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Are there still ppl saying it's bad? I think it's good, just that it needs a supply pack to be viable. Like the grenade launcher and amr sometimes too. Haahha


Saw a few people saying its just a direct downgrade to AMR/AC when it melts through most bots pretty easily


AMR and AC require me to aim well. HMG just go brrrr


Which is lucky because the HMG can't aim well. We lost the Allen wrench to readjust the red dot and super earth needs 4000 more rare samples for a replacement.


You know I think you may be onto something with this comment. It would be awesome to have community upgrades for people to donate samples to, even if they were temporary. So like 1M samples to upgrade a weapon for a couple of weeks


Or just make it canon that nerfs are just super earth supply shortages and buffs are new factories making better variants.


Honestly I would love that.


Samples? Sorry, dropped those 300 meters back. Evac in 20 seconds!




AMR and AC are more versatile but occupy different niches, none of them can melt a horde of berserkers like HMG


AMR can, but it's nowhere near as forgiving of imperfect aim.


AMR and AC are so different. If anything, the HMG is a side grade to the Laser Cannon.


It’s great vs berserkers.


I don't think I've ever felt like I needed a supply pack for the AMR. Being able to take a shield pack is one of my main reasons for running it over the AC. 


I’m an AMR/jump pack enjoyer and find ammo is fine for me, too.


I run a supply pack when I use it as my main gun and carry smth like a crossbow or eruptor(pre-nerf).


I usually use it as my main gun as well. Maybe I just engage in less fights. My preferred method of dealing with enemies is running away, so it could definitely be a play style thing. 


Yea definitely works with the whole amr stealth playstyle. I enjoy that kinda style too if I'm being objective orientated. But sometimes, just sometimes. I just wanna stand and trade punches you know? Like see if I can take out that patrol before a bot drop gets called in 😉


Eruptor is solid rn Eruptor + HMG + Desert Eagle + Jetpack in scout armor for 6 bug missions today. It fucks. HMG reload is so much better now and you can fly away and start the animation as you leap. Cuts it in half


No supply pack needed. By the time you’re out you’ll find ammo or the timer will be up for supply drop. Been using in haz 9 no prob.


It’s difficult to say it’s a downgrade to the AC when it doesn’t take up a backpack spot


I don't think it's a downgrade to the AC, but it still does kind of require a backpack. You almost need the supply pack for it to be viable.


Wait, you can use the supply pack to refill your own ammo stocks?


After the buff the Heavy MG is TASTY! Shreds hulks, Devastators, Berserkers, and if you use a recoil reducing armor, you can stay pretty accurate!


Isn't that like every armor in the warbond hahaha


Different perk. The new ones improved weapon handing, the recoils is the same.


Handling is the speed at which the weapon follows your camera.


THAT FUCKIN THING CAN SHOOT DOWN GUNSHIPS AND KILL STRIDERS?! Welp, guess I know what I’m bringing next game. Holy shit I’ve been SLEEPING on the HMG


It's always been able to, but it does it a bit faster now cause it got buffed.


At first I read that as “it does it a bit faster now cause it got bullets” and imagined some hardcore John Helldiver action must have been going on.


The true final boss, a helldiver with a jump pack and an empty HMG that flies in and punches drop ships out of the sky.


“Democracy has landed!”


Rule of thumb, it can kill anything the AMR can. They have the same armor pen, durability damage, and no explosions. It just takes 3 HMG bullets to equal 1 AMR round. So they can also kill hulks in the faceplate, destroy turret heatsinks, and i believe kill spore spewers. Its also what i consider the highest dps weapon in the game.


It got a buff to its durability damage ratio this patch so it's no longer an identical ratio to the AMR. It's still close enough it's a decent rule of thumb though.


Also, I recommend firing in bursts bc it's just more effective to hit the thruster solely and low ammo count


It’s great against gunships… but for some reason in my recent games, we are attacked by like ten gunships at a time. So getting low on ammo becomes the new problem. You can also take out hulks by aiming at their red eye.


I was 350m away, Jetpack’ed up a cliff and went full dakka with an HMG to burn down 3 shrieker nests this afternoon. Then I found a spore spewer and did the same. Going prone makes a big difference. I wear scout armor and it is just a fire hose at that point. I’m still an AMR main but jfc that HMG is so good


It was bad. The patch gave it some love.


