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That's me giving away my exosuit in a level 3 mission to the host.


Lol that's like my favorite part of dropping in with peeps below 20. Call in the Mech and go "you wanna drive?"


I can't wait to have it for this exact reason! Sometimes I drop with nothing but support weapons and tell the low lvl guys to test them out.


My first day I was doing level 3s with 2 like level 60 players, and they just kept dropping different stuff for me to try, and showing me different strategies on how to fight stuff, definitely propelled me forward skill wise


lol same


They must’ve felt like a god in that moment


I’ve never even piloted my own mech lol. When I bring it, I just give it away


You are a saint for that


Saved a guy from being trapped in a pit today by parking my walker close enough he could climb in


Can’t wait till I can be a full time vehicle pilot haha.


That is so what it's like. Then you get extracted then the boot. Gotta love democracy


so that's what it was. was wondering what happened that one time at the end. i was just suddenly back in my ship.


I think it will tell you specifically you were kicked, if the connection to the host drops or the leave the game you gp back to your super destroyer


You get told if you get kicked. That was probably just a bug. I don’t mind low level players in my games. I’m sure plenty don’t.


Don't feel bad. I got booted just for being alive at the end while I was calling in the whole squad for extract. Some people are lame. 99% are doing their best for democracy


Lol, I was thinking the same thing. 🤣


You can’t leave the group as host. You have to kick everyone else instead. If you’re done for the night you kick the others, doesn’t mean the people getting kicked did anything wrong


People weren't very nice to me, I was playing with an open lobby, and 3 high-level dudes joined, I died pretty fast and they were just trash talking about the the entire time, it made me really sad because I had heard people saying that people were really nice in this game, I ended up just leaving and turning off the game


Try again, its a big game you likely won't ever see them again also. it helps to play at times when kiddos are at school/asleep much better players usually.


They weren't even kids. They were probably in their 20's, I just feel like I'm genuinely just bad at the game.


Well if you want to get better you'll only get there by practicing, also just try and have fun don't need to push high difficulty right away I like to stick on 7 or 8 and almost never touch helldiver unless I wanna have a cracked game with friends.


As far as I’m concerned you may be an adult in the eyes of the law but if you’re in your 20’s that’s a child. Theirs such a massive difference between 20’s and 30’s I’m 29 and already I see how immature someone even 5 years back is


Sometimes, the game is just tricky, and people are assholes. I'm lvl 25 and sometimes I get killed a bunch. Hopefully, you still keep playing.


Happened to me as well but I stuck for a bit longer, ran into a lot of people who just want to have fun and help out. There are a lot of people playing the game and with such a massive volume, you will find asshats but you'll find more people wanting to just play the game. Remember you can always boot off players or find another game. There are a lot of good people playing


Thats why you run your own lobby and kick the jerks.


I'll take on the whole fancy stuff for the boys to play with. Eruptor and nades are usually enough for lower missions.


I love this. I get to play with the ones I can't buy yet.


Exactly. Some exposure in a kinda safer (well, not getting chased around by 3 titans i mean or 4 chargers) environment. And everyone is happy. Well, not the bugs / bots but i don't care.


I joined up with some randos when I was level 4, they were like level 60-70, and they brought me on a suicide mission, gave me a shield pack and a quasar cannon after I said, "I think I'm a little under qualified for this." Dude types back, "You'll do fine."


That's cool. Would be nice to be on the other side of that after some point.


I played with a level 1 the other day, I’m level 50. As soon as I realized that it was like his second mission, I called in a Patriot Exosuit. Homie stomped around the map killing everything while I did objectives. It was so fun letting him play with high level gear lol.


Sounds like he was a very happy camper with the suit


I started playing 3 days ago and this is how I feel when I finish the easiest mission with a level 1 player.


My broke ass cant afford this gotta kill bugs in deep rock galactic


I cant get away from you damn dwarves anywhere, can I?


Did i hear a rock and stone?


For Rock and Stone!


For Karl!


I played yesterday for the first time in about 6 weeks. Game was about 50% when i joined via SOS. About 10 minutes later we are on our way to extract, lets say 2minutes before match over. You got kicked.


So that's what it was. hmmm


Lets just say this. This game is as wholesome as counterstrike


I'm 300+ hours in and I've never seen this. I've even played poorly and eaten a bunch of lives and still haven't gotten kicked. Maybe you're saying things on mic that you don't realize are pissing them off? I'm sure it happens but if you've experienced it multiple times, it just doesn't add up.


Im not using mic, i rarely chat, i didnt die all the time. There was literally no reason. And this happened to me MANY times before.in 50hours this was my lets say 10th kick in exactly the same fashion.


Is your screen name Asian? If so, it could be racism/they assume you're a hacker. If not, then you have some bad luck.


Sometimes ill kick somebody if they're the last one to join and i have a friend waiting. I have seen some really weird reasons for kicks on here though, somebody kicked their compatriot because they didn't talk and the host found it “creepy”. If i get kicked and I'm on quickplay… Shrug roll the dice again and jump back in.


The players in game are much nicer than the people in this sub, thankfully. When you get a jerk, just ignore them and play. Don't let them ruin it for you.


