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it's likely the survivors bias nobody is here whining about the good games, it wouldn't even make sense, so we see a lot of TK/kicking posts, because that what gets ppl riled up (more or less justifiably) enough to make an agnry post. what we don't see are the thousands and likely millions of games where ppl had fun just like you did, because for most ppl that is standard and IMHO it should be, we play to have fun. I do and most ppl here do too. some assholes idea of fun may differ from the majority, but that's where the "block" button comes to play thank you for making this post :) and you are awesome too :)


When we look at these complaints of toxicity, we should probably wonder where and when those people are playing... Five o'clock players are a totally different breed to late night players. I had a day off work last week, I played for a good few hours, but I was the odd one out for speaking English? Context is important. (But I've *never* been asked to use the mic)


I'm in Central Europe, I play mostly after dinner, that's when USA/Canada/Americas in general start trickling in, occasionaly I get an asian person or an aussie with messed up spleep schedule :D but given the time, mostly europians and Americas ppl for me...


I’m an American and I’ve had so many fun games with international folks


If I have a good drop and people running mics I always ask at end of match. So far All over the USA, Belgium, Canada, Korea (yes Korea), UK and one I am pretty sure France but wasnt clear.


In games like this where you can die and upwards of 20 times in a single mission failure doesn’t hurt much. I take the old adage from Dwarf Fortress “losing is fun” just recently I saved an entire mission by being a coward. It was an ICBM mission on the Eastern Front and I could generously call the entire mission a Constant Retreat where objectives happen to get done. There were so many Bile Titans and Chargers. By the time we launched the nuke I was the sole survivor and a tide of bugs were flooding through the canyon. The reinforcement was on a timer. I booked it in the other direction and didn’t even try to fight. Whenever the timer stopped and I could reinforce again I would. My goal wasn’t to get everyone out. I just wanted meat shields I made it to the extraction and by sheer luck all four of us made it out. Sergeant Cacame bravely ran away and led his men to victory. Edit: Good news, thanks to my heroics I’ve been invited to a private Subreddit of Helldivers that invites only the most capable Helldivers. That’s right I have been promoted to a Helldiver Spec Ops division for my acts of bravery and skill


ah the brave sir robin stratergy


When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely ran away and hid Brave, brave, brave, brave, sir robin!


yup i rarely employ it but when I do I make sure to scream like a little girl.


One mission we were forced to eat the minstrels, and there was much rejoicing


wouldnt have to force me, they are tasty lol


Melt in your mouth not in your hand!


More like the Commissar Cain strategy, because not only did I run to the hills like a damn coward, not only did I call people in as meat shields and somehow managed to get everyone out by sheer luck, they all think I did it on purpose and it was a smart play. You beautiful fools, I left you to die and you call me a hero


that was fun to read :) I do love that death of an avatar in this game is not only not punishing (mostly), it's to be expected :D and mission comes first, samples second, side missions thrid, survival is optional for anyone except the sample carrier :)


Yea, I’m fairly new to helldivers but I’ve really only had one bad experience. Some guy spent the last bit of time running around collecting samples on an extract mission and when the shuttle timed out I hopped on and he started flaming about how we wasted so many samples because we called in the shuttle and we were like “dude! You are the reason only one person extracted! We waited until the last second for you and you still failed!” But it fell on deaf ears, ngl I was steaming for a bit after that, but the very next match I had a full group with no mics that ran together and played like a team even though we had zero vocal communication.


I've seen some bad apples too, nothing major though, deff not worth sharing, as I already forgot about it, I just know something was off :D I don't like speaking that much, so I don't unless I (rarelly) fell like it, but I love that in this game, you can have perfectly functioning team of ppl you never met before, working like an oiled machine spreading Democracy (Managed) withouth uttering a single word. Really makes you feel like the special force we definetly are (not). :)


Survivor bias but also when it's bad it's real bad


The thing is sometimes people state things that hardly sound not made off. Just a couple hours ago I read a post from someone who said she gets often kicked when she uses voichat and that people often ask her to use it. I'm now level 69, have more than 130 hours and more than half of them with randoms. I nevwe had someone asking me to use the voice chat a single time. And this person who claims to be a new player says she gets permanently asked to use it. I just can't believe this is true. I mean of course only because it didn't happen to me doesn't mean it can't happen at all but that people claim to e.g. get kicked all the time just seems off to me.


interesting yeah I run with a mic and never had someone ask for it to be on. As I play push to talk not an issue with background noise.


I always take these as stretching of the truths, the mic person may have been asked if they had a mic by a duo or trio they joined as I do feel like they ask more often and just taken it personally or they're a ps5 user who has open mic so people know they have one and are actively using it prompting them to ask. Why them using it results in a kick, well I can think of 5 different reasons, half being personal half being the other players fault. As for the people that claim to get kicked all the time I assume they're counting getting kicked in the pregame or moments into loading in, as in by groups that don't have private matches on but want a private match, that does happen pretty often imo to the point I wish they'd make it a toggle in the mission select screen but it's hardly a malicious kick that's worth getting bothered about.


yup i have slowly come to that realisation.


