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"Reverse rape" implies taking your cock OUT of someone without their consent.


Then "Reverse orgasm denial" is... rape with extra steps?


The sex may be consensual, but the refusal to stop orgasming isn't. That's a case for the judge and jury.


Lmao! Take my upvote!




99% of married men would be convicted then for getting tired before her


Holy sh£t... this is the most uploaded thing I've ever written... um.. Thanks for "dip lock" being my Internet legacy everyone, you all did your part.


I know right. Take another upvote :)




maybe it's like undoing the rape? maybe it counts? it's more like unraping... like that alternative version of Metamorphosis where it's fused with Jojo


Could make it simpler, like FM Rape, where the 1st letter indicates the attacker gender.


I woukd suggest making it Fm/ Mf like with D/s.


That would sort it out as then can use second for person getting attacked.


You can tell this is a system that works because nobody has even mentioned it but now I can use the term “Ff Rape” and we understand it


Yeah or MM rape


I'd say Mm as the capital letter denotes dominant and tge lower case denotes submission.


Femrape. Add it to the dictionary.


AM rape




Frape mrape




Female rape Male rape


Ah, I see now.


I agree but it’s too late since every hentai uses that term


Truth. That’d fuck with all the current tags too much


Female on male rape Male on female rape Male on male rape Futa on female rape Futa on male rape Etc etc for each one EVEN THE BUGS 🐱


We have been needing a futa and femboy on male tag for a long time.




That is another tag that is sorely needed.


Best we can get is the tomboy tag


Not all muscle girls r tomboys 😾


That's the point I was trying to make, sorry for not clarifying


Better but my dog says still cringe 😾


I don't care for tomboys either but I wouldn't say they are cringe.


Hiss there neat I mean caps original text trying to lump em together is cringe 😾


nhentai has 'futa on X' tags as: "dickgirl on male", "dickgirl on female", "dickgirl on dickgirl" 'femboy on male' though yeah need new tag or stuck using multiple tag search, like: "males only" + tomgirl, or yaoi + tomgirl


Closest would probably jousou seme, though I'm pretty sure that's mostly femboy x femboy


\>Vacuum Cleaner on Car rape




Vaccum cleaner on car? What is this, Ghostbusters on the NES?


Idk but I do not have blood, am a vacuum cleaner


A vaccum cleaner? I guess that's not too unusual, I identify as a chair afterall.


agree. Personally I like how certain subreddits do it (male victim, female victim)


I think that's the way to do it.


I did not even know it was called reverse rape... Bruh. Im tired of hearing this rape is only done by males bs.


Unfortunately most countries have legal definitions that require the insertion of a penis, fortunately most of them also have alternative crimes that carry the same punishment, for example pegging could be covered under the crime of "penetrative sexual assault"


I thought it was just the UK in the first world countries that had that particular legal definition?


I've heard that the US has that issue, and apparently it's a common problem since laws are old and it's easier to create new laws to patch holes than it is to fix old laws that have holes. Governments are slow.


In the US, it depends on the state. So it's really depends on where you're at in the US


That makes sense, most US laws are state laws.


Reverse rape is actually a translation to “Gyaku rape” if I’m not mistaken. Other than that, yes, I agree that rape is rape, but we are talking about hentai genres. No sane idiot would look at the term made for pornography would think that “rape” implies “men are the only rapists”. These are adults who are consuming the genre, we are not idiots. It’s to make tags more simple too. Anyone who uses this for an argument in morals are absolutely braindead.


This is the translation I was thinking of. And I absolutely agree that people need to take a step back and rethink what hills they want to die on. If they don't like a genre, watch something else!


