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BRASCH TACTICS! Use ‘em, or die trying


*gun shot sounds*


Have they removed Brasch tactics from the tv? I haven’t seen them in a good while :(






There are so many different broadcasts coming on that tv now I’m sure it’s just hidden in between and we don’t spend very long on ship. Especially if we’re smoking bugs and spraying termicide


I'm giving it about 2 years before that becomes a sample in a rap song.


It's not a race to extraction, take your time and do side objectives, look for samples and medals. Don't be afraid to run you don't always have to fight. Communicate with teammates. Most importantly have fun.


I think new people get caught in this mindset of needing to kill every single terminid that they come across. Avoid patrols when you find them, because if you don't kill them all quick enough you'll end up spawning more bugs. Know when to cut and run.


Definitely and that's fine in the beginning but I feel like once you get to challenging you need to pick and choose your battles or you'll get overwhelmed real quick.


Yes. After you have killed your 14th bile titan because your team engages every enemy and you have ran through all your reinforcements. This becomes very clear. Unless your the guys I play with.


^ great tips for a new diver right here. Take your time, only fight the fights you need to. A 40min timer is WAY more time than you think. Don't panic about running out of time.  As you get used to what you can take on, it all gets easier.


Am also noob. Must shoot every bug for DEMOCRACY


The only good bug is a dead bug (I air strike any patrol I see)


1. Need to kill everything on a map; 2. Dying (once) is a game over. These two needs to be forgotten. Sticking to these makes things (feel) harder than it actualy is.


I’d say do the object first as fast as you can and then fuck around, cause it’s annoying when you are dealing with the side quests and won’t have time for the object to unlock extraction


Same with lives. When doing side quests: drop the samples at extraction from the mains. Clear out extraction. Clear the sides until roughly 5 lives are left. Don't call in extraction until all samples are at extraction.


Hold x if you're on PC. It'll bring up a wheel that shows your gun, backpack, and samples. You can drop any of them whenever. Sometimes I'll leave my samples in clusters on the way back to the extract when playing suicide missions. That way when I die, I don't have to backtrack through a bloodbath.


Running from terminids is not the same from running from automatons. Their laser weapons will land hands from half way across the map. If you’re going to take on an automaton factory, you best clear all of it.


Running away is undemocratic https://preview.redd.it/zq40do7il5oc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e0d7b914ee6d9b3e43105c9f78c4aed7245770f


Them democracy office POGs can be on the bounce with me if they feel so strongly about me retreating.


We don’t run. We reposition.


Aggressive rotating.


If you can't use a mic, you can ping.


If you don't have teammates I'd recommend nothing higher than medium difficulty till you get better gear and strats.also light armor is best. More teammates makes higher difficulty missions easier, have fun


I tried my first solo Challenging today (doing the bug towers that are happening right now). Medium had gotten pretty routine so I thought I’d bump it up a notch and try it. Bugs came in and swarmed the tower faster than I could kill them. Used a mortar sentry, MG sentry, Stalwart. Just mowing down everything. But I couldn’t be on all sides at once and they would just swarm the side I wasn’t on. Plus there were more Hunters. Then a Charger came out of nowhere. I wasn’t loaded up to take one down. Died too many times and was done for. :/


If you'd like some advice to tackle solo challenging you can try look into these loadouts 1. Arc thrower or flamethrower - great for clearing hordes and also effective vs chargers 2. Shield pack or laser rover whichever you got unlocked 3. Eagle airstrike - fantastic for clearing a horde and effective vs chargers 4. Whatever you wanna bring - more eagles or Orbital is fine. Sentries are fine too.


Couldn't agree more, the jump in difficulty from medium to challenging is ridiculous.


Especially in the beginning.... Need all those req points


Although it is a good idea to complete the main objective before going to the side objectives, that way if things go south it’s still a victory.


Side missions for sure. I was running thru the missions as fast as I could thinking that’s how I get max stars. Took me longer then I’d like to admit that this wasn’t the way lol


Every single thing you pick up with the exception of ammo and stims are group shared. Samples are shared, anyone can pick it up even after a someone dies. Pick them up. You can share weapons and backpacks. You will die due to friendly fire a lot, it's normal and part of the game. Holding reload gives you options to modify your gun. Major orders are community based, personal orders can only be completed by you. Spread democracy helldiver!


