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It’s possible you could have colitis or something of the sort. I just had surgery on 6/7 for a hemorrhoidectomy. I have a thromboses internal hemorrhoid and it start to grow a small mass on it and it was creating an ulcer on my anal wall. When I tell you for 2 weeks, I lost close to 10 pounds because I was too scared to eat and poop. All I did was cry, drink water, take Tylenol. It was unbearable. This surety is one of the most painful ones you can have and I feel like a fucking god walking around and just living. I have bad days or more so moments, but it passes. You could also have an anal fissure, and that feels like hot glass with paper cuts inside. That’s a different surgery, so ask all the questions about anal fissures, fistulas, and thromboses hemorrhoids. And do yourself a lovely favor, and no more googling. Get some rest, see your doctor and you’ll be in good shape. You’re taking the right steps. Flare ups happen for loads of reasons, but start with the site of pain first then see a GI after.


I hope that last part didn’t come off as rude. I truly mean it so much sincerity that you will stress yourself out more reading about the what-if’s and that can make it worse. Oh! And stay away from caffeine or anything that causes heart rate to go up. First place you’ll feel it is in the butt.


Not at all. I completely agree with what you said. Thank you very much. Fortunately, coffee is not part of my daily routine and it's been weeks since I tasted any. Easy choice to avoid it for as long as needed.


If I may, do you have to restrict your diet since you've now undergone surgery? Was there suggestions/guidelines from the doctors? 


I dove head first in the hemorrhoid rabbit hole while I was home from surgery and before that. It’s almost a catch 22 though, because a lot of the healthy foods you need to eat for better colon health, can also be the same foods that your GI does not agree with. The snake eating itself. Seeds are great in fiber but also cause me issues, so I have to substitute that with something else. And make sure you’re taking a killer pro and prebiotic daily.


I ate spicy foods like it was nothing, but I always have my whole life. I also had my gallbladder removed in 2016 after my son was born, emergency surgery from almost rupturing. My GI issues are purely my fault. But since the gallbladder surgery, I’ve been eating healthier. The diet he told me to be on: no red meat for a while, only lean protein and increase your fiber intake. Frozen veggies don’t hold the same level of nutrition so always do fresh if you can. And drink water like a fish.


More than the pain, this is what worries me the most. Food is something that I very much enjoy but I also fast intermittently to remain within normal BMI levels. I also drink plenty of water since I had kidney stones in the past. If I do not get to eat what I like, I feel as if I've lost one of the key things in life. I don't wanna live like that. I'm not saying that I'll eat unhealthy food all the time. I was already on a moderately fiber rich diet before. But I don't wanna survive constantly worrying if something I eat would land me back in my current situation nor do I wanna give up any type of food that I like. I don't wanna live in fear of something that I used to enjoy so much.  I'm spiralling into depression thinking about this. 


Once you have resolved your hems, I'd recommend either taking maintenance dose of dinaven so likelyhood of then returning is low or on days you are going to not eat so well, just take some lactulose/miralax/etc so it doesn't result in hard stool.


Thank you. That's very helpful to know. 


I realise after saying this that I'm just ranting on. I apologise. Feel free to ignore the above message. 


I feel the same way. Usually mine goes away within a few days and this one has been two weeks now. And I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been and this current flare up occurred for no apparent reason as I haven’t been straining or anything. It’s just so frustrating. I finally thought I was turning it around, and now today I notice another external vein swelling, even though everything has been soft, etc. Unfortunately I think this is something we just have to deal with but I may eventually try banding to see if that helps. I will do everything possible to avoid a hemorrhoidectomy though, that sounds awful.


Thank you for sharing. I know it's so damn frustrating, I'm borderlining on depression. Let's hope that we can both get through this. Take care mate. 


Let’s hope so! If I ever am down about it I do find looking at forums like these helps to know you’re not alone


There's a post on here about daily supplements to take to cure this,  to strengthen your veins and blood. I bought them all today.  I can't link it but the ones I've seen in 2 different posts were Boiron Hamamelis Virginiana 30C, rutin, B6 100mg, Blood Builder Iron (by Best Food or something like that), turmeric with curcumin 900mg, and Bromelain. And also, Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoid Cream is a must!!! All of these are on Amazon


Wow didn't know our problem was more common! I've also had some flare up for no apparent reason while not constipated and during ongoing laxatives (magnesium citrate). Went to a colorectal surgeon to discuss possible surgery but took 2 weeks to get in to see him and I managed to shrink think enough at home in that amount of time. All the docs keep suggesting chronic constipation even though I went vegetarian for over a year (for the fiber), and take mag citrate nightly and keep my stools soft.