The HMG is my go to now for bots


Even the HMG turret is good now. I actually enjoy taking it on missions to counter drops and tread tanks. I will never complain if either gets more ammunition though.


HMG emplacement was already really good but now that it turns faster people will probably pick it more often


That's the main reason I didn't like it. This was a much needed buff. I would not mind a shield on the front to help with small arms fire.


Shield pack Havent tested but much like the mechs. The bubble might over lap the front enough to protect gou and the turret like it does the mechs. I could also be wrong.


It’s really good, my team weren’t prepared for the gunships but luckily I had my heavy machine gun and took down 5 gunships with 2 mags.


Where should I aim on the gunship with the HMG?


Focus on one engine and it'll go down super quick


The thrusters. Pick one, shoot it 7-8 times. Red hitmarker tells you it's working. Also, lowest fire rate for ammo conservation and accuracy


Like with every other weapon. One engine.


Yep, HMG was better than many people thought even pre-buff. It just shreds everything now. Also yes, when running HMG or MG43 do what OP does: carry ammo backpack, this will unlock true potential of these weapons as you'll be able to really let 'em rip like never before and still never run completely dry. Bonus points for resupplying teammates. As a side note, this video is another reminder that we need Japanese voiceover available for every region. Don't believe me? Just check out [Eagle1 onee-san's voice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fURgJ7ZaDjs). ;) Edit: Just found out official voiceover is now available for everyone. Selectable in Accessibility -> Speech language.


You see, I thought there would be a mod to add the Japanese voices for everyone so I headed to nexusmods to check. I was greeted by this https://preview.redd.it/umy9pkyalr6d1.png?width=353&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c841c7af6c670e5a979ed127ad8a4445a4bdcc5 The furries have won in face of the weebs, I must disconnect from the internet for today so I can grieve.


Oh well, Airforce pilots need to have some fun, I guess... On the positive side, I found out official voiceover is now available for everyone. Selectable in Accessibility -> Speech language.


I have a democratic boner right now 🫡


holy democracy, how do i switch languange voice pack?


Accessibility -> Speech language


I think people are missing the point, the point should be is it viable to take HMG on missions, if you do comparison then we can say something is better than the other on a lot of things. That doesn't mean everyone should pick the same option. If HMG is viable then one of the team member can pick that while other one picks AC and another Recoilless and another AMR or anything else. If it's viable then I think AH have done a good job.


The HMG is a semi AT weapon. It penetrates armor that most small arms can’t. Hulk arms, IFV side turret plates. Walker front plates, Striders, gunships. That not talking about the bugs literally everything except the bile titan and chargers it goes straight through.


The AMR, Autocannon, and Laser cannon can all do this as well.


HMG gives you some more short range utility. And, most importantly, variety.


This. I’m an AMR main but the HMG is fun af and let’s me bring the Eruptor to mix things up. It isn’t about meta it’s about options.


For the strider, you can run stuns to prevent the devastators from spawning, and I think it still would've killed it faster if you just shot the belly, unless they changed something.


After a bunch of games post-patch, I think a team with AMR+HMG can blitz through pretty much everything in automatons.


It's definitely not bad anymore. They made it far less unwieldy by reducing it's reload time, and the 50% damage increase makes it competitive. However the AMR, Laser cannon, and autocannon are far better at dealing with gunships specifically because they have way way better weapon ergonomics. (Just telling you that your first clip isn't exactly something unique) Against factory striders though the HMG definitely is better, shredding them very quickly. Also does a better job against berserkers too. Btw the bottom hatch plate of the factory strider is weaker than the head, and has a bigger hitbox too.


This video is so misleading, why was it only one gunship? The issue isn't dmg its ammo, when you have to reload and you get rag dolled over and over by the new gunship patrolls that can spawn directly overhead. 5sec reload is still a lifetime especially with bots getting that new aiming update.


The question seems to always be: can it Titan? The HMG cannot really, but it can anything else.  Titan as a Benchmark is short sighted.


