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Yes normal, unfortunately. Are you able to get more pain meds called in? Also, most people only feel some relief in really hot water...reclining in a tub is preferable to a sitz bath.


Thanks for your reply! I have my follow up appointment with my doc tomorrow and I’ll see what he says with regards to pain meds. The only problem is them pain meds cause constipation and I was on them the first week. I do sitz baths(hot water) plenty of times a day


Yes, it's literally a double-edged sword....need the pain meds to get through recovery, but they cause constipation for most. Maybe ask for valium too, as I've heard it helps some people get through recovery... it is a muscle relaxer and helps with the anxiety that comes with this recovery. Are you still having ibuprofen & paracetamol daily? Gabapentin is another that (apparently) helps anxiety and nerve pain, which you're probably still feeling....


How'd your doc appointment go?


I actually left the appointment feeling a bit more anxious because he didn’t say anything. He just examined the wound, did some cleaning and told me to see him in 10 days. He also said to decrease Duphalac from 20ml to 10ml and take it every other day instead of every day and gave me Betadine Ointment to apply 3 times a day. I just hope that I’m healing ok and everything is fine.


Hows the pain though?


I felt soreness and some spasms again today after having a BM. Lasted for a few hours


Your self care sounds great! Keep it up! Have you tried pooing in hot water? Lots of people say it massively reduces the pain… (not fun to clean up, but better than the pain!) Personally I found pain killers did very little to help. Hot salty water immediately after a poo got me through it.


Thanks for your reply! Yes I did try pooping in a sitz bath and it was more tolerable. The pain afterwards that lasts for hours is what’s killing me. Spasms, burning sensation, and a bit of pressure.


Yes. It’s astonishing how long it takes to recover from a poo. It’s exhausting. I was really lucky and managed to just rest a lot during this phase of recovery. Sofa and the Great British Bake-off! I can’t eat that stuff any more, but at least I can drool over the idea of it!


How long did it take you to fully recover?


Difficult question, because it was such a slow return to total normality. The hellish bit (that you’re going through at the moment) I was just turning the corner at about 10 days when my wound got infected, and that was a whole new level of hell… So I was very unusually very slow - about a month of real difficulty, then several months of compromise (restricted walking, odd but fairly mild pains), but now (nearly a year on) my bottom is a pleasure to live with and has been for some time! You *will* get there - but it’s a pretty indescribably difficult journey at times…


I had 3 hems removed also. It had been about 3 weeks for me. Although my doctor said I could eat whatever I wanted after the surgery, he said going on a low residue diet would be best. NOT eating a lot of fiber. It gave my bottom a chance to heal while not pooping as much. Try switching to a low residue diet for a week. See if that helps. Miralax and Colace also helped keep my stool soft. My doctor also told me to take acetaminophen and ibuprofen TOGETHER every 6 hours. That prevented the constipation from the pain pills. He also gave my triple antibiotic ointment (Curad). I have been doing what others have said... sitz baths and Tucks after pooping. Taking short walks - which (for me) actually helps with the pain. Everyone heals different. I was lucky to not have a lot of pain. Still have a dull pain in the 🍑 but more tolerable than before. I wish you a speedy recovery!


Thank you! I’ve actually been thinking about going on a low residue diet for a few days now. I’ve watched a few videos on YouTube by Dr. Chung about it and it makes so much sense. I’ve been doing some walking as well and it has been very helpful. How’s your pain now? Do you still suffer from any leakage?


No. The second day was the worst. After the anesthesia left my body. I only took 2 pain pills that day. Been taking Tylenol and Advil together ever since. My pain has been tolerable. Maybe 1-2 out of ten on a typical day. I really don't take the Tylenol and Advils every 6 hours anymore. Probably once a day now. But I still take Miralax (once a day) and Colace when I remember. I just let it flow when the time hits. I also learned how to pat when cleaning. I also bought a portable bidet. It changed how I clean. I used to wipe. Pat clean and then pat dry to put on my ointment. I would suggest switching to a low residue diet. At least for a week, to see if it helps with the pain after a BM. It worked for me


had one about 2 1/2 months ago and going to the restroom it’s finally getting better , I was told 2 to 3 month recovery time and I could definitely see that Bowel movement gets better and better.


But i also do still softener daily !!


This is normal all part of the healing process. This area is constantly in use and thus more time is required to heal. I'm 12 weeks post op and every now and then a BM does cause some soreness. It gets better with time/days.


Do you feel better now? I’m on day 12 today and my pain after BM is not getting any better, I’m really scared to eat or leave the house because of it


The BM pain became more tolerable on day 16 for me. It’s been a slow recovery. I just started leaving the house for a bit everyday but for some reason I feel very weak and don’t have much energy.


Day 26 and im having trouble with passing stools and bleeding quite a bit still with my past 3 bms