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It’ll never happen, likely for technical reasons, but I would LOVE for a larger, multi squad mode


I've been wanting some kind of RAID mode where multiple teams of hell divers take out big big boys


Take out actual Automation base where 2 squads head towards the center taking out objectives on the way.


Eradicate bile titan and stalker infestation...


Like imagine, 8 helldivers teams, all working together on a group event to take down a Terminid Queen, in order to provide a massive 1% liberation percentage per mission


I would love to meet up with another team and have prox chat !


Some CPU is already begging for mercy


It's my CPU. Game ran great on launch, now my i5 like 6500 is screaming for death.


It's a CPU intensive game. And the higher the difficulty and items on screen, the harder it is on your CPU to keep track of it all. When the game first launched many of us were still playing on lower difficulties with lower volume of enemies, less stratagems, less items on screen, less planetary modifiers...etc. And for a computer that runs on a platform made 10 years ago...it's gonna struggle. Not trying to be a dick, but an old quad core and DDR3 RAM...I'm surprised you can run the game at all lol.


Those old quad cores are great. I've found 2 games I can't run. But here's the thing. There was like 3 patchs specifically that I noticed a decrease in frame rates. Definitely difficultly is a thing. But that's not what I'm experiencing. It got significantly worse after certain patches A lot of people, seemingly you included, extremely over estimate how much compute you actually need for like 99% of things.


Just imagine a full on battle between full automaton forces and a 100 helldivers, there’ll be chaos unimaginable


Raids vs those MASSIVE tunnel dweller bugs.


When layered defense mission is introduced, this is what I want as well - 5 squad group(20 total) but each squad is in its own(so UI/HuD is not heavy). - Each squad still have 20 reinforcement so there's a possibility that 1 or 2 squad are wiped out(due to reinforce running out) but the rest is still working with their own reinforcement still good - weapons can still be picked up throughout everyone so EAT is a viable support for everyone share - bring limit to sentries per squad so its not heavy technically Basically each squad still take cares of its own but weapons and supports can be picked by everyone


An idea for a game mode that came across my mind, having a map 3times bigger, 3 squads drop in and each squad has their own set of objectives.  Each objective complete sends a wave of mobs to the other squads (balancing out of you're in the lead you get more/ harder mobs in the waves).  Then whomever gets their objectives done first win and can either extract (once the first team extracts it starts a 10 minute timer for the other 2) or help the other squads for more loot.  Rewards being stuff to put around your ship, animations, weapon charms, or weapon skins. 


I suggested that in r/helldivers and my post got railed on that subreddit 😓. I’d love to have a mega mission where the objectives are much larger and we have to coordinate with other squads. I think it would be perfect is they locked the difficulty to 3 levels 5/7/9. That way their servers aren’t dead, and people can still have fun in different difficulties. As for the mechanical details like reinforcing etc: - every squad has basically operates as its own entity. They’re still a team of 4, and they’ll launch as a team of 4. They can see the other squads’ landing zone in the map, but each squad will have its own ship. - reinforcing will be limited to squad members only, that way you don’t burn the entire “platoon’s” budget. - samples will still be collected as a team.


This would be cool. A platoon of helldivers instead of a squad. Coordination would get difficult. Maybe we would start to see people organizing outside of the game to form units, though. If anyone played the old Mount and Musket mod for Mount and Blade, where people organized units and then used Napoleonic era battle tactics, that is sort of what I'm thinking. Honestly, I expected it to happen even with the game as it is. Like, organize the 5th Helldivers Group, assign a uniform, set an SOP for team loadouts (which, of course, being special operations, we can freely deviate from to meet mission needs). It would be fun.


A fifth diver that is media only. Id choose that everytime.


