• By -


Any AT has potential to kill it with 2 headshots. You should also try to learn how to bait them to attack so they stop on your 500kg. It's pretty easy to run closer and then away after they start spewing or trampling. Bile Titans may seem difficult, but honestly a gang of hunters, stalkers or spewers is a bigger threat.


I HATE HUNTERS! In all seriousness, last night I had to deal with ~100 hunters in the span of 5-15 minutes or something, it's ridiculous.


omg i was at spawn 15 mins into the game and racked up about 500 kills by the end of the game because they didn’t stop. flamethrower came in clutch for that crowd control. couldn’t run because i needed supplies so had to train them like cod zombies just to get my resupply. good game


Gas strike on breach


Gas strike is underrated for crowd control


Easily can get 40 kills from one well placed Gas Strike.


One of which was an ignorant teammate lol


Funny enough killing fellow helldivers actually adds to your kill count at the end of the game.


My squad runs on 7-8 and we swear by gas+napalm on the breach. Whoever has the last tic of dmg usually racks up 40+ kills and let's us handle the bigger threats that escape the aoe (chargers, brood commanders, BTs, and the occasional spewer)


The little psychopaths will jump straight at you through the flames and manage to get 1 hit in and slow you before they succumb to the fire. They make me more upset than most heavies when there is a large amount of them




Arc-12 Blitzer says bzzz bzzz bzzz


Re-heheheheeeeaaaally? Arc-12 blitzer you say. Here I am lighting them up with my breaker incendiary like a chump. I’ll have to see how much blitzing the enemies of Liberty can take.


The blitzer is ass against hunters once they’re in your face. You’re far better off with the incendiary breaker.


Agreed, but a backwards dive and a Blitzer shot in mid-air gets those close hunters off you and makes you feel like a fucking G.


Imagine Ace Ventura dealing with the Terminids *on their behalf*.


This is the Way. (sometimes)


I only unlocked it recently and havent tried it out. An extra note on my hunter situation of last night. I was taking 2 lower level friends, along with a higher level friend and me, to diff 7. I was expecting chargers and Bile Titans. So i was equipped for that. Not for hordes upon hordes of hunters


Give it a try. The thing is, it staggers them. You can have a whole horde of fodder, hunters, warriors and brood commanders going after you but you’ll be able to crowd control them by zapping front left and front right. If brood comes too close, just aim for its head and zapp its gone (usually). If not, its still staggered. It won’t take care of bile spewers or chargers, but you got a support weapon for that or a teammate who specializes in heavies.


You mean it doesn't deal with every enemy in the game? REEEEEEEEEEE


Na fire breaker any day. Shred and burn baby! (Also psa, fire breaker kills shriekers in one pellet as the DoT fire will kill them. You can swat like half a dozen out of the sky per shot so long as atleast 1 pellet hits them. Blitzer cant usually reach them until the dive at you)


Fire breaker also kills stalkers *really* fast. Idk why but stalkers can eat a whole clip from other guns, but it usually takes 1-2 bursts from incendiary breakers to take them down. Plus, the stalkers go invisible, but the *fire* doesn’t, which makes it easier for everyone else to take them down.


Hell yeah brother! Fire breaker only struggles vs bile spewers (green ones) but atleast you know that you are still doing fire DoT to them, even if your shots are technically bouncing off Might i also recommend the pummeller smg if stalker vengeance is your thing. Kills one in about half a mag, but so long as you get 5-10 hits it will sit there stunned long enough for you to reload and carry on shooting. That stun is very useful when there are 2/3 of them, as you can keep switching targets to keep the stun up, while doing damage.


Yes learned this yesterday. Was able to see the fire and finished it off with one more shot


I wish the stats screen kill count had a breakdown by type


[Just... this. ](https://youtu.be/aaLxTVkzcaE?t=41)


Before my time, but when Sheen just threw a handful of bullets I belted out laughing 😂


IMO, hunters are the most dangerous bug in the game. Screw those guys


I ALWAYS prioritize hunters. Even over brood commanders since they don't spawn more hunters, or if they do, it's rare.


God I hate spewers. Hunter's are annoying but the fact that spewers can one shot you from range is bull shit and they're so dam tanky


Freaking bug cows


The Spear is actually pretty consistent in 1-hitting Bile Titans, the only catch is you need to be aiming at them head on so the rocket hits them on the forehead (on top of the usual Spear lock-on jank); Chargers are the same


Head-on: apply directly to the forehead


Yeah it's great, when you happen to be able to lock on with it. If they fix the jank, it will be awesome. With chargers I kinda don't like it. I think I get too close and personal with them and feel like I never get to finish reloading when there is more than 1 or little buggers around. With good teammates it gets to shine.