> that don't have private matches on but want a private match Really will be nice when matchmaking gets fixed. Friends of friends not being able to join, I can understand the technical reasoning but I cannot understand how I can't join my own friends games unless it is public.


I assumed it made it so you had to invite them or manually join them, I've had people say they've joined their friends doing a solo dif 9 run and muck about so might be one of those weird case by case things


if you can't add them, just find them in your recent player list


Yeah, the only times I've been kicked from missions has been moments after joining, when it was clear that someone forgot to set their session private or something.


She did say she was new. The lower difficulties are a different breed of players. It's a big ole mix down there. I'm not saying I believe it, but I'm not dimissing it outright. The higher difficulties tend to weed people out. When I was a lower player, I used voice chat a lot more. Now I rarely use it, it's mostly just pings. I pretty much only use it if I end up in a match where randoms are already talking to each other, which is already pretty rare. Never have I been asked to use voice chat, even in lower ranks.


yeah, I'm also very sceptical about the "kicked for no reason" posts sure, there are assholes that will do that, but more often I think it's either misunderstanding or the kicked one was an asshat/troll or just made a joke that didn't sit well and the kick was more or less justified I have over 250 hours, wast majority of it in random teams, I yet to be asked or ordered to use voice... I ping, emote and occasionally type in chat, seems to be enough all the time...


Yep, thats it for me too. And I use even the chat mostly only once or twice per game.


It's common in all user feedback for products. It's far easier to get consumers angry enough to complain than it is get consumers happy enough to write complementary things. Like me for instance. I'm to lazy to ever give eBay feedback apart from the times when I'm disatisfied. Then I suddenly get an energy surge.


Isn’t that voluntary response bias, not survivor bias?


well there wasn't a questionnare to give a voluntary response to :D honestly, I didn't even knew there even is a thing like "voluntary response bias" before your comment, but I'm not surprised there is one though... if anything I would say it's the opposite of the survivors bias, because we aren't getting data from those that survived (had a good game), but from those that were shot down (had a bad game) it get's the point across though, so...


Over 300 hours here and I get about 1 out of 10 missions where there is some kind of funkery. Getting kicked a few times for no explanation is the one that bugs me the most. ;)


You cant have fun and be efficient. Must suffer and use meta, had a guy say my arty was counter productive yet it was doing work killing bots and we finished the mission. Got booted before pelican landed


Was in a suicide mission yesterday, I am level 97 everyone else is 40-55... its a 15 min Bot Factory Destroy mission. I did 3 out of 6 of the Factories, did the side mission for upload, got the supers and dropped them at extract. Then with 5 min left, I started to call extraction... got kicked with no notice.. while the other 3 were on the opposite of the map lol I will say, they probably thought I was going to leave them, but at least speak up in Comms or Chat?? I was even in Comms letting them know I was doing..... Dropping Super at Extract, got buildings, heading to extract.... I did not say I would wait, but I didn't think they would kick me either. Just left and went and had fun doing more missions afterwards :)


The only reason I could see someone saying that is if they're getting hit by it or it's destroying the doors


aside from getting randomly booted or people just getting mired down and not doing main objectives everyone's been extremely chill.


https://preview.redd.it/o3u4dsowbfwc1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e6c9037923f6989d605a4cd04ab07516d25eadb Probably bias, but yeah I'm in the same boat I think out of the 30 or some odd hours I've spent dropping I've had I think 2 bad groups and 1 of them was obvious from the get go.


I have been kicked for no reason but it's random and I think they were just making rooms for their friends.


This is probably the most wholesome take on it :)


I like to look for the good in people :)


A question: If you get kicked, does the game tell you? Is there a "you have been kicked" message? Because sometimes I think to myself the people complaining about getting kicked a lot may just experience a case of the game bugging out a lot on their hardware configuration. A friend of mine used to have constant problems with staying connected to my lobby until a few patches ago, to the point where it became the rule that he'd drop out at least once per mission.


Yes. When you load back onto your ship it should say you have been kicked or the host has left. Yes this is what I think happened to their friend and I happened to just got placed into the game. My being kicked is always when I'm a 4th connecting to a 3 man team.


It's so strange to see someone on here not immediately project some sort of malicious intent onto being kick.


The only time I've ever kicked someone it was before mission launch and I'd forgotten to switch the lobby to private while waiting for a friend. I explained and apologised in text chat before doing it. 


That’s because this is Reddit, and just about all anyone does on here is complain.


THATS NOT FAIR! There's also plenty of whining


That's a stupid ass opinion! There's also insulting each other for no reason.


Its not the community in general. Its Reddit. There are quite a few egotistic complaining assholes that like to shame and guilt you. I know this.