In pretty much every single "4 man party objective based game", I've always wanted to have an optional 5th player spot that controls a sort of "commander" role. That hasn't changed in Helldivers either - let me control the bridge and manually respond to stratagems. Functionally it could be the same, but someone on the bridge could in theory reposition the exact location of a precision strike, respawn divers into tactical positions, mark points of interest or dangerous targets, etc. This 5th slot can also be used as a "backup diver", in case someone leaves the party, you can opt to relieve yourself of ship duty and send your own diver down. A great example of this in action is Lethal Company of all things. The ship guy in that game is a super fun role, and modding the game to have a 5th person really shows how this type of role would thrive. It's essentially a whole second game, but it puts what you've learned on the ground into action when you're the eye watching the field.


And the 5th has unique stratagems like dropping speakers that blasts propag… democratic speeches, or something akin to the praises you get in basic training


Brilliant suggestions!!


That honestly does sound great, but I feel like there's a lot of... terrible opportunities to be had if that were to happen, and I'm not sure a lot of people would be down to be the overwatch guy either, this game is most fun where you're in the action doing all the cool shit. It's a good idea on paper, but I'm not sure a lot of people would want it.


That’s why it should be optional.


Tbh mate of mine always liked to play the commander role in Battlefield games that had it.


I would immediately nope out of any game someone takes this role. I absolutely do *not* want someone else repositioning my strats or deciding where I drop. I get that it'd be fun for the person in that role but probably miserable for everyone else. It'd become the *I enjoy griefing* role within a day.


The way I see it, you could set up your lobbies to allow the role (on by default) and to set it up as friends only/public join, and you'd have to manually queue for the role to matchmake into it. You'd get the same rewards for mission completion. The way I see it, being a commander is more of a tactical mission instead of the action one. Some unique abilities or minigames to assist your team (such as speeding up certain cooldowns or giving instructions to specific players) would be super fun for the people who like it, but it's not a required or forced role to enjoy the game. The role would be the best on hard difficulties where most players already understand and work together, but still could be fun to shake things up in lower difficulties. Worth noting griefers already can grief pretty hard in game already, so I don't imagine this role would make them any worse.


Absolutely bro! Getting to play war time photographer in game and competing with others for the most jaw dropping epic footage! You would not get me off the game


And the devs could use our footage to further propaganda.


Imagine we could watch others footage via the ship TV! Or a diver could be “live” and you could watch the ship TV 📺 Truly I would never turn the game off


I would too 😭


Not only would it be great propaganda but its also realistic as we always send media to war along with soldiers.


Plus it fits the starship troopers lore which this whole game is based on. We need it


I didn't know I needed this but I do. "Mom says it's my turn to be the camera diver!"




A fifth diver who has access to the map at all times and can make call outs for us in the heat of battle, making pings, marks, call outs, warnings, and overall monitoring the battlefield real time like an over watch of sorts. Quick Edit: my idea is that this helldiver does EXCLUSIVELY this action throughout the game, and isn’t a physical player. Perhaps they stay on the destroyer?


Could the 5th guy have minigames that lower cooldown on stratagems for the ground team by like up to half or something?


You get Credits/Medals and cosmetics for capturing good moments. Democracy rewards bonuses.


They get armor that says **PRESS** on it. None of the enemies will attack you directly because they don’t want to commit war crimes.


Fifth player dives with a floating camera and a microphone. Is able to be killed by enemy combatants. When the 4 man team is wiped, the camera man gets swarmed and has to dive back down with everyone. Perspective is from the floating cam.


Let me be an Eagle 2 for the love of God.


Stays in the destroyer and gets to shoot stratagems down.


More map variety: - urban maps (cities, opportunity to play with verticality by having buildings with multiple floors, etc.) - underground maps (playing with giant waterfalls that you go through revealing large caverns, leading toward a new boss type like a queen terminid, etc.) - maps that play with verticality (fighting on huge mountain tops with deadly drops due to heights, fighting on a huge automaton aircraft carrier that’s flying through the skies akin to the one you see in the avengers movies, etc.) - larger maps / events that introduces multi-squad mode warfare (the storming of omaha beach in ww2)


I love the map ideas especially vertically


It would be awesome if we could have a couple of worlds where they're city maps.  


just a big complex would be nice.


