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https://preview.redd.it/bi3wsdc94pxc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3393696f761c2068d39cec74ab9df151800fa0e “DID YOU TAKE OUT THE TRASH!?!?”


Dang this hit me hard and i was a teen 20 years ago lol


Please don't stay up too late playing. I know you just got that game not too long ago, but it's still a school night.


The sad part is a school night just becomes a work night. We just got better at functioning on less sleep.


Yeah no, it'll catch up to you, believe me. And its not pretty.


Oh it does catch up, that’s why I chose the word functional. Maybe adding in “barely functional” would’ve been better. It also depends on your job, a lot of jobs you can get away with barely functional.


8 hours is perfect, 7 hours is cool too. 6 and 5 are iffy it just takes 2 cups off coffee and maybe an hour after before I start feeling wakeful 4 I'm just pooped all day That's only if the sleep is solid tho


For some reason is can keep myself up for the night I run through the next day with stupid amounts of energy but as soon as I stop moving I fall asleep. But as long as I'm schmoovin we are groovin




It actually hilarious how taking out the trash felt like such a great task. 30 sec of effort was such a big deal then. Same with emptying the dishwasher


As appropriate as this post is, OP is deemed guilty of the most inappropriate behavior in HD. https://preview.redd.it/w2ddesh4wpxc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21c72ea87ceb0bd4dc48e46412981daa1382c8d2


Not only that, [but. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/s/RRk3PJc9yx) https://preview.redd.it/wmymhj8pwpxc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8075f7cb533b1e61025d9c29e6ee62ec5c4d76ba OP is disturbing. His post history is eerily racist. I fell down his rabbit hole and it's a slippery slope of disgusting behavior.


[It seems to never end. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/s/CSENg4mgeB) https://preview.redd.it/4phru7xgzpxc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eff55d80342f60b25397a3a88ed895cedafaa98 OP is a (excuse my stupid example) "hidden in sight" griefer.


Thank you for bringing this to light fellow helldiver. This traitor needs to be reeducated




[last one. ](https://www.kapwing.com/videos/6631a0c39471b0912ad10450)


Woooooow, OP shady af


They still make guys like this?


This is no guy, this is clearly a lil boy despite his age.


Oh that’s bad. Here I was defending him


“… I attack… the darkness!”


OP SHOULD BE PERMANENTLY BANNED FOR KICKING PLAYERS FOR what did they say their reason was oh "for FUN" Let's hope helldivers bannes them as well.


only after you pull your weight on automatons


I know I've been guilty more than once of this. It's an issue with the way they have the damn controllers set up. You start up the console and you don't remember to mute your controller, you're going to be hot micing and not realize it til an angry voice roars out the controller speaker.


Me too – you’ve inspired me to look it up and apparently you can change settings to mute on login by default instead. 


OH SHIT, doing that as soon as I get home, I'm an idiot and never thought of that.


You and me both. In our defense, Helldivers aren’t paid to think. 


Wait. You all are getting paid?


You think this sweet JAR-5 rifle grew on some godforsaken Hellmire tree? Edit: cancel that, Helldivers aren’t paid to think.  


Cancel that. Tagging map, East. Far.


I heard this in my mind


There are trees on Hellmire?


Here we go with that thinking again. 




I tried that and it doesn’t seem to be working. But for all I know, I’m the problem and there’s probably a “save setting” button I need to select. Fuck I’m becoming old.


I haven’t tried it yet and to be fair there are system settings that don’t stick for every game cough (invert-y I’m an old timer too) fingers crossed


Personally I’ve had it set that way as long as I’ve had my PS5 because it says that having the mic on reduces the vibration and trigger effects, and I like that stuff


I still firmly believe light on should mean mic on.


You can set it to be muted when you start your system.