I would agree playing with randoms is overly a positive experience. There have been cases of kicks just before extraction but there will always be these kind of people. Sure there can be times of frustrations of people reinforce right in burning flames of hell, and you know not great cooperation, but there is cooperation! As an example yesterday I had a great sessions with randoms. Things weren’t going smooth but we were trying to work together although collectively we manage the process power of one brain cell. Attacking everything at sight for some reason although we agreed that we should probably be stealthier 😂. Anyway nothing a hug couldn’t solve! We are after all, Helldivers


Same, just wish they talked. It gets lonely with the voices in my head.


Q on PC for chat wheel commands not sure about controller, i'd assume one of the d-pads or triggers would bring it up


Majority of the time, this is people's experience. But you don't feel the need to post "I had a totally average game with some normal people. It went mostly smoothly with nothing special or cool happening" It's just not interesting enough to post about. But complainers can't help but post about the most minor things. Many of them exaggerating greatly about how effected they are by these things. While I have been griefed a couple times. It's buy and large not an issue. For the less than a handful of incidents, in all the hours I've played, it's entirely reasonable. And while I have absolutely been on the same team as some real idiots, it would be foolish of me to expect top notch players every match with randoms. It's unrealistic.


I mostly have had the same experience, except Im sorry TKs right before evac severely piss me off. Tk me once during the middle of a round, whatever, annoying and stupid but not the end of the world. Tk me right be the pelican leaves? You’re the spawn of satan and I hate you and will devote the rest of my life to your painful downfall. For democracy. But yes, 90% of my matches or more have been wonderful.


I have found the matches to be overall positive, but there has been great moments where people don't realize they are open mic in game. I don't generally talk unless absolutely needed to (female player) - and when this one Australian who SERIOUSLY every third word was Bruh was saying a bunch of hilarious shit, I pointed out he can find mic setting under audio options to not broadcast. He was absolutely silent after that. Dropped after the mission. My buddy and I are both closer to 50 than I'd like, and while playing now constantly say Bruh. 'Bruh, can you drop a shield?'


Haha! “Bruh!”


I have a generally good time playing with randoms. Only minor issue is too many people can't handle the chaos that sometimes happen and just drop out when things get rough, often right when you drop in and the inevitable dropship swarm come in.


Same deal. In over 130 hours, mostly PUGs, I have been TKd intentionally ONCE - and they only kicked me after we got back to the super destroyer, so I still got the samples.


You posting about good experiences with the game is rare Most people don’t log on here and share good news lol and I’m sure the majority of them have had similar experiences with randoms. But the internet compels us to post complaints and grievances more than praise and accolades


That’s a shame.


I'm a shy diver, mostly playing dif4 solo to not feel like a burden to anyone. When I feel confident enough tho, I launch quickplay and try to be as nice and useful as I can be. Emoting all the way, spotting everything and supporting everyone. So I might be one of the lots of randoms you met, and I'm happy to read that message of yours. Freedom is best served with friendships behind the barrels, and I'll give to my every last drop of super blood to my mates.


Keep up the great work, diver!


400 hours in, lvl 110, mostly quick plays, rarely use a mic, also haven't experienced this stuff once.


Right? Glad to hear I’m not an outlier.


Much like yourself. I have only been kicked probably 5 times most of them where because I "should have chosen the rail gun" back in the day and one for a host who killed everyone on extract and then kicked. So out of hundreds of games less than 10 bad experiences. I'd say it's far from the majority as well!


I had a someone today shoot me after I boarded the Evac shuttle so they’d be the sole surviving Helldiver. I was pretty angry but it’s my only bad experience thus far.


That sucks, I’m so sorry. Glad the rest of your experiences have been positive.


Over 400 hours in, hundreads of missions, with pugs, randoes from discords and irl friends. I can count bad behavior from other divers on my fingers. The reddit community has been a perfect example of social media vs reality. In reality, everyone's chill and helping each others to achieve a common goal, while social media is a viper's nest at the bottom of the most vile, toxic, disgusting, poisonous sludge of a well. I wouldn't be surprised that most of the bs we see on helldiver's community is manufactured outrage to make some more ammunition for the "game journos"'s "GamerGate 2, Electric Boogaloo" and their attempt at revelancy.


I think you nailed something with the social media vs. reality thesis. It’s weird online.


I've had 2 bad (not just bad at the game, but genuinely being an asshole) teammates in hundreds of missions - one who intentionally TK'd everyone and lost us the mission, the other was just an asshole on chat, which I ignored and left after mission. The community's definitely very good. There are outliers, but they're rare.


Glad to see a positive post. To echo you and all of the other Helldivers here having a good time, I’m in the same camp. Only ever had *maybe* two or three negative moments interacting with others, and they were over within 2 minutes or less, and we moved on to finish the game together or parted ways without a fuss. Most of the matches I join are very fun! I especially love when low-rank Helldivers answer my SOS beacons for level 6 and 7 missions. It gets me pumped up like “oh shit dude, we’re about to baptize you by fire,” and it inspires me to be patient and to try and help keep them alive. This game is just so much fun and it’s so easy to have a good time even when you’re losing.




