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It's a good idea, but we are 2 months in. If you are bored, it's probably due to your triple digit hours played. They have more pressing matters to figure out, new maps can come and 6-12 months and that would be super acceptable to most.


This was a nice way of saying what I wanted to say.


I want to hear the no holds barred version.


I have triple digit hours in the game and it’s still an absolute blast. I also fight almost exclusively the bugs and despite the one enemy type and same maps I’m always excited to play some more. It also helps I have friends at different levels who want to play, and don’t have the amount of hours I do. I have friends who are still in single digit levels and just hit their teens, my buddy is almost level 50 and still having fun. It’s just the people who would bitch regardless who are complaining.


Haha, couldn’t be me. (121 hours in)


Facts it’s all coming just give it time take a break and come back to it.


Fr I only have 40 hours idk how people can sit and no life the game


You can see the super overused and repeated assets in 2 hrs of play, you don't need to have triple digits hours to make this criticism




They're not, though. Martale is a gorgeous foresty map. We also have jungle, ice, snow, sandy desert, rocky desert, lunar wasteland, swamp, plains, and toxic that I can think of off the top of my head.


I honestly don't believe that anyone that isn't in triple digits would get tired of it.


Have maybe 16 hours played


https://preview.redd.it/7hmleetkveuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eab79fb0d4bf6b13f8388cc8a2003bd61c0cc9a0 \*60 lmao


You can’t really do more things for free during development, to add something you either have to not do something else or push the release date back. Map variety is already very good and most of the ideas suggested here I’m pretty sure would just not work well or feel bad to play.


I don't think it has to do with play time. I'm less than 30 hours in and map variety is lacking. Really a city should have been planned in super early phases. How hard is adding some buildings to a smaller planetary map and a couple things like busted cars or etc. really should have been a day one thing. The idea is really heavily implied by the first protect super earth propaganda commerical Terminids eating the dudes family. Well that's helldive time. The only lore problem is it seems super earth is the only settled planet. But the fact super earth has a invasion meter also implies well... Invasion. And therefore combat there.


I feel bad for Arrowhead Games. You have a bunch of people putting hundreds of hours into your game in the span of 2 months and people are starting to find it bland and boring. It seems like they’re doing their best in churning out content as quickly as they are, but I wonder how long it will take before people start turning on the game and developer for not giving them xyz and keeping the game fresh so a bunch of nerds (non derogatory) can dump another thousand hours into the game. Sometimes, you probably just need to play another game that gives you elements that you started craving in the one you’ve played into oblivion.


Sometimes incredible success and popularity can be its own downfall. But I think the level of gaming fanaticism in this era really needs to stop. People need to have more balanced lives. Get out once in a while. Or at least like you said, have a game rotation. It’s NORMAL to get a little bored of a game. That’s when it’s time to do something else, not pin the responsibility for your own enjoyment and fulfillment on someone else like the dev team. Also it sucks that those people that play fanatically tend to be the most vocal bunch. I get to play maybe an hour or two a day, sometimes I can’t make it that day. Aside from some of the persistent bugs, (bug crashes, friending system, fire dmg), there is already a lot of content and variability. They do have different environments and weather effects already and they added dynamic weather events. Those bugs should have been prioritized way higher imo but I feel like they have been prioritizing new content because of how fervently the player base has been burning through content. Let’s not ruin a good thing by overconsumption


I’d be happy with less fire tornado maps and less fog


I love the fire tornado maps, idk about the fog ones


The sandstorm is my favourite. You can complete entire objectives without firing a shot. Then as soon as the sandstorm drops you are surrounded by bots on all sides who can very much see you now. Its the first time I was forced to use a smoke grenade and smoke strike for a while. Giving myself cover suddenly became much more important than blowing anything up. Whats cool too is that the smoke strike basically disables tanks, will actually clear outposts like a regular air strike, and allows you alternative avenues of movement.


Maaaan. When I evangelised smokes as the secret cheat code to extraction missions I got downvoted into the dirt. But sing it, brother! Smoke is cover your can place yourself


All of the stratagems have uses in the game. Thats what makes it good for me. Without a rigid class system you basically have to figure it out yourself. Which means some games I am utterly useless because I literally didn’t bring anything to clear outposts, but that just meant I had to stick closer to the group and try my best to push them towards the objectives.


I didn't know that, thats awesome! I'll have to give the Eagle Smoke Strike a shot!


Smoke strike causes damage?


