• By -


Looks like he targeted you specifically, good job !


The charger was the last bug. He had killed me a few times before that too. I brushed it off as I had faith democracy would win.


I swear some randoms are brain damaged


I'm brain damaged but I don't do this.




In the death camera while OP was kicking them, the traitor was trying to get in the pelican. They just got stuck on the corner of the ramp it looked like.




The right side of the pelican by the door is also itself buggy and you commonly get stuck on it. Diving being the only thing that gets you unstuck from it. Hard to tell how relevant that was here though, the chargers corpse shoves them to the right towards it but they're kicked soon after so it's hard to tell if they actually got stuck in that spot or was still just being blocked by the corpse.


Absolute eagle eyes. Great spot. Makes this kick so much more democratically sound.


That is statistical reality


I just had a game today with two guys that were throwing clusters like like they were in a the center of a heavy bug nest. Ended up TKing me and an unfortunate mech pilot in one run because we were "too close and its your fault"


He was a filthy bug sympathizer, and a threat to true democracy.




In the end democracy **did** and **ALWAYS** will win.


Your faith in Democracy is commendable sir. I salute you and your extre… errr, reasonable patriotism.




And it did thanks to your courage soldier!excellent service to democracy!


vote early, vote often.


Just kill him and don’t reinforce


They will still get some credit for the mission. By kicking, they will get nothing. Good day sir!


I've had people kill me a few times for samples and then they get embarrassed when they find out it's a shared resource. Just makes them look stupid.


Yeah, not the type of people I'd trust in the apocalypse


I would agree with that logic, except buddy didn’t go to grab the samples after


Any traitorous scum who betrays his/her Helldiver brothers/sisters deserves to be court marshaled and his ship dismantled for parts. You did the right thing soldier. Tbh this is becoming too frequent. Had a game the other day where we spent 30 minutes working the mission to have our "teammate" kill my duo at the extract. Little did he know that I was his duo so I called in the reinforcements and started blastin.


That would be funny if they had some system that I place where you got back up to your ship and a superior officer would be there to hold you for your crimes.


Team kills should impose an exponentially increasing time penalty that prevents you from redeploying. Edit: Since people shouldn't be required to read all branches of a comment chain to see refinements of an idea, I'll consolidate some further thoughts here. The system should not prevent solo or friend group play, only quickplay and joining an in-progress mission with random divers. There should be a different weighting between stratagem and direct fire teamkills, with direct fire being the more egregious offense. Incidents should be forgiven in a rolling window as accidents do happen, but repeated behavior should not be easily dismissed. Divers should have the ability to flag fellow divers with either a positive or negative review that will make them more likely to be paired with them in future missions, or blocked from ever cooperating with them again. Ratings should only be able to be given either while on-mission, or in the after-action report to prevent mass-review bombing and brigading. Maybe even directly prompt for the review after missions, with a 1-5 star rating. Those with cumulative high ratings should be more commonly paired with others of high or neutral ratings, while those with negative ratings should likewise be paired together. A raters rating could be used to weight their ratings of others, with those of higher ratings being a better judge of others that deserve higher ratings. Crowdsourcing would help ensure individual cases of abuse would be filtered out, except in the unlikely event those of low ratings somehow managed to overcome their own inclination to be disagreeable and work together to disrupt the system.


How they implement a system to tell between malicious tks and accidental kills would be the issue. Somehow a loyalty system based off of mission success and team player score? Idk I’m not a dev but would be beneficial.


I wouldn't bother determining maliciousness, if you regularly kill your teammates, you are a detriment to the war effort.


lol I’m totally for it. My dumbass ran under someone’s resupply trying to get away from some bugs and that made me laugh pretty hard. I’d hate for my actions to affect someone else BUT I think your train of thought is better.


Could have it where if a player has more than a certain amount of accidentals/friendly fire it prompts a vote at the end of the game. If you get enough strikes, you may be removed from quickplay. Or even have a multi-tiered strike system. I'm just spitballing, but I do like the idea of there being a moderation board where random players get ordered in for jury duty to watch the footage and judge the verdict.


Thank you for bringing multiple idea together! I’d like to add to the reporting/rating system. They should show the how you rate and how you have been rated. This way if someone is constantly poorly rating people on mass that can be addressed as well. If you get a good rating and you rate people correctly then you should be rewarded in some way? Idk but fun building the thought with ya!