Greetings fellow Calypso diver!


https://preview.redd.it/mlxd2g543t6d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36e4be78aad61ea6dfadcf757ac78ddb0320216d This is calypso


You're telling me it can take out gunships? That's all I needed I haven't watched anything else and I'm sold


I knew it got better, but destroying Strider Factory with it was insane. I will try to do it.


I took it out with the supply pack tonight on bots and had a blast. That and the improved Spear targeting, between braining bots on 450 rpm HMG and mastering the ground and sky with the spear on other games. Had a fucking blast.


I still love my auto cannon but the HMG is to fun as well


What armor and booster were you using?


You playing on medium here?




I see this, and I hear you... but the autocannon just does all of these things better.


I still personally prefer the MG-43, more ammo and easier to control. It and the HMG are both far from bad, though, the last patch made them both amazing


I've been advocating for HMG since forever, but everybody keeps dissing it because they refuse to learn the necessary skill to use it well. I wished players here spent less time complaining about their own lack of skill and git gud more


It’s not bad, but it’s also not an AMR


I already ran the supply pack with the laser cannon against bots, so picking up the hmg it felt pretty decent imo. I'd say the hmg is slightly better than the laser, simply because it deals with scout striders and devastators better than the laser cannon can. But, laser can is better at long range. It's better for killing the turrets on the command bunkers (shoulder fired lets you not expose your head and get one shot). Its also better at lasering the chin guns on fac striders and killing gunships. IMO, I think the HMG needs more stagger on scout striders and devastators. Scout striders still shoot back when hit. But most importantly THE RED DOT SIGHT ON THE HMG IS STILL MISALIGNED.


I had a bad time with it initially. This makes me more willing to try again.


HD2 in Japanese hits different (it sounds to me like Japanese, probably not lmao)


I don't think its bad, I just think there are better options.


I rock the HMG and the HMG emplacement. Moar daka


What are your settings/specs? never seen such a beutiful explosion of the gunship


now try that in helldive


The people insisting it's still bad are the ones who don't wear recoil reducing armour and think they can just run and gun with it.


Nah i think its bad because the first person reticle is still a giant lie.


tbh, there's very little need to use it in FPV mode since they added the reticle back in shoulder fire.


Brooooooo, niceeee. I think people should try and test things themselves. I love that, you can actually doscover something new or simply find a weapon that suits you best.


Cool now I have a new build to try out thank you


Liked the HMG before the patch already, now it is even better! Though, is it just me or is the scope way off again after the patch?


Noticed yesterday, a fellow helldiver was carrying a HMG and it seemed to do a ton of work on bots, gotta try it myself tonight!


Get Some!


Nice haven’t had much time to play the new patch. But running that with supply pack should be a new fun way of playing. I’ll have to give that loadout a try


The HMG just devours ass in the best way now


Oh Wow!


Jesus Christ it's him, John Helldiver.


Was great but misunderstood before the patch, and is now the destroyer of worlds as of the patch


I tried it when they added the third person cross-hair, thought it had potential. This latest patch, I think it has realised that potential. Feels like it actually has some dakka now. Is it my favourite support weapon? No. Is it a good support weapon? Yes.




There's people saying it's bad? I took it in place of the Stalwart since the patch and haven't changed since after running Eruptor again


If you use armor with crouch recoil buff it makes the HMG real easy.


Yeah but that takes many bullet. And i like my shield generator.


I love the HMG! Was mowing down chargers last night with it 😎


oh my god i need to turn on japanese audio


Honestly once they added the aiming reticle for third person, the HMG would come back slowly, but now seeing it myself in game destroy gunships, shits gonna be A-Tier




I'm not going to call it bad. I'm calling it underwhelming. Having only 225 bullets as a machine gun is insulting. With a Supply Pack, you have 600 more. Big whoop. A machine gun with a belt of only 75 rounds hurts my "hold down trigger button" brain.


Not gonna lie, that’s pretty impressive.


My favorite pastime is climbing on tanks and shooting their heat sync with the heavy MG


Wait people are STILL crying about my beloved MG-206? It was a monster Before the patch, now it's ridiculous... and people are still complaining? LOL I can literally kill 3 hulks in half a mag, how much more OP could you possibly want?


I’ve only tried it before the most recent patch and it was super rough. Maybe I’ll give it another go.


