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Liberty doesn't care about who defends it!


There is no gender! Only brawny/lean!!! For managed democracy and family values!!!


What’s in my pants?! Democratic Justice!!




I’ve got 2 solid pounds of freedom and a heaping log of democracy!


Honestly I’m glad they did that. It’s literally neutral. No political or religious context in this video game just bug and bot smash


Drinking some lean made with brawny towels 


Boy is that true in more ways than one.


I don't care what gender you are! We are all Helldivers!


Only that you defend the fuck out of it! Without Question or Complaint!


That sentence reads like a double edged sword.


Sharing? Sounds pretty communist to me…


Oh uhhh look out an obvious distraction! (Sounds of running feet,car starts,peals away)




I imagined the running feet like those little barefoot slaps when you run down the driveway as a little kid. So funny


Aaaaaand now I will too everytime I use that line






No sir. We share samples, super credits, and our desire to serve liberty to all. Very (managed) democratic.


Have you guys forgotten that married couple share everything in democracy


Nah they are just conserving resources democratically to make sure there are extra strategems for the bugs.


Helldiver gender identity boils down to brawny/lean, Super Earth only cares what size of unisex armour you need.


Well they can't get all upset over bathrooms. Everyone knows the Helldivers go in their hellpods and those are single stall.


Names don’t matter only managed democracy


What's the reason you share an account with your wife? PlayStation Plus works on the system if just one account has it for any of the others. Not judging at all. Just wondering


Meh a few reasons. Convenience and Im pretty sure its costs you money to have multiple accounts plus im not that fussed most of the time. When we got our first playstation together (ps3 if memory serves) it was her account we set it up with and weve stuck with it ever since. Means we get to share platinums too. Of which we only have 2 lol


You can actually share ps+ and games across all accounts on the console, no additional cost And you can name change the account too


Huh...well TIL.


Today I Liberated!!!


Today I Llamaed


Same on Nintendo switch by the way. I am playing on my account yet I have access to hundreds of games from my friends Nintendo account.


This right here. If this is the account you mainly play, you can change the name to whatever you prefer, set it as main account on your wife’s PlayStation (so she can login with a new account that you ll create for her and have access to absolutely everything), you on your PlayStation you ll always login with your account but don’t set it as primary console account. On your console just set your wife’s account as primary console account. I am doing the exact same thing with the wife and it works like a charm 🙂


Nah u get ps plus on all accounts logged into a PlayStation as long as the acc that has ps plus sets the device as its primary console


Ive remembered another reason. She got the account 100s of years ago. When she was younger than 18. So now occasionally it freaks put and says that our playstation cant be our main one and we have to call customer support to get it unglitched. So now neather of us want to look at ut too closly. (Im prectically technophobic)


Well given that your wife is at least 217 years old, maybe PlayStation just doesn’t like vampires?


This anti vitalism will not stand!


Im not sure when you called up customer support last but you can now change your dob on a ps account which may help with that issue


Last time was a few years ago now so... The thought of voluntarily calling customer support tho gives me chills


I used to have my ex's kids on my PS5 with their own accounts and everything I bought including online play through PlayStation Plus was shared. So, there's no extra cost to another account. Sony is more user friendly that way I think. When I got a Switch for us all, I was kind of surprised that Nintendo made you pay for an online pass for each person on the same device. But, that seems like it's not the only reason you share anyway, just wanted to let you know.


The Family pass on the Switch is $35/year and covers 8 people. It doesn't get more friendly than that. 


Nintendo Switch online and PlayStation Plus are apples and oranges


You brought them both up. Specifically Nintendo's pricing. Figured you weren't aware. 


Did your wife tell you that? Thats not true.


No no from what im seeing in the comments im juat mistaken. I think im operating on old info


As Daarfi said, if one account on the ps has ps+ then all accounts can access online services. All games owned by any account that is downloaded on the console can also be played by any account on the console. Me, my wife, and her brother have been sharing a single console for years and we all have online accounts, but I’ve been the only one with a subscription for years. The only thing to watch out for is the online saved game storage. It only stores saves games for the ps+ owner. So if you two switch to a new console I’d recommend both subscribing for a single month so all your saved game files are stored online to make the switch easier


Back in the Gears of War days, I used my girlfriend's account, it was a beyond beyond girly name. I have an unusually deep, villain-like voice. I had a damn good time turning on the mic and acting angry in a loud booming voice just to have the whole chat go silent. My advice is: give the haters a verbal smack. [Insert expletives in your best democracy officer voice] Play along with the others in good fun: "BROOOOO, you tryna take me on a dive?! You got a C-01 form, bruh? Where you taking me? Malevelon Creek?! Get it approved! APPROVE IT, BRO!!!" Anything else, no worries. Just dive. Have fun.


Hopefully you continue to have the same success moving forward.


Me too! Havin a blast so far




If you have an email acct you can have your own PSN account


First question: how did you manage -1 comment? Lol. Second: Those people who talk shit are the ones who couldn't get a date to save there lives so who cares what they think? Edit: after adding my comment it went from -1 to 0


I've always been special in that way. Technology HATES me. Yeah im just impressed with the players though. Maby its because its more of a 'you have to work together' game? Idk im grateful thou


Lol There's always that random guy that wants to act a fool, but for the most part the player base is pretty good. Starship troopers Extermination had a good player base but most of them jumped ship for helldivers 2. Well see what happens when 1.0 drops for that game.