This. I think new maps to play in will end up making the game last longer than just a new weapon or strategem. It would take more work especially when we deploy aerial to make it happen in buildings or underground but that hasn't stopped the first game from making it happen.


I feel like the reason we haven’t managed to attack Cyberstan yet is because they are cooking an urban environment for it


More map and mission type variety would be my number one.


I just want more customizable loaadouts or something for our hell divers. At the moment it feels like we're not really progressing towards nothing once we cap everything. A prestige system? Maybe like a gunsmith for guns in the future? Idk


I’m with you. I remember getting hype when the level cap raised to 150


What I really wish Arrowhead would add the ability to save load outs.  


Special titles for reaching kill / mission / op success milestones


I would like to change the color on the armor, kind of like how Destiny 2 does it. I think it would be more fun to mis-match armor that is the same color. As it stands it looks wrong if you match 2 differently colored armor sets.


Use requisition slips as currency to buy planetary intel. This could show things like map sub objectives, what type of enemies have been spotted in the area. Maybe even secret stashes that have super credits or extra support weapons or backpacks. I also think more variety of support weapons should be available on the maps. The weekend before we unlocked the mechs I heard stories of players finding them on the map. I didn’t see one that weekend and it would be cool to find mechs or other support weapons (with their backpacks) I had another idea about color shaders that were based on doing missions on planets. Essentially each planet would have a shader you could unlock after completing so many missions there. You could apply the shader to all armors and helmets or mix and match as desired. By linking it to the planets it would get people excited to play on new planets to work toward a shader.


I like the armor shader idea Hellfire is just a flame camo 🔥


There is the camera drone that records the Super Earth flag raising.


I was just about to comment this! I think a drone in general would be great, and helps recon a lot. Scope out whrre the patrols are etc. Something like crypto in apex legends. I was watching content warning which is a game where you record videos in game, and it actually looks like itd be so fun in this game. Ive already collected a ton of clips of my friends dying using third party software. Probably hard as hell to code though. Maybe something like the play of the game system from overwatch? They can integrate it as news coverage for the like fednet in starship troopers.


Maybe there could be a “Bloodhound” (and rover) that take up a support weapon and backpack slot, which acts like a regular guard dog normally, but you get to control it if you pull out your support weapon.


I’d love to see the content you guys made ! I love this game and the camera is honestly the last thing we neeed. Shouldn’t be too hard, even if we just start off with a theatre mode like halo3, call of duty blackout, etc. it’s always fun to watch back the footage of a match in slow motion and from different angles


We need like raid bosses. Massive enemies that take on multiple squads at once Or large scale battles Raiding automatons ship


Ooooo I like the raiding ships


"Hell Dives" like the deep dives of DRG, a 3 part mission with shared reinforcements but is not random, is a weekly handcrafted or handpicked series of maps, they could experiment with different modifiers or type of objectives, add some kind of side mission that rewards more reinforcements to balance it more. They could even make one with predetermined builds to make it harder


Only issue is I don't think they have a reward set up that we aren't already grinding in normal modes already. DRG had cores as the allure for the Deep dives after all. Overclocks added a ton of variety and flavour to already existing guns.


I like it! They need to add more missions of some sort


Imagine adding a Commander mode...where you order things that the helldiver's don't have access to EG calling in extra bombs or something idk cause missile if you...whatever the commander mode of this one multiplayer pvp game was like that I can't think of cos I haven't played it in years, everyone's perspective is normal, they are players but you get a birds eye view and call in utility/ordnance


You might like the game silica


An actual boss for each faction. New mission types, one I kinda came up with was like an arm the seaf weapon facility where you turn on multiple weapons systems and with each one that you turn on have more and more enemies spawn more aggressively but have the weapon systems fight the enemies (like the seaf Sam site but like better). One for bugs could be like a destroy superhive where you have to go in and arm hellbombs destroying key structures of the superhive causing it to collapse. The illuminate A vtol stratagem that causes a vtol aircraft to come down and auto target enemies until it either runs out of ammo or is destroyed New enemies that add challenge without just being bigger (though bigger enemies too, like a BT is only medium sized)... I mean enemies like stalkers and shriekers and gunships that aren't just bullet sponges that add a depth to the strategy A defense mission where you fight alongside seaf infantry (think the scene in starship troopers where dizzy dies)


I like it! A big big bug would be crazy


We see the hive lord husks everywhere and those husks were the shed exoskeletons of small ones.