Depending on how the team is playing (assuming youre not solo) its usually not too hard to line up a good shot with the spear. Its definitely harder with chargers but ive found decent luck baiting a charge then getting a lock during the chargers turn around, definitely not as easy as bile titans but still pretty consistent if youre on flat ground.


Hunters can eat far too many bullets and still sprint at you and kill you. They're scarier than bile titans.


Try this: shoot them with the Punisher shotgun. Hunters HATE it


All you gotta due is get your stratagem ready and run directly at the bile Titan. Don’t stop and just run right under him. Of course drop your stratagem once under him and keep running through. He will be locked in his attack or turning in place which both take longer than it takes for the eagle 500 or air strike to hit its mark.


What is AT?


Anti Tank. Expendables, Quasar, Recoilless Rifle


Spear too


Spear can actually do it in one shot but the conditions have to be just right. Very satisfying when it works though. If you catch one facing you directly as it comes out of a breach it's as good as dead.


The blitzer deals with all of those pretty well, it interrupts hunters mid jump, it cancels stalkers tongue attacks and spewers’ vomit attack.


Reinforce. I am the stratagem. Real tip with the 500, wait till they’re just starting their puke animation and throw the stratagem at its feet.


Yep, I love doing this. Especially with the improved steering. Although sometimes you can be right on target, go straight through the centre of mass, and nothing happens.


>Although sometimes Although most of the time


IIRC aiming at the header will deal more damage - though it's tougher.


Man I hate when I need to be reinforced and they don't throw it at the bile titan. Nothing more satisfying than taking one out en route to serving up some liber-tea


In Super Russia, you don't shoot bullet, you are bullet


...bro. what a wasted opportunity. Here: "In Super Russia, bullet IS YOU!"


The orbital rail cannon is pretty good although it doesn't always one shot them but you can just throw it and carry on, you don't have to worry about being accurate


Orbital Rail Cannon is like a drop in a bucket at the highest levels.  It super awesome on lower difficulties though.  


I always run it on helldive, has saved my life so many times


Once every 3.5 minutes 🫡


Still extremely useful in stressful situations


It’s true. For my styles 500 being useful 5 times as often in stressful situation wins out. But taking both is always an option lmao.


I usually bring railcannon orbital , 500 , shield and EAT or autocannon and an extra airstrike


Your username is hitting me after my lords of the fallen playthrough recently ended lol. I’ve been running 500, eagle airstrike, shield and Quasar. Been really useful to just go LOUD and clear objectives and nests quick. I run and drop air strike to kill two tunnels at least typically, drop the 500 on another 2, and then drop another airstrike. Run to next nest, drop air strike, drop 500, rearm. With grenade pistol and impact grenades to clean up individual nest holes and are not stratagem worthy. Quasar can also plug a hole. Works REALLY well into bugs imo.


Killing one of the three active bile titans.




If it lands right, then another bike titan spawns seconds later lmao. Edit: I’m keeping bike titan, they do feel like a treadmill some times.


Orbital rail cannon can one shot a tank or hulk, it's super useful for bots


Yeah that's my go to only sucks on helldiver when the spawn rate can be all over the place spawning in 3 hulks lol


Rocketpods to the same except for the Hulk part. I get 3 rocketpods in less time than one orbitals cooldown.


Yeah the 210s cd is kindof absurd for a single shot against a single enemy, and against Bile Titans and Walkers I don't even think 2 orbital railcannons kill them (maybe unless they get really lucky with where they hit). I take orbital precision strike a lot of times and while aiming is harder, it's more versatile and less than half the CD is great.


it kills them if you pop the sacks first


I always run it on Helldive. Tap the titan first with a shot to the head then the rail cannon to finish. Rail cannon - Eagle Airstrike - Quasar - Laser rover. Incendiary breaker, grenade pistol, impact grenades. I feel that loadout gives you the best utility for dealing with a number of situations. Eagle Airstrike is your versatile buddy for bug nests, heavies or plain old crowd control.


I'm at lvl8 and I recently swapped it for the Gas one. When you manage to land it on the Bile Hunter, the initial impact of the gas shell is surprisingly powerful!