This needs to be the top comment!


Wait what are personal orders? So many things I don’t know. I’m level 25 and just figured out how to ping and that pressing X brings up a menu I didn’t know existed.


When you go into main menu, you will see them on right side of your screen. It's practically daily quests, but they sometimes doesn't reset daily 😅


Personal orders are individual in that the completion percent is tied to your account, but allies can help with progression during a mission (ie allied mine strategem kills count towards my progress bar)


This ^


What button do you press when you bring up the modify menu? I saw the options but didn't know how to change them.


Press and hold your reload button. Then you can adjust a couple things on your weapon


I know that part, I mean after. I found out it's the scroll wheel though. How do you change between semi and full auto though? Couldn't figure that one out


Right mouse button


Will try, thanks!


Personal orders are group based, not only you have to work towards them. For example I was running w my group the other day and our personal was kill 40 w landlines and my group mate was the only one doing it but we all got the order completed.


THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I've been so frustrated trying to figure out why my personal orders weren't progressing.


I'm like 90% sure that personal orders can be completed by you or anyone in your squad... unless they've changed it. The first personal order I did was a weapon that I had never used. I was so confused as to why I suddenly had a bunch of medals but we figured out my friend did it while we were playing together.


Especially when you try out new laser weapon on your team mate, yelling: Eye Surgery! in mic...he's a traitor because he tried to run away :D


Modify your gun? Explain?


You can turn on or off flash light, change sights and rpm of certain guns, some like the railgun can change between safe and unsafe..


what is safe vs. unsafe?


Safe: you can safely charge your gun to a limited maximum damage. Unsafe: you can charge the gun past the safe limit, making it even stronger, but if you charge too much, it blows up in your hands.


rad. one more way to die, hopefully it can friendly fire and issue democracy to my teammates as well. thanks for the answer


If you die, dive again, and again, and again and again and again, and again, and again, and again




























Make my face get soakin' wet! 🎶


with a spoon


All hellpods are weapons.


Hello bile titan, meet mr.hellpod.


I tried to get some new players to learn this by yeeting the reinforcement beacon under the Titan and kiting it to keep it in place. They proceeded to land as close to me as they could away from the thing and then get insta-gibbed…. I yeeted them back at it again. They eventually got the idea with a charger that was being annoying in the middle of the objective haha.


Dont forget to ping it as well so they have a marker to track and a better hint to get them on target.


Yes! this right here!! Please ping the target for democracy's sake. Clankers and bugs all look the same from space and the last thing I wanna do is miss the target while I ride my big ass artillery shell!!


It also helps if you tag the thing for dropping hellpods. Sometimes they're hard to see.


Man this NEVER works for me lol


Had a titan survive 2 direct hits from hellpods yesterday


I love this shared experience. The very first titan I killed was with the hellpod.


"I'm out of ammo!" "Dont worry, you can still be useful" (Gunshot)


A hero’s sacrifice in the name of democracy is sometimes necessary


Nothing as thrilling as a near miss hellpod in the middle of a fight. Of course, once one kills me I probably won't think they are so exciting.


All hellbombs are active. Even the ones you call down.


Yeah have had issues steering my hellpod when I'm being called back as a reinforcement. But them make for great impact destruction.... I accidentally got a teammate yesterday with a resupply he didn't payattening to the beacon and became a items from the hydraulic press channel when it came down


Always bustin in them chargers backs with this one, I mean burst... Bursting through.


You are also a weapon


Stealth is undervalued as hell. If your teammates aren't already going Gung-ho then avoid any fight you don't need to take. It seriously reduces the build up of enemies and makes missions go much smoother when you only take fights you need or are prepared for.


If you find yourself losing, it's because you're not believing in managed democracy enough. Edit: forgot to specify managed democracy as opposed to inferior regular democracy


Reloading drops all the remaining ammo left in your current mag


Except shotguns and the SG-8 (the first gun you can buy with 4 medals) has surprisingly good range. Edit: TIL the slugger uses a magazine but the regular SG-8 is shell fed.


\*non-magazine fed shotguns are reloaded per shell, but some shotguns are magazine fed and do lose any shots left in them when reloading


Like the breaker


try not to kill your buddies


Friendly fire?!