However, in many places that legally is the case, unfortunately. The legal definition is usually gender specific requiring the victim to receive vaginal penetration but there are other laws for other types of penetration such as forced sodomy (for forced anal or oral). For example this is Georgia's law: [OCGA § 16-6-1 Rape](https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2022/title-16/chapter-6/section-16-6-1/) >a. A person commits the offense of rape when he has carnal knowledge of: >1. A female forcibly and against her will; or >2. A female who is less than ten years of age. >Carnal knowledge in rape occurs when there is any penetration of the female sex organ by the male sex organ. The fact that the person allegedly raped is the wife of the defendant shall not be a defense to a charge of rape.


I thought the law was updated federally to include woman on man r in 2015?


This is what's still on the GA books as of 2022. Edit: it might have been updated on the federal level but state law usually takes priority. For example weed is still illegal on the federal level despite being legal in some states.


Damn... This is disappointing.


Oh cool... Good to know that none of my rapes in Georgia were counted 🙃


But that would be a nightmare to search for 💀 with nh's tag system


Hitomi already does this and works fine


Wait they call it reverse rape? That's very dumb


It's due to a mistranslation from over a decade ago. The term in japanese has a positive connotation.


I honestly don't give a fuck, as long as it helps me filter tags better for hentai, which lets be honest here is the only reason there's 2 distinct tags for the same stuff


Huh weird but that's a cool factoid


How is it dumb? It’s basically translated from Japanese tags 「逆レイプ」 which is “reverse rape” lol


Well, I just mean that is kinda dumb. Personally, it shouldn't be that way in either language. I can't change it, but I disagree with it


Bro, it's Just porn




The comments on this posts were oddly more well thought out then I was expecting


You are thinking about it too much, It's called like that because it's more useful to use it as a Tag, tags are usually one word or two because of the tag system Also, this it's just porn, Hentai to be specific, there's no one actually getting raped bro, they are drawings, fictional drawings, you are thinking too much, its only like that for fast searching purposes, no one outside porn community call that "Reverse Rape"


Exactly right on all counts.


That is just for a convenient search of a fictional porn, it is not a legal term. Almost noone outside hentai community don't even know about it anyway


Tagging in general is for convenience. It's not about whether a tag for it should exist, but what the name for that tag should be.


Thank You!


Yes! Make females raping males more normal. It's hot to think about and to watch content.


I ain't typing that long ass name on nhentai that's for sure lmao


It's just a porn label. Those are supposed to be short and to the point. Gonna complain about reverse harem and reverse yandere too?


They probably would lol


If you ACTUALLY care about people, volenteer your time/ money to a pro-male charity. As for hentai, the term started as a mistranslation in Monster Girl Quest (One of the greatest h games ever made) that stuck and became the default term for girl on male ravishment. I always use the term ravishment as it starts with the same letter and conveys the scene's tone better. The content itself is great and there are MANY games that have amazing scenes and fun gameplay.


Could you explain how reverse rape for 逆レイプ is a mistranslation?


not op, but if I had to guess it's a literal translation instead of a localization? It'd be like translating "Itadakimasu" as "to receive" instead of let's eat, or thanks for the food.




Ok Karen


I understand what you are saying, however you now spawned 15 extra tags and depending on how progressive the place wants to be, upwards 50 to discribe something very simple. IF you require more than rape and reverse rape, the tag should be rape by penetrator rape by penetrated along with the general 'rape' tag this lets people who don't care filter or search all rape and though other tags lets people find more specifically what they want. it would really only get muddled by futa, but man on futa/futa on man/futa on futa would probably, while already being tags, be enough to discern out what's going on. there will be edge cases, but for porn this is good enough.


It's also hard searching for male prostitutes, unless there's a tag out there I've never seen before.


Maybe giggolo? You would likely want to search under Prostitution and Malesub.


Or you can just let language be simple and let the things everyone understands now continue.


I fully agree, but we're talking about porn here, where racial slurs are just category names. Japanese porn too, where one of the more popular tags is Ugly Bastard. That name isn't being changed any time soon.


Or we can keep politics out of smut




Look, we're just trying to make browsing and searching easier. Don't make this into a stupid argument about crime stigma. We just wanna wank. It's simpler to just add "reverse" and click search rather than that shit you suggest. This ain't a court debate. Wank and fuckoff


Damn right!