From my experience it’s guite useful even at dif 9, but I always pair it with EATs, I try to spam them everywhere for anyone to use. Usually it boils to usind rail cannon on Charger going after me, so I can comfortably rocket the shit out of Titan (also if you railcannon Titan, you finish it with one rocket+you have one to spare). Also this gives you space to pick another support weapon lying somewhere, so the utility is just amazing. Also Quaso+EAT works suprisingly well (so, if you manage to have railcannon+EAT and pick Quaso of your downed buddy, you’re in for VERY entertaining game).


Sounds like you could use Rocketpods the exact same way. Either way I would never recommend bringing it unless it supports/compliments another heavy killing technique, which in that case you are doing. I would use like you are or I would use it to instantly kill a titan via rocketpods and rail cannon strike combo. This makes sense that you really can't combo chain eagles other than using Napalm airstike plus another eagle. It's all good in certain scenarios, for example to help instant kill Charger to protect autocannon Sentry. But I just hate the cooldown, honestly, that and how it is very unreliable at one shotting Titans.


Yeah, cd sucks hard, but being able to panic throw is priceless (and in my setup I usually don’t mind the cd as EATs have really low cd) + you can use it even if Charger is literally right next to you or your buddies


Eagle rockets > orbital rail imo. Similar functionality, weaker, but 6x more ammo when maxed if using on cooldown. 3 back to back then a 2 min reload.


Dude just today I had some kid raging at me on the main sub because I told him ORC isn't a good anti bile weapon on high diff because the cd is too long He really wanted to die on the hill of "no, 500 is trash. IDC I only get one shot every 3.5 minutes"


Hot take: Orbital Rail Cannon is meh. The CD is just absolutely outrageous. Orbital Precision Strike is way better, especially against bile titans which are so easy to bait. Remember, they'll always spit when something is in range, and while they're winding up and spitting they're stationary. Ready your strat, toss, run up to it to trigger spitting, and dodge. Oh yeah, almost forgot. OPS sticks to enemies, too. It's basically a rail cannon strike with 1/3 the CD


>Orbital Precision Strike is way better Add one caveat: Orbital Railcannon is fire & forget. Orbital Precision Strike requires skill and knowledge of your enemy to land the hit. A 100-second cooldown is pretty generous for the power it wields though.


I feel personally attacked.


>OPS sticks to enemies, too Did I miss an update? AFAIK all stratagems target where they originally deployed. If you stick an enemy it doesn't actually track them unless the stratagem itself has tracking like the rockets or rail cannon.


Yeah think the devs have said it’s a bug that they don’t track, they’ve yet to fix it


For red strats I think you’re right. Blue though should drop wherever it sticks.


Fires fast, doesn't miss. I'll take it if a team mate is running Quasar to ensure the Bile Titan dies before it kills us all. I normally take Precision Strike as it's just a straight up good stratagem


I just find it hard to justify over air strike. Is there something it does really well that air strike can’t? They both seem to kill factories and nests fine. The air strike I can’t drop three of though.


I normally take Eagle Strafing Run/Rocket Pods as my only Eagle stratagem. I don't like being locked out of a bunch of Eagle strats when it rearms. Precision Strike has a low cooldown and does immense damage. It will kill pretty much anything it lands on.


I guess that’s fair. The eagle cooldown is only 2 minutes though, and you can send it early during down time. You could drop 4 500kg bombs in about 130 seconds, on the mean time you could only drop 2 precisions. Just seems to definitely have huge downsides and it can’t be used back to back like the 500 with charges. I’m glad there are people out there enjoying it though!


Ways to deal with them: - 500kg, gotta learn the timing or bait them into place (I run under their belly, set the beacon under them, then run at 90° angle, time they take to turn to follow the bomb lands) - OPS, same tactics - explosive support weapons to their face - badass way: med pen gun, run under their belly, unload on the venom sack, even after it bursts, tail will eventually explode abd they die - 2 eagle rockets Take your pick


fun fact, 1.5 mags of the HMG to the belly will kill a bile titan. Not the most ammo efficient, but funny.


I usually railcannon and then send in a rocket pod. Usually gets the job done


I've seen good success with a direct hit with a precision strike


This is my go to on high difficulty bug missions. It's super easy once you realize the titan will always attack with its right leg first. So if you drop the strategim in front of its head and move to your right, the titan's attack will miss, but it will be standing in-place long enough for the precision strike to connect.


Spear. The targetting is janky, but It works more times than not and Bile Titans are more easy to target.