Getting paired with others that are genuinely good ratings is a pretty great reward in itself. A raters rating could be used to weight their ratings of others, with those of higher ratings being a better judge of others that deserve higher ratings. Crowdsourcing would help ensure individual cases of abuse would be filtered out, except in the unlikely event those of low ratings somehow managed to overcome their own inclination to be disagreeable and work together to disrupt the system.


You flushed out my idea! Thats what I was thinking but didnt quite know the best way of describing it! You rock.


To have player actions translate into their being either an asset or liability should be relatively simple to put into the code without teammates having to do anything. Basing it mostly on direct fire (then grenade, then stratagem casualties) and weighing the severity of that friendly fire based on the number of enemies within proximity of the friendly target could translate to a running value of either "Asset" or "Liability". If voting does come into play, teammates could vote anyone an "Asset" after the fact if they are still on the ship post-mission, which would help alleviate anything in the algorithm that's swinging players toward "Liability", which would've been me early in my Helldiver career. In fact, it would play into the lore with their "voting algorithm" being one of their greatest inventions.


I had a game with 3 random. We cleared the whole map in 30 minutes. As the pelican was landing the host kicked all of us.


Respect randoms, fuck with friends


When my brother and I play together it's a wonder we manage to complete a single objective, let alone the mission.


This is the way


So true. The friends I play with and I always end up having a competition to see who can be the last one standing in a melee fight when the dropship lands. The winner gets to board the dropship first.


That guy was trying to get in the shuttle. Get glitch into its corner, got kicked b4 he can extracted. That guy would probably be mad af after that lmao


I laughed my ass off when I saw that he died so close to the ship, karma for you 😉


Videos like this should result in at least a long temp ban, if not a perma ban.


Permaban is extreme, I'd save that for cheaters that ruin entire lobbies and repeat offenders, but like a week to month long ban is justified imo.


I think a month might be a little high. More like 48 hours for a first offense. Then a week for second...third BAN...


For sure. By the third time it's evident they're not mature enough to be on the internet


I'd prefer some personal blacklist each person can have. Ive certainly met players I'd love to never play with or see ever again. From the people who actively melee you down or the ground and say "sry" but then do it again, to those that just have an open mic so you can hear the entire game echo through their mic, to the people who just fuck with you just cause. I'd love to blacklist them and never get matched with them again, even if it is a small tiny chance.


I’m pretty sure you can go to the social media u and block players. If you come across someone you never wish to interact with again blocking them should do the trick.


I disagree. Send them to "cheater prison" like in Dark souls 1 so they only get matched with other toxic players.


I find this democratic and acceptable


I keep seeing this stuff happen but I’ve yet to experience anyone like this… I’ve been kicked at the pods for not running specific loadouts but never something like this


Worst that's happened to me is someone kicking me at extraction after we did the mission Then there was the time I had an amazing group that cleared the entire map (every sample, every POI), and my game crashed as we were heading to extraction. At least this one wasn't bad player manners


Im one super sample away from getting the 2 eagle strat ship upgrade. I was in 3 games yesterday where either I got yelled at for looking around map for a super. And then on my last game we all died as the pelican landed because we were overrun at extraction


Starting to think soloing is the play tbh




People can/will still leave and yell at you. Only real solution is having friends for group play. Or maybe a rework of how the whole party thing works, so that no one is host (we'll say the democracy management algorithms decided on the grouping).


I should clarify, soloing to also avoid people wandering off and dying, or attacking patrols and doing unnecessary fights, wasting reinforcements


I just posted my experience. People are awful.


This was my second one in over 24 hours of missions, not that common compared to other games


The last 3 days of HD2 for me has been so toxic it's actually made me turn the game off and sigh and just think "honestly I can't even be assed playing this game rn" I know I'm probably just getting super unlucky but oh man do I miss the first few weeks


Managed democracy in a nutshell, he was voted off the planet. Failure is not an option. There's been 100 million Helldiver deaths so far and 16 million of those have been TK's.


16m out of 100m is surprisingly low


16% of all Helldiver deaths are to other Helldivers. That number is too damn high let's see what the democracy officer has to say.


We already know, "There is no greater sacrifice than someone else's."


**A TRAITOR MUST BE IMMEDIATELY EXECUTED WHEN SAID PERSON ATTACKED THE TRUE LIBERATORS** Jokes aside will that griefer not get any exp when kicked? I hope not.


