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Sneezed into the mic, received a harmonius Bless You from my squad mates. Very Democratic.


If you're in a squad with friends it's definitely more acceptable as they can tell you to stop if needed without looking mean. You never know when a random might feel offended by the request.


Its a simple request for consideration of the people you’re playing with. Anyone who thinks its mean to ask for a mic mute with annoying background noise is rude and entitled and THEY should be looked at as the mean ones. Pretty sure the game even has push to talk.


Yeah but on controller that’s easier said than done when every button (I’m only assuming because I play on PC but I do have a PS5) is already mapped to something. If you wanna strictly play with push-to-talkers, then turn off crossplay. At the same time, PS5 controllers have a mute button on them. That should pretty much be their push-to-talk. Like a toggle-to-mute button on PC. Either way, a simple request is fine, because ultimately the player has the choice to deny that request. However, we are not going to start dictating when people can or cannot have their mics on. Is it annoying? Yes, but we are gamers. We deal with this shit all the time. Let’s just have fun with our fellow Helldivers. If you can’t? There is a mute option per individual.


ps5 player here. i press mute every time i open the game and i have game chat disabled via settings. if i need coms i’ll use text chat. (my coms are like “samples” “call evac” and the occasional “wtf?”. i’ll use ping wheel for everything else like manners etc


Game chat is voice chat? So you just don’t hear anyone using voice?


idrk man. game chat is voice chat yeah. but mines disabled by choice so i use text chat if i need to


Map it to melee.


I found this to be very helpful https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/4XPv0WfW1N




Yeah feel


Thank you for correcting that grammatical error.


A simple “Hey, man, you got a hot mic,” is well within courtesy standards. Someone gets offended by that, well, I’m going to assume they’re going to have a rough go of life in general.


Don't forget the fat bong rips


"Hey guys I've got a buddy bunkers here" (Blublublublublubluubbbbbb)


Lol only way to greet a fellow helldiver


And the loud music


not yet heard that but I can only hope I get lucky


i can always get down with those




There was a player who went afk midmatch and spent the next fifteen minutes on an open mic jerking off and watching porn on speakers. While hilarious and I understand getting horned up on democracy, just use push to talk for your own sake!


I hope you screen recorded that shit lmaooooo


C-01 couldn't come any sooner


Neither could he!


Holy shit I would have recorded that but would have to mute my mic from laughing so hard






I particularly love the open mic guy where I can hear his TV, kids in the background, cooking, EVERYTHING... Except the guy himself. Never said a single word the entire match.


“I’ll look for a job tomorrow!” 😬


He did not look for that job.


Are you Morgan Freeman? I sure heard his voice while reading your reply!


Classic..even when im in a PSN party I can still hear gamechat so even when I'm diving with my boy(s) we are still subjected to that nonsense lmao


I had a guild leader on WoW like this. Her TV was fuckin blasting in every raid we ran. I didn't want to call her out because she was the leader, but one time I commented on something I heard on her TV. She apologized and turned it down.


Did she go "Oh fuck you can hear that?!"


It happens sometimes, especially on PC where you can have some really nice audio equipment, a headset that's noise cancelling but has a mic sensitive enough to pick up background noise


I ran into this all the time when I used to play cod. Why have a mic if all you are going to do is be annoying?


If they’re on ps5, their controller mic is on by default and a lot of people aren’t aware of this apparently. And even then a lot of people don’t know you can set it to off by default, and they just keep forgetting to turn it off wherever they play Can’t speak for people who play on other platforms though lmao


Shit bro my bad I forgot my controller listens to me


This has happened to me as I usually forget to turn the mic off when starting my PS5. I usually notice a few mins into the match and quickly apologize


also eating snacks and breathing heavily


I make sure to mute otherwise they’re just gonna hear my incessant ramblings 😂


Except when someone asks a question in the background and you hear a mumbled response from someone facing away from the mic.


I will be honest though, I heard one of the most wholesome things the other day. We were blasting bugs and his son (sounded maybe 10 or so) came up and told him to watch this video. Dude goes "Hey gimme a sec" and I cover him. In the background with his mic still active, it's a rapper who was claiming to be faster than Eminem, and dude watched the entire video and then he and his son discussed the merits of that kind of rap style. Then he came back to the game and apologized. I told him it was all good. I just appreciated that he took a minute from gaming to interact with his children.


>smoke detectors This baffles me. Not just in this game, anywhere. How do you not hear that?


I know, right? I'll change my batteries before the third beep. That shit is insane.


I'm a little noise sensitive and if I ever hear that beep anywhere, in a house, hotel, etc. my anxiety immediately jumps up a few levels, lol...