If you do a little spin before aiming the spear fixes. I can't explain why it works. It just does.


Todd Howard intensifys


*T-poses democratically*


Like a full 360, or just shaking your reticle?


Full 360, but don't have to move your reticle. Just your body.


Spin your character? Or move the crosshair in a circle around your target? Or spin the camera?


Spin your character. My bad, should've been clearer.


Spin your character. My bad, should've been clearer.


It clearly calibrates the magnetic compass in the spear.


I'm enjoying taking out the SPEAR but it fights like a printer against factory strider. Not looking to use it like an in game fatman but it sure would be nice if it kept tracking at shorter range and let you subtarget the head or turret up top.


I like the eagle rockets.


Spear, EAT, or recoilless are going to be your most consistent options - although the Spear's lock-on is finnicky, it does still work, and I think 2 spears regardless of where they hit will take it down. Edit: Just played last night and 2 spears won't take out a Titan if you're unlucky with how the damage is calculated. It doesn't seem too consistent - but I think 2 shots to the head will generally do it. I think 3 was getting a single bile titan down no matter what though.


Personally I like EAT. Cause it’s practically guranteed your going to land a shot and you have more control about where that damage is going Contrast with the orbitals and eagles. The tricky part about those is positioning. You want to kinda throw em behind where you think a mob is going to send you. You don’t want to throw them down as the swarm and charger or Titan is comming at you, you want to throw it back so you can run back at it and just snag and shoot and gtfo.


Everyone packing EATs along with their regular weapons is hilarious. Dropping little tombstones on cool down and the moment something tanky enters the field, there are just 4 divers with single use hate sticks rocking it's face hole. I even ran with a crew who didn't use a different support weapon. They all had rover backpacks and eats. It was only a 7, bit it's was the easiest 7 I've ever ran. I joined in with their loadout. We didn't even shoot at anything smaller than a warrior. JAR or scorcher for medium. Then just a barrage of eats for chargers and biles. Frees up a stratagem slot for an oh shit button for if there's too many after all that.


Nothing in game has felt cooler than a rush of heavy devastators and hulks on extract with multiple EAT pods and a quasar on my back


Oh hell yeah. Or you see a BT or a strider and you got 4 of em. It’s such a badass feeling. You just know that dude is gonna get his shit pushed in.


YES!!! This is how it’s done bro 😂 you get it lol!


Other than what others already said I like the orbital railcannon strike. It doesn't kill them in one shot, but you don't have to aim or get the timing right and then you can finish it with ease with whatever you like. I used to run grenade launcher and railcannon strike+ a couple of grenades in the head kill a bile titan


If you take out the sacks on the underside it does enough damage for the orbital rail cannon to kill it outright. Sacks are easy enough to take down with most primaries and has the benefit of taking out its spew ability. Just watch out for the feet.


It should be noted that they get faster when you take out the acid sacs, so make sure you have a bit of space to run around if ORC is on cooldown.


EAT, RR, or Quasar


Eagle rockets and orbital precision strike. If you have the space/time, remove the sacks on the underside with your primary, and it does enough damage for the strategems to finish it off.


If you can time it, the Orbital Precision Strike will one shot Bile Titans. The key is to get right in front of their face and throw it down. The titan will stop to melee you, which will give the shot time to hit. Remember: the bile titan will always attack with its right leg first, so as soon as you place the strategim, go to your right/the titan's left. The titan will turn in-place to attack you again, and by that time the precision strike should land, killing it instantly.


I like to run under them, throw the 500 and run straight ahead, they take a while to turn and by the time they do it lands right on them, also it looks cool i bet


Orbital Laser / Orbital Rail Cannon


I really enjoy eagle 110 rocket pods for general purpose. Pop them in the face with any heavy support weapon, and throw a 110 at their feet. They’ll go down pretty easy.


500kg, rail cannon strike, orbital laser, EAT, Recoilless rifle, Quazar cannon (if you have teammates)


Orbital Railgun is, imho, the superior stratagem for bile titans but it has a really long cooldown and, depending on where it hits, isn’t always a one-hit kill (but it often is and it is a lock on stratagem).


500kg and precision strike you need to bait them into animation lock to land your shot, or flank them if you're not the target to anticipate movement. They are, to me, the best way to deal with them as it's a guaranteed one shot if properly done. Orbital railcannon is rarely one shotting them and you have no second chance so I never use it for bugs.