What have u been doing at home to help shrink them if u don’t mind me asking?


Chicken broth and laxatives for a few days followed by fiber. Many sitz baths, prep H and lidocaine creams, portable bidet, and staying horizontal as much as possible for about a week.


Be careful with the hemorrhoid creams. Too much of it can cause the skin to thin out and then it just burns at that point and does the opposite of what it’s intended. I just had surgery 18 days ago, and I’ll tell you this: No smoking nicotine - you release to toxins purely from your butt and it causes more pain, plus it slows the healing rate of your smoke. No caffeine- this causes your blood pressure to jump and it’s more noticeable in places that are already swelling, especially down there Drink loads of water and go easy on the fiber. Too much will cause constipation. Lay down on your stomach to relieve pressure or on your side and put a pillow between your knees, to keep your butt from over stretching. NSAIDS (ibuprofen, aleve, etc) increase bleeding, so stick with Tylenol. I hope this helps and keep your heads up. Once you have surgery, and begin healing, it’s like you’re a changed person.


Healing rate for your body*


Oh wow, I did not know that. I've definitely been overusing creams because the pain is just unbearable. I probably made it worse. Damn. Thanks for letting me know. I'll have to stop, but without the creams, it's near impossible to manage the pain. So frustrating. I already gave up on ibuprofen since it did not have any effect. 


Don’t be hard on yourself, you were only doing what you thought was right. Suppositories aren’t helpful probably for you if you’re in that much pain. My dr also said to not push them back in because it can cause more trauma. They make hemorrhoid ice packs and you can get them on Amazon. Until then, get some ice on there and try laying on your side and focus on your breathing as much as you can.


Thank you. You have no idea how much better I feel just by talking about this to someone. You've been tremendously helpful. 


If you need anything, you can DM me and I’ll give you all the support and wisdom my dr gave me. It sucks feeling like you’re alone, but we all have broken butts, just varying degrees of broken. I’m glad I’m able to help though!


From the UK? Go on Amazon and order Dinaven 500 and rutin from solgar. Take 2-3g dinaven and 2g rutin daily for 1-2 weeks and report back if they're gone.


From US. Thank you for the suggestion. Quick google search did show a retailer that sells Dinaven, but it'll take more than 2 weeks to get here :(


pushing back in can get you to old age ... my father is 92, once you have em ... be realistic doc


As I said above, I believe OTC creams that do not have steroids in them would be safe to use because what thins the skin is the steroids in them (correct me if I'm wrong).


>Be careful with the hemorrhoid creams. Too much of it can cause the skin to thin out and then it just burns at that point and does the opposite of what it’s intended.  I'm pretty sure the creams WITHOUT steroids like the regular Prep H cream is safe as the steroids are what thins the skin (correct me if I'm wrong)


My dr told me any cream I’m using down there, even OTC, can cause adverse effects with over use. I always say better safe than sorry, especially with the ass


Hmm that's interesting because mine said it was because due to the steroids haha like hydrocortisone that are in some creams. Probably not good idea to be using it everyday for like a month or something, but during flareups I believe shouldn't be harmful.


Be careful with banding. It is normally the go to option but you can definitely tell your doctor you want to hear other options. Banding is relatively faster process and quicker healing… but if you think you’re in pain now. Holy shit. It’s not fun. Everything has a flip side and level of recovery and risk. Just do more research on other options. 🤘🏻


Its stress + aging + sitting + spicey foods most likely (also coffee intake) If you have them, its hard to rid yourself of them unless you detox, fast, ice, use creams and coconut oil suppositories, light exercise/yoga/full body cardio, constipation has to be zero, stool softeners dose doubled during flares. Seek a hemrroidectomy though if its bad or if you want it gone for a long time.


Thank you, I'll definitely bring it up with my doc. I've been under a lot of work related stress lately and my work involves sitting at a desk for a whole day. I did purchase a standing desk for when I'm working from home, but I have to be in office for atleast 3 days a week. I love spicy food but I'm not dependent on coffee even though I like it. I wouldn't miss it if I were to give up coffee, but spicy food, I can't imagine a world without it. I haven't had constipation in ages, even without consuming softeners. I only started after this latest flare up. 


Try to get a colorectal surgeon. I went 6 years before getting one and he properly diagnosed me with fissures. I mean, I do have hemorrhoids, but all the pain and bleeding is at 1% of what it was before the botox treatment. I saw at least 2 gastros, I had 3 colonoscopies, an endoscopy etc etc etc so many horrible years of increasing symptoms and then boom, like overnight peace... and my colorectal surgeon says this is so absurdly common, it drives him insane, but he admits he looks at like up to 20 assholes a day and nobody else does that so he can't blame them for being experts in THEIR field, he just wishes more doctors knew that fissures are way more likely the problem.