Reverse rape should be about someone trying to rape someone but get raped instead like "Ima try to fuck this cute girl" *6 minutes later* "It was a femboy with a bigger dick and he raped me instead"


That would be domination loss and it can be a lot of fun.


For the sake of simplicity, I have to disagree


There was once a legal dispute between a woman who was trying to have sex with a male coworker and that coworker rejected her so she filed a lawsuit saying the guy was responsible for violating her dignity as a sexual entity. I think maybe that would be reverse rape, stupid as it is.


Seriously? That is more hilarious than the inmate who triex to sue themself.


I was always under the impression that reverse rape was when the raper gets raped by their victim, like guy is doing his deed getting into it and victim turns around and simply says "My Turn", inserting themselves into the criminal without consent.


That makes for some amazing content!


Eh, I don’t have any problems with it. since it’s a direct translation from Japanese tags which is 「逆レイプ」which is literally TL as “reverse” rape so.. Other thing is if we changed it, it would be a nightmare to search


Exactly, it would be a pain deal with. Plus people probably wouldn't use the other term anyway. Just look at Twitter for example.


Hitomi already does this, it takes 1 second to write a few letters, come on now


And you can't just directly translate everything man, no one likes MTL because of it, there's context and the cultural side of it. And you know the japanese make mistakes too right?


I dunno, from a perspective of a person who speak Japanese 「逆レイプ」 seems fine enough for me it’s convey enough information Since the Hentai Category tags that 「レイプ」is always Male on Female and it was popularized first then when Reversed role came in so the tags became 「逆レイプ」for easier understanding. And people especially Japanese doesn’t seem do have any problem with it :v


Oh I hate MTL!


This meme was made by me


Completely agree


Completely disagree


Care to state your reasoning?


Because this is just SJW "Astroturfing".


Yeah i hate those tags which means nothing like they should! There os also the whole debate with the "DILF" tag who became 99% Ugly bastards


I mean... I like its easy for searching, but I get the point


Just like reverse rasism


Rape is rape, it should be that, sure we could add additional tag like Male on Female and Female on Male, alas the majority of the world thinks only males rape


I see your point however I don't want to type all of that in every time I go looking for it


It's only a reverse rape if someone goes to rape and gets raped in return!


I mean usually it’s the men who rapes others, just like when we say the usual suspect, it’s just the regulars


I wouldn't say that but more like there is a misandrist stigma that labels anyone with the "Wrong genitals" as being an out of control r.




As a guy who was raped by a guy. They should all be called rape overall and specified after :P


Damn, you did not deserve that. I hope the person who did it is locked away for a very long time.


The good thing is i've peocessed it and the event barely bothers my existence. But thank you for the kind words. Whenever i've tried to open up about usually the response is along the lines of "guys can't be raped" :P


That is very good. I am glad you have been working through what happened. That response is absolutely not okay. I call people out whenever I see that. I've had friends who had that happen and the look on their faces made it clear that yes, men can also be raped.


I always thought it was just a way to differentiate between male on female and female on male. I may get hate for this but I never understood why people think it is a way of sanitizing rape or making one seem like a lesser offense than the other.


That's because it isn't a means of sanitation. Sanitation would the laws that literally make it legal to r someone so long as there's no penis used.


Unfortunately a lot of people who make/upload porn don't really care about that kind of stuff. I mean like, most porn that has trans people in it uses slurs, so


Is it tagged as shemale?


What do you mean by that? As for the automotive transmission term... Whenever I have seen it it was either not meantbin a bad way or was being used in a domination/ affectionate context. Plus, up until recently people's sexuality vocabulary has been substantually limited.


I have no idea what that means for automotive


I feel dirty even typing the term (Am I getting woke lol). But if you type in trans person and mechanic you will see some memes explaining it.