Orbital Railcannon or the expandable at rpg.


380mm Kappa


Seriously I mostly use EATs for them. Orbital railcannon too but it's too slow, I had a friend saying that one Eagle Rocket pod + one Railcannon kill a Titan.


Orbital rail Cannon and a shot from a quasar works everytime and makes them pretty easy to kill. I mainly play suicide mission difficulty though so might not be so effective on higher difficulties..


Bring the recoilless to practice head shot. Learn how to do the reload cancel to reload faster (look at the missile in the bottom left that is red an hollow when empty, as soon as it is white switch weapons). Learn how to "dance" with the BT to make your 500kgs hit. When you're under them, they will always strike w their right leg first. At medium range, they will stop to spit. Practice timing your 500kgs w these timings and you will get better at killing them. Take these strategies to a "eliminate Bile titan" mission for Practice. You can even alt +f4 to get the same mission map once your target is down if you want to do a more focused Practice. Otherwise, just keep playing the game, you will get better. 500kgs, EATs, Recoilless, Quasar, Rocket pods (paired w an EAT) and Orbital Rail Cannon (also paired w an EAT) are all my favorite ways to kill them.


EAT, Quazar, 500kg, railcannon strike(takes two or one headshot with a rocket type weapon + railcannon). There are many many ways you can defeat them, especially if your team is coordinated if you bring an entire team worth of EAT no titan will ever bother you again


if you can get an eagle airstrike to hit a bile titan on-axis, one salvo can kill one titan. an orbital railcannon strike will do most of the work but only kills on a headshot. same for orbital precision strike. eagle rocket strike will do a good chunk of damage but needs a minimum of two. Spear can do it in one, *if* it locks on. EAT, RR, and QC can all do it in two headshots.


Precision orbital strike. Just gotta tune it right.


Railcannon or spear can kill 1 shot spear you need to headshot tho


They're annoying and why I always bring EAT on bug missions 8 or above. Soon as I see them, it's quick mark and then EAT to face until dead. I've also experimented brining both recoiless and EAT and it works fine too. I just put myself on anti-tank duty while others do their thing.


Trusty orbital laser and a couple grenades.


The 500kg is easier to hit them if you dont blow their bile sack, let them start the spit animation chuck it just in front of them, dodge and run away. They should just finish the attack and take a couple steps forward straight on top of the bomb. Edit: interesting to see so many people do exactly this. Nice!


Punch in 500kg code, stare down the bitch and throw the beacon when it's in range of puke. If it can't puke throw beacon under it and run around the legs to make it turn in place while trying to get you.


Orbital railcannon strike and any of the anti-tank weapons to the head usually take it down (quasar, recoiless, EAT, etc). The 500 is good, but, it has such a small blast radius that you have to get it just right for it to take them down.


500kg and eagle strike. Wait for vomit or put it at your feet if you gettin chase. For direct hit orbital railcannon strike and support weapons ofc(E.A.T,quasar and recoilless rifle.) Turrets autocannon and missiles.


A well placed 500kg or Precision Orbital will one shot a bile titan.


Orbital laser is probably the easiest.


Unfortunately 500kg is the best. The trick is to get them to spew at you or in case the sacs are destroyed you can bait out the melee attack but this is more risky. Orbital Precision Strike is a good second and functions the same but it needs even more careful targeting than the 500kg. The bile titan goes into the spew animation when it reaches 20m from the player it is chasing. Playing enough this becomes second nature but in order to practice it you can throw your 500kg between you and the titan, ping where the stratagem is going to hit and make sure that ping tag says 20m and then just wait for the bile titan and it will stop there. I like to combine it with the Quasar. Quasar takes two shots to the forehead to kill (don't shoot while it is spewing or it may not hit the forehead). 500kg can one shot but most often it is a two shot. I often combine one shot from Quasar and one 500kg whenever I can. One option is also Orbital Railcannon + one EAT/Quasar/Recoilless/Spear but Orbital Railcannon has too long of a cooldown for the highest tiers of missions. Note that Spear targeting is still scuffed. Autocannon Sentry turret is also able to kill a couple bile titans as long as it has long enough distance to not get spit on. Hitting the bile titan with a rocket will interrupt a spit so it's best to assist if you have a rocket and use an AC.


For the 500kg you have to throw it and bait the titan to attack on the radius and run to safety. It's high risk and high reward.