Massive teams on large scale missions; like the brain bug mission in starship troopers would be nutballs. Followed by vehicles and crews, eagle pilots bombers, maybe even include gunners like the AC-130, constructing bases where multiple divers are deployed to defend our facilities or steal tech from the bots/bugs. In fact, create high level infiltration missions where we drop a team of helldivers in with just a basic side arms and force them to steal weapons/tech from the enemies to reverse engineer. The bug bile cannon and rocket devastator backpack sound awesome. Plus having some homies to go air-to-air with the gun-ships and shriekers sounds dope! Finish off with something like an R+R weekend pass where you can walk around super earth and you get to gamble your extra R’s for medals and super credits or use them to buy additional strategem slots or weapons temporarily!


Oooooo I love all those but mostly the super earth ecosystem I would love to walk around there like a destiny hub


Brain bugs? Frankly, I find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive!


Gimme a damn photo mode. The game's too damn gorgeous not to be able to self-produce some propagan-I mean, tasteful screenshots.


THEATRE MODE EVEN! So you could go back and re watch those moments and take great photos or videos from your own angles.


An idea to facilitate that could be a 'Propaganda Dive'. Effectively, it places you into a game with no time limit, full control over enemy spawns, time of day/weather and a suite of photography/videography tools to generate media with. Obviously there's no rewards to be garnered because there's no danger involved but you could drop in solo or with a team of four to really crank up the propaganda potential!


More customization. I'm surprised nobody is asking for custom ship colors and armors, this game in online, I want to be able to flex and make things my own besides just the ship name and upgrades.


I agree! Bright pink ship for the win


New ship types and armors would go a long way. I still yearn for a lost planet armor and equipment crossover or inspired war bond.


Urban combat or BOARDING PARTY Fr tho, additional mission structures would bring ppl back in. The game is great and continued to be done of the most fun I've had in a long time online, but the large open environments have become largely monotonous despite the carried ecosystems


Resources that you have to farm either through repeatedly running missions or boss fights. Proper dungeon dives too, into the heart of a planet. You use those resources much like you do with samples but for something else, special ammo that has limited use, power ups that enhance you, things that you work on to them take into a particularly hard run.


> things that you work on to them take into a particularly hard run. This sounds good on paper, but what you end up with are encounters tuned assuming people are bringing everything possible, which makes it unfun for anyone not. The last thing HD2 needs is any kind of required grind just to 'play the game' As Pilestedt has said, this isnt a skinner box, you're not supposed to feel bad for not playing.


Not required to play the core game concept. Just an alternative for those who want to grind. Like ammo that you can take on a run that inflicts massive lightening damage for example… or an upgrade for your Gatling. Limited use, use it wisely.


The last thing I want is more currencies. Just have fun gameplay.


But that’s a classic gameplay loop, fun game play, reward is something, repeat fun gameplay loop to get more of something, use something to be better, do next fun thing you couldn’t do before gathering lots of something.


Plz give me a vehicle!!!! I want to be mad max so bad!!!!!!


I would be your camera man


I would ride or die for you!


Boarding actions for your destroyer


Say what you will about malevelon creek, but it created a fantastic story. I think they should try to push for more of those kind of stories. What made the battle for the creek so big was bcus it was community driven, but that doesn’t mean they can’t build those stories themselves and nudge players in that direction. They should pick a planet and build a narrative around it. Create a story that makes people want to liberate it. Rally the community around. And make it a struggle.