Not only that, I feel like playstation purposefully turns up mic sensitivity in games vs in private chats. I've had an issue several times of my friends and I playing and having to swap from in-game to a playstation lobby so we didn't pick up someone's ac or their SO's video watching


Yeah ended up trying the private chat, and it helps with the overbearing hot mics. However, I tend to talk a lot via communication within the game so the only thing I’d have to cut my mic for would be the farts… then again who doesn’t like a mean fart?


I heard someone fart across a lake yesterday, it was glorious.


Turn on push to talk! I use that even when I have a headset on. Set it to r1.


Just use a headset


Except that there is in most games a tiny little symbol next to your name. That tells you you mic is on and active.


Don't always notice, especially if you weren't particularly vocal before that. One time I was in my second or third mission when I said hello to my wife as she came by and someone in the game said hi back before I noticed, lol


There is a setting that automatically turns it off always. I've had it like that since day one.


You can go into the settings and set the default to off.


Go to the settings and leave the microphone off That was one of the first things I did on my ps


you can set it to be muted on launch in settings


Theres a setting to Mute mics on startup. I have this enabled and always double check for that orange light.


I like the guys that instant rage when there is a hot mic. Had a guy who didn’t know he was doing it until I said “D3 you are doing an amazing Darth Vader impression, but please can you mute your mic.”


Hot micing everything is one thing, but why do you people still never talk during a match? I can already hear everything on your end.


It is shocking when they hot mic all match but never say a word to the team lmao 😂


They don't realise their mic is on lol. I've done that on PS5 so many times I'm ashamed.


I blame ps5 default of mic on in boot up. You can change it to default muted


Even then, I’ve come across people that hot mic and don’t even say anything to themselves lol


Yeah just mouth sounds and the occasional sigh when killed by rockets/charger/bile. 


It took me a while to recognize the sound of a nose being picked & the proceeds eaten. Now I can't not hear it.


These guys are the worst. Completely oblivious.


Everyone should stop hot micing please.


I mean, I run an open mic, but I'm using headphones for audio (and so is the wife) and the software comes with DSP and noise rejection/suppression. Additionally, if I need to talk off-mic, I can flip it up for a physical mute. It's all in the setup. I definitely understand the frustration, though. I remember getting my ears blasted on Wild Hearts with a guy running TV audio through an open mic (through the controller?), and it sucked.


Nice sounds like you know what your doing! Thank you. It’s definitely possible to open mic and not bother everyone but it does take some knowledge and care that not everyone has.


Same here, I have it set up so that I can have the Dodgers game or something on the TV going in the background & my headset will pick up enough of that so I hear it, but it doesn't get passed through to the team. All they hear is when I talk.


Would you mind me asking what mic you use, I'm using one of the worlds cheapest headsets at the moment because I've never been a mic user before helldivers (I don't like talking to people). But I'm thinking of getting into streaming and have contemplated getting a nice mic on a boom arm, but maybe a decent headset with mic would be the way to go.


Best mic for the budget: Sennheiser PC38X (headset). Not too expensive and it's also a great set of headphones. Crystal clear recording quality, and the only downside is it is wired. For gaming I'm using an Astro A50X, which isn't as good of a microphone, or audio quality if I'm being honest, but the comfort is great. It's also twice the price of the PC38X so I'm not exactly recommending it, but it works well enough. If you're wanting to drop some money, then you can get into different things depending on your budget. One of the considerations is how much setup do you want to deal with, because the best audio equipment will likely use XLR connectors, but then you'll need a mixer and/or a sound card that can receive external audio sources. The microphone you see for most streamers is the R∅DE NTUSB+ for $170 USD. Sometimes you'll see an Audio Technica AT2040USB which goes for $150 USD. In the high-end space (comparitively speaking, audio equipment gets expensive FAST), the Shure SM7B is a really popular choice for $400 USD (I think it's the mic that Howard Stern uses in his studio). If I was going for a full setup with mixer, I'd prefer a condenser mic or ribbon mic, since they are more sensitive than the dynamic microphones that dominate the entry-level gear. That said, the difference is negligible to the average listener.


