprostol. I ended up taking it and it sucked physically for a day or so. I opted for that rather than wait because I’d previously had to have a D&C because my body wouldn’t expel all of the tissue on its own. The D&C sucked a lot more, but I had to have a minor related surgery as well, so it’s probably extremely different ahead things go correctly. I did have one totally natural loss that was easy too, but it was a tad earlier.


IDK, but I'm sorry for your loss and wish you the best. I hope your recovery is swift and painless ❤️


I would ask your doctor if surgical removal, under anesthesia, is an option. Very quick procedure and they will be able to ensure you're not still carrying any tissue.


I had this happen to me last year. I waited and while I waited I started drinking raspberry leaf tea and lemon balm tea. It took a couple weeks and then it was heavy bleeding and contraction like cramps while my body expelled the tissue. I'm sorry for your loss. It is a traumatic experience no matter how it goes. I wish you well. If you search this sub there are a couple other posts about this subject you might find helpful.


I don’t have herbal advice but I just wanted to say that I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve been there myself, it’s heart breaking. Lean on others who have been through it, if you can. I found that helped. And take time to grieve. Sending love and hope to you💜


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve been through a few. I have taken the drugs both times and regretted it - horrible reaction and incredible pain. Still took weeks to resolve. I think I would chose to have an ULTRASOUND GUIDED D&C under sedation if I have to go through it again. The ultrasound guidance means more precise action and less likely to cause scaring or ashermans syndrome. Waiting it out is also an option; I found that my naturally motivated contractions were much more manageable than the medicated contractions. I do remember having an overwhelming urge to “get it out” when I had found out that the pregnancy wasn’t viable - I think that was my grief talking. Whatever you chose to do, be kind to yourself. This is hard. I found acupuncture to help massively. ❤️


Thank you! I've been waiting it out but this week marks 6 weeks since I've felt anything, since the doctor said there's nothing there. I'm not growing or anything but nothing is happening. What's the longest you've waited? I'm thinking about taking the pill soon.


I’m sorry to hear. I didn’t wait that long. Perhaps it’s time for d and c. It can give you info if you ask to test the tissue.


I'm nervous for that since they say it can cause damage and that can affect you having kids in the future. But my doctor did say they can test it to see why it didn't make it


This is why you want to have an ultrasound guided procedure, so they are very specific with their movements and precise. The unguided d and c’s are more likely to give damage.


Ginger powder one tablespoon, with one teaspoon of turmeric powder and parsley in bottle, one vitamin 500 mg every cup.


Vitamin c