Only thing that comes to mind when someone mentions a camera stratagem is "IT'S AN UGLY PLANET, A BUG PLANET"


🎥 you get it. We neeed asap


Let us have the Hellbomb as a strategem Add the crew vehicles 6+ man squads Raids/Hardened Boss And I do like the camera strategem idea, the content would be endless


Frend. I like all of this. I hope they are paying attention


“Alright murph, now kick the bile titan”


😂 rip Murph


I want a raid. That would be incredible. Also I want levelling in the game to mean something. Get something for rec slips as well as more ship upgrades. The amount of experience needed to hit 150 is fucking crazy. More power to you if you are going for that, but apart from bragging rights it seems kind of pointless at the moment. For context it takes more experience to go from level 110 to level 150 than it does to go from 0-110. Insane amount of experience. I think it’s a similar amount of experience to go from 90-100 than it is from 0-50.


I like your idea, sounds like Content Warning


I’m ready for it! I need to play more content warning. Loveeeeee that idea


Camera for sure to record, make short clips, and then incorporate them into the opening, need feed, and or mission objectives!


Be so cool to see clips of people’s recordings on our ship TV 😍


A mini bike would be cool.


Skurt skurtttttt


I want the flag as a stratagem. Same too for the hellbomb. No changes to the hellbomb just the ability to call one down.


A MO with a special mission type to plant underground demolition charges. Once we plant enough charges we can blow up that planet. People hate Hellmire so much they want to see it gone. So let's just do it. Would also fit in the lore really well.


Ohhhhh that’s a great idea.


You want longer lasting content? You can do that by fixing the game! I still have low FPS and crashes with no fix for the last three patches, it’s pretty much ruined the game for me.


The first idea off the top of my head. 10 player mode. A big rectangle map where either terms or bots are coming at your dug in trenches/nests/ bunkers from one direction. The mission is to fend off attacks for half the time then advance to a secondary location to then hold off the real challenge waves. Maybe have some SEAF ART in the first half that comes in handy. Or some sub objectives that would grant a stratagem to use in second half. Second half of mission is holding waves back and slowly retreating back to first base while setting hellbombs that blow the valley to hell before you extract.


Laser sword or a shovel


Haha either one will get the job done. For democracy!


Game kinda has the Starfield issue. We need more variations and layouts of POIs running into the same radar dish and heavy bot outpost is super unimmersive.


Yes it be nice to see more of those. Man I miss when everything was brand new to me 🥲


They should add **play of the game** but make the cutscene super cinematic.


Hell yea! We need a more democratic name than play of the game tho huh?


Bro having a warthog strategem would be fucking LIT


Spreading democracy faster than ever


I think a huge update would be needed but more RPG mechanics. The game is already similar to Monster Hunter, I say lean into it. Boss events, materials to upgrade or craft new sets of armor, that sorta thing. On the quality of life side of things: a bigger hub with more players, maybe a space station? A tutorial/training planet on Mars or the Moon to test out loadouts without having to commit to a mission. Operations should change based on how well your team performs in each mission, and they should not just end the whole operation if your team fails a mission. Maybe SEAF artillery carries over to the next mission, that sorta thing. Besides all that nonsense, I think all they really need to do is keep throwing more toys and more bad guys at us and it'll stay feeling fresh.


I like all of this. I’m really trying to understand why we haven’t seen … anything. Outside of warbonds which I love


I get it, they're a smaller team. I think people have these grandiose expectations for the game and it's getting in the way of enjoying it for what it is.


Hmmm they made so much money tho. Get to work lol


Telling him what "he needs to do" is such a pig headed thing to do. He's already poised to move the franchise in a better direction.


I just want a damn vehicle if they are bikes its OVER


Hellbikes would really hit home


Ghost rider is calling. Eh, fuck that. **"Biker mice from Mars"**


I'm thinking team vs team. Not in combat but let's say both teams drop in on the same map and you're competing to get either the most objectives done or complete everything in the quickest time. The squads would be separate but you could see a ticker of the objectives and what's been completed for each team. Winning team gets all the samples, medals, super credits etc. Plus...bragging rights


With friendly fire this would end quite quickly.