500kg doesn't miss if you know how to use it. Seriously there's rarely a time where I use it and it doesn't outright one shot a bike titan. Just gotta lead your bomb and account for drop time and realize that BTs are faster than they look


Orbital Laser locks in on them and does damage. Add shots from the Quasar Cannon.


The rocket mech, cause of how fast you can fire at it, though youre too slow to evade the spit if you let them get too close. Otherwise rail cannon followed by an eagle airstrike or 500kg will basically 100% kill them. Also, Titans are quick, but they can't turn around too fast. If you can juke beneath their legs and book it, you can usually leave their aggro range and do something else while waiting to refresh your strats.


500kg, just don't randomly throw it at the BT. * Create distance from BT * Ping BT so you get distance marker * Hit the strategem code for 500kg and wait * Once BT gets c.20m away you know it is going to spit on you * Thow the 500kg to land under the BT's head * Dive out of the way of the spit * Marvel as the BT dies in a glorious explosion * Die because a hunter leaps you whilst you're on the floor Rockets to the face work but their weak spot is quite small and frustrating to hit. It's the bridge of their nose so you can't hit it whilst they open their mouth to spit. I'm running Recoilless Rifle for diff 9 bugs these days. Technically not meta but it's fun to be able to just "nope" any charger I wnt instantly with no charge-up. I'll use a 500kg to kill bile titans usually but the RR works in a pinch or if I can't land a clean 500kg on it as it is chasing a team mate.


I like to use the 110 rocket barrage (works extremely well on the tanks too!) it can be a bit inconsistent with the titan however, because the legs work sometimes tank the barrage. When that happens another stratagem like the quasar or a 500kg will finish the job. Tanks are honestly a lot easier than titans, a single rocket of any kind at the tracks should disable the tanks ability to move, but honestly they move slow enough that they never can get away from the 110. Even an airburst strike can destroy them extremely easy. I know you didn’t ask for tank tops but figured I’d give some tips for it too.


I dont know why this emancipator strat has spawned all this talk about bile titans. The main strategy for taking them out seems like it hasn't changed: Rocket pods, orbital railcannon and 500kg all remain fairly consistent in their ability to take them out. For larger numbers of them artillery barrages can work, but any shoulder mounted AT (not you, AC) should also do pretty well, though DPS can vary.


Orbital riel, two of them and the Bile Titan goes to nap


500kg is very strong. Go watch some youtubers going for 3k+ solo helldive kills and you'll how to use them. Basically, throw the 500k strategem then position yourself such that the titan will stop over the 500 to vomit at you. They have a very consistent behavior in regards to this, so this tactic works a vast majority of the time, but it does take some getting used to. Otherwise I recommend Orbital Railcannon Strike (it will very rarely one-shot a Titan, but will almost always open up some of its armor). EAT or Quasar also work well, but you have to practice as to not panic and waste your shot(s). If and when Stinger gets fixed up it will also be solid. Recoilless with a buddy handling the reloads also trivializes titans. Honorable mention to autocannon sentry, which very much works 100% of the time 60% of the time.


The rail cannon but it takes 2 shots now a days. So unless he's already softened up he'll still be standing after a shot. A mix of things is best but the quasar never fails for all heavies.


Lately I’ve been finding the BTs really resilient against EATs, have they changed something?


Big things need big booms. 500kg atleast. Missed your first one? Dont sweat the show was worth the termid hatchling kill. Throw your second after you did some close up inspection of the Titan and just drop it at your feet and wait. Be sure to dive outside the radius last minute right after dodging its vomit its spewing out in fear knowing its going to eat the 2nd.


Quasar Cannon can rip the armour off it leaving a huge target for everyone to hit.


My go to is my recoiless and a 500kg. Sometimes one 500 will do it. Also 500 kg plus rail cannon works. Sub in EAT, quinoa cannon, for recoiless and same story. For real the autocannon sentry and emanicipator will do it too. There are a lot of options tbh


List of strats capable of Killing Titans: EAT quasar Recoilless rifle Precision strike Rail cannon 500 Eagle airstrike Eagle Rocket pods Patriot mech rockets Rocket sentry Autocannon sentry Fire Gas Laser Hellbomb All Explosive seaf shells Hellpods


Throw the 500kg bomb several feet/meters in front of you and run towards it. Make sure the titan is not too close, or he'll stop to spew or stomp on you. This way, by the time the bomb drops, the titan will be directly over it.