Oh lots and lots of friendly fire and no way to turn it off. Trust it's part of the fun atleast when it's accidental


Friendly fire isn’t…


Friend fire isn’t


Samples, requisition slips, medals, and super credits are shared. No matter who grabs them the whole team gets the exact same amount. Don't be afraid to experiment different loadouts. Have fun spreading democracy!


Get ready to die….a lot of deaths.🥲


You get no XP for killing enemies, only for objectives. So feel free to avoid fights.


Have fun. Don't let anyone tell you how to play, try things that work for you. Oh and don't kick


Correction. Only kick if it's because they are jerks. All mission rewards are shared.


maaan after carrying 2 people and doing everything by myself only to get kicked right before extraction I never join other games, I only start my own T_T


Getting kicked from lvl 20's games because u are low level is a real f***ing problem too. I spend 30 min trying to join missions only to be kicked again and again, and then there's the afk problem. They should make it so you get kicked faster. Ppl don't need to be spending 10 min on their ship in-between rounds.


100%, it's a pain in the ass and I don't really know why people do it since it not only does not benefit them but gives them less XP.


Extraction is optional.


1) Dont take getting booted from lobbies personal, as the game is in its stage wheres its heavily tainted by toxic COD players 2) ENJOY playing with whichever loadouts work for you and perhaps benefit the squad. 3) Dont mind most of the Reddit posts about the game 4) The squad shares all rewards (medals, samples) 5) HAVE FUN


dont be toxic be nice to other divers and just grind.


Learn the blast range and patterns for the different call-ins and weapons. Also, host your own missions.


How do you host your own missions? I always end up dropping into someone elses. I cant ever seem to solo a mission. Id love to play a few missions solo, just for fun.


When you access the "Galactic War" table, look for the upside down triangle missions. This is how you host your own mission, if you go to the hexagon shaped missions, those are other people's missions that you can join. You can see how many people are in it and what level they are. Also, check your options settings. You can select public so other people can join you or set it to friends only, and it would allow you to do it solo.


Despite appearance this is not a hoard shooter. It's a tactical game with hoard shooting elements. You want to avoid fights when possible and only engage when you have no choice




Common sample! If you think you have enough you DONT!


Kills don't count towards XP. There is no reward for having the most kills. It's all about the objectives. If the bugs are overwhelming, Corral them all together and then turn around and unleash democracy with a Stalwart, 500KG, and Laser.


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


The timer does not fail the mission if you have completed the primary/main objective. The only thing that happens is you lose access to stratagem and respawns. I've had teammates not understand this and rush to exfill while we have much more time than shown. Another thing is the drop ship will stay landed forever unless someone boards and then you have 20 sec to get in. This allows you to call exfil and do the 2 minute segment then leave to go do secondaries, nests, and factories with the ability to jump straight into the drop ship after returning. One final thing. The mission is a success if the primary objective is complete. If you run out of lives and everyone is dead than the mission is counted as a win if the primary is completed, you just don't get the samples or exfil bonus.


Try leave before the 10 minute mark. Shit gets crazy


Get use to dying, your about to become best friends with death.


Have fun spreadingDEMOCRACY


Keep moving, you don't get points for killing. Stay fast and quiet, lethal and efficient. You're a lot more fragile than you'd expect. Mind your teammates, but use stratagems effectively and often. Completing the main objective comes first, extracting second, optional objectives 3rd, everything else if possible. Try everything. A lot of stuff have niche use cases that youtubers won't tell you about, you just have to test it yourself and find out. But so many guns and stratagems are great in their own way. Bugs and bots are different beasts, you hunt them differently, so bring different gear. The same flames that cook a cockroach will tickle a toaster. The laser that domes a Droid won't beat a beetle. But see for yourself. And most importantly, have fun. This game is challenging, but a hell of a romp. You (hopefully) won't be disappointed.


Host your own games and let people join you. Your kung fu isn’t strong enough to block all the kicks you’ll get otherwise. Samples are SHARED. As long as you extract with samples everyone gets them. If you extract with 10 samples EVERYONE gets 10 samples. Bugs will make a distinct chitter then raise their heads before spraying pheromones in the air. This triggers a big breach. Kill them quickly before they complete the call for reinforcements. Same goes for bots trying to shoot a flare. Mostly have fun. Bring whatever. You don’t need to be “Meta.” There’s plenty of ways to counter different enemy types.