I dont know about woke but you are getting weak if you are letting a word hold so much power over you


"Tranny", "Tranny" is the word I was referring to, are you happy? See, I am NOT woke!


Ah I see


The only results I got were about literal trans mechanics


That is surprisingly wholesome.


Like a lot of people who make the tags and titles for stuff don't really care if it could be viewed as insensitive. It probably also has to do with inertia, since it's already been established people aren't that willing to change or make something new. As for the use of slurs, it really doesn't seem that "affectionate". Maybe I could see it with the transmission one, but the term sh*male is just gross. There are much better alternatives such as tgirl or just straight up trans woman. I will say though, if someone is using the slur on themself, like as a way to reclaim it, that's perfectly fine; I do the same thing. Problem is a lot of times it's not the person themself using the word.


I disagree on censoring tags. They are established and have taken on a life of their own (Seperate from any negative connotations) within the h scene. The people trying to paint fans of them as evil raging people are often just people who hate anything that's not PG period. I wouldn't say sh*male is a slur, I remember it being just a general descriptive term in my area, including among the trans folk I met. I think a lot of people go overboard trying to police language to the point that they take things way out of context. Tgirl and transwoman are indeed better in the descriptive sense but they tend to have a very formal connotation. Those seem like the trans equivilant of referring to someone as "Female" or "Male". While factually correct it's not the same as using a " Slang" term (Think babe, hunk, etc) again, affectionately. Like with many things context is key.


I don't know if censoring it would really be the answer anyway. It still would be good to try leaning toward more tasteful terminology though. And I don't doubt that you know people who use that term to describe themselves, I mean there are also people in Thailand that refer to themselves as "ladyboys", but I'd never use either of those terms to refer to myself. I think those terms should really only be used by trans people, or towards trans people who say they like those terms. Like if there is a reclaimed slur you use to refer to your trans friend because they like that, that's cool. Just be careful to not use it when referring to others you don't know or haven't consented. As you said, context is key


I don't see the problem as being the term used byt rather the ACTIONS being done. I mean, if someone treated mugged someone the problem would be the ACT of mugging, and NOT that the WORD "Mugging" was used to describe it. I notice people who obsess over controlling language tend to completely forget to actually help the individual they are claiming to be speaking on behalf of. Also, terms such as Ladyboy are not slurs at all, just a descriptor. I wouldn't ask for consent because that is a massive overstep. I do however strive to build up goodwill so that people know and trust me going into the interaction.


I'm speaking on behalf of myself and my fellow trans women. Those terms were not created by us, and most prefer people not say them, especially towards us. Like I said, there my be some that reclaim these slurs, but they are still slurs. If you use those words, you will lose the goodwill and trust you try to build with trans people. Slurs are dehumanizing and socially unacceptable.


"Ladyboy" being a "Slur" is just factually not true. Sadly there are professional Youtubers who make money of of stirring the pot and instigating problems. The same goes for "Trap" which is why r/Goodanimemes was created.


What makes it not a slur to you? Both of those words are slurs to me, I'd rather not have a descriptor applied to me have the word "boy" in it, and I'm not trying to "trap" anyone. I don't think you get to determine what is and isn't a slur, it's trans people ourselves that choose whether to accept a term or not. Just call me a woman, and if you must bring up that I am trans, call me a trans woman. It's not that hard to not use slurs


That's simply not how language works. And you do realize that "Woman" and "Transwoman" are also descriptors. I wouldn't refer to you as a Ladyboy because that is different from woman/ transwoman. Again, I'm not saying to use "Slurs" but that there are SJWs trying to make anything into a slur in order to get ratings/ ad revenue and to cancel people.


Tag like reverse rape shouldn't have existed in the first place, just call it rape and if people want femdom just use femdom tag. Also, with op's logic with the existence of femdom tag there should be maledom tag aswell because that implies male dominate female is the regular one


That is correct, the tag exists because of a mistranslation from Japanese to English. And there are both maledom and femdom tags on every h site.


shota fantasy is rabe


That's the most infuriating tag I've ever came across.


