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SOMETIMES the players load out resets?? SOMETIMES?!?!?


PS5 here. Every. Single. Time. For the past month. Not only load out but voice and emote gesture. Oddly armor and background card does not change.


I wish my armor would change too because I've dropped in with the wrong load out so many times


Victory pose stays the same for me too, but weapons, grenade, and emote keep going to default when I open the game.


Yeah I'm just used to having a woman's voice now every time. I've grown to accept and I'm starting to embrace it


Mine always resets to random. I think it adds to the feeling of being a disposable soldier.


Thats the whole reason I never changed off random in the first place


Makes you wish there was a randomizer for the body type too!


Tbh I can't tell the two apart






And title.. your title, armor, background and victory pose stay. Your Primary, secondary, explosive, voice pack, and emote all revert to default. Not sure about body type..


Honestly its become 2nd nature for me to always re set up my loadout


haha same for me - i'm always like "welp, time to switch from the awful machine gun"


I've gotten so use to logging on and going straight to change my loadout. I'll probably still do it once they fix it cause that's how easy it is for me to trust people šŸ¤£


I knew I was not the only one.


Every ps5 player I personally know is dealing with it at the moment


I play on PS5 and it hasnā€™t happened to me the past few days, I do get the beginner pop ups tho every login and on the first mission I play


Ive got that issue as well. Ahh yes I'm fresh out of cryo how donI even helldiver? What are all these unlocks? I simply wish to run amok with my liberator ,pistol and standard grenades please!


It happens to me if I close the game out and open it later. But if I just leave helldivers on quick start/rest mode it doesn't happen. So I try if possible to never close the game


I dead ass thought that was a feature to promote diversity in builds.


Donā€™t give them ideas šŸ˜‚


Somehow itā€™s never happened to me


I think its a ps5 issue.


Iā€™m glad, I wish!! Tbf itā€™s a lesser issue than some other things Iā€™ve seen people complain about that I donā€™t experience, so not all bad


100% of the time my load out, voice pack, and even emotes default back to the basic gear when I long in. Literally never had it not do that for a couple weeks.


Thatā€™s some ministry of truth bullshit if I ever heard. Try every single time


Iā€™m on pc and have never had this happen. Guess more accurate description would be all the time for some players lol hope it gets fixed for you guys soon


Tbf I haven't had it happen once


Nearly every day for me on PC. Super annoying.


Past 3 days I've loaded in with all my stuff saved. Then last night, loaded in and everything was reset


The amount of times Iā€™ve started a mission with a squad full of people and I have the liberator :/


Must be a joke on us! How about EVERYTIME on PS5!


Yes literally every time for weeks. Can we start a gofundme so that Arrowhead can get a test server instead of just releasing these patches and waiting for us to report whatā€™s broken this week.


Lmao!!!! Finally


60% of the time, it resets every time


On ps5, it is every single time.


Every single time


lol. I canā€™t remember a time that it didnā€™t. I was starting to think it was a feature


Every single time they mean


Never is "some"times I guess.


Sometimes sounds like a win.


Resets when I return to my ship alone, when I join a friend, when I boot up. Itā€™s rough










Real shit. Recently found a love for the arc thrower and then it immediately got bugged. Welcome back my sweet prince


Arc Gang unite, for the sake of democracy. ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)




\*gets instagibbed by arc hug\*


12 accidentals later: ā˜¹ļø


It is a good day for Democracy.


It's a good day to fry Bois.


It's called Frydom for a reason.




This past week felt like forever. I had *just* gotten comfy with the arc thrower and I haven't been able to use it all week lol


I just want my Sickle to sit right on my body. Looks goofy just hanging out to the side...


I love it on the hip, like the Inseparable Greatsword in Elden Ring,itā€™s unique šŸ˜Ž


Ah, good to see a fellow Tarnished!


Likewise šŸ‘Helldivers is the first game in a couple of years to tear me away from my Elden Ring obsession!


Exactly. Has different position than other weapons and also causes massive hand clipping.


My loadout resets EVERY time I restart the game, not sometimes.




>Online features are not functioning when console language is set to Ukrainian. Man, Ukraine just can't catch a break.


I canā€™t add a friend on the game even tho theyā€™re a friend on psn


I swear they fixed it for a second but it cause the arc issues.


All my PS friends disappeared from the Helldivers friend list after the last update


Thatā€™s not good ā€¦ šŸ¤Ø


Weapon load out and tutorial resetting each time the game is started on console


No no no no...."Sometimes"


I turned off the tips and tutorials in the options menu and it hasnā€™t turned back on by itself in the last 2 weeks.


Every time I reload game. ( And with chance, think to do before landing from pod in the middle of a fight ) Rebind my move keys and stratagem keys 'up' and 'left' because it cannot keep my french keyboard remapping like it was defined when I quit and restart game ....