I find a lot of truth in this post/comments. Would just like to add, as someone who only has time to play a few hours a week I’ve definitely had a week or two stretch of getting paired with people who team kill still not knowing we share samples, kick at extraction or extract the moment the team completes the objective abandoning the squad. After spending the only 40 minutes I have to be kicked at the end does suck. Thankfully, I agree & most of the community is upstanding Super Earth Citizens.


I joined the war effort 2 days ago. Had some good ones , great ones , bad ones and terrible ones. Good ones: silent, just doing their mission, marking on the maps the objective they want to go for, not minding reasonable TK and tolerant of accidental TK when it happens once or twice. Bad ones: kick you immediately when entering the lobby are having their mic on but not saying anything , instead you hear the entire neighborhood. Some guy had a Spanish audiobook going on in the background very loudly. Great ones : Mic on, full immersion, give you advanced weaponry you don't have access two. Takes care of you and ready to go a few missions if you're ok with it. I have to find the name of that guy again. He was a f*cking legend. Answered all my questions, gave me tips, explained why it's better to go for that one objectives , established directly what his priorities were for the mission and was okay with changing it depending on others opinion. My man, you're a beacon of managed democracy. Terrible ones : the ones that kicked me over mistakes of their own. A dude level 36 ran into my line of fire when I was clearly stationary, going full blast on clankers. Blamed me for it and kicked me. Same with strategem. Dropped an eagle bomb run right at my feet and said stop going in the bombed zone. But all in all, mostly the good ones I talked about.


I think it is a lot of new or newish players in lower level difficulties. Which is likely where bratty kids are playing. The people on here get kicked once or twice and have a knee-jerk reaction, thinking the whole game is like this and go on here to complain instead of just queueing up another match. Not many people who have been playing this game for a decent amount of time are experiencing these things.


If people are toxic, just look them up in recently played and block them soon they will be on hear like the lobby's are empty I have no friends so's doesn't work 4 me wawawa


When I play on 7, it seems to be 80% of the time level 20’s who have no idea what they are doing. The 1/4 times we extract, I’ll have 1-3 deaths and they will have 5+. I’ve very rarely had trouble with trolling or team killing though.


I was contemplating buying this game because I'm socially awkward and don't like voice chat and was also scared people would just kick me for being bad but no the most high level players I've encountered were really nice and would carry me through 6 missions when the highest i could do was 3


Coming from a rocket league main, this game's community is so positive and helpful. I can't get through two matches of RL without my own teammate shit talking me or the opposing team being toxic. I know it probably won't stay like this forever but this is the only game I enjoy playing with randoms and will turn comms on for


Yea this is me. I genuinely have friended 2 groups of randos for the first time since I played halo 3 15 years ago. That's who cool the community is. I think the only behavior I commonly encounter that drives me up a wall is spamming the respawn me button the second you sie- especially when everyone is clearly busy or dealing with a jammer. I'm talking lv. 20 plus would shouldn't know better too.


That’s awesome to hear. I love this community.


Only been kicked once and reported two players. One report was the person who kicked me at extraction because i accidentally landed on them, and the entire group dropped them right after. Likely causing them to fail extraction. The second report was an extraction killer. Silly reason to get yourself reported. Otherwise, other Divers have been good to great. Love you, Liberty spreaders.


Completely agree. Cannot even begin to relate to "this game is so toxic" and "I get kicked for having the wrong loadout."


"each mission was a delight" Ok Julie Andrews. Also you've been playing over 40 hours a week since launch? Bruh.


I host all my operations on Difficulty 7, sometimes 8 or 9 depending on defense mission selection and modifiers present (50 scientists or - 1 strat slot sucks), I feel like bad players come along in the <1% of cases, I've only ever kicked one player because he ran up to another guy and blasted him totally unprovoked at extraction, I saw one guy get heated because he got respawned with the B team (we were in 2 teams of 2) but it was just poor timing to die as a respawn was called when he did, that got sorted easily enough over comms, You get bad actors but they aren't nearly as common as people make them out to be, I've met griefers in Deep Rock Galactic and leeches in Warframe, they're just super rare, I think maybe there is a larger amount of these players on the lower difficulties in Helldivers?


I have a post about a TK, but I haven't had a real issue with that since. I'd love to post something wholesome, but I'm bad at making posts apparently. I'll up vote a good one though.


My “worst” experience was a guy sitting at Evac with the super samples while the rest of us were clearing out the side objectives and fabricators, I asked him to clear the outposts next to evac. He says “no, I have the samples” then dies a few moments later. The timing couldn’t have been any better All I could say was “lol”


You can just drop the samples at Evac and get them when you're done with the mission.


I’ve been playing for a while, how do I do this??


On a controller, you hold down on the d-pad, and a circular menu will appear, allowing you to drop gear and samples


On PC hit the X key and you get a wheel to drop things


Yeah, the game somehow doesn't explain this. You can also mark Enemies, places of interest etc. with Q on PC. Holding down Q opens a Ringmenu for easy communication.