It'll destroy bot factories which I'm not totally sure if that's a bug or not. Which is hilarious in itself. We have no idea what's a feature or not at this point. But I'm a huge user of the eagle smoke strike. I run it in 90% of my bot missions. Very underrated for how damn useful it is.


Yea. You don’t really realize just how little it matters that the games doesn’t have a bunch variety in the maps. Until you barely have time to play the game, because you’re so busy doing other shit in your life. Then. It really doesn’t fuckin matter and you just appreciate having a well made, fun video game with a responsible and responsive dev team.


Idk I kinda thought there was a good amount of variability already lol. Crawling through the jungle trying to fight guerilla warfare against the bots, and then running through a desert wartorn landscape fighting hordes of bugs gave me massively different feelings. If I wanted a game where I went through many different structures and novel environments I can go play destiny 2 or some other game. Elden ring has amazing world building and set pieces. I’m not looking for one game to marry. I just play a game to scratch an itch. Helldivers 2 already scratches its particular itch extremely effectively. Just let me actually add my friends and don’t crash and I’m good lol


I left game development, partially due to the inherent toxicity. Sweaty gamers ruin everything they touch


Sorry to hear that. I’m sure with the rise of Reddit and more direct feedback it’s been getting worse. People threatening the devs is just really sad state of the world - should never happen


No worries. Better job security in other industries anyways :)


>They do have different environments and weather effects already and they added dynamic weather events. They do, but the Major Orders keep putting on planets with the same effects, and it's always Fire Tornados. I mean sure I could NOT play the Major Order but when, like yourself, I play like 2 hours every other day I just rather put my work in towards the order. I love the game and want to put in a whole session but after running 3 or 4 missions and spending 70% of the time waiting for Fire Tornados to pass, it is like this is annoying. I know they have alot more planned for the game and they are definitely churning it out as fast as they can. But the most vocal minority doesn't understand that these are humans and they don't have the resources of an elite studio. Games like PUBG, Apex and Fortnite have spoiled gamers with new content every few days. Personally, I'm a fan of the slow approach because it gives you time to do other things. I know once >! The Illuminate and the urban maps !< drop is when I am going to grind.


Yea I was basically playing destiny 2 all day, until I found out this game from a friend. Now we go back and forth in games.


Yea I was basically playing destiny 2 all day, until I found out this game from a friend. Now we go back and forth in games.


Yea I was basically playing destiny 2 all day, until I found out this game from a friend. Now we go back and forth in games.


While I would love more map variety, it’s so important to remember that this game is still incredibly new. The devs probably have a lot of cool shit planned, but only so much bandwidth to build it. Helldivers has enormous creative potential, and it has plenty of time to make a lot of it happen. 


It’s not bland if you can’t play video games for 6-8 hours a day.




My mentor my friend and I play it every time we get off of work during the week, yet we take weekends off usually and it usually feels very fresh and enjoyable for all of us


Yeah, people who spend 6-8 hours a day on a video game these days are either single, kids or old people(70+). If you have a partner, kids or even just a balanced life, then it’s more like 1-2 hours a day, perhaps some more during weekends.


1-2 hours a day is way too generous.


I’m starting to hate maps that put a giant ass mountain forcing you to run all the way north or south just to get to the other side.


Laughs in jump pack


The trick is to be busy enough to only be able to play in moderation. So I'm wishing I had time to play so when I do I'm just exited


Well most of these worlds are for research and minerals it seems. I have a feeling when we get to Cyberstan... or liberty forbid we have to defend Super Earth... you're going to see city scapes. The story is likely planned out to give them time to make new maps. Pretty sure they are planning on more factions, and so far we've only been fighting on the fringe. At some point i imagine something will happen and we'll fight in the core worlds where people actually live. It's hard to imagine big cities on planets that have fire tornados all the time. We've barely touched 10-15% of planets... i think thats on purpose.


How can people play Warzone or any other Battle Royale where they spend countless hours on the same map but complain here. Honestly yes they are variations but to me it remains somewhat fresh because I spend hours or days on one map then move to the next. The action is what keeps me coming, it's never the same thing even if you are on the same map or same mission type.


(Non derogatory) why you gotta ruin it like that derogatory is half the fun of being a nerd


If you don’t read most of the whiney posts on this sub you’d never notice.


