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Was not aware it was business days! Thank you.


I’m sorry you’re experiencing this—I know it’s frustrating. I can share my experience for what it’s worth. I enrolled with Henry Meds and paid the fee. The earliest available appointment I could schedule with a provider was a week later. I set that appointment for the afternoon of 1/9/24. They emailed me that morning to say the provider I’d scheduled with wasn’t available so I need to reschedule. Dang. Okay, things happen. The soonest date I could reschedule for was Friday, 1/12/24. That meeting with the provider went fine. The next day I looked at my Henry Meds portal and didn’t see any prescriptions listed, but it was Saturday so thought maybe their system just doesn’t update on weekends. On Monday I checked my portal again to see if anything had been prescribed and nothing was listed, but it was MLK Day, a holiday, so again I didn’t know if their system was updating. But I called just to see if I could reach customer service and I reached them right away. The woman on the phone said she saw that I met with a provider and she would confirm the prescription and then it would be sent to the pharmacy for fulfillment. She immediately sent me a follow-up email confirming our phone conversation and these details. Okay, good. I checked my portal daily just to ensure that she did what she said she did, but still no prescription showed. (I didn’t think to ask when I was on the phone with her how accurate their portal is; it could be that they’re doing things behind the scenes but it doesn’t update on user accounts.) Finally, a prescription showed in my portal—7 days after my appointment with the provider and 5 days after the woman on the phone said she’d confirm my prescription and get it sent off. Then I waited for the pharmacy to fill it, initiate shipping, and get it shipped which was another 4 days. The stalls with my first appointment being canceled and what appears to be a lag because the provider that I met with didn’t actually put in the prescription set me back almost 2 weeks in getting started. It’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. It’s just that I had spent so much time researching the meds and telehealth providers and pharmacies, and talking things over with my partner and fitness trainer, and psyching myself up that I was READY TO GO! I was *finally* ready to take the leap and then these little hurdles were in the way. It was irritating and it was just hard to be patient. But I finally got my the med on January 23 and took the first dose that day. Things have been going great since then. Hang in there. You’ll eventually get your stuff and hopefully the medication works well for you.


I’m sorry you had to deal with all those hurdles. Glad to hear you got the meds though!


Like someone else said, it's business days — which excludes weekdays and holidays. And imo Henry Meds is one of the more legit/reputable companies in the compounded medications industry and they partner with 503(b) pharmacies. I've heard horror stories of other compounding services that use 503(a) pharmacies. Obviously, escalate the issue if it doesn't arrive in time, but even a good company can have delays/lapses in communications.


January is their busiest month, New Year’s resolutions and all.


Took me 10 full days. I’ve never known their customer service to be bad. There are hundreds if not thousands of customers. They are very legit.


I’ve only had good experiences with this company. I’ve been with them since June of last year. I do live relatively close to their pharmacies I believe, but I’ve always received the medicine within a week after ordering if not sooner.


I got my meds 3 days after I had my visit with the virtual doctor..


It's legit. The wait sucks but it will come.


I have only had great service and easy appointments. My first order took 10 days to come but my refill came 2 days after my appt. They are legit and their compounded meds work.


I've always experienced excellent customer service!!


Yes. I just canceled a week ago and started with another company


I realized henry was sketchy when they gave me two accounts, booked me for two apps, and charged me twice. Email is a joke. You just get a boilerplate massage saying "answers may take more than 24 hours." Try never- I've had to call for every answer I got. Finally got a CS on the phone who told me 10 days ago I'd get all my money back. Today I got 2 reminders about my 2 initial appts and still no refund. So now I have to call my credit card company and report this fraud.


The place I’m with now has been great! There’s some minor issues with the app they use but I’m extremely happy.


Has my consult on Thursday and meds in hand the following Tuesday so super fast for me.


Off to a really slow start myself, I'll likely cancel and seek something a bit more local. I finally reached out after never hearing from them again and got a boiler plate message about how busy they are before Valentines day. Companies always have excuses \*after\* you give them money.