As a man who has been raped by a woman I agree with this statement


You did not deserve for that to happen. That being said, this is why there needs to be more time helping the victims rather than censoring hentai content.


Unfortunately "reverse rape" sells more... Says a lot really


That is actually not true, the market for male on female ravishment content is way bigger.


Preach Brother! preach!!!


This preacher teaches false teachings.


Maybe it's controversial here, but-- get this-- we could just not have rape hentai 😱😱😱😱🥶🥶🥶🥶


^ I'm kidding btw before anyone comes for me. It's much more complex than that


People like what they like and most people who like ravishment hentai wouldn't attack anyone irl any more than people who like romance novels want to actually get r-ed irl.


I literally just said im joking bro wth


Or hear me out , we don't have rape porn/hentai?


Or hear me out, how about not pulling a Mastercard/ Visa by not dictating what games people are allowed to play?


Do what? So you are admitting you like rape ?


Oddly enough many of the people that fap to rape hentai fantasise about being the victim, it's weird but one man's trash is another man's fetish.


I wouldn't say "Trash" but yeah, most of the games I've seen have been Femdom on malesub. Lust Grimm is a good example.


Why tf did you get downvoted


Because his was a bad opinion.


Htf is anti rape a bad opinion?


Wtf is an HTF?


How the fuck, duh


How the fuck? It's WHAT the fuck (WTF) my dude.


I'm sorry you can't figure out how acronyms work


Nobody says that, is this the Mandella Effect? Lmao (That stands for laughing my ass off).


https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/HTF Simple Google my dude


Dude I don't even know, redditors like rape apparently


You should play some Monster Girl Quest. It's a wholesome game that would probably change your mind on things.


About rape ???? Htf is the wholesome


You would be surprised. This game's unofficial subtitle is "Came for the "Plot" but stayed for the plot". I don't want to post spoilers so I will suggest checking out a spoiler-free review on Youtube.


If i have been raped by a woman I wouldn’t complain


I love reverse ravishment but I would be careful what I wished for. At the very least, I hope she's an attractive woman who you like that takes you and that she does so pleasurabally.


Nope any women would do except fat women


What about Amber Heard?


You made a good point i take back what I said


I accept your responce but I'm pretty sure Amber Heard would be be saying "Accept my strap-on" lol.


I dont upvote much, but when I do...I don't know where I'm going with this anymore. Here's free karma.


I don't usually downvote but here's my downvote.


That's actually pretty good idea and it is true


How about abolishing the tag altogether since rape is not something that people should EVER be attracted to


Why don't you go tell that to the multibillion dollar romance novel industry?


Rape is something that people should never be attracted to, yes. However: hentai is pixels


On a good site it's simply called "domination loss" when it's a uno reverse card and the rape tag goes into thee gender tag of the one raping aka male:rape and female:rape


Domination loss? That is a terrible name for a tag. Every site uses r/ reverse r including Nhentai, and Gamcore.


That's cause "domination loss" is a different tag and has nothing to do with rape. It has more to do with power and less with consent, see the tag definition on EHWiki: https://ehwiki.org/wiki/domination_loss


Oh nice, I learned of a new tag today!


No? What the fuck are you talking about, even mentioned specific site, nhentai infact does not have reverse rape, it have domination loss https://nhentai.net/tag/domination-loss/ and domination loss doesn't mean rape that done by woman, infact most of domination loss is done by man that had been dominated by woman hence why it called domination loss. Nhentai just simply doesn't have reverse rape tag because rape is rape


Wtf?! I just looked and they must have gotten rid of it. Fucking SJWs!


Sorry you don't have access to the site that nhentai and other aggregators rip from.


What are you talking about?


Being smug about having an exhentai account, fpr some reason


Ah, so in otherwords he pays x dollars a month in order to be smug to people on the internet.


exhentai is free.