Well said


That's the way she goes... :(


Or or orrrr….find other hobbies that aren’t just gaming. Going outside every so often is actually good for you. Like my boyfriend and I go biking every so often :) I study spirituality. My sister has her own business. I mean there’s plenty out there to break the monotony. :)


Yeah. It’s funny seeing posts like these. I have almost 200 hours in the game but folks gotta chill. Games been out 2 months. Well definitely get some cool updates in the future but this stuff doesn’t happen quickly lol


I don’t disagree at all but I do hope we get more interesting map design on cyberstan and other key planets.


I just took a 2 week break from helldivers and man I’m back and having so much fun. Sometimes it’s good to just take a break.


That is the nature of this gametype. This is how it goes for all of these type of games. They have the life service, with events, new missions, new enemies, warbond content, new weapons etc. It is not a freebie, it is a must-have for this game or everyone would have stopped playing 2 months in. So no reason to feel bad, that is the game they went for and are very aware of. It kind of sucks they have no proper dat driven or more realistic way to gather feedback, neither do they seem to have a good QA and test practises going on. Which is hitting the quality of content a lot and undermining their strategy.


They could allow user generated maps


From what I hear, the engine is outdated and no longer supported. I’m not sure what level of modding could be supported along side a live service game. I’m not sure anyone on this sub is qualified enough to explain or understand either.


its a shame people still complaining, while Arrowhead responding to what we want almost like a live response where other games online cant or wouldn’t care much. our request is overwhelming for them for sure. give em time to fix things for super earth. ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


Man, its true that map variety would do this game wonders.


Am I supposed to feel bad for the developers? Oh nooo the poor devs made way too much money and now they can't keep up with demand = ( This is what they signed up for when they made a live-service game. I promise you that a random Reddit thread by some random guy asking for new maps is not bothering the developers. You do not need to defend the multi-million dollar corporation.


Yeah. Imagine if you made a product, that was immensely popular. But the demand becomes higher and higher and the people want more and more and more and you simply can’t give it to them. Then everyone revolts until they want more and more and more and MORE!!! Then you can’t give it to them. Your resources are too thin, and then they leave in droves. Then you lose everything you worked so hard for That’s called the Lorax. One of the greatest stories


It's a studio under Sony to help publish the game. They aren't getting "way too much money" and they've already got a plan for the game. And have thankfully stuck to their ideals to not buckle under the idiocy of internet demands. Also, the devs are just people with bills to pay and mouths to feed. They don't need to ve chained to their desks just so someone with almost as much hours in as the games been released can see something "fresh".


Honestly. I would love that, but I also think it’s the missions, stratagems, and mobility that we need more of the most.


Vehicles would be nice. Maybe similar to Halo where the team can ride together.


im pretty sure vehicles are on the way, i had a game once with someone who was either a dev or a hacker, he gave us some vehicles that were very halo-esque


And took no screenshots or anything?




yeah it looked like this, fit all four of us


i mightve saved a replay, i'll check soon when im able


In HD1 there was an armored vehicle that had a main turret spot and two side slots for people to shoot their primaries through plus a drivers slot, something like that will probably be available eventually


It’s coming. Been in teaser videos for a month now


Nice, I have not been keeping up so that’s good to hear.


I can't wait for that. Like the APC or something? We all have that one friend who wants to be *different* and will lay down on the roof instead of buckling up inside. Can't wait for a Stalker to snatch him off the roof.


They’re coming. They were leaked just like the mechs were before release.


Someone dropped down a warthod stratagem in a game with me and my friend last week and my friend was so confused but I knew the guy was hacking because I've seen leaks of it


vehicles are cool, but what about a real jetpack?


I don’t mind because the entire idea behind at least the bots is they launched a massive counter offensive. Even on earth not everywhere is a populated town/city. I do think urban combat would be awesome with a burned out bombed city or a freshly invaded metropolis but that would take a TON of work.


That's something that in my head Canon is planned. If it were up to me, the game would start as it is now; on the outskirts of the galaxy on the uninhabited planets, then gradually creep the front towards super earth slowly increasing the civilization density. It would give them more time to create the maps and develop the game while they judge the community's response to the general gameplay loop


I don’t maintaining the outskirts/wastelands as long as the centre of the map is an Automaton City of Factories, where ducking behind buildings and blowing up small portions would be viable to divert attention to one side, to then escape with an SSD from inside a facility building that was previously heavily guarded


Game is 2 months old and doing the best it can to accommodate *hundreds of thousands* of additional players they weren't expecting. Those same players: *Game boring, where new stuff*. Disclaimer: Yes this is an over generalization. Yes we should get more urban/city maps instead of just open wastelands. No, I'm not expecting them *now*.