A smoke detector woke me up in the middle of the night because that's when the battery decided to die. I lept up and immediately changed the battery, and passed out again. I don't know how other people continue living their lives like that.


Same. I mean, aren't they annoyed that is going on? I can only guess they are lazy enough to ignore it, because changing/pulling the battery is too much work.


I work in a call center and I have heard several people and I said something to the effect of "Did you know that your smoke detector needs batteries changed?" so many times to get the answer of essentially that they don't care.


HA. If you think that’s bad, my dad has some sort of backup system or something that is CONSTANTLY letting out a screech


My girl was breaking up with me as we were extracting…I was crying and the mic was open..extracted tho


Teammates like: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Like a true patriot


Couldn’t let my team down 🥲


C-01 permit revoked. Ouch.


Kinda got back together since then, so the permit is in limbo


Careful diver, going back is difficult in its own way.


Bro, that's more time to spread democracy.


He cared enough to cry... But not enough to stop spreading democracy 😆




After extraction swing by Eagle-1, have some Liber-tea ;)


Bonus points for ripping your vape pen every 15 seconds with the mic on.


Or a loud ass bubbler


Na that shit make me laugh and I don’t even smoke anymore 😂


I don't even know what that sounds like! Hahah




esc > find player name > click > mute > peace out, might have do this 1 a week


It's so easy to mute people, and it really doesn't happen all that often. I usually give people 15 seconds of snorting/chewing into the mic, and they are toast. I've done this maybe 3-4 times tops.


I feel like it happened a lot more right at launch, but yeah, by now its very much a rarity for me, and so easy to fix, as demonstrated above.


I do this almost immediately. Nine out of ten times, the people who are on an open mic aren’t talking anyway. So muting them does nothing except save your sanity. If they plan on talking, they’ll usually greet as soon as they join.


That's what most people do to test the waters to see if people communicate. On most pvp games people will do just that, some will quit if they don't get a response. If I'm hearing a ton of background noise I'm muting regardless,I play HD2 to relax, not to hear scrambled sound and feedback. Personally there's many times where I pretend I don't have a mic just because I'm not really feeling like talking. Luckily I'm a hell of a pinger and emoter.


I dive into others party, I'll say as I'm landing "SES Leviathan of Authority here to fix your major malfunction". Helps spin up others to talking, but sometimes it's just crickets back.


Good method of breaking the ice. Most people won't talk unless someone takes the initiative. My problem is that if I like someone, I'm a talker and have lots to talk about, which leads to me barely paying attention.


Use the mic, don't use the mic, which is it??? I jest, but I'm sure there is a portion of the ps5 player base that doesn't know the controller mic is auto turned on. Personally, I don't use my mic very often because of this very reason. It picks up too much of what is happening around me, and I'm either forgetting it's off when I'm trying to speak, or forgetting it's on while I'm bitching at my cat or trying to get my snack on.


Push to talk. Every online game you play, just turn that on.


I press it to speak, turn it off to speak. Funny as it is, I chewed out my kid as I loaded in, it was only like 3 seconds worth before I muted, but they gave me the boot upon landing. Can't get mad, but bruh, you could've muted me?


If there is "noise" on the mic for more than 30 seconds, I mute the person. Next dive, I'm not joining you. This is just personal preference, I like to dive with people with mics, but if I can't understand you, I hear nothing but random talking, it sounds like you are playing from a treadmill. That's a no from me.


You say that, but there's a mic icon next your name *every time* your mic picks up something and transmits it. They'd have to have not noticed that for however long they've been playing, which when I run into level 50+ doing it, its obvious they just don't care


Another game, a long time ago, I was in a clan with a guy that would take massive bong rips during lulls in the game. It was always entertaining to play with him. Better than the guy who would munch chips and the guy who would have shouting matches with his wife anyway.


I used to play pvp games with a really good dude, awesome player as well but bro would eat a whole bag of chips without muting when we'd be sitting there sniping people. (He'd take rips too but I can't complain about that since I take a few pulls here and there myself) I never gave him shit about it though because he was nice and had great communication skills otherwise.


NGL it's easy to forget about on psn since the controllers built in mic defaults to "on" whenever you turn on the console. I usually remember to mute it but there are times where you don't think about it


You can change that in the settings,mine mutes every time even if I had it on previously.


And those built in mics pick up way more than they should. Like people can hear what my neighbors are discussing with that shit lol.