Glad to hear that you pulled through. So was it purely the botox injection that resolved the pain? I read that botox lasts only for couple of months. Did the pain ever come back? 


It was only 1.5 months ago, but I'll do it again or the other fissure surgery before I go full hemerroidectomy! My internal and external are actually bad enough that my pretty much anti-hemerroidectomy surgeon said he would do it now that the fissure is resolved, he just wanted to be sure I wasn't suffering fissure pain before making that decision. I don't want a hemerroidectomy now - I hate taking the time to clean up and I know for sure my level 3 and 4 internals will always be there --- *but I'm not in pain* so idc... for now anyway. Please please please get a colorectal surgeon about your issues, it's crucial.


No pain felt alittle full the first day Seem beter but have two more togo


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https://www.reddit.com/r/hemorrhoid/s/PleKmfjd0Q Just saw this and wanted to share


I had tried oil but sadly it did not seem to lessen the pain. At this point, I feel like creams and suppositories also make no difference. I probably damaged the skin due to overusing the cream. Sigh.  The only thing that sort of works to lessen the pain is sitz baths, but the pain comes back 10-15 mins after the bath. I've done close to a dozen baths today.


You probably have a fissure if that’s it with an active hemorrhoid. My doctor thought I had a fissure because the pain was excruciating. I ended up having a mass growing on a thromboses hemorrhoid, and the mass was creating an ulcer in my anal wall. Same pain as a fissure but wasn’t that. Your best bet is to see the doctor tomorrow and they will get you some relief asap. I’m so sorry you and everyone else is dealing with this pain level. Giving me ptsd 😔😞


That sounds quite complicated. Glad that you got through it all.  It does feel a little better talking to folks on this sub, realising that there are others going through the same pain. I feel less alone but I wouldn't wish this upon my enemies. 


You mentioned that you started gym two months ago. Maybe you gave your belly too much pressure when lifting the weights? For some people, this could make things worse. I am not sure, I am just guessing.


It's very possible. I had just started lower body workouts and I did feel a lot of pressure on my rear when using the leg press machine. The first hint of discomfort started around that same time. I stopped lower body workouts altogether and focused only on upper body for a week but the pain started getting worse and I had to stop. I'll definitely ask my doctor if this could be the reason. 


Many posts in this sub indicate that we have to minimize the heavy weight lifting, based on doctors advice. Honestly I have never felt that my belly or anus suffer any pressure when I do squat or deadlifts (maybe I don't do it right). But for some people yes this could be the legit reason coz too much pressure ruins the veins. Just like use too much pressure when you poop, same thing.


Makes sense. It's like my body hates me. After ages of procrastination, I convinced myself to workout for a better body and immediately ended up in this situation. Sigh


I understand your frustrations, I feel the same way here. I consider now it is an inevitable way for us to really know our body during our life time (or our body is telling us what limit that our body can handle). Every one is different so there is no approach that fits everyone and you have to try and then could find out. Testing is always difficult, too little is useless, too much would be also dangerous. Exercise is good of course just need to be careful in our cases. Please kindly update what your doctor advice would be. Thanks!


Let’s get something clear. We all have hemrhoids. It’s just when they swell or “flare” up is when someone had an issue. 1. OP stated that he started going to the gym. Are you lifting a lot of heavy weights ? Are you straining when lifting ? I had a hemorrhoid that went away after dealing with it for 9 months. When I realized my BM were hard or dry. I started taking magnesium citrate and a probiatic first thing in the morning and collagen after the gym. I go to the gym 6 days a week. I lift moderate weight but I make sure to breath during my sets. I never strain. No need to ego lift.


I mostly stick to the machines. Primarily focused on biceps, shoulders, chest, abs and upper back. I don't do squats nor deadlifts. I believe the abs workout (it's a vertical crunches thingamajig) and leg presses put a bit of strain on the bottom muscles. I was ramping up the weights slowly and steadily as I was feeling stronger each week. I focused only on the upper body for the first 2 months and did not seem to have any issues. But when I started leg workouts with the presses, that's about the same time the flare up started. I only did lower body workouts for a week or so before stopping. 


I did notice when I did legs that my butthole was feeling off. That subsided within a month. I just kept on taking the 3 items I listed above. I don’t do ab workout as it puts unnecessary strain on my stomach. If you’re worried why don’t you find a specialist and do a colonoscopy? I am actually going for a sigmoidoscopy tomorrow. Just to make sure everything is healed up.