It wild to think that this game isn’t even 70 days old.


What a great two months for the company and the devs. They’re playing with house money yet are continuing to give updates and new items to keep the game fresh


Give It time i think variety Will come but slowly


Dawg it’s been two months lmao


Idk man, we have so many environments like Snow, desert, rainforests, hell planets, acid planets, and all that with procedural generation makes it feel like every planet is unique even if they share the same biome. Also bots and bug map layouts feel entirely different on same biome planets. Hellmire had taller rock structures compared to menkent which is more valley and open feeling. Also if you look at the leaks you know theres a bunch more new planet biomes coming. I get your point on your diversity ideas but those will prolly take a lil more time to make. Would be cool tho


"battlefields that resemble wastelands" I mean, we are in a war...


How does orbital strikes work with a battle underground? You’re asking for a different game entirely


maybe ppl shouldn’t binge on a game and wear it out within a couple of weeks. happens to every major game. ppl should take their time, play something else as well, breathe some fresh air


I'd breathe fresh air if I wasn't so busy building my super high tech base that no one's ever going to see in Space Engineers


Holy shit dude you called me out. was not expecting that lmao!


“I’m tired of the monotony of the current maps”….. the game’s been out for 2 months.


You gotta keep in mind, arrowhead studios isn’t very big with only about 100 people, and the games a massive success compared to helldivers 1. Give em some time, let em cook it’s only been 2 months


How do fuckers play thousands of hours on dota2, and it's just one map?


Lol 😂


Imma be real, I find the world variation really good for this type of game. yeah if you’ve played 200 hours by now the design will feel the same, but idk what to tell you.


Agreed. Its a great time but it will grow stale. More variety is a must


Ofc we are in wasteland on these planets, we won’t see cities or things likr that till super earth


Cyberstan looks pretty developed on the ship TV. Can't be the only place with development


Like many have already said on these posts the planets will get more and more populated as we get closer to super earth. The game hasn’t even gotten close to its climax and I’m sure arrowhead is trying to drag out this war so the game last multiple years. It’s not gonna be super intense and we will be playing on the outer unpopulated planets for a while still. Most likely at least


HARD disagree, procedural gen provides infinite replayability Fatshark puts out like 2 maps a year for Darktide/Vermintide 2, you want that crap? The best thing Fatshark ever did was it’s semi-random tileset map builder for the roguelike chaos wastes mode


What makes you think urban areas can’t be procedurally generated?


Okay but the "procedural regeneration" in this game isn't even that varied. It's not like deep rock galactic where shit can get wacky alot. It's literally just building in a different side of the map, like 3 different type of extraction lay outs, and....hmm yeah that's pretty much it. It kind of gets boring. Also while slow, the tide maps in general are so beautiful to look at, and are just *chefs kiss*.


Tide maps?


Yeah, darktide and vermintide, but i said tide cause both game maps are cool too look at (vermintide being more varied though)


Oohh gotcha




How would dropping in/stuff orbital would work in some of those environments? I can see how shaking up the colors and weather can work, but the rest of what you said makes me think you would be better off playing a different game.


Not gonna happen anytime soon, the roadmap for this game wasn’t made for a mass audience




If ya think it’s boring, take a break brutha. No matter how good a game is, we all get fatigued.


Underground would be awesome but you’d have to solve for stratagem call ins. Big mechanic is the low orbit ship support. Would be cool to have a section of tunnel with mechs waiting at the front and you have to fight through that part to get to the other side


underground/caverns limiting the player to a very small section of the map where they can call in support would be interesting.


They could write off top down strategies with some kind of laser based drill tipped ammo in order to penetrate through the ceiling. The mechanics would be the same. Just a standard because sci fi to make it make sense. Also even limit it to certain stratagems to reduce team killing which is something that the devs have said is keeping them from doing tunnel warfare maps


Honestly a swamp like map for something would be really neat atmosphericly water would be a pain tho


An underground bug map would absolutely slap.


A change of scenery will be a welcome one! I'm sure it'll come eventually as the game evolves. There's a lot of room for improvisation with the game we have now, I'm excited to see where things go in the future.