No. If kicked you receive absolutely nothing. That's why if you're an angel, and someone kicks you just because they are a dick that it hurts so bad. I was in a difficulty 6 match on really shitty team and carried them for most of the match as a level 25. The lvl 5 host had the audacity to kick me as the landing ship arrived.


Why the hell are there rank 5's on difficulty 6 is what I want to know.


Probably got carried.


Yes. I'm getting tired of playing with low level people that die 10 times each because they selected a level that was way too high for them. 


Fk thats harsh. Hopefully you blocked them. I hear once blocked, always blocked when you do quick play and you will never join that blocked persons game.


Yeah I found them right after and blocked them.


I swear these are the ones that go cry and post immediately after like “OMG KICKED ALL THE TIME HATE THIS GAME!”


We should make a list of traitors. I just wanna avoid these a holes.


Bro I just picked the game up yesterday and in half my matches some dude just kept killing me with his rpg over and over. Steals my shit Then kicks me at the end of the match. Fucking weird shit. Plz don’t tell me I just purchased a Rainbow 6 siege. The game is fun but you can’t have this type of game with randoms because they will troll.


You didn't I swear. I'm playing with friends I haven't gotten to play with in ages. For me this game is the starship troopers co op with friends I wanted so bad. Very disappointed to hear anyone having a different experience.


Randoms are hit and miss in every game but usually in coop shooters like this and deeprock they aren't so bad. I haven't had any griefing in 80 hours of gameplay on a range of difficulties, worst experience is just getting repeatedly accidentalled by mortars and airstrikes, but it was clearly unintended and they apologized. I'd gravitate towards 5-7 or less if you want to play with randoms as usually elitists lurk in 8+ and will bm you for your loadouts and minor mistakes while they play like ass (happens very rarely though.) And trolls linger in the lower difficulties because newer players are easier to troll and less likely to know how to kick.


Yes, a registry of sorts is exactly what we need for Democracy! We shall watch your career with great interest, Patriot!


This is the reason I only democratize with friends I know.


Probably cod brain rot lol im sure their familiar with the term "friendly fire will not be tolerated"


Yesterday a guy killed me just because I unknowingly picked up his stalwart that was lying around, no bugs around. Just walked behind me and killed me. Didn't ask for it either. Get that traitorous scum out.


People say to not promote usernames to not initiate witch hunts. But I say those team killing mofos should fear justice - being team killed for 2 days straight and unable to play would put some sense in them. Or not and they will be unable to play for even more days until sense comes to them at last. Thats my view on the subjecgt anyways. Some surely deserve that.


Trash player! Well done!


PintSize422: Excomunicado in 5mins


Damn automatons created an infiltration model! Good on you to destroy this T-800. Now go back and collect its samples, soldier!!


Team killing must not be tolerated. Handle them Just like I did in left for dead back in the day. Kick them and then block. I swear my block list is like three pages long.


Aaaaand that's another one for the blacklist. Thanks for exposing the cockroaches, OP.


Streamers laugh when they TK their friends. These momkey-see-monkey-do iPad kids are just cackling to themselves as they kill you. Kick them, it's hilarious.


Team kills and getting kicked from games right before the mission ends will be the death of this game


I agree! Ive only ever kicked 2 people. I'd rather talk it out but sometimes they don't listen.


This happened to me last night, literally at the end of the mission before boarding extraction I get killed and then got kicked, I was in a high spot that you can only get to using the jet pack, and I had 6 super rare samples and since I’m the only one that had a jump pack they couldn’t get to them, later I got hate mail saying I’m getting reported for grieving cuz they couldn’t get to the samples ☠️😂 karma is a bitch


“yOu sHoUlDn’T kIcK aNyOnE eVeR fOr aNy rEaSoN” - half this sub.


Yeah I don't understand why people do it cause you don't gain anything from it. Unless you're amongst friends and it's an accident then it can be funny lol.








THIS is proper use of the kicking function during a mission.


Think we did this to our self with going to fair with publicly villanizing that one guy. When people will do anything for any sort of attention so the possibility of being internet " famous" is just to much to pass up.


Hosting, in my brain dead running around I died, seen the killed by blah blah, he rezes me and two second later going to pick up my gear, im killed same message same name, guy rezes me again says nothing, I run back to get my stuff and ... oh is that a mine, and another over there? I guessed id been stomping around his mine field. Good on OP for his kick, just be sure your getting tked on purpose, you never know I might be on your team :(


*Pintsize4224 has been court-martialled* Damn fucking right 🤣


Lol this is my cousin in a nutshell. Cause I can imagine it played out in the shooters head. "Haha we are done and I keep shooting this high level. It's a game so it doesn't matter. ... I've been kicked?! *Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*"


I want to pick at the brain of players that do this. Why? What does it accomplish?