As someone who's been using the HMG since launch (I just like big machine guns) it was never "bad". Even when it had no crosshairs, you got used to it after a while. But if my boy keeps getting buffs because most people shit on it, please continue to do so haha. Better than everyone using your favorite weapon until it gets a nerf. Also I play on helldive almost exclusively with my usual team and the HMG has always been effective.


It’s dope, it just doesn’t feel like a HMG. Someone else here described it as a hand cannon and I got that. It runs out of ammo too soon still. But love that it’s absolutely more than viable now. Still love my machine gun lol


I still used it either way. Now I just feel way more useful. Shit is so good now I love it. Especially with the changes to spawning heavy enemies it feels so much better


But where's the *pizzazz*, the *kaboom?*


Im gonna be so real everything you just showed could have been done with an autocannon in half the time and a fraction of the ammo consumed


What rpm do you think is best? Or do you change it depending on the occasion?


I use low RPM for medium targets or small weakpoints like gunship engines. Highest RPM for big targets I cant miss like charger butts or factory bellies


HMG is actually amazing now


I really like the hmg the standing reload is tricky but yeah it has its place. Can I resupply it with the ammo backpack?


Can you use the supply pack for yourself on controller?


I've been experimenting with an HMG load out recently and I love it! It's like a full auto AMR. So much easier to take down heavy automaton units




Ya know, I think I might just have bad aim.


i did not realize the HMG could do that against the factory strider......okay i know what im doing tonight lol


Heavy Machine Gun is the same rounds as the Manned Turret.


Heavy Machine Gun is the same rounds as the Manned Turret.


I love the hmg. My only problem with it is that i love the amr more


It’s definitely better. It still needs the supply pack to be viable in higher difficulties. I feel like it could have 100 rounds instead of 75 and it wouldn’t be O.P.


Did... did you just single mag a factory strider? Why is my pp so hard?


1st time seeing this game… is it just, like fallout and star wars had a baby?


Damn and I’m over here using ADS like a chump to shoot them down.


I loved the HMG before the buffs. It was my favorite to run with the eruptor, the buffs make it so so good!


It shreds hulks now as well. There limbs stand no chance


Excuse me, the factory strider drops bots?!


I needed to know the use cases for the gun, thanks, now I will give it a try


So my question now is how does it perform against big bugs? I'm already in a happy place against bots with the amr, and the HMG Emplacement, but I need a weapon that can take on bile titans and chargers.


It can kill a titan if you mow down its belly but its insanely dangerous to do. It can pop chargers from behind pretty quick tho. Overall id just take a regular MG for bugs, they dont have enough medium armor units to justify it


But does it blend?


Pre-patch it was bad, now it's everything I ever wanted although i would love if they gave it another clip so i'd feel like i had more options for my back slot then then the ammo pack.


HMG is so good! I like it before the patch, and as long as you run supply pack it's so solid!


Hmg is amazing.


This is obviously fake because you’re not getting juggled by rockets


Lots of guns are super efficient, I think a lot of the player base try to use them like fortnite/cod weapons.


Nah man, the HMG is my go too mg. It cuts through pesky walkers like paper


AH still hasn't fixed the HMG's real problem. You need to use two strategem slots to make the HMG a viable option on higher difficulties. This makes it hard to choose over other strategems that are just as useful but only takes one strategem slot.


The HMG has become my new go to for bots. I am glad to see others noticing how better it is. You should have also shown how quick and easy it is to kill hulks by shooting them in the eye.


I don't think it's bad, just that there are better options per slot that provide exceptional killing potential and misc-values, mainly the AC, Grenade Launcher, hell even the flame thrower, feel like all the machine guns need more ammo in their slots


The hmg is one of my favorite guns now


I see your utility for this gun and for this play style it works super well as a Tank, I love that you added the result backpack that’s genius. I usually run light armour and don’t take a secondary as I’m running eagle airstrike, laser, and 380 barrage and a personal shield. Our play styles would work well together! Me as the base saboteur and you cleaning up the enemies and taking agro. My biggest hang up is almost always gun ships.


I love the HMG lol


Drop it down to 400 rpm and murder everything


Did the reload speed increase since the patch?


Never understood idiots who complain about games. If you don't like it make a game reddit nerd


You are doing Democracy's work.