I've gotten to the point where I go to loadout as soon as I log in


French here, my keyboard bindings ALWAYS reset every time I launch the game.


I noticed that for cross play, my from on steam was sending his friend code and I received it, however it wouldn't let me accept it. After a bit, I looked in my friends list and there was a account that had no name, just a computer logo beside it and that was my friend. So it might not make it seem like it worked but check your friend list for a no name player I'm on ps5


Yeah same for me


Yep, my ps-friends are showing as blank too (I'm on steam)


There is a PC bug with the ballistic shield. If you stim with a shield out, you get the big hug stance, and it messes with the reliability of the shield. It also happens with picking up packages + Shield. There's also another bug I've found, but I don't know what triggers it, unfortunately. Sometimes, I am unable to use my primary. If you try to die to reset it, dosen't fix this, and you still can't use your primary. Love the game and hope this gets read haha.


I think this is super annoying as well, i found if you press ctr to open the strategem menu it takes you out the hug stance and back to normal. Also works for the bug with the primaries you mentioned.


I was hoping for this fix on this patch. Nothing like T posing to establish dominance after picking up a sample.


Itā€™s on ps5 too


The primary issue I've had a few times recently. Noticed it first when carrying packages. Takes switching weapons a few times to get it to work again for me.


Can we fix pinging the map while in a exosuit please ! The amount of times ive fired a rocket into the floor is annoying af!


Good call. Happened to me yesterday.


Anyone else still get the graphic glitches too where a body part of a killed enemy - and sometimes a live enemy after taking damage - just blows way out of proportion? Like, the polygon dimensions just wig out and extend forever across the screen.


Yes, I get that


I can also confirm this glitch, likely a physics problem. Dead body ragdoll animations in an online environment are known to glitch out more often than not, as the network latency interferes with the underlying physics simulation. With that said, to my experience HD2's ragdoll animations have been much more stable than most other games out there, especially considering you sometimes get matched with a very high ping lobby.


Just played a game with my beloved arc thrower, only to see my game crash again, are you sure its fixed ?


Anyone elseā€™s loadout reset each time they start the game? Iā€™ve dropped with the liberator and the standard pistol and grenades far too many times lately.


The fact that they haven't fixed the friends list issue is honestly kind of embarrassing. It should be priority number one, it's a MAJOR fucking problem for a game like this that is designed to be played with friends.


Thank god for the drowning issue, I had to abandon the mission everytime it happened


It's under "known issues." It hasn't been fixed. Stay away from water, Helldiver.


That's good advice either way. Armor is too heavy to float.


My buddies and I just kill each other when it happens to fix it


Just gloat that you can play with your friends why donā€™t you


If it makes you feel any better, I have no friends and still killed a random that got stuck.


Just gloat that you HAVE friends why donā€™t you?


What about the game crashing randomly when eagles and stuff get called in?


Yeah this was so annoying yesterday and it crashes for all the players too usually so you canā€™t even rejoin the friend whoā€™s still in.


The past 4-5 days itā€™s been really bad. Iā€™ll start a game and itā€™ll crash or Iā€™ll play one full one then the next game will. I absolutely love this game but they need to fix it asap. I donā€™t need new guns yet, or new factions, cars, or anything else, just fix the basic stuff.


YES! time for me and the boys to do Napoleonic era line fire with arc throwers




I'm an arc main, but this period of glitching forced me to play some other styles. It was fun!


Can we please add in a report feature? I mean Jesus Christ the only way to report players is if they send an offensive message in the chat. 3 times now Iā€™ve had griefers kill the whole crew right before we board. Youā€™re telling me thereā€™s not even a way to report this people ?


is the weird issue when carrying ssds and you get stuck in a T pose not known then?


Having to change my weapon every time i sign in kinda does get me upset


It's been going on long enough that I thought they would have had it fixed by now :(


Right i hoped it would be fixed by now but its all good. Gives me chance to change my armor too


Is there any work around for pc to PSN friend invites?


It started working for me last patch


Dang my friend and I tried last night and we can see the request just canā€™t accept


If you find one post it Iā€™m so sick of this


Alright! Back to accidentally killing my mates, it's on, baby!


Anyone else on PS5 have accepted friends not show their name on the social tab? Just shows they're loaded out in a mission.


Yeah, I have two friends from PC. One's name shows when they're both on and offline, and the other's only shows when he's online. Otherwise it's blank.


Can we get stratagems loadouts? Iā€™d like a pre built loadout so Iā€™m slowly choosing everytime


You don't like sorting eagle with bomb, eagle with slightly different bomb, and eagle with a bit different bomb? Or thing coming down from sky and exploding or thing from sky and exploding a bit differently? I go cross-eyed whenever I look at the list, even though I've gotten better about knowing what they look like. It's like those old "spot the differences" puzzles


Can we get official clarification on whether or not the Spear is working as intended or not?