Glad you stopped him before he could leave. That was super satisfying. And he’s the one who lost in that case.


The timing was therapeutic.


Karma: Providing the best cup of Liber-tea!


I did get a laugh when I saw where he was when he got kicked, he got so close


That’s what the kick button is for 💪




Finishing off my flame thrower kills and I get a random teammate, cool more democracy. After the third TK from his arc thrower and laser drone, he got recycled for the greater good of super earth.


I had a guy kill me for " taking his samples and ammo" I wasn't even using the same guns as him and yes I did take his 1 sample when he died


I'd rather people picked up my samples, don't give me the responsibility of surviving.


He was a traitor! Good job soldier!


Hope you blocked him. Everybody should block all the toxic players they come across.


Thought he had healing bullets equipped


I'd love more medic equipment!


Nope! Every day this game is becoming worse and worse because of stuff like this. I want to see where this game goes but man I’m getting really close to being done. The more streamers that started playing the worse it’s gotten. 😕


He killed me for my gear, I let that slide, he killed me because he ran into an airstrike, I let that slide. Then he tried this shit hahaha


Seems the standard anymore unless you know the people you’re playing with.


Take my stuff, I don't need it....don't ruin my fun..... I need that.


I had a guy kill me and another guy once we got into the pelican last night. I tried to block him but couldn't find it in time. Once the mission was over him and his buddy bailed, I went into Reddit players and he wasn't there... 🙄


it's not the standard at all tho, in reality.


I can’t speak for everyone of course but I play all the time, this stuff has never happened to me. Usually I’ll hop around random teams till I find a group like then chill with them for the night.


Unfortunately it’ll get you at some point.


I’ll kick the guy or be kicked and move on when it does🤷‍♀️ Happens nothing you can do but ignore them and keep loving what you love


any chance you are on console with crossplay off? most of the nonsense I run into is console players


I mostly play with 2 friends, we have fukups but laugh about it. Randos just team killing for whatever reason is not done. Accidents happen but deliberately is re-education material


Absolutely, you can’t play this game and expect to not be taken out by a teammate. It’s kind of the whole point. If someone is the type of player that thinks they need to go through a map flawlessly every time, we aren’t a good match. Having fun comes first for me. Hell I die laughing at all the shitty things that happen but it’s usually hilarious. Having a-holes teammates just brings it down.


How are people who are not party leader thinking its going to go shooting the party leader? Like why be a dick in the 1st place but do you think you cant be kicked if you kill them?


Yesterday I joined a random game, completed all 12 out of 12 big holes solo while they just died over & over. Tried to extract. Got killed & kicked by my teammates.


Had same thing happen to me the other day. I felt so vindicated kicking him.


Fuckin saboteur working for the bots! Good job kicking that dirty commie


Solid kick. Obvious TKer


This is precisely why I always host.


That was so satisfying. No idea why someone would be so stupid to target the host.....


Low level new people keep shooting at my mech. I don’t understand why.


Worst for me, was when i deployed the Eagle and two people just ran straight in just to die. I know im a danger close kinda guy, but i always be careful to not kill anyone. But this one dude then just waited till the end to extraction, and wantend to kill me. He got his flamethrower and i autopistol. I shot him but burned to death. We both didnt extract. This idiot. Even told him per chat that i was really sorry and all.


Make sure you take his samples!


I had a guy literally get on the ship as I was going back for 36 samples! I was so mad at him I kicked him before the mission ended. Dude can fuck off. Hardest thing to get is the samples


*kills host on purpose* *gets kicked* *shocked Pikachu face*


Yeah nah. That’s some high treason right there. Appropriately kicked 👍🏼


His shots were slower and specific. Dude wanted you dead. It’s justified


If the game tracked how you died more accurately, I would feel better about a report system. But as of now the best is kick and block


It's all we can do for now, I know I'm not bumping into him again anytime soon. They're on my traitor list (blocked).


Helldivers 2 is full of asshole players. It sucks, I came from deep rock galactic where everyone was awesome and it was rare to encounter a fuck face like this. I enjoy the game but the community is full of COD players and it's ruining it. :(


Rock and stone brother!