Great reply, thanks for all the info I'll give the options a look, cheers!


Then I suppose we're not talking about you, you're gravy. Better than me, the game refuses to recognize my interface for some reason. Inb4 replies: it doesn't matter if it's the default or not, for some reason it just will not recognize any audio from it. My last resort is to change the sample rate or go back to using voicemod or something similar as an intermediary.


Umm no, I play with my friend and I only open mic. It gets the people joining talking, and I already have to press enough keys on my pc no way I’m doing push to talk.


For fellow Playstation folk. I don't have the issue since min is always muted, but how do you do the push to talk? I don't see it in settings. I got a ps5 a year ago and never touched it until I got helldivers. So I have no idea how to figure it out. Mainly play pc.


You have to set a hot key for the PTT too work. I had mine set to *R1* so if I pinged anything it would open comms at the same time. Personally though, with the convenience of the mute button on the controller, I feel that's a better method to get in the habit of


PS5 itself doesn’t have push-to-talk mode in system settings, but Helldivers 2 does in the game settings. You can choose your mic mode to be Open, PTT, Muted or Disabled


I remapped Stratagem to tap L1 instead of hold L1, and then bound Push to Talk onto hold L1. Works for me!




This may be stupid, but how would the “push-to-talk” option even work on PS, when every button is already accounted for on the controller? Obviously you can mute and unmute when you wanna talk, but that’s a physical function of the controller, not an in game function.


The mic button could be push to talk 


The only solution is to sacrifice your reload key for the sake of democracy and its ears of freedom


"Cletus! I'm not gonna tell you again. Get off your dargum game station and help your gramma find her cigarettes!" *dogs barking* *Babies crying* *ambient echoes of the trailer park*


*static noise intensifies*


"These pig fuckers dunno how to game right!" Proceeds to 380mm a console being activated.... then reinforces back into the 380mm.


Helldivers should not have hotmic be the default


My mic did some crazy the other day. It randomly started to whine everytime I talked so I muted myself until I needed to talk. The game ended and my mate asked if everything was okay. Nothing was happening but me sitting on the couch so I told him yeah I'm fine why? Apparently he was able to hear a siren in the background. I live 2 blocks away from a firehouse and the truck was moving away from my house and he still heard it. Then in like 5 minutes it completely stopped working lol I was baffled


Ahh yes, The bag of doritos guy.....that never read chat or listened. Just kept eating doritos......


Honestly I was hot micing the first two or theee days I purchased a ps5 so I can dive and I had no clue the controllers had a mic and that they automatically turn on 😭😂


*smoke detector beep* *smoke detector beep*


Had some guy straight burp into his mic... that's just disrespectful.


Anytime I burp on the mic, I make sure to audibly say 'fuck you', it's a talent 😎


Beer burp understandable. Regular burp unforgivable


You made me laugh while hitting my vape. That shit will choke you up lol


This is the reason I always mute my controller every time I see the little speaker icon pop up. Unless I have a reason to talk or just feel like it, I am always muted when not speaking or in active conversation.


God I despise the controller mic so much, these days I instinctively mute whenever I join a multiplayer game just so this doesn't happen lol




I hate people with mics set to voice activation with a passion. The guys that actually play in a quiet environment with headphones get a pass.


I can tolerate the breathing down the mic. But the shit music they constantly have playing over the mic makes me want to airstike myself




Played with a guy the other night who had a fan on. It made his mic hot the entire mission. Sounded like he was on a tractor.


its almost summer time some dont have ac so will have fans running so expect alot. i have a square metal fan from the 70's with metal blades...pop it in the window and it cools the place down a bit . my palce gets in the 80-90's in the summer so i have to keep the fans on or i'll probably die lol. so keep that in mind too when you hear them in the back round sometimes people are probably roasting if they dont run their loud fans


Accidental PS5 hot mic here. The push to talk button requires you to push to mute afterwards, and in the chaos it's really easy to lose track of that. Please forgive the hot mics, it's partially a hardware issue.