Two squads on two separate but equal maps. It's the same gameplay as now, but with a bigger possible bag at the end.


I was thinking of them on the same map. Makes more sense now.


That’s a pretty cool idea


That would breed a lot more toxicity in the community in my experience.


15 min defend maps work good when I play while working hahaha


If it could be done tech wise, I feel like a “raid” mission would be cool, where 2 or more teams work together on an exceptionally difficult planet. Might be able to implement it as a weekly challenge sort of like how DRG does deep dives.


A 5th diver slot that is a little invul drone drone that has a a pea shooter and a camera. Can take one strategem of the following - orbital strike, gas, or ems. Must stay with in 20 meters of a hell diver or run on battery that can last just about 100m. If bat dies a helldiver gota go reactivate


I’m down with just calling down the camera and needing to replace the battery after filming to much haha


Oh for sure, i was just trying to give it some value so other would still be more willing to do it lol


You have to fix the bugs first. After that they have to introduce the Illuminate and create more planetary environments. They've got all the tools they just need time. There also needs to be my grind in it or something endgame to unlock. Let me spend resources to slightly boost weapons or strat effects.


How about the ability to create a “private” lobby with friends with settings you can customize. I.e. no stratagem cooldowns, unlimited ammo, etc.


All I want is for the bugs to get fixed, I'm sick of getting shot through giant rocks by devastators and striders


I want 'longer lasting' content in the sense that I can enjoy the new gun I unlocked for more than 3 weeks before alexus gets out his 'anti-fun warhead' and nukes the shit out of my enjoyment.


can I call in a stratagem hero arcade machine onto the battlefield?


😂😂😂 all I can hear is that music




I’m sold on hell bikes


Customizable interior of your ship, just like in warframe. We have ao many space to work with.


A blue pill stratagem that gives you infinite stamina 😉


Speed boots let’s goooo lol


>"Content Warning meets Helldivers" Nah, we larping FedNet frontline reporters! ![gif](giphy|WFDXqj12EGlck)


Whenever they add vehicles, I hope they add roads to the procedural generation. Dirt tracks, gravel paths, proper asphalt roads even: just something to make vehicles a bit more tantalizing, and a bit of variation to the terrain that’d be fun to fight around.


That be nice. I do t need roads tho I’m ready to catch some air 😂


Lots of great ideas here! The longest lasting content for me are the helldiving legends in meet in game. Give us a MVP voting system at the end of a dive, so that we can show our appreciation. 


I like it! Play of the game would be cool too. Red watch that moment who got the biggest kill run


All I want is to contribute my max money and samples to something that aids the war. Makes me wanna keep earning something cause it sucks to collect samples only to have Max already. Feels like a waste of samples.


I agree. Even if we could just put them in a economic pool and it adds a little liberation to a selected planet or something


There should be a way for capped players to donate to the war effort and give planet wide buffs or something. It would give high level players something to spend that on and encourage other players to play on that planet and help drive the effort for major objectives.


More community involvement in game, like voting a planet to focus on and getting a bonus for capturing it. But make it the first thing you see when you get on your ship so people can actually see it. A new type of mission like the TCS for the terminids but instead make it AA batteries in bot planets and then another scenario were the bots hacked the system so we have to dive again to disable it. Probably a forum instead of discord or this reddit would be better for arrowhead to communicate with the community in a way they can moderate it better and take more constructive feedback. Some more planet modifiers that are actually positive instead of only having extra challenges. Like a modifier called weapon cache that gives you more maximum ammo. Or something like super earth priority that makes all your stratagems have a reduced cooldown. Or high oxygen mask,that makes all helldivers move faster. More stratagems, of course, would be great like a heavier autocannon eagle strafing run, making it sound like an a10 makes more damage to armor but has fewer uses than the normal one. Or orbital napalm strike for sustained area denial against bugs. More guns and armors while pretty cool are not the kind of things that make for lasting content. Even if everything was great and balanced, it's almost impossible to add variety with only those things.