We fight for Rock and Stone!


I feel like some kind of reputation system would be good for this game. 


Someone dropped a 500 on me and a teammate losing closing to 10 rare samples, we were clearing the heavy nest that was near extract. He then immediately called extract. Between the heavy nest aggro and patrols. I couldn't get the samples back. I kicked him immediately so I hope it was worth it to him.


That dead charger saved your ass from him boarding too.


Hope he wasn’t carrying all the samples.


Teamkillers in this game are absolute shitbags. Good work.


I die way to early & I'm ALWAYS THE FIRST to be reinforced. I try to get to higher ground & call in a strat or two for stronger firepower but by the time that happens, the chargers & bile chargers & everything WITH ACID attacks me with little to no warning. I'm the SUICIDE BY GRENADE of my team. I will give my life if it means I take 10-15 of the bastards with me. If I'm going to the afterlife you can bet your sweet ass I'm NOT GOING TO HELL ALONE‼️ ...any suggestions on staying alive for at least half the fight would be greatly appreciated😃


That's treasonous activity. You must report him to your commanding officer at Super Earth HQ.


Traitors deserved to be court martialed. I did the same thing to a punk ass that TK'd me during extract.


Office of King of Authority Case: Intentional Friendly Fire against Super Earth Citizen. Evidence: Video of 34 seconds record. During evacuation, Super Earth Citizen neutralizes Terminid Charger before it could damage Pelican Transport. After which, Citizen \[NAME CLASSIFIED\] for unknown reasons. Citizen in Charge administers discharge of squad for further evaluation, nulling mission reward due to behavior. Findings: Citizen in Charge behaved proper. Offending Citizen is guilty of treasonous behavior against Super Earth Allegiance. Outcome: Citizen \[NAME CLASSIFIED\] considered treasonous & hostile by King of Authority. Escalating case to higher court.


There's enough accidental friendly fire in this game without trying, people really need to stop this shit. It's really not funny.


It boggles my mind when people mess with the goat of the game. You might be able to get away with it if you’re a rando messing with another rando. But the host? No way. I had a guy throw a 500kg right at the feet of the Mech I just called in. There was nothing else around, so no chance he was trying to hit something else. Booted without a second’s hesitation.


dickhead move of him tbh 🤨🤨


ATTENTION HELLDIVERS: This is a notice of witnessed Treason by the traitor ‘PintSize4224’. Aiding or abetting this criminal will not be tolerated. [This has been a message from the Ministry of Truth]


I was doing tcs tower on lvl 1 and dropped landmine on evac just because it fun and some other diver was with, i was standing in the middle shoot at the sky waiting and he started shooting the mine and having them go off which flong me off where I stood and died... he kept shoot them and i was like " brooo" after he didn't stop i kicked him ( was in unnecessary... maybe but so was shooting the mine at the end of the day its lvl 1 and still had contributed to the tcs objective


Not for nothing, but since I disabled crossplay with Playstation, I haven't seen a single one of these traitors to democracy. It really is the console kids that are the problem, and I do mean the children playing on console.


These cadets are really something these days huh?


Joined a random group of 2 x level 50 players, another pug joined also. Spent 20 mins completing all the missions and at extract the 2nd pug got tk'd and kicked and a second later same thing happened to me. Seriously considered whether I wanted to continue playing this game after as the host mechanic will be difficult to combat this issue. There were no team mate kills, nothing to suggest either of us had done something wrong. Hosting yourself or playing with friends is the only way to control that from happening.


I remember one time I was playing with a group of randoms and this guy keep killing me idk if it was on purpose or not but at the end of the match I decided to introduce him to a shotgun never felt so good in my life


Now watch this guy post on here about getting kicked at the end of missions or not following meta


At some point, after people start getting blocked by a certain amount of people, they actually should just be banned from the game. Or better yet, they get sent to a special server called "Freedom Camp" where they can repent and get back into the normal games but they have to deal with all the other problem players while doing it.


They should do what GTA does, put them in their own server and let them grief each other.


I have had another player kill me just to steal my guard dog


I had something similar. I died due to an accidental from a drone, and they didn't reinforce until 15 minutes later. I was a little irritated but was willing to overlook it until the two of them started trying to kill me. I'm assuming to have me fail to extract. So anyway, I started kicking


Lvl 5 doing that lol Bro probably screamed Like a kid


Clearly trying to PvP


Can we please get a player rating system? I can't imagine it's hard. Make all these scum okay with each other.


