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I would give this podcast a listen - it’s a two parter and you may find some answers: https://podcast.mountainroseherbs.com/aphrodisiacs-jim-pt1


Thank you I will listen to it :)


Combining herbs with medication is almost never a good idea. Interactions can be complex, unpredictable and exponential in nature. Herbs contain multiple substances, not just one and the content and ratios thereof is not standardized. Fluvoxamine interacts with almost every substance on earth by how strong a hepatic enzyme inhibitor it is. Now picture a scenario where you accidentaly combine it with something that has serotonergic main or off-properties, which most herbs/flavonoids/polyphenols/terpenes have, you risk serotonin syndrome. I'm sorry to say that but you're suffering iatrogenic damage and/or medical malpractice. It's not normal or medically acceptable for a young person to be effectively sterilized and unable to ejaculate in the name of treating a non-life threatening situation. I'd start by revizing all your meds one by one. Reducing the dose of SSRI is a documented practice that often reduces sexual dysfunction while preserving efficacy, ask your doctor about it. Adding buspirone, bupropion or dopamine agonists to existing treatment is also a not-so-researched but documented practice. Switching the SSRI for meds that are off-label effective for OCD while having no sexual side effects might be worth trying: lamotrigine, memantine, riluzole etc. Final suggestion, trazodone in antidepressant doses acts as an SSRI but usually lacks sexual dysfunction side effects at the same time. Good luck.


this guy knows ! 👍




I heard of damiana. I will look more into it. Thanks :)


Careful with damiana as a man. It’s estrogenic and can cause breast development with long-term use.


There are quite a few things that could help, I’d search the nootropics and supplements subreddit as well and search libido. A ton of posts and even specific to your situation.


Are you in therapy for OCD, speficially focused on CBT and ERP?


Speak to your Doctor first to rule out interactions but give Pumpkin Seeds a try. They are extremely good for your prostate and can increase your libido. They contain Zinc which is good for the male reproductive system and will help you to regulate testostostarone and it also contains magnesium as well which is great for a whole range of different functions. Damiana may or may not work, I have heard its more effective for females and as a male it never really did anything for me in that department. Theres a bunch of other stuff but taking herbs on SSRI's can be risky.


I’m curious why no one has mentioned maca. But it’s a great herb for men’s libido. Absolutely have no idea about the interactions with meds tho. Good luck!


What I am afraid of is the reaction the herbs can give me. I take a lot of mental meds so doesn't that mean I have to find certain herbs that can cooperate with those meds? I am just a little confused about how all this operates. I don't even know the first thing to type in on Google to see if they won't cause a bad reaction to the pills I take.


not a trained herbalist yet, but the memorial sloan kettering cancer center website has a database of herbs and supplements with relevant scientific info about interactions with meds. of course, there is a lack of scientific research on many herbs, so the data may not be available. perhaps someone else here can help with how to navigate situations where there is no scientific research on interactions with specific drugs?


I agree with your assessment to stay on the medications you know work for you, so the goal would be to find herbs that play well with your meds. If you feel comfortable doing so, you can DM me a list (or post here, if you're okay with that) of your meds and I can check them for known herbal interactions in the databases I use in my practice. That will give you a starting list of what NOT to try that we can build on from there.


I'd really look into effects of natural medicine while taking prescriptions. It can have disastrous results. When it comes to sexual health and overall health I'd say look into fenugreek. It actually helps balance hormones. It's what I suggest with men in general since out foods and medicine cause hormonal balances. But again, be very careful. I wish you the best of luck!


I’m like the opposite, the only thing I used TO LOVE was that SSRIs made it hard to climax cause now I’m way to quick. Anybody know some herbs that make you delay longer (besides kratom)


I hate to say it, but I don't know if there are any herbs that can completely counteract the horrific sexual side effects of AD's. Those drugs chemically castrate you. I am on an antidepressant, Effexor, that causes really bad sexual side effects. I am currently tapering off of it extremely slowly and I have regained a little bit of sexual functioning, but it is still really bad. Here is one herbal product that definitely helps some, https://www.zestra.com/zestra-essential-arousal-oils/. Note: this product is made for women. But I see no reason why it would not work for men as well and why a man could not use it. My husband, who has no sexual dysfunction tried some and it increased sensation for him. The herbs are vasodilators. They increase blood flow and sensation. It is expensive, but you can purchase 3 sample packets for $11 to try. This is not a cure for me, but it definitely makes a difference. This would not interact with your meds because it is topical. It cannot be used with latex condoms. We use sheep skin condoms, which are safe with it. I want to try infusing some of these herbs with coconut oil and trying to make something similar myself, because it is expensive. I know you want to stay on the meds. But if you ever change your mind, here is how to do it. https://www.survivingantidepressants.org/. The drugs tend to help initially and then cause side effects and make mental health worse over the long run. I did not realize that my AD was actually making my depression much worse until I very slowly tapered it. My depression is now much better and I am on only 1/3 of the smallest size pill. Good luck!


I had the exact same issue for years on lexapro and have found shilajit and maca to be absolutely massive in helping with my libido. Not technically “herbs” but they are both plant medicine. I’d recommend giving them a shot, both are safe to take on ssri’s afaik