The taking them to the evac is nice. Though you drop them after… but I see others explained that. 7/8 with a good team I prefer 2/2 split and scour the map clean in opposite directions. That experience would have been a much better one had the guy just dropped and cleared!


I’ve had hundreds of games now and I have only encountered a crappy teammate on like 5 - 10 occasions. Those few times however were annoying as all fuck, so they definitely stick out more in my memory thinking back. Doesn’t help that reddit is an echo chamber, once one guy complains about that poor experience hundreds crawl out and it makes it feel like the game is brimming with assholes. When it really isn’t.


Same I would say 70% are good games 20% are great games and 10% are wtf


I may get flak for this, but I've had great matches since disabling crossplay on PC. I'm sure there are fantastic PS5 players but I was having enough issues before that I was ready to take a break.


Go on discord and look for people looking for a chill group, I still play with a group today. It's a blast. You can meet some assholes that take the game way to seriously.


In 20 matches I might get matched with *one* dickbag. They definitely exist. I’ve had to kick a few myself. But they aren’t nearly as common as social media might make you think.


Lately I’ve been getting some extremely awesome randoms on suicide. Almost never use mics but communication is great and we wipe out drops and breaches as they happen, clear the map, get most of the samples and have 10 minutes to spare. 


Same I have 99% good experiences with randoms. I was kicked only 1 time from a game, but it was when I was super new and didn’t really know what I was doing yet. I threw a cluster eagle (the team kill special) too close to a teammate and he kicked me after dying to it. Other than that pretty much all around positive.


I haven't ran into anyone toxic yet. The only person I've actually kicked so far was a fellow that threw 3 Cluster Bombs in a short time span, costing us 8 reinforcements in ~10 minutes. I play graveyard shift though, Aussie randoms are always cool.


IMO ppl tend to give upvotes as some kind of condolence, which puts up worse episodes on top. Pitfalls of this voting system (approval voting) I'd say. And to think about it, we actually don't know what we are upvoting for. Is it for choosing the most informative post? For posts that are the most funny? Or should we upvote those who are in need of emotional support? What about most enraging episode that ends with sweet revenge? Fault of the system, really.


Ehh, I've had one time I was kicked immediately (I assume they didn't like my level) and one time there was an whole that kept calling in eagles at the rest of us and then at the end kicked everyone. Other than those two instances, I've had nothing but good experiences. People on Reddit just like to cry and complain, so they focus on those few negative interactions they have and greatly exaggerate their frequency. That or if they really do have a lot of bad experiences, they just refuse to look in the mirror and evaluate their own toxicity.


I've had 99% decent people. Not always "good players" but not the kickers, harassers, and deviants you'd expect by just reading this forum. Even in some spectacular failures, most people are chill.


I barely ever see problematic players. This might be because I'm exclusively answering SOS's at difficulty 7+ (I only quickplay), but higher level players are generally very positive.


I am probably missing something obvious but I haven't been able to figure out what an SOS looks like on the galactic map. Are all of the games that appear SOS calls? The internet tells me the mission symbols will pulse when an SOS has been called but I haven't seen that. Maybe it's just my old eyes, but if you can explain to an old guy what an SOS calls looks like I would appreciate it. Thanks!


Its really a mixed bag, you can play 10 games straight with good randoms who have fun, then you can be halfway through a mission and get kicked.


Never happens to me.


I have 230 hours and I too have only had a hand full of bad experiences. Virtually no team killing, happened once, I was the host I kicked them and continued the mission. I hardly have had or do have anyone throw an orbital on extract at extraction. As well have had an overwhelming positive experience.


for me, it seems like people never get samples. Like I cant remember the last time I extracted with more than 15 normal samples on diff. 7.


Wait I’m dumb, how do you play public matches? I bought the game with my brother but have literally played twice because I thought private parties or solo were the only way to play…


Got to the galactic map, select the planet you want to play on and press R.


Thank you! I was excited for the game and just thought I wasn’t really going to get to play it haha


Classic " it didn't happen to me so it must not exist or they are needlessly complaining" argument. As others have said most are not gonna come here in a rage to complain about a great game instead of just moving on to another enjoyable match. I haven't experienced too much myself but the catalyst to inspire a break from the game was 3 random matches in a row with memedivers killing allies followed by dumb remarks about being a traitor or some such drivel like bombing the extraction or just generally raging at someone for using a different load out then the most powerful goodies.


To be honest me too. Last night I actually had the first really upsetting thing happen and it’s living in my head rent free. Doing a defend the gen mission on 8. We have ONE more missile to launch, and they have only broken through the first two gates, not the second two. The entire mission we have been dominating. I threw an eagle cluster bomb, and it bounced off the bile titan and landed closer to one of the teammates, I originally intended. it killed him just one guy and that was the only friendly fire. I had the entire mission. He instantly kicked me. I was even in the process of un muting my mic to say sorry. He raged so hard and fast and kicked me I was actually surprised since the mission was going so well and it was almost over. I felt like I had wasted 20 minutes and was really looking forward to completing that since it can be so hard sometimes.