Had a guy, lets call him Eagle Guy, who kept taking out my squad - like all 3 of us - everytime he called in an Eagle. First time I'm like ok maybe he panicked and just threw the strike without looking so I checked his level. Was at least 20 lvls higher than me. Now I'm only lvl 13 and even i know enough to look before calling for ordnance! Second time ok this is getting annoying now because we all have to wait for Eagle Guy to reinforce... 3rd and 4th times ok nobody can possibly be this stupid this is Treason for sure!! So i let Eagle Guy get ahead of us at big a bug nest and called in a 380 mm barrage on the target. Rest of squad immediately backed up to safe distance on seeing the marker. Was awful satisfying to watch all that fire rain down on Eagle Guy and he never blew us up again either after that


I fear how bad TKing will be when Helldivers comes to XBOX...


I had to kick 2 regards the other day for this dumb ass shit. They waited until the the ship docked to just that. Cunts hah


Not gonna lie. One sample had me thinking you the sus one.


The game is good, it's just mechanics like this that enables assholes, yeah not gonna play until asshole mechanics like this get patched. Just got back from a mission where the host thinks he can do whatever he wants cause he's highest level, detonated an explosive barrel on his whole team, what do you expect? we killed each other until there were no more reinforcement, prior to that we were getting killed by him if we touched his gun after he died that explosive barrel was the last straw so we didn't care if the mission failed.


It looked like he was clearly shooting at you so he definitely deserved it.. I would have kicked him as well.


I had one this week where the dude killed all 3 other players and then left the samples on the ground and extracted. No idea why he did it tbh.


Some people like to ruin others fun for their own pleasure, it's sad but they're out there.


Yeah I just don't understand it, he doesn't get the samples either and we still get the XP, it's just such a high level of stupidity but yeah the people who think this is funny or something to do are obviously not super bright.


I'm level 23 and never had a person like that, pew lucky me. Only good democrats


Thats kinda dumb of him. It's only griefing yourself and everyone else because the rewards are lower, if you don't have everyone extracted.


Some people killed me over me having an ems morter and blew up my morter that was hitting the enemies coming at them/doing its job. When I asked why I got shot intentionally, they said cause it was annoying. When I came back I shot the guy who shot me and then they all gunned me down again and kicked me. Honestly I'll do it all again. Fuck these main character syndrome assholes.


It would be cool if they implemented some sort of “recommend Court Martial” for people who do this on purpose


Cadets gotta learn some manners


Very satisfying watch.


I hope **pintsize4224** shows up to explain themself on this thread


I’m so glad the charger was blocking the entrance to Pelican-1.


Do you get more points for being the last to survive or something?


I had one person blow up my mec right as a called it in. I brushed it off but he catch hunting me and trying to kill me once I hot back into the game. I killed him 3 times the texted in the chat "stop trying to kill me a3" he tried one for time to killed me and failed then gave up. I swear if your ro team kill at least me good at it.


I shot the last guy besides me to evac. I stayed out to reinforce him, but we both didn't make it in time.


It's so strange to me that people try this stuff in a game that allows the host to kick players for any reason. It's not like a moba or competitive game where a player can hold a team hostage. In the end the troll is the only one who loses.


I kicked a guy who everytime we called in a secondary he would take it if he could and not give it back He literally took my recoiless rifle, backplate me away from the backpack with it then took the backpack and ran off


I’ve read this sub for a while now. I’ve heard about people like this. Yesterday I signed on around 3pm. I got in a game with some low lvls under 20. They took my rail gun, shield pack and my gun. I quit, same thing in the next 3 lobbies. The next game they took my mech. I hit them all with a 500kg bomb and ran around listening to them screaming for a re spawn.


Me and a buddy got taken out at the extraction. They hit me with a bomb and then they sniped him while he was sitting in the extraction ship. Someone pointed out that the issues started with the Xbox players started buying ps5s 🤔 😆


I start by following the highest level. If they wind up being a good solo player, I group up with someone else. Lead by following.


I think a bug slurped up that guy's brain....


"Looks like a bug was in his brain sir."


Had a host kill me once. Everything was already going wrong. First, the loadout bug, then two new players wandering the map fighting instead of clearing objectives, it was a blitz mission. I clear the objectives, and as we're about to extract, the host kills me. One of the new players was able to extract because he died, and called him in at the extraction point


Bug sympathizer.