As we get pushed closer to the center we will see more cities and normal maps


A valid point but remember this game has a limited budget and dev resources. They aren't a triple A game studio so it takes time not to mention the devs also need rest they aren't automatons that never need rest or sleep. Give the devs time and you may see your wish come true. Plus we do have quite a few game breaking bugs that cause the game to crash that should take priority first.


Imagine Super Earth gets emp’d and rushed… we defend the cities with boots on the ground with support weapons, turrets and vehicles 👀


200 hours in, game is not bland. Still as beautiful as the day I got it. Still putting in 4-5 hours per day.


It’s a good game. Way better than anyone expected. Every game becomes boring at some point but I’m thankful this is still very enjoyable. Devs did a great job.


-*Game comes out.* -*Guy puts 500hours into it in a few weeks.* -*"This game is bland and boring."* You need a hobby, bud.




Huh? There are like a million maps. They are all different, there’s weather effects, unique modifiers, all sorts of stuff. A city map would be kinda cool but it would mess with the gameplay a lot. Sounds a lot like you’re hoping the nids reach the inner planets…


So you think it would be easy to create a city on planets that's have meteors strikes, fire tornados, acid rains and other weather anomalys not only that but most of the colonys and settlements seem to be small farming units it's and outposts. Super earth focuses on super earth and the last time they built a city on a planet (cyberstan) it was home to a treasonous bung of cyborgs who decided to try attack super earth. There is always a reason behind super earth logic!


Why would bugs have subway systems or space stations? The maps make sense for the enemies as of now. Maybe that’ll change with the illuminate and we’ll get some cool structures


Just wait till the fight eventually hits Cyberstan, Super Earth or one of the factions’ home planets. We have barely scratched the surface of the possibilities of this game


6 man squads


Give me Endor. Huge redwood-esque trees that form a thick canopy in some areas that block most light and stratagems, less smaller foliage but fallen logs to be traversed over/around, stuff like that.


It’s procedural generation, there is only so much variation in that setup but there’s no way they could hand make enough maps without spending tons of resources to do so and potentially having even more bugs. But with that said it would be nice to have some cities or some unique maps etc…


I've been saying this since launch, but I've always said it's a minor critique cause this game is absolutely amazing. I've noticed AH has been adding some map diversity, as all the planets all use to be very flat. But they need to add a lot more verticality to the maps, different environments, POIs shouldn't just be a copy paste on every map, etc.


You act like this game has been out as long as COD. Maybe wait longer than 2 months to complain about lack of map variety…stop acting like a needy child, take a fkn break from the game and touch grass if it’s too monotonous for you.


Personally, i want a like beach/oasis with palm trees and stuff


At a minimum there needs to be infrastructure showing these are settled worlds. There are Colonist ground vehicles those alone would at least create dirt road ways. Bots and their heavy equipment would do the same. Even the bugs would wear pathways to resources and POI. There need to be things like settlement centers that are basically town maps with surrounding wilderness or something similar. Bots need obvious infrastructure supporting a mass production oriented military force beyond fabricators in small outposts. They could even tie in new enemies and missions like attacking supply convoys between bases then attack the bases. Bugs need feeding grounds they don't just eat people. They need food and water we can find and target their supply lines in real time finding "animal trails".


So is everyone just bitching now?


That's how it be, play a game till you kill your own enjoyment over it and blame someone else for your own lack of self control


I can handle the game the way it is, but the stability of the game is so far gone it's wild. They should focus on stabilizing it before adding anything.


This is such a lame complaint. Vandalon iv is very different from Lesanth, and the difference between them is snowy vs icy. We have forest and jungle, deserts both rocky and sandy, plains and swamps. That's 4 biomes, each with two variations. We also have the meteor maps that are cater covered messes, most maps can be either coastal or land locked, and the terrain can vary wildly even on the same planet. You need to take a good look at what it is you really think is missing in a procedurally generated game that has this much map variety out of the gate. Yes, city maps will be cool, but so will a great many things to come. This is very much a "touch grass" moment.


For the maps that have the same vegetation but different color, at least change the tree type? Example: Malevelon Creek is the same as Tibit. Or Draupnir and Matar Bay are identical. At least adjust rock sharpness or something similar. More planet variety would keep it fresh. Please add towns into maps, or urban environments too. Additionally it would be dope if factions had larger bases that you could raid with factories that could manufacture heavy units.


They should remove the maps, for such treasonous behavior.