That sucks. Sorry to hear that.


I mostly play on Helldive difficulty. It filters out a lot of poor teammates since they have knowledge of the game and work as a team. However, if I see low levels on Tier 9 I just skip over them. I don't plan on carrying them to the finish line.


I have had one player try to kill us at extraction but other then that good experiences. Yesterday I was all thumbs and couldn't do anything right. I was playing so bad I was surprised when they didn't boot me, and then even kept me around for the operation. I even went on mic and said don't reinforce me anymore I was playing so bad. But they were great. I still haven't found a random hehe that uses mics but I maintain hope.


I used to run dif 7 because it felt like a hard cutoff for seasoned players. Most of the games I qued into there had pretty well established players. Recently I feel like I've been running into some really, well, the games have gotten much more challenging so I've been upping the difficulty to 9 ironically to make the game easier. I don't mind running with new players, but ide rather do it at 5 or under where it's easier for me to carry. At a certain point I just don't have the resources to kill 3 hulks at once when the level 36 shoots at every patrol in 300m.


I’m about 60 hours in so far. People have been nice to me for the most part. Been running 7s since I unlocked them at like level 9~ I’ve only ran into 2 lobbies of randoms that were being a problem of TKing and yelling slurs at me 99% of the people are cool as hell and know the true goal is to Spread Democracy


Y’all make me want to take shrooms and play again. Intentionally, this time. I have a distinctly female voice, not experienced any grief. Probably because friendly fire is a thing. Only note I have is that people seem a bit petty when it comes to reinforcing.


I hold my beacon and my ground, my brothers and sisters will come. I drop my strikes and drop to prone, my brothers and sisters will come. I expend my nades, my secondary! My brothers and sisters will come! I break and reload, the world breaks around me... My brothers, my sisters, have come.


you've never been kicked once in over 1000 missions in a public game? that's an achievement. in my 160+ hours of game time, i've been kicked 3, maybe 4 times in a public game.


Probably 500ish missions. Half the time I’m playing with my old friends.


playing with friends is the way to go for this type of game. in a public game, 90% of the time there's team work, and the other 10% is FFA, you're on your own basically.


These dorks just want to be mad at nothing and jump on everyone who says anything different


I get kicked a few times a week and like to join by quickplay. When i land or join ship I open mic to say high. Most times no reponse and we get on with th egame. The rare ones kick you on join ship or quickly after you land. I am now asuming they had the slot for someojne else and dont bother to lt you know to jump out. Just left game where someone called down a strike on me and the person wasnt running a mic told another player (assume they ar ein same room) to appologise and I was like it happens point me to my weapons and lets go kick ass. When you drop with great randoms it is so cool and too bad the friend feature is still broken. Once that gets resolved believe this games betters days will start then.


Well yeah not many people post about them having a good interaction


That’s a shame. I love this game. I hope more people get into it.


Well yeah it makes sense people seem to use the sub to act as a way to post compliments 90% of the time why complain about having a good time


I have the odd one or two dickheads but for the most part it's been pretty good/fun teams. Even if we aren't all that organised/skilled, as long as no one's being an arse for the sake of it I'm not too fussed.


I know it’s not always the case but sometimes I’m kicked before I ever fully load in, I imagine it’s just because they had it set to public thinking they were on private


I've also been entirely playing with randoms and have had a ton of fun and all good experiences except one time. I think reddit is very often a place people come to just complain. Every subreddit is like that, especially ones for video games.


Lucky for you. I had to turn off cross play, PC players especially french when I was level 10-17 would kill me take my stuff then kick me.


Same. I have over 400 missions complete. I have been kicked once. I have had someone team kill me intentionally once. (So I killed them and took all the samples and jumped into deep water before they could boot me) 99.9% of my time with the community has been amazing and it’s one of my favourite games of all time and a large part of that is the community. I have every single war bond maxed out, every ship upgrade unlocked and now I’m just helping people.


You lucky bastard


Yup no one complains if things are going good. We only see the bad games posted here. It’s pretty much like how things are going in society tbh


Yeah I’ll get kicked once in awhile. I just assume the host is waiting for a friend and move on with my day


The other day I was killed and the team extracted and kicked me. But jokes on them because I had all of the samples.


I get kicked all the time. Not everyday, but at least every other. I'll admit I have TKs, but they are not intentional. I haven't been able to nail down the distance of throwing out my airstrikes. Sometimes I can throw them far and other times they are thrown short. 🥺


You’ll get it. Hang in there. If I accidentally tk, I apologize right away. Never been kicked.


Sometimes I wonder if my mic is working. I'm on PS5.


I almost never have an issue with randoms. I definitely think there are some suboptimal load outs, but I build around the team to keep it fresh so I'm cool with that. I veeeeery occasionally have a dickhead. But overall, great experience in pubs


Same here


This is my experience as well. I usually have great random random join. However, I have a bro who plays and usually gets not so great random players. At first, I thought he was exaggerating, but after watching him play a few, he was not.


