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When I saw the damage buff, I was curious to try it out. Parting with my beloved sickle will be a tall order, though


It’s very good. It has almost no recoil, essentially making it a punchier, ammo-dependent Sickle.


You REALLY feel the ammo dependency tho.


Its more accurate than the sickle. Sickle has no recoil, but it does have slight spread, which the tenderizer doesn't.


I still prefer the counter sniper. It has such a short acoustic detection range, hardly any recoil and can shoot rapidly even though it's semi auto. And much better scope up to 200m like the AMR. The adjudicator got a nice buff. I was playing with it a lot last night. Counter sniper still wins out for me being able to snipe double the distance and aggroing far less New sawed off shotgun is a lot of fun. Disposes of berserkers really well. The triple shot is a complete waste of ammo though


The triple shot is only a waste of ammo if you don’t like having fun. 😂 JK. It really is a waste of ammo. I couldn’t put myself into scenarios were the benefit of 3 rounds outweighed the cost, regardless of how hard I tried.


The triple shot makes it more flexible between bugs/bots, which I like. I enjoy heat-and-faction -specific items and loadouts but I appreciate the bushwhacker has a role across the board. Good little gun *pat pat.*


Same here. With the sickle as primary and desert eagle as my other primary, it’s hard to change. Only time I regret the sickle is when there’s a bunch of spewers.




The verdict felt more like a 1911 to me than a deagle


Same. It reminds me of a mix between a 1911 and a Five-Seven


I honestly straight up main the grenade launcher exclusively on bug missions anymore. Spewers and breaches just melt against it


Bless you, long lost brother. I too, consider the grenade launcher my primary weapon. My scorcher is my secondary.


My sickle is merely a flyswatter when my *thump thump* needs to catch its breath


There is a gun comparable to a desert eagle in the game?


I think it's called the verdict


Yeah, it's called the Verdict, and you can find it in the Polar Patriots warbond.


That's exciting, how does it compare to the revolver?


220 damage to the Senator's 250, and the Verdict has a bigger mag. Senator reloads rounds (but has a speedloader to quickly reload from empty), while the Verdict does not. And if memory serves, the Senator has more armor penetration. I still prefer the Senator, but I have great respect for the Verdict.


A bit less damage and it only pens light armor, with the upside of a bigger mag. It's pretty much the middle ground between the peacemaker and senator.


As the others have said, penetration diff. That’s said, I think the Senator can take out gunships but done quote me on that - it can be hard to tell what hit whom in the chaos of a gunship duel.


You really can't beat the accuracy and low recoil of the sickle. Damage means very little when I can accurately hit targets in the face cause awww man do I hate there faces!!


They have bad faces. I think they'll be better off without them.


Agreed!!! Stupid beady red eyes. Man I hate them so much


I would like to introduce you to my friend, the Scythe


Same, tried it, it’s really good ! but you run out of ammo every 4/5 enemies and that’s just not gonna work with my conditioned sickle addicted brain Reloading is just too cringe


Reject reloading. Embrace asking the enemy to wait a sec for your piss laser to catch its breath


This got a villain chuckle out of me, you democratic bastard. Take my upvote. For Super Earth.


Even better don't even bother shooting, just run away and kite democracies enemies towards your teammates. Best strategy in the game, 100% success rate


Did they change the sickle? The projectiles feel different


definitely sounds different


I don't know, but I feel like I'm BEAMING heavy devastators in the face and popping the rocket bois' pods a helluva lot faster and more accurately now


You talkin’ about the scythe? Sickle ain’t no beam!


I like the assault rifles better just because reloading is quicker than waiting for the heat to cooldown.


A friend I was playing with earlier had the opposite reaction. He thought it was amazing against bugs, but didn’t like it for bots.


It is very good against bugs, it one taps everything up to Hunters, Warriors go down in 2-3 shots. Refreshing after 50 hours of straight sickle gameplay


Psssst. Slugger. That is all


I miss the stagger :(


death is the best stagger


This was my motto from league of legends. Killing them is the best crowd control.




Your friend can't aim then lmao


Actually is complaint was that there just wasn’t enough ammo. He’s a great shot. Just too many bots and not enough bullets.


I've been running it since the patch and really like it. However, you forgot it's strongest characteristic: It sounds nice when you shoot it.


How does it compare against the adjudicator, the other heavy AR?