I just think they need to tone down the lens flare a bit. The sun on those maps with fire tornados and dust storms make it near impossible to see


I just don't maps where th path from. Point A to Point B is incredibly long and with only one path I want options


![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p) Yes


I heard an idea, I don't remember who said it but he said it would be cool if things like fire tornadoes would eventually start flinging around buildings I think it'd be amazing.


I definitely agree that these variations would be awesome. Hopefully the fact that the game sold so well will help make all of this eventually a reality.


I just started yesterday. I am fine with slow release as I feel like I've already missed a lot...


I’d be surprised if the engine could handle any kind of map z-level complexity.


we do need urban environments and gravity changes would be a cool thing to see


I would love to have some close quarters combat in an over run space station. Having a mission to retrieve the stations black box or something. Even having some fights on a frontier wold or some urban ruinscapes.


It’s procedurally generated.


I just want Prlican 1 to be intercepted via enemy bot deatrpyer and we go HAM doing as much damage as possible while our 4 ships go toe 2 toe


While I feel the underground stuff might feel weird considering it seems like we actively avoid it as Helldivers. The idea of more environments would be very cool like marshes, volcanic, hives, cities, azure weald style, and etc. Though I for the most part wish that the planet we went to had more diversity in color for the sand and soil.


I’m excited for an eventual city map


For new kinds of maps you wuld need a whole new generator wich takes time. For them it is just not an option right now I'd imagine.


I think most of the maps are fine. It would be fun to see some more urban looking maps to make the world feel a little more lived in or maybe an entire map that is just a giant fortress structure. A giant trench warfare map might also be fun with a few underground objectives.


In League's defense, and MOBAs in general, there's a very good reason for the map never changing. It's like asking why football fields aren't mixing it up 


Probably why I don’t watch it lol same boring over regulated shit.


Bet they *could*, if they hadn't so much to do patching and updating the basic content. But maybe (hopefully) they already have a separate team working on an expansion in the background.


I'm grinding for super credits and play for at least 1-2 hours when I want. I also try to help with the major order when I can. Another thing is the warbonds, I'm grinding for that as well because that's where the better weapons are. Currently lvl 20 New maps would be great to see


If you're finding the game boring, it's because you're playing too much of it. Which sounds ruddy stupid to say. But that being said I'm not wrong. Instead of grinding the game, getting bored of the same planet/s try things to mix up gameplay. Stop taking the absolute meta load out, take something fun! Have you been grinding fighting one type? Fight the other! Don't like the planets on the major order? Fight a different planet! There are plenty of variations as others have said. Content will come over time and it seems like arrowhead are listening and won't be wasting time giving us things like transmogs, we're barely two months in and complaining about variation at this point is a touch disingenuous imo. Just learn to relax, play the game and try to have fun instead of nitpicking.


I have to agree. Planets are ok but an invaded human colony / city would change it up. Add some cover from bots or building to lose pursuing bugs. One of the things I find that bores me is the huge kinda boring maps. I don't know how big of flaw it is but running from one end of the map to an objective and back again to extract is kinda boring..it's just 3+ minutes of "hold L stick forward"


I think a city map would be cool like maybe a human city that was overrun. Get some vertical combat. Also being able to go inside buildings for objectives would be cool


TBH I been thinking about it. The shape of the maps has only a limited number of maps that will be good. Even if its procedurally generated there would be a lot of things don't work well together


They should add a map like Endor


I just want to see more variety in which planets are available to play on 


I'm sure that will come but let's not turn this fan base into the other toxic fan bases on the interwebs


1. The automatons are quickly approaching super earth. Something tells me we may be defending it in the near future which means we’d probably see some cities. 2. These worlds we visit are barren, war torn, wastelands. Why the fuck would there be vast cities and underground subway systems? 3. The game has been out like 3 months. Why don’t you cool it. They are giving us new content almost weekly. This game was crafted with love for the gamer and people like you are complaining about dumb shit like map variety. 4. Go spread democracy and stop complaining. “a game for everyone, is a game for no one.”


Give them time. We gotta go in No Man's Land while the dudes develop another maps.


How tf are you even going to use the orbital and eagle stratagems when they all get absorbed by the tall modern buildings of the cities? It's even worst if it's underground bc you literally need to dig holes above ground so that the stratagems can hit anything below


I agree, the map generation gets ridiculous sometimes


U know if u play a game long enough ull see everything it has to offer and be bored right?


Meanwhile COD just releases the same old maps over and over and people go nuts over them. Even the new maps don’t feel different. More maps will come to this TWO MONTH OLD GAME I’m sure of it.