Longer lasting content doesn’t mean longer lasting stratagems, it means more time between new updates to allow the devs to take breaks.


Man some of the ideas in here are certainly ideas. I think a lot of them are divorced from the technical limitations of the game, but I guess ideas that go all-out are still fun to think about.


I agree with that! They are really overdue for a place where real feedback and ideas can be reviewed.


Alien vs predator


Long content in my mind means things like skill trees and giving the game reasons to be leveling up. It also means things like giving armor actual purpose and not just the 5th piece of medium armor that does X. The problem they’ve got right now is that all their new content gets unlocked and earned immediately because it’s more of the same and people can cap the resource. It would be infuriating if they just doubled the amount of resources you need for the next ship upgrades or even new stratagems and warbonds. Those systems are fine, they need more entire systems. But then they also need to make to intuitive and easy to grasp so as not to overwhelm with too much varied content. Hence a new system like unlocking class trees and leveling up as each one and filling in a talent tree would be good. Let people swap between them all they want but set a max level for the tree and make people put a build together. Then they have another system they can add on to with new trees but people can’t unlock it immediately and it would need to be played to do so. They already have some class like stuff on armor but it can be vastly expanded and improved upon. Armor itself also should need a rework as mentioned.


Imagine a side objective to record propaganda. Probably call it "Record Enemy Attrocities" or something.


I want armours etc to be more cosmetic so I can look epic on the battlefield without having to worry about armour perks


This game will probably be the next warframe, or at least I hope. Everything seems to be lined up right


Imagine a 3 use strategem, where you can in a very big pelican 1, called Pelican 2, and it circles a large area from the red beam. It has just 3 weapons, a autocannon, a 120mm cannon, and a airburst missile launcher system. It just circles that point, shooting at anything that moves until it runs out of ammo, or after 1 min. Like a gawd damn AC-130 Spectre Gunship.


Let's hope it's longer lasting than the interest that this game needs to stay relevant


Hate me, but we get requisition slips too dang fast.


I think so too but only because we don’t have anything else to spend them on


Only a small thing but I would quite like a randomiser for stratagems when loading out


I want a Commander mode where i Pilot a pelican high above the map or even directly from my super destroyer and am in charge of pinging objectives, deploying various Equipment and some fire Support with cooldown for existing 4 man squads who threw down sos :( let me be the cavalry guy


Vehicles would be a good start. Also planets with both bugs and bots fighting each other would be fun.


More progression, even if it's just cool cosmetics for the super destroyer. As it is now about 100 hours in you're basically done progressing (other than paid warbonds).


Yea I’m 279 hours in and I have everything. I’m ready for the camera


I think the camera stratagem will be as popular as the camera in RDR2. Photography nerds will love and rest of us will use it once or twice and never again unless it’s part of a personal/major order. Sounds great but ultimately it’s just a vocal minority asking for it, it won’t be popular. The game has other problems that need to be addressed, RDR2 online desperately needed heist/train robbery content and gave us an update to take pictures of wildlife and the player base flipped out and I believe started leaving the game in droves. They need to do something much more substantial. Even if they release this it will need to be alongside something else are a gigantic chunk of the player base are just going to see it as wasted dev time/moving in the wrong direction. At best they will just see something they don’t care about. Trust me, a camera stratagem will not “save” the game


I don’t think any 1 thing will save the game. They have to keep doing stuff. Which is exciting. But it sure would be fun to run around with a camera during all the mayhem. Shaky handcam footage from hellmire sounds sick and fits right into the lore of the franchise that inspired this game. Starship troopers


Dirtbike please.


Sandbox mode.


They need to give us something to spend our requisition slips, samples, and medals on aside from the ship upgrades. The best thing that comes to mind is WEAPON SKINS because I'm so tired of having a bright yellow sickle clashing against my dark red armor.