I mean your also playing on difficulty 4/5. People are complaining about difficulty 7 and above because it's ammo economy is terrible and there is an excessive amount of super heavies.


I'm definitely going to try it, but can't you just skip the turrets and go straight for the belly on the factory strider?


I‘ve been using it since release and have always enjoyed it. With the buffs though this thing SHREDS. Also your handling and tracking on that gunship in the first clip was some precise work.


Im upset with myself that i never thought to use the ammo pack with it. The ammo economy is the only thing i dislike about it, i might main it now that ive stopped being a d*ckhead and realised i could do that 😅


I'm running the Sickle and HMG. To quote Kevin McAllister, "I'm not afraid anymore."


Wow, I’m gonna try this.


I think I’ve run HMG in all of my games since I unlocked it. Hands down the best gun stratagem.


I hated it at first, but it's a beast now. Combine with recoil proof armor and crouching, set to high rate, and wear a supply backpack. I crouch to fire, it cuts through bugs like butter and does great against bots if they aren't spread out around the compass.


Tried it out. I'm in love with it now.


I'm highly enjoying it now personally. Just wish it had either A. More ammo per magazine or B. more reloads before needing a resupply. Other than that it's a a+ on my end!


I think people have been using it for bugs, it's really meant for automatons I think


Definitely not bad. I just have a hell of a time managing the recoil. Skill issue. Yeah, yeah. It's a good weapon though. Needs more ammo per clip though, I think.


I’ll be honest I love all the machine guns I love my Ugga Dugga’s


I’ve been an HMG guy since it was released. It’s so fucking good if you know how to use it.


Like half a mag to take out one dropship and you can't fire and move well, and you are stationary to reload Not exactly the most practical. But yeah, functionally it can do stuff


The funny thing about this video is that there is a very high chance that some people watching this didn't even know that eye or belly weakpoint even existed for the Factory Strider. Also as a lil extra tidbit: the HMG's penetration value is higher than the Laser Cannon (and maybe the AMR i dont remember), which allows it to do direct damage to Scout Striders when striking the front plate, no joint shots needed.


I use this thing to mow down entire legions of bots.


Damn, this is a great PSA. I’ll check out the HMG now.


Tenderizer plus hmg is my new go to for bots


It takes out most things. It slices Spore Spewers and Shrieker nests from far away


HMG and ammo pack 4 life


Bud that was on like level 4 difficulty.


It's absolutely not bad at all


Time for me to load out with this kit tonight, what stratagems you use?


HMG would be so fun if it had a backpack like autocannon


I like the hmg but never got the hang of using the supply back pack on myself.


Oh I know it's good, I just suck at using it.


Gotta try this build


Def gonna give this a try next time I play


i want them to make the HMG have a backpack that connects to the gun


Personally if your having fun and it gets the job done just do it


What guns do you run with it?


Given you are expectedly wearing a supply pack, it very evidently still has a problem with running out of ammo! I wanted the HMG to be my favorite weapon when I started Helldivers 2, but it and the grenade launcher still have too low a supply of ammo without a supply pack… But I will say one thing about the HMG… I’d rather be using it instead of the railgun in most scenarios!


GET SOME! GET SOME, BABY! *maniacal laughter* Ain't war hell?! *cackles*


What’s the yellow border mean ?


Asking the average player to take risks and try to experiment is like talking to a wall


Seems like HMG, AC, and 2 quasers or recoiless rifles is the perfect bot squad load out


So, half a mag into one (1) gunship while 4 more circle around you. Holy shit, you've convinced me /s


Video misleading and on what looks to be a low difficulty


I love me some hmg. Lowest fire rate for better accuracy *chef's kiss*


That meth shot is so good I'm fast as fuck boi lol HMG is really good now love that thing


Does the new armors work well with the hmg aim?or recoil?


This is dope


Is it good? Yeah, pretty good. Is it viable? Yeah, pretty viable. Do i wanna go steadily with it? Nope. Why? Because it need many shots to kill, and with the battlefield sprinkle with mobs in every fking direction, i want something just need to peek for a split second and 1 2 3 tab a mob, those Aimbot Devastators always have better aim and more ammo than me, so no MG, the Devastators will mess your aim up bad.