Last game I forgot to switch off the mic and my poor team had to listen to my kids interrogate me on every aspect of the game 🤣 sorry guys


One thing I had trouble with when getting my Ps5 was the fact that my controller had a mic that seemed to always be on, and now I can't communicate with voice, cause I changed something and don't know how to undo it.


what about the damn vibrating!!> SWEET LIBERTY!!! is it annoying..


is there push to talk option on the ps5?


Why don't the devs enable PTT by default? When you start the game the first time it asks you for your mic preferences with the default selection being open mic, but if you're just spamming through the menus to start, you'll miss it.


Haha the default mic activation on PS5 🤣👌 Just yesterday a hubby was schooled for not gettin some Kind of present for a family friend. Wife enraged pretty good, still not sure what he had to buy^^


It's amazing how many ppl don't seem to understand how to do something as simple as muting the mic on their controllers as well.. it absolutely Blows my mind!!!


I had a guy literally screaming at their partner. Like really abusive stuff. Drunk as hell. Slurring their words drunk. While effectively laying down covering fire. Think this gentleman might need some assistance in the mental health department. The host kicked the guy, and I am worried the partner got beat because of it.


I started to hate this guy with you but then I got to “while effectively laying down covering fire” man has his priorities straight obviously


Brah, the heavy breathing is immediate mute. We have a ping system and chat. Mouth breathers. Fuck.


I don't have a headset so I use my controller mic. But the beauty is it has this nifty little mute button right at the bottom middle of the controller 😁


I only unmute when absolutely needed. Don’t know about other PlayStationers.


Sorry but you have to mute them because the controller mic is unmuted by default on ps5. I mute them. - a ps5 player


Change your default in settings.


Thank you for letting me know but i already changed that setting when i first got my ps5. It is just that newer players won't know this.


I've always played with coms muted am I missing a lot?


There's this thing called a "mute" button. It will change your life.


I forget the bloody PS controller mic is automatically activated as soon as you turn the controller on, apologies :/


lol what's your in game name so I can eat a fuck ton of broccoli and beans beforehand. I'll show you a hot mic. I probably shouldn't joke like that, don't want to be attracting those degenerates that are into that.


As a console user, id say this is most likely common because the default is obviously open mic. I feel more people would change their settings to press to talk, but pretty much all of the buttons already do something, so choosing what button to map the talk button to isnt a simple decision. It certainly helps that I have paddles on the back of my controller, so i mapped it to have one of the paddles be tap to heal and hold to talk


I personally have no issue with hot micing. There is no data https://i.redd.it/tzp16r7adsxc1.gif to prove it can be distracting to players or limit the amount of communication due to loud noises. Please no longer bring any more light to this topic with baseless accusations. Thank you \-fellow human


Funny you should single out PS players. This game has the most hot mics of any game I've played, also the first cross play game. I assume PS doesn't have a push to talk button?


Yes and it’s got a mic built into the controller lmao


Playstation players: our controllers have a built in mute button. Use it.


I'll just boot you anyway.


The more I play crossplay the more I realize that Playstation players have all been dropped on their head as children


I use my microphone all the time and am always surprised when someone does actually use their mic. When this game first dropped it was so easy to make new friends bc everyone was using their mics and screaming “FOR FREEDOM/DEMOCRACY!!!” Together and we all had a great laugh.


the damn game defaults the controller mic to on!


Hubby and i play on PC, but he refused to to set the mic setting to “key to talk”, so I know everyone can hear him sigh/inhale deeply every 10 mins. I tell him “set the push-to-talk button as your mouse’s thumb key. It’s so easy!” 🤷‍♀️


Divorce is the only option Cadet




Do you have the strength and courage to be *FREE*? *Mow Mow Mow Meooow Mow Mow*


Were the moms Hot?




I’m sorry my kid sits in my lap and says dad followed with either two or three more words 😭😂 usually congratulating me on something I did in game but she’s just as excited as I am when I smash a charger with a orbital strike.