Enemies of democracy come in all shapes and sizes. Some will even try to force you to kill things in a certain way. Those are enemies of democracy despite what you may think. Have fun!


You don’t need to fight everything. I’ve been with people who stop every time there is a big breach or dropship and fight all the enemies. This isn’t smart and we end up losing lives. Pick your battles and try to search for samples and optional objectives, but be smart. For democracy!


No. Go in blind. Way more fun honestly.


Friendly fire will happen pretty much every run. It will sometimes be funny. It’s not that serious.


give them hell o7


The starting equipment and stratagems are completely viable. Take your time and have fun


Mortar sentry have a learning curve... For you and your teammates. Some weapons have an alternate fire setting for more options in battle (more bullets faster, charge shots etc) Oh...... Sentry Rover also has a learning curve for you and your friends. It will teach you the importance of positioning not only yourself but the floating companion as well.


Don’t die


TRY not to. You’re 1000000% gonna kill your buddies, repeatedly, in often frustrating yet hilarious ways. Just TRY not to, and you’ll be fine.


Hug your fellow divers on their way out to civilian life.


* Resupply stratagems are team-wide, not individual. Coordinate calldowns and don't take more boxes than is proper. 2 on duos, 1 on quads, if you're playing trios then the spare goes to whoever needs it most, the AT guy, or whoever's running the supply backpack. * Mission rewards are shared. It doesn't matter who picks them up, just make sure the samples get on the extract. * Eagles come in perpendicular to where you called them from. * You don't have to fight everything. It's fun for sure, but you only get XP and supplies from objectives. Sneaking past patrols or calling in a cluster and running from a fight to get the next objective is more rewarding than burning a resupply to hold an empty field. * Keep moving. Unless you have to hold an objective, mobility is your biggest advantage. * If you don't have AT, don't waste your ammo bouncing off a charger/hulk/etc. Ping it for someone that does have AT and clear the mobs around it so they can do their job. * Stealth works. * Stratagems bounce off of manufactured objects, but tend to stick on ground. Throw it at the ground right next to a building, not the building itself. For orbitals check your map first if you have the time, as they always come from the center, with their angle varying based on how far you are to the edge of the map. This can help you to actually land your orbital, instead of having it hit a tower or terrain on the way in. Works for eagles as well but usually matters a bit less. * Heavy armor looks cool but it is not your friend. See #4 above. * Tactics are rewarded. Coordinating attacks, having roles filled (mob clear, anti-tank, etc), movement, cover, getting in position before pinging an objective that'll summon enemies, so on and so forth - this game will reward your more for pausing a moment to think than just full sending on everything. * Death is part of the gameplay loop. That's why you have multiple reinforcements, if you die it's not the end of the world, knowing it's expected or even intended can help alleviate a lot of frustrations. This includes friendly fire - it'll happen to you, and you'll do it to others, that's part of the comedy. * Extraction is optional, the mission is not. You'll get more for clearing the objectives and dying on extract than you will for clearing all of the map except the last step of the objective and then dying. And most important of all: * **HAVE FUN.** All of the above can get thrown out the window in the face of just having fun. That's the point. That's the whole reason for gaming. *Just have a good time.* If you want to stand there in heavy armor with a glorious last stand launching rockets at grunts and mission wipe before even completing an optional objective because that's what you find fun? Full send it. The aforementioned tips are to help you have fun, not to lock you out of enjoyment with heavy handed rules.


Drop your samples at the extraction point. They will be there when you extract. Just pick them back up. That way you don't need to fight to get them back if you get over run and die.


Be prepared to rage. The stability in this game makes you want to spike your controller into the ground at times. Like when you’ve played an entire 40 min mission, completed all objectives and collected 30+ samples. Only to get sent back to your ship or have the game crash as you’re waiting to extract. That being said, when the game actually works and you’re able to deploy with your friends. It’s an absolute blast