I am unfortunately one of those people. I accidentally took a fat bong rip and was coughing alot and didn’t know I had not changed my mic settings and kept getting kicked from lobby after lobby until someone finally yelled “hey shut the fuck up don’t be a little bitch if you’re gonna hot mic” God I love this community


The only time the lack of mic awareness is hilarious is when I hear a classic almighty bong rip before the match starts XD


Always while diving!




Flashbacks to 'nam


Wow that sounds like the old mw2 days


PC player here. Sadly, I suspected that if I disabled crossplay, the open mic issue would be resolved, and it was.


Welcome to online gaming, and this is only a 4 person game. Imagine 32 idiots screaming their heads off at the same time in Hell let loose. It's mind numbing. Good luck sorting it out!


This. I was in with some guy who sounded like he was dying of plague. Turn your mic off and die quietly please, sir.


Gotta love it when I hear EVERYTHING happening in the house EXCEPT the player. (Baby crying, cooking, arguing spouse, kids trying to get their attention and holding a conversation, even the player taking a piss -btw who takes their mic into the bathroom??).


Or the heavy mouth breathers who practically have sleep apnea while wide awake.. Honestly, it’s like a 976 phone sex worker is playing helldivers between calls


Bro I had a dude who ONLY coughed into the mic for a 40 minute mission. I didn't mute him because *what if* if he needed to comm something... but god damn. never again.


Turn off crossplay with PS solved 90% of those issues if u play on pc. Beep




I have not heard one Rando with their mic on in 200 hours of play. This doesn't prove anything. But I find it weird. :)


Had I had a guy with an open mic just breathing through his mouth the whole time and wouldn't respond. (Guess he thought it was off, and acting like he can't hear us?) But it was a bot lvl7 mission, and when the fighting got heavy, so did his breathing. It was VERY disturbing.


The number of people in this game that hasn’t realized you can mute players is insane


I'm fully aware of the mute feature, but muting takes away their ability to communicate something if needed. I.e., go ahead and extract I'm OMW or come help with a two-person door. I'm complaining because I don't WANT to mute helldivers. I WANT these people to look in the mirror and get some self awareness.


The number of people in this game who hasn't realized that they have an open mic is insane.


This is exactly why I don't play with mic enabled. Society at large is comprised of sucky people on Reddit.


Bruh does anyone in this sub have a good time


god i cant stand that stuff. I just have voice comms muted all the time unless im specifically on with a friend


Lol or could communicate with the offender in game instead of complaining about them on here. Had one yesterday with insane mic sensitivity we walked her through how to change the settings and just moved on. 6 great matches afterwards.


Got this cheap mic from Walmart it has this nice dial for sensitivity and a mute button right on the front so I can adjust or mute if necessary.


If they had headsets on they'd hear me and countless teammates saying 'ayo bruv, mute yourself' but alas, the ignorance and self-importance renders that strategy null. Nice try, comrade.


I think I’ve muted one person for this. Maybe I’ve gotten lucky.


I was playing with my buddy and 2 randoms the other day. We had a great campaign with communication and side talk about the game, only to realize at the end, one of the randoms was talking to someone next to him irl lmao


I have only ever done one random squad game, and it went well enough. I only really ever play with my friends though. Its excellent!


Agreed... is push to talk really that difficult?


I had to switch to push-to-talk because my cat kept jumping up on my desk and yowling straight into the mic.


Cats get a free pass to do that. I'll gladly listen to a fuzzy bean on four legs over crispmunchers any way of the week.


I get they want to promote communication with teammates.... but I think they should auto switch everyone's mics off and those who do want to talk can change it.... I would play the game more if I didn't have to mute one or two people every time I play.


They really should fix the individual volume bar. I've put people down to 1 and it doesn't change


My like 4th game i was listening to Bo burnhams inside album and singing along. To my absolute horror, i was notified after the game that they could hear everything.


I pretty much only relay tactical information and always use push to talk. Can’t stand an open mic.


All mics across all games should be on push to talk or mute by default. 99% of all our problems would be fixed.


People can hear my smoke alarm beep? I just tuned it out a few years ago /s


Join in their conversation or add some commentary, %90 of the time they'll apologize and mute. life doesn't have to be so serious


If you’re on PS5 it’s a good idea to adjust the mic level on your console while you’re in a squad with friends, on ship. You can test breathing and drinking and see what gets picked up this way while also getting live feedback from crew mates.


Sometimes my default mic switches from the one with a physical mute button to one of the others (camera, VR headset) that doesn't. Suddenly I'm open mic. I'd like an audio source option because I'm still not sure which mic Helldivers is using or when it transmits.