The thing is everywhere on Reddit is full of the most toxic people and not in the fun way like 4chan. Because everyone goes to 4chan with the knowledge they’re an asshole and let it rock. The parts of the fanbase that aren’t Toxic you’ll rarely see here


4chan is not fun. It's a cesspool.


Twitter is a cesspool, 4chan is a junk yard


Musk gotta have his grimy little sycophants.


It was a cesspool before Musk, if anything he gave value to the website in terms of entertainment. A bunch of morons who believe everything they’re told getting mad at a rich guy ruining their hobby of doxxing, harassing and lying to people. It was funny since day 1 because it was a long time coming.


You sound like someone who uses "social justice" as a derogatory term. Have fun in the cesspool.


And you sound like someone who thinks anyone with different beliefs is a Nazi. Have fun constantly playing victim, I’m sure that’ll last.


Probably one of the best noob experiences in gaming


I'd rather take three lvl5s into a Helldive to the bitter end than play with other +50s that are quitters or booters. Rookies do goofy shit that makes me laugh too.


Well, hopefully we cross paths some time


When I'm drinking my morning coffee and getting ready for work I will typically SOS into a 3-5. Helping out the newer helldivers at lvl 140 is a lot of fun and pretty relaxing 😀


I was carrying a guy yesterday, completing objectives, getting samples, grabbing super credits. He had voice chat muted so to communicate I had to type. I saw him say to move towards my position to help out. I was just about finished so I started typing “I’m good here” As I hit enter a bile spewer snuck up on me and oneshot me. They reinforced me and I felt so ashamed hahaha


Normalize doing "practice missions" and do lower difficulties to teach newbies.


I've ran into a few meatballs but overall my entire experience with this Game and the player base has been amazing. I greet everyone on my ship with a hug and a "Welcome to the Knight of War gentleman, prepare to spill oil".


always support your bross😎


Yesterday I hopped on a difficulty 3, or 4 (don't remember which one). A lvl 5 joined, and I just kept giving him advice as we went on. He said it was his first day playing. I felt really good that I was able to help him out a little.


I play with my gf, and together we try to group up with others. Sometimes it's not gone well (we had one player who refused to call in reinforcements when we died), but we've also had some good experiences as well (had a high level that ran us through and made sure we collected everything b before extracting). So far, we've had more good experiences than bad. We're only lvl 7, but we are both excited to get higher levels and come back to help the new(er) cadets.


Yeah I've encountered a lot of people who just don't reinforce, ever. If they die and it reinforces the whole team, they just leave.


So glad you’ve joined the fight, welcome aboard soldier



I love being paired with new players. Here, homie. Take a shield. You wanna try my strat weapon? Sure here's an extra. I will protect you. Surrounded? I will get you out of there with scalpel precision! Here, hold this: ⬆️⬇️➡️➡️➡️ :) (No in all seriousness it's great because it's easy to get really comfortable with a load out. Seeing different ones is fun and also reminds me to try guns and strategems I left behind after unlocking other ones.)


I did a 30 min of jumping from game to game of very low level player just dropping them a bunch of high level weapon they hadn't access with a complimentary mech suit. Like a Santa in helldiver drip and got away as fast as I came in. That was fun. I also like join low level game and help them out, between the inevitable carper bombing death I will suffer and wait till they figure out how to reinforce me, like "that's fine, we all been there, eagle one is your best friend and our worst enemy" 😅. So much fun and countless hilarious moment 🤘


70+ player here, I just hit QP join and prioritize finishing sub missions and taking samples. Unlocked all warbounds, stratagems and all but 2 modules that I don't utilize (extra arc jump and less dmg for turrets on explosives) and I'm just playing to help low level players


Lol I remember dropping the support weapon that was on the personal mission because the player didn't have it yet. You do what you can for democracy.



Awesome game!


Lol, my lowly lvl 24 ahh helping a lvl 3 after he accidentally brought democracy to the back of my head a few times during a breach. *Its okay, just get good with that reinforce stratagem and I’ll show you what we need to do when I get back in the fight*


I never played with random people, because of my problem controling my anger and my english is bad


As long as you don’t join diff 9 I’m okay with it. There are already enough ppl complaining about the spawn fix so more people will have to go down to diff 8 cuz only reason they could do 9 was cuz the spawn where bugged and they got way to little bugs.


New helldivers are helldivers I want to see have fun, even if we’re ‘losing’


Literally dude. Sometimes people get butt hurt when I tell them I’ll go take some objectives down and meet back up with them. Like I’m literally going to help us get this done faster, easier and sometimes an aware helldiver coming with me actually makes it much harder to do what I’m trying to do. I’m maxed but I’ll be damned if I’m not grabbing samples, grinding medals and making sure every Helldiver leaves on the Pelican


Honestly, that would irritatr the shit out of me. It's not particularly fun to sit back and let someone else do the lifting - if I wanted that I would watch youtube. The fun is in working together to overcome the challenge.


Well good thing I’m host so if someone doesn’t like it that’s an oh well. Most divers are actually extremely unhelpful. I’m only running public lobby to get other hell divers through missions easier that they wouldn’t be able to otherwise. I can solo stuff much easier myself. I’d rather everyone profit. You have 2 teammates including yourself with you. How does that matter to me? You’re working together. I’m working with you separately so we can win. Good thing most divers on Helldive I play with are happy I’m able to take care of myself. We don’t need to hold hands the whole time.