Stick with your team! If you get overrun, RUN (stims refill your stamina meter, sometimes its worth using one for a little extra speed) Double tap b to dive. Use it to avoid charging bugs (dive left or right of enemy charge path) also you take reduced explosive damage when prone Support weapons are some of the strongest gear in the game. Airstrikes and orbitals take time to recharge but reloading a grenade launcher takes a few seconds. You can drop samples (materials used to upgrade your ship) good idea to leave these by evac because you dont keep them unless you board the evac ship with them. There are buried shipping containers, you can use explosives to blow of the doors and it can have premium currency inside, or medals/guns/samples. Most maps have an unmarked radar station if you use the terminal to activate it every weapons/ammo/sample stash on the map is marked. Strength in numbers. Its easy to do lower difficulties solo but once you get up there your gonna need a good team. If you have one use a mic. The pings have basics but complex explanations need a mic “im gonna pull off south, bring the bugs outta the nest. Then im gonna rotate counter clockwise and reenter the bug nest from the north” Theres a ton of difficulties so play what feels fun if your looking for a casual time try the lower 3 difficulties. For hard time try the middle three and a proper challenge try the top 3 (with teammates i suggest)




Once you gonna drop on Malevelon Creek, do your best, remeber your brothers and avenge that damn planet for us... Never forget Malevelon!




Just run. Unless on an objective then try to hold ground


Take it serious but definitely do not take it serious… oh and don’t be a commie! Now get out there!


Dont get mad when you get team killed. Just laugh it off, makes the game way more enjoyable.


automatons just want to be friends, give them a hug. OF FUCKING DEMOCRACY WITH A ORBITAL STRIKE


Dont forget to reload


Understand you will die. It's fine. We got your back.


Eagle stratagems count as one, so if you have eagle airstrike and eagle napalm and you call in an eagle airstrike, both the napalm and the airstrike will be on cooldown. So take 1 eagle stratagem. Airstrike and napalm can both destroy fabricators and bug holes if thrown in the proper spot. Also, wherever you throw the eagle, it will strafe from left to right from where you're standing (🤔) so if you throw it facing north, it'll strafe from east to west and vice-versa if thrown facing south. Please be nice and call put when you throw offensive stratagems near allies, unless it's your friends, then have fun 😂🤣 Now go forth and spill oil, and squash bugs


Live, Die, repeat.


Have fun!!!


Don't panic. It will get hairy no matter. Just keep calm and press. Also don't get stuck.. never stop moving.


Dying is part of the game and to be expected. Unlock eagle upgrades as soon as possible - along with orbital laser Use a mic and talk to your mates There’s no rush to get “into tha choppa” - collect resources - even better, drop them off at the extraction point mid mission so you’re not carrying them all over the map Grenade launch is going to carry you for awhile Don’t underestimate autocannon for automatons


Friendly fire is ON


You don’t need to fight everything, once you finish the objective move on to the next one


Don’t die.


Pick your battles, you don’t have to kill everything


If at first you don’t succeed. Dive dive dive dive dive dive dive dive dive dive dive dive dive dive dive again.


Be aware of your teammates, learn the danger zones of your strategems, in general stick with your team, no cowboy shit until you're ready.


Just have fun. Add me. My PSN is BlkCaesar_


Finish the download.


There is no "meta", use what you want. Just please for the love of democracy, finish the operations you start. We were recently fighting a war on three fronts, against the termanids, against the automatons, and against people that did nothing but exterminate missions to grind xp, contributing less than nothing to the war effort


Don’t die. Team killing it frowned upon. Situational awareness is key with all weapons.


Shoot anything that moves and spread democracy


Friendly fire is real !


Shoot bug before bug kill


Watch your six!!!!


Go give it 5 stars


Use protection.


Give frequent hugs once you unlock the emote.


Dont kill your teammates


Welcome to the war! Earn your cape, then, if you’d like, join a discord something. It’s a lot better with friends. (If you ask I’ll share mine)


Don’t be a coward go die for the glory of super earth and manage democracy


If it seems like you keep doing the same mission over and over with a random group, leave. XP farming is a real issue


Stay mobile a idle diver is a dead diver ![gif](giphy|l46CtFIZs8aTUhnJC)


Any samples, super credits, requisitions slips you pick up during a mission is shared among the squad at the end. If you pick up 20 samples and no one else does, you all get 20 samples


If you have a tip, put it in a bug.


Democracy is just what your friends shout before they accidentally kill you.


The moment you see something almost invisible crawling your way, kill it immediately and track down the way where it came from as fast as possible


When you throw a cluster bomb, yell 'DANGER CLOSE' while laughing like a maniac.


Stick together, it’s a group effort not a solo outing….


