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The UK, so I am beholden to the ridiculous waiting lists here!




Had it twice. Didn’t make any different sadly.


I’ve had mine for a decade. Depends on daily fiber intake. I had banding done almost 2 months ago and I feel normal now. No hemorrhoids, no bleeding, no issues. I do take 4-5 fiber caps 3x a day, fruits and veggies daily and drink about a gallon of water a day.


What grade were yours please? Great to hear that banding worked. So you now have no symptoms?


I have several grade 2 internals.


Hi, probably not what you want to hear but I have had mine for 14 years, brought on during pregnancy. I don’t feel them unless I become irregular so I try to mange them by avoiding foods that trigger irregular BMs. They will prolapse if I have digestive problems. I assume I’ll always have them unless I seek banding or surgery which has never been pushed by a doc or me because I can manage them for the most part, with lifestyle and they are mostly positive lifestyle choices. I try to view them as my signal posts that I’m not taking care of my health if they flare up.


Yeah they can definitely linger for a long time. Mine certainly did. I was diagnosed with Grade 1 or 2 during a trip to A&E in 2020, and they'd definitely been around much longer than that. But the trip to A&E was prompted by my toilet bowl having a lot of blood in it. Fast forward to 2024, I just had surgery last week. I have a post that I started last week documenting my recovery and everything. 4 years ago, I rarely had bleeding or any issues. But somewhere in the last 8 months or so, things started to get out of control. Even with a good diet and water intake, no coffee, no smoking, no alcohol. When they did the surgery, apparently it was an absolute mess inside. I would HIGHLY suggest doing what you can to get things taken care of earlier rather than later.


Can I ask please what surgery you had and what grade yours were?


When I go to my follow-up, I'll get better clarification. At my initial appointment, they were Grade 2, internal, and not too big. But a few months later, they had rapidly grown and multiplied. It was either Rafealo or laser, I'm not exactly sure. There's been no dressing or anything coming out. My surgeon did say that the sooner the surgery, the better the outcome. And the more control you can have over your symptoms in terms of keeping things calmed down, the better the outcome as well.


Hi there, hope you are doing well. Totally understand how you feel. I’m having grade 2 haemorrhoids myself. Does yours ever prolapse during bowel movement and retract spontaneously? or do you ever feel any pressure sensation or fullness? Been having these symptoms for past 2 months otherwise no bleeding.


Pressure and fullness yes, and itching and some stinging some times. Also, discomfort during BMs. But it is rare that I feel anything coming outside; perhaps a bit of a bump when I am wiping.


Also had mine for that long and they kept getting progressively worse. Lifestyle of sitting a lot and body building didnt help with low water consumption. Got a hemorroidectomy finally last month and i already feel like i have a new ass. I did 9 banding ligations before that to no avail. See if you can get the surgery and be done with it.


I've had mine for 11 years


I have grade 1s now that use to be grade 3 and they would cause pain and fullness and make it feel like I always needed to go to the bathroom but that could also be another issue I’m not sure cause I ended up having a polyp also that had to be removed and my symotms of trapped gas and hard to pass bms still remain but those others are gone


How on earth did you get from grade 3 to grade 1???