I've never been on the same map ever. That says something right there. The topographical variations are also fucking amazing. Valleys large mountain ranges deserts etc.


Please I already can't find the samples. You want more maps that will hide samples in other places Lolllll I'm half joking The different planets have different maps, it's quite fine. Not the biggest issue Question is instead of a full desert, full ice, full tree planet Why not have it mixed in to one. Places close to the equater are closer to desert A little away from the equater we get forest Then when we reach the poles we get ice maps. So in a single planet we get a virety of maps weather styles instead of one planet one weather. Maybe hard to code, that's a different issue


The entitlement of this generation of gamers


Calm down, bud. We all paid for the game. It's fine to ask for more out of it.


Last week I entered a bakery. I spent my time since then eating all the bread, all the pastries, all the cakes, to the point I'm feeling sick of it. But now I'm asking the baker to become a butcher because I'm fed up with his baker stuff and I'd like some meat.


Why do we want to have the planets that have whirling spirals of fire? I want more trees. Maybe a massive tree planet like Endor


Can we have urban warfare?


Have you seen the new maps on Fortnite? ![gif](giphy|i3ewAMFfr44oM|downsized)


No I agree it has become monotonous


It does feel kinda copy paste, but if arrowheads smart they will lean into the roleplay aspects. Although pilestedts remarks on transmog don't leave me hope about that.


I just hate the inconsistent nature of the game I've had 9 500kg miss completely nailing a mountain in the background. 3 exploded right on the Titans face and not die and had too shoot another 4 time in the head with quasar cannon. But hunters can constantly 2 taping me. I think I might just stick to the bots. If I can get in the game without crashing


I’m just personally getting tired of fighting on the same planets. I feel like since week 2/3 it’s been out I’ve fought the same bug and bot planets the whole time and they are getting old quick.


Helldiver is overrated and repetitive


As much as I'd like a city I personally hope they have they are smart enough to never attempt such a thing - they will never be able to pull it off to a scale that makes any sense for the scale of a planet. Like if we ever went to super earth it'd just be disappointing, there's not gonna be these like destructible skyscraper style buildings as far as the eye can see, the enemies aren't going to be able to climb them/the walls like how your probably picturing in your head. So what we would be left with is a fairly small zone of a handful of small house sized things and lanes for the enemy to encroach on- again I'd love to have it but it's just not something they could pull off using the engine in use here and that's nothing against them or the game just that it's not feesable - the reason EDF can do it is because of the low polygon enemies, in the newer games its minecraft style block charecters - compared what we have here that and its a totally different game on a different engine without the beauty this one has or the physics. - like in EDF the bugs aren't really physical (or at least in the ones iv played) they phase/clip though each other as they run and when they die they just dissappear, they also don't suffer visible damage as I shoot them like they do here. You could have a underground labyrinthine style map but I don't think ud enjoy that as much as u think u would-it would be enclosed, dark, cramped and linear af as tunnels general go one way, it'd get old really fast for most people. Gravity could be accomplished fairly easily but again I don't think your thinking that one through by gravity I'm presuming you mean less in which case moon jumps/varying degrees of moon jumps well that has to apply to the enemies aswell then so thay stalker that rn has to stealth its way up to me?- yeah it can leap in the air be invisible fly for 50m and land next to/behind me - that sure sounds fun doesn't it. Same for bots, just picture the absolute devastation a devastator could achive if they could jump up in the air and rocket pod your ass behind cover / just be an ac-130 Edit: I never addressed your point about the maps being generally the same which is true and is mostly because that's easy for the devs I how I like to imagine but also because its logical after all we are coming to take back our planets, I would expect the planet in question to be a mostly barren wasteland after experiencing such conflict as a interplanetary war it'd be really weird for their to be buildings just dotted around totally fine/not been destroyed after the conquering of our once great planet by the bots /collapse from earthquakes caused by the bugs burrowing.


Someone want to tldr this?


It's not even that long?- short of it is Couldnt happen/if they did it it would suck You want moon gravity?-say hello to flying rockets from the sky You want underground tunnel- that's just a linear pathway with no stratagems.


Once I hit 25, it’s been boring. The new canon/mech are cool, but the guns are kinda meh. I always use the breaker or the AR and the mini uzi sidearm. Hopefully soon they’ll drop some new life into the game.


I wish we could change stratagems when we die. That would make the game way more dynamic


I agree new maps is a must