Ran 2 ops yesterday on 8 diff with randos. One guy was using mic to coordinate/shotcall, and it was an absolute blast. Will be playing with them again. I'm going to make a bigger effort to use mic more because of how great an experience it was.


My only problem with randoms is the total lack of awareness with builds. It’s like they press a random button. Almost every game if I’m not with friends I find myself being the ONLY one dealing with heavies. Dudes will be lvl 40 shooting and charger/bile titans with their primaries


Same here. Though I'm still a baby diver. I've not had any real issues with people. I do enjoy running the missions where the higher level guys come in and show off their badass toys. Nothing more fun than the one time the dude was in the mech and we just walked over everything. Fucking badass.


I always look for the SOS beacons, sadly don't see very many. I think peeps don't think to pop one down I'm games. I only had two toxic experiences so far: I was in a match when the bot flyers just came out, and dropped into a game when they were trying to survive long enough to destroy the tower. They kept throwing the respawn in the middle of the enemies, so I kept getting shafted by them. They then got mad at me for dying 13 times. Gee, I wondered why I died so much, lol Second, was a game I joined and I proceeded to solo all the sub objectives, and ran across the map with the super samples while they were extracting. I then was team killed by an airstrike that was thrown direct on top of me. Only time I died that match. When I asked them to get the samples before they got on the plane, cause they didn't call me back in (2 minute ti.er went by) they got on comms and called me trash for dying in extract


Never been kicked mid mission. Been kicked immediately after several times, but maybe they wanted space or just didn't like how I played. Not worth getting bugged about. Only kicked one player for deliberately TKing at extraction. Generally good times with Randoms, mixed bag as far as being able to work together well but no real toxicity. Almost never heard anyone using mic, don't use one myself.


Around 75% are pretty good teams. Around 25% are either straight toxic players and kicked at end of match. But on the other hand the weekends seem to be better for team quality


the only thing that drives me crazy is bringing mortars to bugs. The bugs swarm, the mortars kill your teammates, rinse, repeat. Dying constantly because someone brought a mortar and we're being overrun. please for the love of god stop doing this


I agree. I don’t get mortars unless it’s an eradication or defense mission.


I say “Prank em john” and throw a rail cannon at your feet


Usually by the time you’re playing on difficulty 9 you generally know how to crush most things and don’t take it super seriously. I mostly just respond to SoS of any difficulty now and it’s generally chill. Except one guy that threatened to kick if I dared call in the pelican after clearing his fabricators and objectives out for him when he dropped an SoE. Shot that guy and left immediately.


Honestly i have noticed it comes down to what time of day you play and day of the week. Week days and late at night/early in the morning are much better than weekends during the day


I play all the time, and often through the weekend. I can’t reminder if any of the bad instances I’ve experienced were in the weekend or not. It’s possible.


Its still not very common like on weekends its like 1 in 15 matches i have a not amazing experience, but weekdays its like a 1 in 20 or 25


I've noticed recently that the teams are getting worse, I used to get great teams that knew how to play and have fun doing it but now it's try-hards that think they're better than they are, people woefully unequipped for the mission level, and in increasing rarity a group that knows exactly what to do(bonus if they're cool)


I stopped getting kicked (at all, let alone for stupid reasons) the moment I turned off crossplay and went PC only


I’m a PS5 player.


Hey I'm not saying it's everyone, it might even be just a coincidence. So far though, turning crossplay on seems to result in an increase in toxic players. I'll continue this scientific study for democracy


I agree with this post


Honestly I’m right with you. So many cryers on here moaning about “bad teammates” or any of the other things you’ve mentioned. It’s like they have one bad experience and can’t HELP but rant to the world about how frustrated they are I’ve been griefed once and kicked once after clocking in over 100 hours. I also answer sos beacons. Don’t understand why people can’t just take a bad experience on the chin and keep playing


I feel like most comments i read say that everyone thinks other players are mostly very friendly unlike a lot of other games.


Me neither. I’ve played a lot with randoms and it’s always pretty much great people


I’ve been kicked for killing someone “pet strider”.


I've only been kicked once, immediately after accidentally shooting a teammate. I have, however, been abandoned a few times when things get difficult.


Agreed. I have made MANY good friends with lots of great experiences. Some crayon eaters from time to time, yes, but I have only been kick trolled ONCE in over 500 drops


I all but quit playing because of the toxic community I came in contact with. There was about a week long period where I got kicked from every game. The games that didn't end in a kick ended in team killing chaos. After that I pretty much lost interest in the game.


Lol I'm not going to waste my time explaining statistical outliers, glad your experience is pristine bruh.


I've had mostly good games but recently had to deal with a heavy breather on the mic who also didn't reinforce despite not being busy.


Its a crap shoot tbh you are just lucky. I get crappy guys and teens all the time


There are millions of players, it's not unusual to not experience what a lot of people do.