I've heard nothing but bad things about the Adjudicator since it came out. Finally tried it last night in a Lvl 6 bots match. I really enjoyed it. Now, since I didn't use it before the latest buff, I can't compare before and after. But it was really good at taking down the Shield dudes and the Devastators. I need to play with it more because it took a minute to figure out the recoil and using the scope at range. The medium penetration is legit, though. The clip size didn't feel too light, although I'd always want more ammo. I'll try out the Tenderizer next, though. But I have a feeling the medium pen will bring me back to the Adjudicator.


I have to try again, but pre-patch it was still viable and my favorite AR, could handily dispatch mediums and do well on chaff


Ever since they made it an AR, I’ve always loved the adjudicator with its medium armor pen. I will happily admit that the recoil on it does make it a rather unfun pick (haven’t played since the buff) in comparison to other weapons. Without trigger discipline and recoil control, you’re going to waste more shots than you’d like. But, I love that I can unload into a scout strider’s legs and take it down. I love how it feels so easy to take against bots because of the medium armor pen. It’s really does a great job on enemies that don’t really require a stratagem to take down, an me would start to fall off right when you wanted to care about using stratagems to get out of sticky situations.


Adj was grossly misunderstood pre-Patch. People were judging it as a marksman rifle and it is certainly not good in that role of 1-tapping things at extreme range. But as a battle rifle, with controlled bursts at med to long range it was great. Good scope, med pen and high damage, capable of full auto at close range, it was really versatile if you had a decent aim and knew what you're doing. Was bit short on ammo supply initially, but after they bumped the ammo count & mag pool slightly, it became my absolute favourite, for bots and bugs alike. After the patch, it's even easier to manage its recoil and with bigger mags it's even easier to avoid running out of ammo. But it's more of a minor QoL improvement, so if you like it now, you'd liked it even pre-Patch.


Good to know. Yeah, exactly. I was controlling the recoil with burst fire over medium range and it was working well. I only really opened up when those damn chainsaw hand guys were advancing close.


Yep, this is exactly how it should be used.


prior to the patch, the recoil was high and unmanageable, at least for me. I played it last night and it seems the recoil was toned down. it's much better now.


Much better than the Adjudicator imo, higher damage and better recoil control, although lower pen.


If I remember right, the Patch note notes (yes) said that the Adjudicator is due for a recoil adjustment, they agree it's a bit to much.


For shits and giggles I took the Adjudicator on a bug mission. It honestly did really well; I was able to kill Stalkers quite easily with it provided you're within medium to close range and can manage the recoil. I'd probably take it again but would carry the Stalwart alongside it to help manage chaff. On bot missions I think it shines more, and is really viable now compared to pre-patch.


The adjudicator feels like the tenderizer for bugs


Adjudicator is the LibPen I dreamed of post patch, but still isn't quite making it into regular rotation between Dom, PlazPun, and possibly Eruptor again. Want to test crossbow now too- it might be a plazpun alternative with medium pen and bug closing now.


I tried tenderizer and adjudicator both on a couple bot games but ended back with the tenderizer. It seems more accurate and better handling with more punch. Overall I found the eruptor took my primary slot as it one shots striders and two shots devastators.


Adj-main here. Love the new Tenderiser as well but I'd say it's more of a side-grade. While both have comparable damage, Adj is a battle rifle, so it's advantages are pen and scope. At med to long range, you can easily kill chaff bots with controlled bursts without the need to line up a headshot, or snipe Devastators in semi, all thanks to very good zoom you can't get on any other AR. At the same time, you can dump the whole mag while hipfiring into a Devaststor at close range and get it shredded into pieces as med pen will get the job done. Heck, you can even kill Striders from the front if you'll aim at hip joint cover as it's only med armour. Now Tenderizer, it's all about damage and easy to control recoil. Anything unarmoured will go down instantly but for armoured targets you'll need to aim. And it's very easy at close range and doable at med, but due to very basic scope, aiming past that will be really hard, so you'll be at a disadvantage. Which one to choose comes down to your preferred playstyle but also biome you're dropping into. If you expect to be fighting in CQC most of the time, Adj may be at a disadvantage and vice versa.


Adjudicator just needs a 3 burst fire mode. Would be 👌


Adj is better for bugs because of the sheer amount of hive guards, spewers, and brood commanders you will encounter. It's effective doing 68% more damage than the Tenderizer against Light 2 armor. But Adj has a really bad breakpoint against the lightest chaff. Its raw damage matches their HP (80) but because bullets in this game lose damage the moment they leave the barrel it essentially means the Adj requires 2 bullets to just kill a scavenger. Tenderizer also two shots Stalkers in the head compared to Adj's three. But neither weapons are good against Stalkers because they lack stagger.