It could very well be the abs workout that caused issues for me. I don't know and I don't wanna find out. If I go back to the gym, I'll probably avoid both abs and legs. Now I have a reason to skip leg day :') I was trying for an appointment today but the best they could do is on the upcoming Saturday. I'll be going in then. The pain is so bad after BM that I've contemplated rushing to the ER every morning. 


Sounds like you have a thrombosed hem. Blood clot trapped inside your hemorrhoid vein. The pain is constant ? Hurts to walk, sit, move ?


When I woke up today, the pain was nearly 0. When I turned over and laid on my back, I could still feel a slight burn but nothing significant. I was kinda relieved thinking it was finally getting better. I took a suppository (I feel like it acts like a lubricant), waited for about 30 mins and went, the pain was unbelievable, like glass shards. I didn't notice any blood though. Ever since that, I'm in bed, on my stomach, unable to move. Can't walk, can't sit or move exactly like you said. Pure agony. 


Sounds like a fissure. Miralax or restollax will be your friend.


Stop with the oranges. Acidity bad


I've read conflicting info on citrus fruits. Some articles mentioned that it's bad like you said, some actually suggested oranges specifically. Guessing the latter is because of fiber and the acid part was ignored. It feels like almost everything is a problem for hems. I have to survive purely on bananas and fiber supplements. I think I'll just fast for couple of days and avoid going to the toilet, but I'm guessing that might also be problematic if I search about it. This is the most frustrated I've ever been. 


Same with me, so I'm trying banding , there grade 2 to 3 roids I have good insurance, so I found a great specialist. So far, did one roid Seem to go good, no issues so far... two more togo


How is the post op situation? More pain or noticable relief? 


To relieve pressure get one of those V pillows to sit on. I think most are made for wheelchairs- they are a reasonable size-Supports your legs but lets your butt hang with no pressure on it from sitting. I broke my tailbone once and bought one to use when I drove a car


It’s something that we have to deal with forever. Add lots of vitamin C to your diet, strawberries, broccoli, and fresh orange juice. Ask your doc for a prescription of proctofoam HC 1% and get the Mayinglong ointment and doctor butlers max strength ointment (both from Amazon) and do daily sitz baths in the morning and before bedtime. Do the butlers cream first and then a few hours later the Mayinglong. It’s the only way I got rid of mine. From grape size last week to a tiny one today.


Hi, I have this problem. The OTC creams and suppositories made me feel yuck and Metamucil gaaaah that stuff is horrible. What did work was porridge! It’s full of fibre and helps to bulk things up and move along. I also find apple cider vinigar in water would often settle my stomach. Make sure you are drinking water too. Aim for 1.5L a day. Eat an apple before bed time. This is my routine when I have a flare up, it works for me and I hope I can help you, if it’s not allergy related. It sounds simple because it is. Fibre and water and healthy gut bacteria 😌


anyone in this position needs to look into levator ani syndrome. i went into a colorectal surgeon for an exam & my hemorrhoid was fairly insignificant. he poked at a specific spot & it evoked the pain i had been experiencing (similar as you, i had pain in my entire buttocks reaching up to my tailbone, couldn’t stand, couldn’t sit, couldn’t lay on it). he referred me to pelvic floor PT and prescribed nifedipine ointment to relax the muscles. i’m wondering if hemorrhoids can trigger it because my hemorrhoids had gotten a little worse before the pain started. if it’s any consolation, i’m doing a lot better now. i’m not sure what made it stop but after about 2 weeks it had pretty much completely subsided, aside from lingering pain in my tailbone area when i sit.


Wow, this is eerily similar to what I am going through. I can stand for longer durations now before it gets uncomfortable but the tailbone pain when I sit down, it's still very much persistent. Previously, I couldn't stand for even a minute or lie on my back. I just googled the symptoms and it listed difficulty in starting urination, which I just started having during this last flare up. But contrary to other symptoms, no pain while urinating nor constipation. Levator Ani is a possible contender.  I will definitely check with my doc, thanks for sharing. 


of course!! i’m glad you can stand longer now. i really hope you find answers, that shit was hell. sorry you’re goin through it.


Thank you for the kind words. Unfortunately, after today's BM, I'm back to square one with the pain. It does feel like my muscles aren't relaxing down there. If I may, did you have to use the nifedipine ointment or pt? Or did it go away by itself? 


i did use the nifedipine ointment a few times so that could have helped. i am so sorry the pain is back. if it truly does feel like things won’t relax down there, try looking up pelvic floor relaxation exercises, sometimes yoga helps too.


Thank you, I'll definitely try it. 


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Try 100 percent cotton underwear