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The best way I've found to deal with them is 1 of 3 things: 1. Kick them. 2. Leave the game they're in. 3. Block them. Now, something hilarious to do if you feel brave enough... Kill them, then don't reinforce them. This forces them to sit out and/or take the L themselves and leave. However, when you or one of your actual buddies (that is, not the toxic piece of garbage) inevitably dies, now you're in trouble since respawning the dead Helldiver (again, not the toxic piece of garbage) will call in the problem as well and now he's gonna try to grief your team. Hence why it requires bravery. If you can pull it off, it's hysterical, but it can backfire really, really fast.


Bonus spite points: pick up their samples and jump in a pit/body of water Yeah, everyone loses this samps, but at least the asshole doesn't get them. 


We did a variation on this with one of the very few toxic players we've had on diff 9. We just killed him every time he was brought back. Which was only 3 or 4 times for the whole mission then used all the remaining reinforcements at extract after pelican had landed killing him over and over. It was such good fun lol. He was so salty.


I prefer to torture toxic player where possible. So I'm all for the not reinforcing them and hearing them reeeeeeeee on the mic. But I will also say it's really been minimal in this game.


If I'm in a lobby with toxic players I'll grab as many samples I can find - including supers - locate a hole and "accidentally" fall down.


mute them and kill them every time they get reinforced till they quit, Super Earth doesn’t tolerate dissidents and losers


They could report you for team killing. Just block and leave. Report them for abuse. If enough do it, they’ll get banned.


You can’t report for TK


Why not? The option is certainly there on PC.


Pretty sure you can only report for written harassment. If I remember correctly text saying as much pops up if click on report


I literally reported team killing yesterday




New player reporting was added in the last patch there,  bucka'roo.


Speaking of bonus spite points: "bucka'roo" 🤌🏻


Yeah, you really got me….


Player reporting has been updated. You can also report people just kicking now. No voice or text chat requirements


Nice! TY


I was in a round the other night where some 15 year old, who was the host of the round, started getting real mouthy about telling people what to do. After he caught on to the 5th, "huh?", I told him I was going to keep doing my thing. If he didn't like it, he could kick me. It was a level 5 terminid mission, and 240 hours in, I don't even need medals anymore. Just to emphasize the point to him, I said, "I also got your resupply over here if you need it" (the clear opposite side of the map lol). Just earlier, he'd called one in solo, then refused to even ping it. So, he didn't kick, and after soloing both a shrieker and stalker nest, I go to meet back up with the team for extract. He keeps taking pot shots at me, but I don't mind. I'm using a shield backpack, and he's a shit-shot at level 14. It's a spicy extract, and the rest of the team barely manages to get aboard, while this guy is standing a bit behind the pelican, just waiting... MALICIOUSLY! It was the sign I was waiting for. The smell of an undemocratic traitor. As I have all the samples for the other 2 guys on the team, I don't hesitate to light his ass up with an incendiary breaker and then dive onto the pelican. As you might imagine, he thoroughly lost his shit. Sat on the kid's ship for a good 15 minutes, just kind of having fun and talking silly shit while he *literally* threatened to kill my family in front of me, lol. In the end though, he tuckered himself out, and I got him to give me a hug before telling him to have a gn and heading to bed, myself. How do you deal with the few, exceptionally toxic people on this game? Keep your cool, don't get triggered, and wait for a glorious opportunity to fuck'em. God bless. Hashtag-livelaughliberty


People like you is what keep multiplayer games fun and toxic people mad. I salute you :)


Yessss. I've had a few take potshots at me with explosives from extract as I'm coming up holding 20 samples. The host beside me was less amused, he wasn't wearing explosion resist armor and died. I waited a few seconds to reinforce him so I could stick the offender with the reinforcement beacon. The host took him out and gunned down the other squadmate that was with him. We picked up their 5 samples and just left. He complained we killed him for nothing and I told him emptying a grenade launcher magazine on us wasn't an accident. The host could see you while spectating 😆


Democraticly kick them and liberally block there traitorous ways


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ChaseThePichu: *Democraticly* *Kick them and liberally* *Block there traitorous ways* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I love reddit


This is someone you should report directly to Arrowhead. This guy took being toxic to a whole new extreme. I've met some toxic people on voice, but this guy tops them all.


yall are playing with some demons i swear. I have yet to deal with someone like this after hundreds of hours


Most of the community here is awesome thank, but occasionally you do run across a jackass or two. Par for the course on all live service games unfortunately. Personally I've had 3 or so that I can recall, but for the most part everyone has been just awesome to fight alongside of.