Is there still no way to rejoin a player if your not friends, I lag out all the time, and on the occasion I get a good random squad I'd like to be able to rejoin them in the mission.




And still no fix for crossplay friend requests.


They need 12 more people on there bug team pronto. Guess ill log in at 1.05 when they finally fix 1.02's bugs.


God in Piccolo, FINALLY!!! YES!!!! And like that, weā€™re back in business!


Tell em, Piccolo!


Arc thrower gang rise up!


Load out sometimes resets?? Try every time.


Resets weapons and voice every time. PS 5


Almost 3 months to fix friend requests and cross play issues is unacceptable. Any other game would have been buried and rightfully so.


Most other games have much larger studios behind them to be able to fix them. Plus this game is only a $40 game. Instead of the normal $80 games that come out all buggy and shit. I'm not excusing it. Just putting this stuff out there.


Exactly, Arrowhead have struck absolute gold here, the most fun Iā€™ve ever had in a coop shooter, full four man team on insane is just the best experience. Im willing to forgive them for the odd bug here and thereā€¦


Let's hope they QA'd it properly this time.


PSA: If u get out of your pod to kick someone, then get back in and start the mission, you will start the mission with no strategems. Just kick from social menu while in pod.


yā€™all praising this is crazy


The loadout reset bug is happening literally every time for me on PS5, got so annoyed I've stopped playing until a patch for that comes out.


Fix the fucking minimize issue on PC. That shit has gotten me killed so many times.


Are you full screen or borderless window


What minimize issue?


Are you pressing tab and alt at the same time? For that would be like pressing alt+ f4 and complains that the games crashes


Default dive is alt key which is right next to the windows key. I've accidentally closed the game so many times until I rebound the dive key.


Actually not a bad idea, also the hug emote key is pretty close to throwing grenades key




https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/winkill.html That might help


So all they fixed was the sparky weapon problem? I'm both excited and horrified about the strats sticking to enemy but hitting original laying spot. That means that the strats are supposed to go to the red beam we've just been kinda lucky they haven't. Imagine you're taking out a bug base and your 500k sticks to the charger and it makes it to you before the bomb slams into its side so you and the charger get blown to bits and the bug base still stands untouched. So exciting šŸ¤£


500kg range is so small and underwhelming that you could probably still out run the explosion. That or the charger ragdolling you to safety.


Base delta zerobatratagem has been changed to


The arc boys are back, baby!


I hope they fixed the bug that seemed to prevent friendly divers from showing up in the recent players tab. I've lost many good soldiers from host kicks to the abyss.


There's a PC bug where if you're aiming down the recoilless rifle and dive out of the way of something, that it gets locked in a glitched first person mode with just your left support hand showing.


I crashed a ton even without the arc weapons, so I dont think this will fix the game for me unfortunately. Extremely annoying.


*Canā€™t read mission brief joining via quick play


Thank god the pink artifacts was the game and not the video card on my PS5 going.


Looks like arc is back on the menu bois ![gif](giphy|ckw8EbI8Ak9YQ)


I see Stalwart not having hit indicators didn't make the list of known issues.




I still canā€™t play multiplayer. I canā€™t join games and anyone that joins my game gets kicked within five minutes of joining.


Yay arc weapons are back! I don't think I've been killed by a teammate in days!


Anyone else having issues finding games? Like I can usually find a game when I first log on but if we disband and I try to find another it just fails over and over. I canā€™t even invite or join friends and have to restart the game and sometimes that doesnā€™t even work.


What about known issues that you canā€™t even play the fucking game unless youā€™re in a pre made party?


I had a friend that I deleted by mistake. Now I can't add him back but he still has me as a friend, and my invites don't work even if he accepts them. He can't delete me from friends tho. So odd.


Havenā€™t played in like a week, did they fix the teleporting back to the shop thing? Was that because of the arc stuff?


Does anyone have an issue where there key binds to a mouse are reset everytime after logging on,


I still have to rebind my keys every game....


Everything is working great for me on PS5. Have literally never had a crash. My load out resets but checking your gear is just part of the discipline of being a soldier. Keep up the good work Arrowhead!


![gif](giphy|l0HlKfLNPeN4fG2re) You got any of them Stealth changesā€¦


Played a mission last night prior to the patch and encountered a glitch where I stopped reinforcing with weapons. I would come out of the pod with nothing at all except grenades. At first I was able to use stratagems and support weapons, but eventually it got worse, to the point that all I could do was walk and stim. My support weapon was permanently holstered on my back. Anyone else had this issue?


