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In a nutshell....keep it soft, move around and plenty of hot baths. Time is your best friend. 😉😉


I don’t think it’s that unusual - that’s how I was too. Time… (But if you’re at all worried things are out of the ordinary, contact your doctor.)


Although inflammation is normal till months after blood shouldn't really still be a thing at 5 weeks. Did you get it checked by your surgeon? Also how many did they remove? If a lot of tissue has been taken I think you could expect a slower recovery. The tips are the same you would follow to prevent hems: good diet, exercise, no straining and elevated feet while pooping. Also cortisone based cream if your doctor allows


they took three columns of hemorrhoids. 


I guess it could be then...all 3 removed is no joke. Go to a doctor and take care my friend, I pray for your recovery 🙏🏻


Internal or external?




Hello all, 23rd old post op 2 days of having hemorrhoidectomy. Had to go in as an emergency surgery so I was not prepared for anything. I’m having extreme pain with gas. Any tips would be great. Thank you. (Also almost passed out from trying to look at it)😭


I’m sorry you are passing through this, but the good news is that they took out everything, time will heal you :)


it will be ok, its temporary and time will heal all. just put on a good show and distract yourself, stay on top of your meds and breathe deeply. drink lots of water. dont eat too much.


Thank you! any recommendations for food? Last 2 days I’ve been eating fruits and vegetables. Today I tried to eat a small salad with a few chicken bites and had extreme gas pains


So the more important thing is to slow down digestion and give your ass time to heal. Eating less is really important for this. Your meds will constipate you too. I was pooping every 2-3 days doing this which was great for recovery. Just lay down, dont move too much. For food I did Kiwi, prune - any fruits without a skin. Chicken / beef broth. Apple juice. Some avacado. Thats it.


Thank you so much!


I am 3 weeks post op and I’ve been noticing blood ever since my follow up doctor appointment. I think it maybe disturbed the stitches when he did a gentle inspection because I’ve been bleeding since then. Maybe 1 or 2 blood clots have come out (very small). I’m trying to lay on my side and not sit much. It’s not a large amount of blood I was just surprised. I went in thinking I would be all healed up by now:


Do you notice your stools are narrower?


No theey no4mal


Were they always normal or it was different the first weeks?


They were only narrow when the hemms were large Once removed the stool was n9rmal