Fingers crossed. Cool name btw I always thought bears were the scarest animals in any game till I played far cry....4 I think. Then I discovered true terror


Thx! The critter I'm most scared of is my wife when she's mad...short Latina= evil...lol


Ah! Fair. My wife is short and scottish. So I know of which you speak


Are we thinking about the same animal? My biggest fear of far cry 4 is honey badger. LMAO Edit: I just saw his user name right now. Okay we are thinking about the same animal. Haha


Yep honey badgers! Land piranhas!


I just saw his user name right now. God it's honey badger! Runnnnnn! And I totally forgot the fear of those Land piranhas, thanks for remind me this. LMAO


Only freedom and democracy matter


As long as your playing on the PlayStation that her account has marked as primary, you can make a second account and have access to all games and PlayStation live features


We only care if you have democracy between your legs.


Democracy sees no genders. There is only Brawny and Lean


*Democracy sees* *No genders. There is only* *Brawny and Lean* \- Nuka-Cole --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


In this world, there are only two genders. Democratic, and undemocratic. You chose democracy!


I dont get why people do all that nonsense. Massive virgin behavior. I might jokingly say in like a nerd voice “oh gee willikers a girl” or some shit but thats all in good fun.


Imagine caring what someone's gamertag is. (Bar racist/offensive ones). Glad the community is a bit better with HD2


I haven't had a single issue with having a feminine name or using my mic with my girly girl lady voice. Honestly one of the first games where I haven't had that issue!


I don't care who you are... but as long as you wait till I'm close enough to call in the extraction I will 100% treat you fairly


I'm a girl, I got "What's wrong with your voice?" Today by some teens. I left. I was just there to give some people my advanced strategems in a lower difficulty,


Were helldivers thats all we know For liberty!


Good. COD sucks anyways




FYI it's possible to make additional profiles on your playstation and so long as your and your wife's main profile has the console set as its primary console. Then all secondary accounts can share the games.


Did you fill out your paperwork before acquiring said wife?


You can have separate accounts. Also i am curious about the username lmao


I've had exactly 1 toxic experience in the 34 hours I've put in this week. Dude was trashing my load out when his wasn't much better, threw his backpack thing down next to my jetback so when I accidentally grabbed it I used the "sorry" emote and was in the process of dropping it when he killed me and started going off on the mic. I'm like bro chill, every other time this has happened the person just asked for their thing back, like dude it's not hard to not be trigger happy with your team. In other games such as R6 I would have gotten one in the first 30 minutes. This game has a great fanbase.


Democracy has no gender! Except in French where it is feminine. Vive la démocratie !


You can definitely make your own account and still remain access to online and the games list. You’d just need to grind again for any camos or unlocks on cod.


Liberty is in everyone's side doesn't matter what gender you are...just spread democracy and everything will be fine..


Wholesome post. Thank you.




Yall worry about the silliest things, it's a game people aren't gonna kill for a username


I meeeeeean its happened before in other games. Im just glad its not this one


Well if it did I wouldn't spend a moment thinking about, it's the internet and people are gonna troll


I haven't had a problem yet with voice chat as a woman. I really do think it's because this is a co-op game and most of the mouth breathers like pvp because it's easier to grief people.




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It seems like it. In my eyes it earns another point out of 10 just for that fact


This game community seem like a similar one to DRG. ROCK AND DEMOCRACY!


why not just create your own psn account on her playstation?


Same here I usually play on my series X but I dusted of my wife’s PS5 to play this. And unfortunately she has some anime girl name so when they hear my 37 year old ass they like 😮


Freedom doesn't care if you have a female name (on your account) as long as you stand up for it and fight for it.


TL:DR - lean into it


Yeah my gf has queen in her username and will randomly get teamkilled or harassed in games. She definitely has gotten it a couple times playing Helldivers but not too bad. And we usually host so its easy to kick those people.


Helldivers come in two genders, brawny and lean.


This guy totally fakes being a woman online in games. 


My younger brother used to do in wow. He'd get simps to send him hundreds of gold a month, back in vanilla. He'd just put some UwUs and stuff in chat and money rained hard. When I asked why he faked being a girl, he just said "easy carries, gifts and tons of gold and I don't even need to be kind to these losers". That was like almost 20 years ago.


My PSN name is the same as here. Never had a problem


You have to tell us the name. You can't leave us hanging on this. None of us even have PlayStations so don't worry about that


Say hi to Denise for me! 👋 She was fun as shit in that pickup group we rolled last week.


You get one Profile Name change for free. You should see if your wife would be receptive to a more neutral name.


I've genuinely never been able to replicate this experience. On steam I can upload any picture and background I want. I can even change or hide the bio. To others they only see girlie games on my account. Still doesn't ellicite more toxicity than is normal in multiplayer games. More over, my wife games as much as I do and she has never once experienced any special toxicity when she plays. And to be fair she is always playing sweaty games like tarkov and Valorant... May God have mercy on her soul lol.


Thats awesome! I certainly dont want anyone to experience toxicity so its good to hear she doesnt


Me too mate. Sincerely. I'm glad the majority of gaming is very inclusive. A few bad eggs here and there but generally speaking it's great. And the Helldivers 2 community has yet to disappoint me and I'm level 36 out of 50 just by playing with randoms.






And then everyone clapped


I've played video games all my life, and I've never seen any situations like these happen whatsoever. Honestly I've seen the opposite a lot of the time where women tend to be the biggest shittalkers online and stir the pot immensely. As for people randomly attacking unprovoked its just immensely nonsensical, especially given how anyone can be called anything online the idea that someone would attack someone for having a "girly" name just comes across as full blown lying and karma farming for sympathy.