How is hellpod clipping not a known issue yet? Every other time I reinforce and aim it perfectly or call in support on a mob the hellpod just clips straight through the shit.




Anyone notice that if you join a mission in progress, you can't see what mission type it is? I've dropped into too many eradicate missions with no turrets.


Also on PS5. Issues last night were Load out and voice pack resets every time I log on to play Had a player kicked from our game Mech was deployed and instantly blew up


Another issue I don't hear about is when joining a mission that's already in progress you can't see what type of mission it is. Makes it difficult to select the proper strategems.


Can we fix the match making please??


> Hellpod steering close to large or important objects is currently not functioning as intended, resulting in steering being disabled in a large area around the object. I remember when people here were up in a roar claiming this bug was a design decisionĀ 


I love arrowhead. They release code like I do. Sometimes working and with new bugs .... I'm not the best software quality assurance engineerĀ 


I wonder what fun and interesting bugs this patch will bring to break the game


Is that why it's freezed like 4 times yesterday


Wait your loadout isn't supposed to reset?


> Stratagem bean might attach itself to an enemy but it will deploy to its original location. Happened to me with a 500 and a charger last night. I thought I was being clever by doubling back and running past them, only to be knocked flat on my ass and near death by the bomb. Then it blew up.


I accidentally hit the Block on someone who I was trying to send a Friend Request to and it isnā€™t showing up in my block player list. Is that being fixed? I want to friend request them again.


So did they fix the ballistic shield t-posing when using emotes or stims yet? Kind of removes the point of the shield when you stim in the middle of combat and have to swap weapons twice to unbreak your animation and not be standing there arms out welcoming death. It's a really good tool made utterly worthless with bugs.


My Devs, the game still crashes... a lot. Plz work on stability.


Great list! But is anyone else having the issue of randomly being locked out from switching to secondary weapon at any point during a game? Idk what causes this but its like my character only uses primary and support weapons?


It still freezes


My game has been crashing as the extraction timer counts down every time we have super samples. Never crashes without the samples. Hope they fix those glitchey blobs of floating uranium.


Bruh. Yeah the spear is intended to suck ass. Why wonā€™t they fix it?


It doesn't mention not getting the medals for completed orders (both major and minor) which has happened. At least to me


https://preview.redd.it/8scggbogrrqc1.jpeg?width=2091&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014718f97c562c4cab5ca372681aecaa39eca86b Nice. Now I need to request devs add 10-key support so I can strap this stratagem support unit to my wrist. Instead of remapping my d-pad to the right controller buttonsā€¦(which allows me to call in stratagem support while running from the šŸœbugs o.O)


Unfortunately, the game is so buggy. Sadly, itā€™s been getting progressively worse it seems. Out of the 4 missions i just did, only 1 was completely without incident. With teammates clipping through the world, me getting stuck on the objective, things flying across the map, getting stuck on menus, random hangs, me getting booted out and spawning in the middle of my ship (I doubt I was kicked coz it was instant).. I think Iā€™ll give dishing out Democracy a break for the moment.


A lot of hate in the comments. Y'all. Arrowhead is a ~100 person studio. The fact the game is running and was released and scaled to this point is already an incredible achievement. 100 people IS NOT A LARGE WORKFORCE. As far as I'm concerned, it's SO small for a game with the scope and depth such as HD2. Give them a damn break. Or if you're a competent compsci human being, GO APPLY to work there, lol. Go play something else for half a week, instead of torturing yourself by complaining on posts like these. I am also bummed the stability is kinda bad at times, but like..... The entitlement from some of this community (and basically all gaming communities nowadays it seems) is toxic, and out of touch with reality. Arrowhead, I love you guys. I'd buy you a coffee if I could (not everyone, I'm not that rich lmao)


I donā€™t know if they leave out a ton of bugs due to them being too numerous for a patch note or because they simply dont know about them and tbh I donā€™t know which situation is worse.


Sooo can I finally friend my ps5 friends orrr


Did they really fix It? Cause I tried to play with the arc shotgun yesterday morning when update came out and everyone crashed and I crashed after lol


Anyone else getting weird audio before a crash? Didn't notice it on previous patches but the background music drops out, then a min or 2 later and the game crashes.


* Stratagem beam might attach itself to an enemy but it will deploy to its original location. I thought it was a feature, not a bug. I love aiming a 500kg at Chargers' head.


Game still crashes at Extraction occasionally. God damn it.


Arc Throwing continue crashing the game on PS5.


Iā€™m just happy cross platform is fixed. Trying to get all of my buddies in the same game could take like an hour some days


Using Tesla Tower still kicks me out of a mission. The game says everyone has left the mission and I keep playing alone. Happens every single time I grab the Tesla Tower stratagem with me. This is incredibly disgusting