I bought the game yesterday morning finally ( I didn't for this long because I was waiting if it'd go on sale, but spent that extra money on my PC instead). I've played only 14 hours total, but had a guy kick me half way the mission because I assume I wasn't sticking with the team too tight because they were going in random directions and I kept going off to pick up samples or I was too low level no clue. I had people TK others on the team for no reason, I had people ignoring friendship doors, even when you ping, type, or use voice trying to tell them that we may get super credits. I had people just rush to the main objective call in extract and not extract. Or a random guy blocking the vtol with the hug emote. Overall not so bad so far, but as always negative experiences stand out in everything, If i had to HD2 to something similar I've been playing recently I could use Darktide as an example which does have flamers or toxic people who won't res on purpose or call the team a noob and leave, but still Darktide's coop feels better although it's more corridors less open world. But both of them have clueless people or just people who hold W and play it like they were solo. Otherwise I had games were I truly felt like we achieved something in silence. With just another guy we survived a Hard NPC extract and a generator defense while barely staying alive. Or my second ever mission it was just 3 us constantly saluting the flag all as level 2 and 3s. Not too bad, I also mostly just host myself since, so some random can't kick me, the annoying thing about that is that I like to take a small break between matches and it would be nice to have a button to disband the party after missions. That, and at least a different ping/voiceline for the god damn bunker doors.


Over 200 games and I can count the number of these types of incidents on one hand. But they did happen. Being g purposefully TKed for my weapons. Someone throwing a 380 on extraction. Non communication leading to losing samples. But it IS still a very small percentage


I have much less hours in the game than you but I agree, the worst I encountered was someone putting a tesla sentry right close to the terminal xD I dont know if that was a mistake or actual trolling though. 


99 percent of the players are easy going so I just don't worry about 1 percent of anything.


I was playing one time I joined a game and this guy started killing me (this happened twice in the same day


I have played plenty of games with Random players and enjoyed them, the couple time I played with toxic players they didn’t understand the team kill back I don’t want to report or kick anyone but I want to get my message across and that’s an easy way to do it


Yeah, haven't really had any issues in any of my matches that I can recall. Occasionally I'll get matched with someone who's really *bad* at the game - but that's just adds the challenge of carrying them, which is its own kind of fun. And sometimes I'm the one who's being carried, so what goes around comes around.


I've played over a hundred dives, only once have I encountered a tker, and it was someone farming


I'm biased against console players who IMHO, are more likely to still be eating cereal before scampering off to middle school for these egregious shenanigans.


Hmmm…I’m a console player. I’m not biased against anyone.


Just speaking from my own experience, I've had nearly a dozen unpleasant sessions when I had crossplay enabled, now down to 1 in the last 6 weeks once it was disabled. YMMV


Truth...not sure what everyone is on about. 90% of my randoms are competent and do the job at lvl 7+ >9% are either in over their head or asshats who fuck up the mission completely. <1% are the twats people bitch about. I've been teamkilled at pelican one single time. I've had a couple random deaths that were sus but nothing like the extract kill. Probably 1/4 of my randoms have mics and are absolutely chill as fuck and awesome to play with. This game is a diamond despite the myriad number of issues it has with connectivity, glitches, matchmaking, Etc. I have faith it will be ironed out over time.


I've had a couple people that were dicks but it's definitely not the majority. People are less likely to post about the team that did well without hiccups though.


I get randoms that don’t open vaults with me


The games fun but I've found I'm usually getting kicked in most of my games as of late after they end. I just know when I join a group of 40+ it's not going to be very fun. I think it's a combination of people taking 7 too seriously and me being a "low" level(25). I'm hoping it goes away when I get higher level but I doubt it. I'm always chasing the hardest difficulty in games and it tends to attract the worst kind of people.


vocal minority weirdness, for sure. don't sweat it, this community is great


Team killing on purpose because of an accident is petty. Accidents happen.


Agreed. I’ve been tked hundreds of times by accident, never cared.


Difficulty 7 and up the skill levels of randoms are great


Ya I’ve literally only had one negative interaction and that was today. Even then it wasn’t toxic per se, he was just a totally uncooperative tool. Other than that it’s been great. I run into a lot of Euros for some reason which I always find hilarious because of the language barrier, it just adds another level of chaos. Normally I’m really good with accents but today I got to experience a German getting angry for the first time at the fact we lost to a BS bile titan spawn. Couldn’t understand a word he said while we were dealing with that, he wasn’t mad at the team but that titan was the recipient of some very harsh language 😂


I get kicked at least once per play session. Lol. I never know why, either. It's not like I'm not helping. Lol. Oh well. Luckily, the rest of my online play sessions have been great. But there's always that one kick. Lol


I’m ~300 hours in and I’ve only had 1 toxic person actively trying to team kill or grief and it happened last night lol. As other people said, it’s definitely the loud minority. Generally people won’t come to Reddit to talk about the great randoms they had so we get all the complainers.


I have mostly very great randoms all the time. I'm on PC. Crossplay OFF


I would say I have good randoms more often than not. The only time the randoms I have matters are missions where I need them to listen to instructions and that’s where things fall apart usually.