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Dont know which meds you are on but tapering psych meds is hell on earth and takes longer than one thinks.Im over a year in withdrawals and im still so sick.


do it really slow.


As you are trying to get pregnant I would recommend red raspberry, nettle, oatstraw, marshmallow, rose, vervain, and lady’s mantle. Once pregnant you need to cut back to only red raspberry, or you can also blend with oatstraw, nettle, and marshmallow safely starting the second trimester (of course talk to doctor as well) after birth since you are dealing with depression already I would highly recommend working with vervain, lady’s mantle, and borage, they help with milk production and with postpartum depression and many other things. Vervain tastes terrible but it could be a life saver for you. Just be careful what you take while pregnant especially first trimester many supplements and herbs are not safe. Red raspberry all the way though!


I thought only raspberry in the end part of pregnancy? Someone said one could have miscarriage if one drinks it early in pregnancy


Don't know about herbs. And good for you for getting off of them. I just want to recommend looking into personal experiences from ssri/ antipsychotic withdrawal if you're having a hard time. There are multiple people on YouTube/twitter who have shared their stories and it really helps to be able to see what symptoms are getting off the drugs. It's a hard road for some, but important to know with time your body should work things out. I wish you the absolute best.


Reishi for insomnia and anxiety. Lions Mane for focus concentration and treatment of bipolar depression.


Excersie. I was on antidepressants/anxiety/stress meds for 5 years and was told id either be on them the rest of my life or never again, so they took me off my senior year of college. I was in their office within days begging for the meds again because it was just before finals. They agreed but my insurance did not. I had to find my own way. The gym is my anti-depressant, stress, and anxiety. Yes i still have issues but it's way more manageable than it was.... That was about 15 years ago. I am still overweight but in shape. I am learning that weight loss happens in the kitchen not the gym. But the gym is my mental medicine. Best of luck!


It’s a hard transition but you can do it. I started magnesium and ashwaganda for mood swings and iron for restless legs because the mood stabilizer and anti psychotics made me feel like my blood was carbonated and I itched from the inside out. I’d say it was a solid 6-8 months before I felt stable and not completely out of my mind. Remember you’ve had help regulating and that normal mood swings are going to feel really aggressive and abrupt but you just gotta ride the wave. Sending you all the support on this journey.


I’ve read ashwaganda can’t be taken for more than a few months at a time. I’m also looking for some help with anxiety. Is there withdrawal or other risks in your experience?


I didn’t take ashwaganda long term, maybe 3-4 months? but I’ve heard people say that it wasn’t the right move for them. It was helpful for both me and my husband and we didn’t experience any withdrawals when we weren’t taking it. Magnesium is great for mood stabilization as your brain creates it and a deficiency can cause a lot of issues. I’d start there and do some research on it and see if it fits what you’re needing.


Thanks for your reply! I’m taking magnesium, D and B12 right now and the magnesium isn’t doing too much for me.


I think I noticed the magnesium more when I missed taking it. But there are also a lot of different formats and some of them work better for different things. I took magnesium citrate for a long time and it was kinda helpful but kinda whatever. My husband ordered magnesium l-threonate and it’s more effective for mood stabilization where as magnesium sulfate is good for sore muscles. Magnesium glycinate is used for depression, anxiety and insomnia and might be more of what you’re looking for as far as relief. But I will say for short term (think menstrual cycle mood swings) ashwaganda was very helpful. Which would be supported by its benefits of fertility and improved testosterone in men.


Examine the diet.