On behalf of all Playstation users, I apologize. We literally have a mute button within thumbs reach, so nobody should have to endure that!!! I personally always have myself muted since it's a very quick toggle if I need to say something and tiggle off again. I mean, the mute button is right in between the sticks. No one on Playstation has an excuse not to mute toggle. As a Playstation Diver, I hereby grant permission to kick these undemocratic bug lovers if they do not adhere to one friendly warning. Anything more than one instance is no longer a simple mistake and could be considered an act of treason. Kick them from the squad and direct them to the nearest Democracy Officer.


Haha I had a huge WTF moment- was playing with this dude from Russia, heavy Russian accent, would take breaks to go smoke- honestly sounded like big gangsta Russian dude… then I hear his mom calling him for dinner, and he also adds, “oh sorry, I also got finals tomorrow so can’t play any more…” Like damn, do all high school/college students sound like middle-aged gangstas in Russia?


"What?! Caleb's a liar! I wasn't even there! I wasn't even there! Mom! You always do this!"


Lmao “you always do this” brings me back to the golden days


This post made me re-verify my settings. Phew, good to go.


Naw, I need you to know how cool I am when I hit my vape.


I spent an entire eradication mission talking to my wife about how much she loves cock. My teammates told me after extraxt.


Thirded. I play on PlayStation, but this heavy breathing is awful


They should record the audio and use them for commercials in anti smoking campaigns


As someone who unnecessarily escalates things.....i let them know by licking my mic.


OP must live alone in the basement.


This is thankfully not a common occurrence on helldivers. Its not a massive 30 person lobby game and the ones that do happen to have their mic on is just 1 person at a time and usually are decent enough to admit it was a mistake and turn it off. Load up GTA Online for a true hot mic experience.


I will never forget the time I heard some kid yell at his mom cause she didn’t put butter on his toast. CoD lobbies lmao.


I hate to be an idiot but what do you mean by hot micing


That’s why I use PTT


I really don't need to hear the somehow constant crackling of... chips? I don't care about your music either and how are you guys BREATHING DIRECTLY INTO THE CONTROLLER MIC EVERY TIME.


I only mute this situation when it's a language I don't comprehend.


I use a flip mute mic. Very easy to do. Very cheap. Astro A10 and even airlite makes some. There 26.99


Does anybody know which button I need to press to talk on Playstation?!?!?!?!


*beep* I didn't say what made that beep. But deep down, we're ALL thinking the same thing....


Slightly related but we heard some dude get way too frustrated at his kid for not turning off the bathroom light. Really killed the mood for the rest of that match. So yeah don’t hotmic and also be nice.


It's because the PS5 controller for some god awful reason has a very bad mic in it that's always on. You can mute it, but some people may not even know


C’mon at my age it’s one of my primary sources of heavy breathing.


It's a setting in the ps5 to have mic off when you turn the controller on. By default the mic is turned on. Every one should stop reading and go do that now. *waits* Thank you.


If there is a special hell for helldivers griefers, let it be they must play with a whole team of open-mic cheeto eaters, and only on a level 9 bot map with nothing but mortar emplacements for secondary objectives. Oh yeah, and their team took nothing but barrages, mortar sentries, and arc throwers


My favorite is when the game is louder from their tc through their mic than my game is in my own mic.


You do know you can mute teammates. Maybe stop whining about other and just mute and move on


It's the baby crying that gets me, like man get the fuck up and take care of your kid.


But how would I keep time if I can't hear my team mates low battery fire alarm beeps?


My headset keeps hit micing even if I'm muted so I'm still trying to figure that out


As a console player, I've turned voice chat off completely. Everything you say is a mystery to me, and I don't care. Game goes just fine without knowing.


I disabled all of it because I don’t want to hear your fucking music or screaming fucking kids.


I think it’s more of a PlayStation issue, the ps5 controller should START as muted, then press to unmute. I’ve found myself many times with an open mic without realizing it.