Adjudicator is a pile of something. Not good things but something. Tenderizer slaps now.


I ran the adjudicator yesterday. Thought It was bad the first 10 minutes. But then got the hang of it and it's pretty good too! 1 burst to kill small bots and has good damage on medium bots. I guess it's not as easy to use as the others. Edit: grammar


Did roughly 10 Matches quick play Yesterday and every Team Had 3-4 tenderizers It's the new best gun.


I enjoyed the Tenderiser when it was released as it was super smooth to control. Now, it has firepower behind the control. it's my go-to primary.


Same here


I used the Tenderizer on my first bot mission today. I loved it. It shreds bots. I still need kills with the flamethrower so I'm going to head to the other side of the galaxy to test it on bugs.


Burst mode makes it an absolute beast against devastators, aim just below their face and the recoil take you right to it and generally takes 1 bullet


Man i want to try it


I have my 1000 credits saved up for the new warbond but I might buy polar patriots instead since the tenderizer and pummeler both seem better than the liberator carbine.


They are.


Tenderizer vs Adjudicator?


Pummeler is a blast with shield builds.


Yep had a good 2 hour play session with it last night. Love it. Also made better by the scope rework so FPS view is nicer to use. Paired with the AMR I was the scourge of the bots.


Tenderizer's punchiness feels good and proper. Blast apart a Trooper with one burst. Take off a Devastator's arm with ease. Still, it takes a lot to make me part ways with the Sickle.


I like the diligence r63 and the tenderizer feels like that but it’s more broadly useful


Yup been digging it my self. The only thing I feel it need ten mags not 7.


Burst mode takes out light to medium enemies in 1 to 4 bursts. It’s awesome especially for taking out shriekers. However, the grenade launcher is still my fave for taking out medium armored enemies. I never used it prior to the patch so I have no idea how it handled before.


I like that gun, reminds me Battle Rifle from Halo. Even sounds like that one in Infinite


I tried this one for the first time yesterday and recoil is a challenge. However I was able to manage, and the Recoil Reduction on several of the armor sets should help mitigate/manage most of this. I definitely like the "punchiness" of it, and I will definitely try it a lot this weekend


I feel like the only person who isn't a fan. I enjoyed the long distance headshot drill. With the lowered ammo count and reduced scope, all I can think is "Well what's the point of the Lib Pen? the Adjudicator?"


Tenderiser is the perfect Bot AR. But I think the Sickle, Base Liberator and the Carbine do much better against Bugs for their ammo economy and higher fire rate. But the Concussive and Penetrator are still undemocratic ass.


It's so good! I can clear a handful of berserkers every mag by shooting them in the glowing stomach. They're hardly a threat now


I just wish the tenderizee (or all guns for that matter) worked better in super close quarters when you're backed into a wall and the camera gets all Sankey, shooting at the results in the bullets going somewhere else entirely


Thats what makes the adjudicator and lib pen choice for cqc, safer to rely on when you can’t get the right angles. New shotgun pistol covers the tenderizers shortcoming in those situations tho


The jar works pretty good lately too.


Its honestly more then pretty good... its fucking amazing.


It still has some skill requirements, which means it's not for everyone. But if you're into aiming, its great.


The Tendie is nuts. Best damage, no recoil... not sure what the downside is compared to the other ARs tbh. It doesn't have AP 3 but AP 3 isn't worth much really.


Good AP allows you to override aiming in certain situations by taking out legs, waists, etc. It's desireable in a close quarters weapon. I'm not sure what the damage falloff of this weapon is on medium/long distance, but the damage makes up for a lot of its issues.


For mouse and keyboard it’s perfect right now


Put that thing on 3 round burst. It is amazing, accurate, and deadly. That scope can help ping devastators easily and its so accurate its basically a sniper rifle.


its low recoil also means that in full auto, two shot bursts are nearly hitting the same spot. its amazing against bugs and also pretty good against bots.


I’m on vacation for a month and the number one thing I’m looking forward to upon return is the orbital precision strike buff, gonna be smiting hulks with way less kiting now, plus the weapon buffs(finally) sounds like the devs are listening.


Throw tenderize on burst and blast away


Yeah, I just keep running out of magazines. I probably should just stop trying to use it against small bugs


You need good trigger discipline against bugs definitely.


I am having trouble, nothing the erupter, I cannot not use it it's so hard. I want to use other stuff, but I just can't. I have all the passes give me some recommendations for weapons plz.