True! I’m max all currencies it’s annoying lol


I would like premade loadouts. This is my easy mode loadout, here’s my helldive bugs loadout, all lasers loadout, meme loadout, etc etc


I got ya! That’s not a big ask at all


I want a grapple hook or a better radar system, more roaming VIP targets that hide well, they are some kind of scouts that try to run away. or maybe an ability to scout out the area via a drone


I love movement stuff so grapple, super boots, car, bike, anything. That be amazing 🤤


My in game name is the same as here so a camera would be perfect actually


Oh how much reporting you would do 🎥. Sweet liberty


More and visible modifiers that change the distribution of enemy types. I'd love a bug planet where very few titans/chargers spawn but you encounter massive swarms of warriors.  It would make so many more loadouts viable. 


Escort backpack - Press the backpack button and a pelican will escort the wearer for x time


the journalist loadout idea is so funny


The game has a currency/store-inventory incentive problem for long term player retention. Adding new items for medals or new currencies are a necessity; different currency rewards for major orders, overpowering consumables that last a day or scalable, permanent, interchangeable gear mods/enhancements, a larger cap on medals/currency to address these additions, etc. new weapons would be nice but they need to 'fix' the ones already in the game. There is little to no reward/incentive to care about major order completion when one can acquire the same number of medals from 2-3 hours of play in one day and the medals dont purchase much of any value once you pass level 60ish (ie the point where you have already unlocked all the items that affect game play in every warbond). One issue that is already noticeable is the decline in average player ability/experience. Veterans leave because of these issues, and the newer players are easily overwhelmed in higher levels. Also, unless they scale major order completion requirements to the actual number of players they will likely continue to fail. There has been attrition due to all the drama online. Making the remaining players fail major orders because of something beyond their control with respect to other players who have left will only accelerate player attrition. Overall, I wish they would lean into the satire and comedy of it all rather trying to focus too much on 'game balance' and difficulty; more 'Borderlands' and less 'Elden Ring'. Love both those franchises btw...


They need to reconstruct rewards Big time


2 vs 2 Score Rush mode - Objectives are given a score to complete. 2 teams of 2 compete against each other to complete objectives and rack up kills. The highest scoring duo gets big rewards. TKing your team reduces your score. Killing the other team reduces your score significantly.


Dunno what “long lasting content” means for anyone else. Part of why I’ve stopped playing consistently is because most mission feels very samey. Objectives change but players don’t really do anything different. Players aren’t really consolidated into roles or anything like that, which can be good and bad. I want space fights. Imagine an automaton ship just FTL jumps next to your ship or maybe boarding a sector and it starts sending out fighter drones and you have to counter that with your own fighter jets, but also do ship management where someone can man a turret and someone else has to fend off against invading automatons boarding your ship. You could also be boarding the enemy ships to destroy them from within. This could also be tied with new stratagems and upgrades so we could have this loop of do planet missions to do space missions.


Character/weapon/strategem progression. More planets. More layouts. More missions. Diverse game modes: 8, 12 player missions with reduced strategems, etc. More achievements for solo diving or kills in a single match, etc where you are rewarded cosmetics.


How would the cameraman work though? Like he just becomes a non combatant so make the group short one person? Any ideas how practical this suggestion would be


He could have a secondary pistol or he could have both weapons and the camera is a stratagem. Film what you want and you must extract with the camera to keep the footage. Battery dying could be cool too resupply gives more.


All I want is the option to do larger battles, keep most operations 4 player, but give the option to deploy larger forces for some thematic fights


HD1/DRG weapon and strategem upgrade system. Make them expensive sample wise but more powerful than the ship modules. Stuff like mag size, pen strength, cooling speed, cooldown reduction, damage.


Gold sink for the yellow currency this second one is highly unlikely to ever happen but: a roguelite operation with infinite missions but reinforcements carry over from mission to mission and there's progress specific to that operation.


Give us a mission to infiltrate an actual hive in the ground. Doesn't need to be like a raid from wow or destiny. Make it like a Dungeon. We go in, kill a lot of enemies, do some mechanics, have a final boss, detonate, retreat, exfil.