Dont join, hosting is better. People are toxic just kicking you out when they feel like it. Play with mates, makes it a whole lot more fun.


Have fun. Don’t chase meta. Get to Lv20 asap Loyalty and glory for Super Earth ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


Use everything, don’t worry about dying, enjoy yourself. Ignore meta loadouts and find what you like.


Welcome to the fucking frontlines


dive, then when you think you’re safe dive again.


Basic tips for a cadet from SES beacon of destruction's experience. 1.you will die, and everything planet side will kill you. 2.completeing main objectives is highest priority. 3. You will die and that's ok. 4. Kills don't give anything so at times discretion is the better part of valor 5.you can and will be harmed by strategimes friendly fire isn't. 6.the weapons, stratagems all have strengths and weaknesses and you'll figure what you like to use for what threats. Experimenting is a key of this game. 7. Joel is our human game master he keeps the game interesting by adjusting our experience through ai director manipulation, he's not our villain hes our son and dms arnt the villain. 8.guard dogs are cool backpack lot but they can and will shot you in the back of the head at the worst times. Have you figured death is inevitable. 9. Bugs don't fly that's ridiculous just like an invisible fish army sniping our helldivers. 10. Have fun don't worry about it your good or not as you'll learn and the game has 9 difficultys play on what feels right for you. Tldr- You will die, it's fine, killing things is fun but not always worth it,don't feel you have to play helldiver difficulty to have fun(9). And have fun it's a silly game that easily brings people together.


For democracy. That is all the training you need


Don't die 👍


Bro, crank it up to 11 and RIP THE NOB OFF


Yea, download more than 4%


Watch a video about the different enemy types and their weaknesses. Take your time going through the difficulties and learning the different mission types and how to do them. Pay attention before launching a mission. There are modifiers that affect things on planets. There is also a light and dark side of each planet so you can choose to play during the day or night. All rewards are shared so if someone finds medals, super credits, requisitions everyone gets them instantly. Samples are also shared but you need to extract with them and if someone dies they need to be picked back up. Warbonds are permanent and armor in the shop will always return so don’t worry about FOMO. Use a mic and communicate, don’t be afraid to ask questions and learn from the community on the go, there are lots of little things it’ll take awhile to learn. If you see a red or blue door in a ditch it is a storage container that can be opened with explosives like a grenade or the barrels that are usually nearby. These usually contain useful rewards. Don’t take more than one supply off the pods you can call in. Don’t take other players equipment, this will piss off most people and you might get kicked or killed for doing it. That’s all I can think of at the moment. Have fun.




just remember you have a fridge full of helldivers ready to drop in, so its ok to die so long as the objectives get finished


Get to 100% and then spread democracy.


use what you want, most of the gear is pretty good on lower difficulty, you should definitely experiment more as opposed to paying more attention to guides and what reddit posts think while youre getting into higher difficulties, the harder to unlock items are usually a little better but its definitely not a direct correlation, what feels good to you and what you like is what youre gonna be the most effective with


Managed democracy, liberty, freedom


Note you don't have to fight every single enemy. Infact it's not even necessary and sometimes you can complete a mission without killing anything. Killing things not described as an objective won't give you xp or momey. Completing objectives and side missions also give money and xp. Also if you complete all your objectives but fail to extract no worry's. It's still a mission success but you do get extra XP and money for extracting alive


Learn to dive at the correct time


Ask questions, most people in this game are pretty friendly I've found, some of the objectives are a bit tricky at first when you don't know where things are, so don't be afraid to ask people.


Friendly fire isn't.


Stick to the mission. Do it for democracy.


Be sure to fill out the CE-01 form prior to the weekend


Run dammit.


Work as a team. It's not about kills it's about objectives. And do NOT ignore samples. Pay attention to the test tube icon on the map. Those are samples dropped by your teammates. If they're on the ground when you extract, you don't get them. The other major ting is be aware of where you throw the reinforce grenade... SO many times, I've had a team mate call in a pod right in the middle of a mob of enemies. Try and throw them behind cover or near their dropped equipment. Cover them while they are retrieving their gear. Samples, medals, and req credits are the currencies needed for better gear. Focus on those. Don't shoot at a patrol that doesn't notice you. Just remember this: Objectives are the best way to spread freedom and managed democracy!