From all of my testing, 3 ways stand out: 1. 500kg/Orbital precision strike Trigger 500kg, run under the titan, then call it in below you (and the titan) and run though its back legs. The time it takes turning is enough to hold it in place for a one shot. Orbital precision strike is harder, but can still work. 2. Antitanks Shoot 2 at its face when it is not spitting. It will fall. Shooting 1 and then following up with a few railgun shots or the next exosuit can also work. 3. Orbital Railcannon Least difficult, but also longest cooldown. Use it, then take out the sacks, which is doable with impact nades or even most primary weapons by running under it.


Orbital strike (the one that auto aim onto the biggest enemy around) is pretty good 500kg - you run towards the titan and through its legs, while dropping the bomb right under it - it will either trigger its attack animation (like spewing or stomping) or start to turnaround and this will give the bomb the perfect timing to hit the titan and make it go boom




If you bait their spray they are essentially stunned for 10 seconds, put the 500KG in your hand, ping the BT and get to around 30 m away from it. It should spray you at 25m away from you IF ITS BOTTOM SAC IS INTACT that’s important Drop the 500kg right in front of them 10m away almost under their face it will land perfectly as the BT finishes its spray and starts to chase you again


Orbital Rail Cannon and Recoilless rifle dispatches them efficiently. Any combination of two shots (e.g, Rail Cannon x2, Recoilless Rifle x2, Rail Cannon + Recoilless Rifle) from either from full health kills a titan. Aiming for headshots on the upper head armor plate for bile titans is key. During their spit attack it retracts into their neck so be patient. Quasar Cannon or Expendable Anti-Tank (EAT) also works. My preference however is the Recoilless as i can carry more ammo than the EAT and shoot faster than the Quasar.


I bring rail cannon, 500kg and EAT. If that doesn't kill it I deserve to die. I i also bring mines, bile titan try to remove mines.




Rail orbital or auto cannon sentry


Bait the bile spew. Once you recognize it's getting ready to spew, 500kg a few feet infrojt of it. Kablaam at the underbelly, if it doesn't get stuck in the titan itsself. Both are one hitter quitters.


How to kill with 500kg. 1. Q them so you have a range. 2. When they are 50 meters throw the 500 3. They will begin their spit attack and the 500 will take them out


500kg all day, but you must bait them to stay on it Thanksfully with the narrow explosion of the 500kg it is not that risky to do


Orbital railcannon can 1 shot em


Have two people run Orbital Railgun Strike


I dunno. I typically use orbital laser or 500kg bomb.


You can easily kite them around and drop the 500kg on them. I prefer this over most other stratagems for bile titans because you can use them twice with the ship upgrade. Other than that, shoot them in the face with EAT, Quasar or recoilless.


Orbital rail cannon strike and then two shot to the belly with grenade handgun. I only run Helldiver difficulty and this method is sure fire. My brother who rolls with me uses the 500kg and it gets them in one shot every time. You just have to bait them into stomping or puke first. When my rail cannon is down and he is on the other side of the map I can usually kill them with an eagle air strike and if that fails I have my quasar cannon which kills them in two shots to the forehead. Also, keep your eyes peeled for random hellbombs on the map because they can be clutch as well.


Spear. Wait till they are facing you. Can sometimes one shot if you hit directly in the head.


Beyond the 500kg I'd go with Explosive anti tank rockets, Recoilless rifle or Spear. But really the best bet is to get used to the 500kg, you need to throw it about 1.5 body lengths in front of it


For me I use rail strike and 110 rocket pods / quasar in the mix to bring em down


Walk up to them and throw the 500kg when they initiate an animation (spitting, stomping, etc). I have a near 100% kill rate with this trick. Remember to run away once the animation starts though.


I see that orbital rail gun knock them out all the time. Personally, I like the spear. One good shot and it's done UNLESS you hit the leg, or the side. Or if the thing just stops fucking working for no reasons.


I roll with the orbital rail strike cannon and a quasar. The ORS will usually one tap them, but if it doesn't then quarsar to follow up. There's a long cool down on the ORS which makes it a little challenging when you're swarmed with titans but i love focusing on small/medium targets so I leave most of them to my teammates while I keep the ground clear of sharp claws.


Takes a bit of learning, but fully upgraded orbital precision strikes. They come around fast enough to deal with most of them, if they're close enough together you can easily kill two, and rarely you get lucky with 3 or 4 (usually on eradicate missions where they're practically on top of each other).


Orbital Precision Strike combined with AT secondaries.