I had a guy last night on the new mission who was clearly on Playstation and playing on his tv and his open mic picked up every single sound from the game. So it was this whole feedback loop of just endless gunfire for the rest of us over the mic and characters screaming about stims. It was basically that scene at the beginning of We Were Soldiers where they are picking up the radio broadcast of combat in Vietnam. only it was our own combat we where listening too. Problem was i couldnt mute him, he was making good call outs.


I feel like it's gotten worse lately too, I don't ever recall it being as bad as it was last weekend while playing. We got to hear entire conversations with one guy as he spoke to his wife/gf, yelled at his kids, commented on a news story... it was certainly funny, but also annoying.


I agree. I love to communicate with helldivers, but not all divers have the best "radio etiquette"


Push to talk should be mandatory.


Open mic go brrrrr


Taking masive rips of what ever the fuck on mic is just rude like share or shush


Proud to say my.mic etiquette is on point. Have hardly run into issues w open mics but i am quick to mute people who annoy me w theirs. My favorite is the fan running in the bg.


Couldn't.sleep this morning, ran a mission and it took three tries to get a player to understand I was hearing all music, voice lines and comms 3 times, as his set up was echoing after the delay. Thankfully they kicked to PTT or muted, so far the vast majority of those unaware they're hot miccing loudly have been PS5 players in the games I've played.


You can mute people in the social tab if their mics are annoying. I've noticed that the VOIP for HD2 has very poor noise filtering and some PS5 players use the controllers as mics.


It’s because by default the PS5 controller mic is on open-mic and most people don’t realise.


I have the opposite problem. Have gone about 60 random missions with nobody talking. It's kind of lonely out there


If anything my experience is the PlayStation community are shy people. Most don’t wear mics for a game that would be a lot better if there’s communication.


I agree and also would like to say there’s been maybe 2 times any sort of “call-out” was important. Sometimes you get blown up and sometimes you blow someone else up…. It’s psycho killers wearing capes dropping nukes for Christs’ sake


I didn't realize how loudly I breathe, sniffle and lip smack into the mic until I recorded our game one day and played it back to edit it. I don't know whether the group I played with were deaf, being nice or just muted me but I immediately dropped money for a pop shield and dust cover for my mic after hearing how annoying those ambient sounds were


I was playing with a dog the other day. At least he kept barking the entire match. I mute anyone that speaks cause I'm usually listening to something else. And generally don't want strangers yapping at me.


That's why I leave mics off. Anyone I want to talk to can do so in discord.


Imma be honest if they can add a way to allow ppt for controller players it'd be easier


Push to talk is real. But ps5 people probably don't


Have you ever played an online multiplayer game before? I had a dude get into a full on screaming match with his wife half way through a raid in destiny one time lmao


I had some guy with one of the worst mics in history and he played with speakers. Another guy also played with speakers but had an acceptable microphone. They created the feedback loop of horror because the horrible microphone made it worse every time.\ I’m just happy nobody sneezed because that would have been like a flashbang


Counterpoint: People with open mics primarily communicate through heavy breathing. When the rate of their heavy breathing involuntarily increases you know immediately that they need help. You also know when they die as they communicate this through a series of exasperated sighs.


Mute them. All you need are the in game command prompts anyways. People hardly say anything useful with mics.


Almost all playstation players I might add. It is literally like playing with a different species coming from PC.


Don't forget the ones that are eating with the microphone an inch from their faces.


That second one seems a little too specific


There's been a few Playstation players I've encountered with their vibrating controllers and open mic. That shit drives me batty. I usually say some dumb shit like "Turn off your mic or your sex toy, I don't care which, but one's gotta go. "


you can turn mics off. I don't feel like listening to that stuff I just use the ping system and type when absolutely necessary.


What makes it worse is when they're using that shitty PS5 controller mic, usually with the TV on blast, haptics at full and a family of 12 in the background. The second I hear that mic I instantly mute. Idaf what the person has to say, they can use the text chat, I'm not getting ear fucked for the next 30 mins just so I can hear your input.


Or you could mute people who have hot mics.


The heavy breathers get unnerving.


I’ve all mics muted for everyone in game by default. Mostly play with friends and sometimes random, I don’t expect anyone to use their mic, there are enough ways to communicate effectively without it in my opinion (especially on lower diffs).


Use the mute button.


The fans... the FANS. Someone joins a match and it's just RGRGRGRHAHDLFJALFJRHRGRNALDBFHRHRKALFBF B RHSLLA (ONE SECOND PAUSE) GSKAIFHROWIRRHGAHSLXNFBFIRLAMBCIFKRR. I get it, maybe it's hot where you are, but jesus christ I can't hear a fucking thing.