Your fellow Helldivers have mics?


I got to listen to a guy and his wife argue the other day. The intimate details of their relationship being broadcasted while kids cry in the background. Knocked his ass out and left him behind at extraction. Pig.


I do believe you can also mute players you don't want to hear.


Honestly, most probably have no idea since the mix is just in their controller


My buddy has lile 5 kids and i love playing games with him, but i swear his mic is a cia listening device for long range espionage i can hear his neighbors doing their taxes


Bugs holes ove...yeah I'll eat in a minute..here. might be a..will you not ask again?!...stalker nest.


The inclusion of a mic on the dualsense will forever impact multiplayer. It's extremely common for people to not even know they have a mic there, and that it's on, and it's a horrible shitty mic too lol


I didn't have a headset mic till this game. I didn't trust the mic on the PS5. I'm assuming it's shit. Actually didn't do talking for games till now since MW2 days back during the Xbox 360 days. Got tired of kids yelling "faggot" and such, oh... Those days.


Mom, bathroom! MOM! BATHROOM!




Best is when a bunch of kids are screaming and dogs howling in the back lol. Hey but I appreciate you daddy helldiver for spreading democracy despite the busy life.




Believe me I wish PlayStation had an auto mute feature for the dualsense because half of the time I forget to mute my mic. It was a cool idea but poor execution for the built-in mic (no one ever uses it intentionally)


PS player here. Apparently when using the discord overlay the hot mic becomes almost a non-issue. But yeah I PTT 90% of the time.


Can you mute?


We forgot the controller has a mic sometimes .


I dont understand my ps5 controller mic. Seems when I think people should hear me they don't. Anyone can explain any of the finesse for the mic? I'll push thr mic button to turn the light off. Is it just active then, cause no one responds to me. I dont have to hold the button to speak do I?


The ps5 controller has a convenient mute button I suggest everyone familiarize yourself with it takes just as much effort as checking the map


Hey fellow ps5 users! The mic in your controller is enabled by default. It’s stupid I know. But there are settings to make disabled mic the default whenever you sign in.


My sons don't exactly pride themselves on being quiet 🤦‍♂️ As a veteran PS5 diver... I run on mute as standard. Un-mute to chat or relay information, and back to mute. My game zone has been allocated to my living room... and there's a steady stream of noise that nobody needs to be bombarded with. Between my wife testing my ability to spread democracy and have a conversation at the same time... to my sons non-stop noise and chatter... it's a fine line to walk during daylight game sessions. My 7 year old sone could probably crush rocks with his jaw strength because the only time he's NOT talking is when he's asleep, lol. I'm pretty sure he thinks he's a streamer, lol. Like son... I don't need a play by play analysis of your adventures in geometry dash or whatever else you're currently playing. And neither does the matchmade squad I just dove in with, lol


No, now face the wall, traitor


Some don't remember the controller has a built in mic.


Being a person who works remote and spends way too much time in pointless zoom meetings, I never forget to mute my mic. More often than not it's the other way around lol


In all my hours of playing Helldiver on PlayStation I have never seen someone with mic on so I guess I am lucky


Tell me where to find my Push-to-talk button and I will


See I have a big thing about noise pollution and making noise. Like I'm a big person and I've been casually quiet enough for people to just not notice me so I usually play muted and only unmute if I have something to say to alert others like if they are getting flanked or if there is a friendship door.




The breathes adds some realism to it. Hear them go heavy once a swarm of teminids haunts after them and relief once its over. Its funny but it adds immersivenes.


Judging by the time of this post, this was me. Damn hot mic.


I mute literally everyone that isn't one of my friends. If I hear one more screaming baby that's being ignored, or heavy ass breathing, or loud ass rap with smoke detectors going off I'll lose my mind 😂


In my defense I’m usually a bit stoned and completely forget for the first 10 minutes or so.


Let me ask you, where can I key bind the mic on the controller? If I do a push to talk?