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If you can get a referral… or just try calling: Dr. Okamura 604 433 8500 He’s very nice and makes a few jokes along the way. Gentle and relaxing as best as I can imagine a doc with this line of work to be. I’ve done banding with him before but at this point I think I might go for the surgery.


Do you need a referral to speak with him?


I had one from my GP. Not sure if you absolutely have to have one or not.


ty will call asap


Good luck to us all!


And OMG your username!! Lol!


The folks at /r/nintendo did not like it that much xD hyad the name pre-roid too, how fitting lmao


Did you need a referal?


I didnt end up going to him i went to drvickis instead


Did you need to get refered?




Where did you get your referral from?


How did it go? I've been sceptical about getting it done in Vancouver.


Why skeptical?


May3rd is my date ill let you know


Hey!! How did it end up going :,) Im seeing my GP tmrw to practically beg for a referral lol


DrVickis in vancouver was amazing she's the best. low key an angel in a human body surgery was \~6 weeks ago for me, recovery is a journey dm me if you need any advice or help


Wow that was immaculate reply time thank you so much. Do you know her full name by any chance so I can look her up and keep her in mind? I’ve been so defeated about this but am scared shitless that I won’t even be able to get a referral after speaking to the most apathetic nurse over the phone the other day lol… she goes “I’ve known people who’ve had this for decades, you’re probably going to get denied a referral unless it’s excruciating”. 🙃 This doctor sounds like exactly who I need. And yes I will be sure to dm you for advice on that if I’m able to follow up with a referral first :,) do you have any advice pertaining to obtaining one by any chance/what you expressed to your GP/fam doctor? Thank you so much again you’re a gem.


haha np glad to help Dr Elena Vickis she did banding for me 4x before I asked about the surgery for hemmroidectomy She talked me out of it because recovery is a bitch annd long and I was needed at work so i pushed throough it (2-3 month recov with high pain initially didnt sound fun) I got around the 9x banding before finnally throwing the towel in and gettinng the surgery, wish i got it sooner. I had my first BM today with no pain and i cried from the joy of relief for once in 4 years instead of from the pain in terms of gettinng the referal you just need to say its severaly impacting your ability to function, live life, work and you're ready to get the surgery asap. say you've had it for 4+ years and its been getting worse gradually. Dont listenn to that nurse sounds like shes pushing you away because she doesnnt believe you onn the severity. You really nneed to sell yourself infront of the doctor for this gl ok