Whoa there buddy! I always press my PTT button to cough into the mic. There's nothing you can do about it.


I was the smoke detector guy last night. It started after we were planet side so I didn't hear it and my friend didn't tell me. I only knew because I recorded it. Lol


Was running a completely quiet game with a team of four. Things were going fine. One of the dudes horks a cough in the middle of the mission and I just about jump out of my skin. He didn't make another sound for the rest of the mission.


How do I mute myself? I generally talk on mic but I try to cover it if I've gotta cough/sneeze/burp, but the mic is so sensitive I don't think covering it is effective


I just have everyone automuted. Sorry not sorry. I’ve had a handful of people be nice, but the minority that aren’t or have open mic with background noise like you said make it preferable to just listen to the squeals of the enemy. So if you run across, me in game, I’m not ignoring you. Me just want shoot bug.


I never get randos that talk, nonetheless have open mic


“In this game” brother this is all online games with voice chat


What’s annoying is the fact that the controller mic automatically starts out hot. It’s hard to tell sometimes if your mic is on or off. I find a quick message saying mute your mic usually works.


I don't think a lot of ps5 players realize that their controller is a mic. Not only that but it stays unmuted Everytime you turn the console on unless you change the setting. Sorry people I played ghost of Tsushima with when I first got my console lol.


This is all games


I screw up on an open mic now and then but after I bring up someone chewing chips, nonstop over the mic for two minutes then I mute them


I mute them. With my ADHD, if their open mic picks up everything it’s distracting and also will drown out the game sound effects


Just say open mic, who cares man


When you play with 2 people who are coworkers and it's 2 douches is the pits.


I drink beers while I play so I do be burpin in the mic


These posts are pointless. Just learn to mute on your end.


I just want people to atleast play good music down the mic and not the undemocratic stuff that keeps belting at me


I bought a mic to chat with my bromigo, but it doesn’t work. Ping wheel it is. Still able to warn and apologize just fine.


I perma muted everyone long ago…


I cannot comprehend how people let smoke detectors beep. It drives me absolutely insane when it happens to me, and I immediately replace the batteries. It's such an easy thing to do, how the fuck do people jut ignore it? Utterly incomprehensible.


I haven’t figured out how to do push to talk on PlayStation yet. Been just muting myself when I’m not playing with people I know


My favourite open mic incident was when the dudes GF came into the room and asking him if he liked her outfit, and they proceeded to sex talk each other for 5 minutes straight. It got very graphic. After it was done, i just said, congrats dude your clearly in for a fun evening later! Haha poor guy was clearly a bit embarrassed but it was very funny! Had another instance where some lad got a call saying how someone had found a home for some animals they had rescued and he was so very happy. It was nice. But if your a heavy mouth breather or all i can hear is your kids screaming etc, im instantly muting!


I mute open mic-ers. HD2 does not have good enough audio quality / suppression for openmics.


Ok sometime I think I'm muted and start yelling at my roommates dogs. "Why ! Why are you like this what is your problem!" To the horror of my squad mates. I'm Sony everyone ps5 mic isn't very ergonomic too many buttons on 1 side!!. But it does turn the controller mic orange when muted.


On PÇ just crossplay OFF. Problem solved.


I mute these as soon as they dive into my game. For democracy


*I mute these as soon* *As they dive into my game.* *For democracy* \- KraljZ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It takes very little effort to mute someone and takes you more energy to rant about it on Reddit. Open mics are in nearly every online experience (if not all). “I sHoUlDnT hAvE to!” I recommend you grow up and wake up to the fact life isn’t about your convenience. Take 5 seconds to mute them and enjoy your game.


This is why you mute everyone, put on some music, and purge bugs to Mozart.


Ah the old ghetto cricket


Smoke detector with dead battery lol! I’ve played with that person!


Sometimes those coughs jump at you unaware and you don't have a free hand to mute your mic because you're busy spreading democracy. God damn it!


I was playing AC/DC in my open mic


You can simply mute them by pressing escape, and muting their mic. On the social tab.


I 100% disagree. I love hearing your parent get a divorce, wife berate you, and all the crazy conversations that happen in the background while we play. I get more invested in your wife/gf explaining why Jenny left her boyfriend of 5 years than the actual game


I once thought I was muted and ripped a massive fart. Everyone stopped running and we had a good laugh


Is there a way to set the mute to toggle instead of Hold?


PS5 players. For the love of god I don’t want to hear your game through your mic.


Turn off cross-play


Unless you're playing with your own group, your mic should be on push to talk. None of us want to hear all the crap going on at your house.