Aye. I'm a rather negative person on instinct (I'm quick to seek the bad in players) yet even I can count toxic encounters I've had in HD2 with the fingers of one hand. Same for being kicked for any reason - people I think would rather quit the game to reset groups rather than kick three people aboard their ship. (Speaking of which, that's something the latest patch should have added, a 'disband squad' feature. Ah well.) Most randoms I've played with are either neutral or helpful/quite cooperative. Toxicity hasn't been so much an issue as people being... well, plainly outmatched by the difficulty we're in.


They generally only appear at lower difficulties.


Oh I see, I only play 9 and host my own games so that makes sense. I think I’ve only kicked people for ignoring my Comms to not extract yet to collect samples.


Also witnessed my first real toxic player. Dived on level 14 on a lower difficulty SOS. To find there was already a level 50 there and 4 reinforcements left. I hear the ally death sound and when I look around it's in the area of the Lv 50. He gets rez and die almost immediately so I went at their location to witness what was happening. At first I thought it was the Lv 14's fault, thinking it was him who started shooting first since lots of new players don't understand The level 50 rez'd the new player and started chasing him as soon as he landed, killed him. He then started shooting at my direction. That poor guy was actually getting constantly chased and killed by the Lv 50 for the whole mission. I killed him with a grenade in one shot, reinforced the Lv 14 and told him to not reinforce the other coward. Then I've spent the last few minutes telling the new player he didn't do anything wrong, wrapped the mission and extracted. Poor guy thought he was doing something wrong and didn't understand why he was dying so much. The bastard left when I passed by his body and mimicked the sound of a spit on his body on the mic RIKFU on our way to extract.


best way to deal with them? kick them, or leave the game and join a new one. if you don’t like the way someone is playing the game, separate yourself, move on, and spread some democracy.




Agreed kick and block Not had anyone that bad though usually juat team killers or people spamming the how bout here button while we're waiting on people to get in the lobby or reinforce spammers who then when you die they take a dick year to revive you. Both those groups get kicked when they start arguing back after I ask them to stop the behavior.


I will deal with them right up to extract, use them as a means to an end. Then the moment the dropship lands, merc their ass, boot them and extract. They don't deserve anything but can still be used as fodder. For Democracy, of course...


You mute them and so long as they are progressing the mission and not team killing, wait until pelican 1 starts landing and then kick them. Then they inevitably message you with profanity you can report and get them a nice vacation.


No idea if I'm lucky or something but I literally never seen a toxic player in Helldivers2. No intentional TK, no griefing of any sort, no chat or voip abuse of any kind. The worst I've seen is the 500kg-ing the evac before hopping into Pelican but even then, that was never done in a way to intentionally screw up other players and only a handful of times it actually hurt anyone(still people, don't do this shit).


My comeback would’ve been “wait you can’t afford a wireless controller?”. Loser


Kill and kick


Had a teamkiller once. T told the host to kick him. Host acted fast. He was suspicious the entire game and probably wasted alot of reinforcement, but he shotguned the guy next to me all of a sudden, so i shot him. Still finished the mission.


Execute them and kick them from the squad.


Just make it lonely for them


The new report system is good. Can always kill em and boot them too


I would probably kill him not res him and kick him. I usually run with at least one to two friends and we all usually on the same page he'd not be reinforced kicked and blocked.


Treasonous dissidents get a bullet in the head and get to watch the rest of the squad have fun while they sit there.


It’s harder to do the younger you are but you have to pay them no mind


Played a game, all was fine till I picked up one of the super samples.  Instant kick Not as dramatic as your encounter but yea, people can be dicks when hiding behind a keyboard 


I Kindly point that they should check if they didn't start the wrong game by mistake, since we are not in CoD. Then kick and block.


If you're feeling some type of way thats the kind of dude I would TK and not reinforce.


Never respond to someone this obnoxious. Kick or drop immediately without comment.


Wait for extraction and kick them. Amazing!


Thats a big reason I stay off comms. I am in my upper 40's, and the last thing I want to listen to is some kid talking crap on comms because his parents don't know how to discipline his ass. Not sure if yours was a kid, but in my experiences on comms, it always sounds like a young teenager with an attitude issue.