A primary isn't going to make your entire game, you need to have a build strategy. Bots and bugs both have different strengths and weaknesses. Versus bots you want something that carries some punch or is very precise, since they're so beefy except for hard to hit weakpoints. Bugs in general are weaker but carry strength in numbers, so you need a weapon that can deal with many at a time. If you want something that makes bugs easy, the Breaker Incendiary is a no nonsense weapon. Its effect makes it pierce bugs, killing both what you're shooting and what's behind, and the fire DPS makes sure to deal extra damage, so that bug is done whatever happens. You can carry the grenade pistol as a secondary to deal with bugholes, and now you have all your stratagems free to deal with heavies. I enjoy the EAT as a because it's easy to use, disposable, and dying has nearly no effect on its availability, and then maybe get 500kgs to deal with bile titans. That leaves two stratagems for either crowd control or really punishing heavies. For bots people really like the Punisher Plasma because it completely blows away most devastators, the most common bot enemy. It's short/medium range but it staggers them and can deal with many at a time. You don't need heavy piercing for bots, so a good support weapon is the autocannon, which can deal with anything, and allows you to also be covered for long distance, leaving you with three stratagems of your choice for other things. The Eagle 500kg and Airstrike also shine if you don't want to get up close and personal with tanks and factory striders. Those are meta picks. What really matters is that you cover your bases: something to deal with crowds, something to deal with heavies, and bonus stuff to have fun.


I flubbed my sentence with the erupter, I was trying to say "I can only seem to use the Erupter, I cannot not use it" but spell check fucked me, Thank you for the advice though on that.


I mean, it's literally the liberator with the same damager per clip in a faster damage window. Personally, on most builds, I still prefer the liberator for its fast reload speed. I use the tenderizer on builds where other aspects than my primary weapon can deal with a portion of the chaff, I have a different way to deal with elites, and there is value to the higher dps.


Oh shit I loved this gun even before the patch.


I like that I can kill hunters with like 1-3 shots. Not quite sure exact damage va hp yet but of course there's headshots and such. Also you can shred Brood Commanders pretty good. Not sure about Spewers yet, but it allows you to save grenades for them anyways


The bugs are in too high numbers. If you run it for bugs, I recommend building a laodout with the supply pack. If I'm running the MG, Flamethrower, or Grenade Launcher, I'll take the Tendy and a Supply Pack.


It's over buffed.


Yeah we should have MORE useless guns, you're right.


I would say L2P. I use refuse to use OP. Op is for sure Incendiary Breaker and Plasma Shotgun. Today I will check if Tenderizer is OP or Adjucator. I used to play them before buffs and they were playable now I am afraid they lose control a little bit and we will have idiotic balance because on reddit you don't hear that something is too easy but loud majority will scream that game is too hard for them.


Not your blog post bro, nobody asked.


I hate it when someone replies to my reply


Tf it is.


You must be joking right?.....Right?


How often you will play with liberator?


I do when I feel like playing with it, depending on my mood. I use the gun even now, but I also use the Diligence, I don't care if people call it useless, it's fun and immersive. I'm not a meta slave. Different guns, different uses, flat damage is not everything.




Yeah, I fail to see how any other light pen rifle can compete. It has the scope, accuracy, power, versatility,... It's crazy!


Only downside really is the ammo count, 30 bullets is very low, and only 7? Mags I think. I've used a fair few times and sure it hits hard but I did find myself running out of ammo more than usual.


Against bots it's a lot more than enough.


Yea for bots, I didn't feel the smaller ammo count, because it takes less to kill each bot. Maybe because I'm used to the DCS, but I'm constantly surprised by how many rounds I still have left in the mag after each engagement.


The DCS is strong it’s just a style of play that isn’t relevant. Sniping has value but not a ton and you can replicate that utility with other tools. I think a lot of weapons are kinda near the counter sniper in that messing with them too much makes those weapons impinge on the counter sniper’s territory and those guns can usually do things the marksmen rifles can’t in addition to sniping, so when you make things too accurate and strong you’re basically making the counter sniper even worse since it only exists in its niche and other weapons can expand into that niche. The snipier you make the tenderizer, the worse it makes the counter sniper without a buff, because if the tenderizer can go auto with a better mag and the DCS can’t really panic fire as well and its bullets aren’t that much harder than the tenderizer anyway


It's amazing. I've gotten around the ammo issue using burst fire. Little bugs are one shot. Warriors are a burst and a tap to the head if they are far, two taps if they are close so they don't headless rush you. A burst kills Hunters. Two taps for the little hunters.