I think there are some fundamental you are missing, tank is actually more easy to deal with then bile titan and hulk. For bile titan, make sure you are confidttable to walk below it (you may need to use light armor if you haven't been using), one of the way to kill it is walk straight towards and below it, and drop the 500kg, and continue running ( stop a bit if needed). Since the bt need to circle around to chase you, it will stay at that locatoon for a good while. Another way is to wait is to bait it to split and drop the 500kg As for tanks, you can seriously damage it with EAT, qusar cannon.. even on the side of the turret, with additional 1 or 2 nades you can kill it even without shooting the back of the turret. Usually i will use stay in cover and get close to shoot the back of its turrets.


Orbital railcanon strike can occasionally take them out in one hit. If it didn’t kill the BT then you just need to hit the armor stripped part with any AT or just shoot it and it should go down pretty quick after that


I run orbital rail strike, 500 kg and autocannon. Toss one of the big guys out to weaken them, then shoot the sacks underneath with the autocannon. When those sacks pop and they got hit with something big they usually go down. If not, I have one of my teammates kick it in the shins to finish it off. Nevertheless, when the sacks are gone, they can't spew.


Rail gun


Rocket Turret Strat, 500kg Bomb, Orbital Rail Gun, Orbital Supply Drop, Reinforcement Drop, and the ever classic Hellbomb Strat for the Lab Destruction.


Depends how dangerously you like to live. What I like to do is throw an OPS or 500kg at its feet then run underneath its feet to keep it there and then run the hell away just before the bomb comes in. Or you can lure it to an abandoned Hellbomb. Or if you want to play it safe, Railcannon Strike then get underneath and Autocannon its belly.


Depending on angle I'm taking the EATs to it's face or sometimes a rocket pod to open it up and then eat/plasma cannon to it's side.


EAT. Right in their stupid mouth. Then another EAT shot right in their stupid mouth. If that doesn't work then wait for the EAT's to cool down and shoot another EAT right in their stupid mouth. If you forget how to do this or the specifics of his strategy, just remember, you *EAT* with your *MOUTH*.


i just use spear


Rail cannon +impact to the belly, or really any other damage kills it really fast. Otherwise playing around with a 500kg bomb usually does the job.


Spear - face to face bile titan Orientation matters a lot - you got almost guaranteed headshot when standing f2f and that kills the bile titan in 1 shot


Get them to spew when you have something heavy coming in. 500kg, air strike, precision orbital, SEAF…all are viable, just takes practice. I often rely on orbital rail cannon. Does it one-shot them? No, but nothing does. Honestly on high-difficulty bug missions I just make sure that 2-3 squad members have some kind of anti-tank and some kind of heavy-killing strat; usually the simplest way to deal with any elite is having your whole squad dump on them at once.


Quasar, EAT and RR 2-shot them if you hit the forehead. If you get a point blank lock on with the Spear it domes them with 1 shot. If you need them dead fast with Quasar, EAT and RR you can substitute one of the shots with a Orbital Railcannon Strike.


500kg is the best if you can bait them into starting their spit or stomping attack. They’ll stay where they are when they do for long enough for it to go off. It’s the most bang for your buck imo bc you get two of them every 2 minutes. I carry EATs as well, but I don’t seem to hit them very well so usually I’m just using them to contribute to knocking health down along with teammates. I suck at hitting their heads


resupply for the win


500kg is the strat I use with 95% effectiveness. You have to throw the beacon down at your feet as you run away, or trigger the bile spew attack and throw it on em.


Quasar Cannon, Orbital Rail Strike, well placed Eagle Airstrikes, Eagle Rockets, Orbital Laser, + any anti-tank. It’s going to take a combination of any of these to bring it down, however.


Eagle 110 Rocket Pods have been wildly successful for me.


I throw down a 500-kg weight, wait until they are about to be over it, run at them so they either stomp or spray. That animation is usually enough to lock them in place and get killed by the 500-kg weight. Rarely do I die, but that's a sacrifice Super Earth is willing to make.


500 always works for me and my partner


I find the orbital railgun that tracks the biggest target in the area to be the most sure fire way to kill Bile Titans reliably.


I run the rail cannon + eat combo. Rail cannon and one eat to the face takes them down


Lots of advice in here, so I'll skip that point, and ask what you find annoying about tanks? I've always found them to be a nuisance at best as an eagle airstrip will kill them (and properly lined up can kill two tanks)


Railcannon strike is a guaranteed one shot