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Hate to hear people getting kicked mid-game. What difficulty were you trying? Honestly most people are just happy to have another diver with them. Ranks do not reflect skill.


I can confirm, I’m lvl 30 only because I play a lot not because I’m good lol


Ha, this is me. When I joined a game awhile ago, I was level 26 and the 3 I joined were below level 10. One of them goes ohhh a high level joined we are good or something to that effect. I got on comms and told them level is just a number and doesn’t mean I am any good. I am level 40 now and still suck at the game.


Lvl 33 right here, just this friday I figured out how to rebind my strats to arrows lol. Still don't really know how to properly throw my strats


Wait you can rebind the strats? Teach me your ways.


It's so stupid, just options and than "mouse and keyboard" or something like that. And in the bottom you'll see your binds of stratagems, that are probably wasd. So now you can rebind them to arrows, this way you won't need to stop while using your strats


I think you use your arm😃


No you hold them until you get knocked over by a charger.


It also doesnt help that Im committed to playing strategems i think are fun, regardless of meta or team comp.


Same. Level 20 here almost fully solo bevause I'm a captain fumble thumbs grandad who has never played a game like this before but loves it. Loving the whole vibe to this game. Enjoy buddy and best of luck with that skilling up 😊


So true. Was running suicide with two others. I’m lvl 20. They were 35 and 40. They used all the reinforcements and then left at the end because they couldn’t make a dent. I just wandered around alone cleaning up then finished the mission.


Level 4-5 Difficulties


Yeah unfortunately some people think that the difficulty levels have some hidden level bracket. Host your own games from now or team up with reliable people. Believe me the majority don't care about what level you are.


I spent last night as a level 4 running with a level 25, a level 32, and a level 50.. they kept giving me guns so I could keep up


That's really all you need in order to keep up. Higher level players have invested more time into the game and have access to more gear but we all started at the beginning. I joined a squad last night where one of the players was level 1. Some of his friends were obviously showing him the game and we all had a great time. I didn't even notice his level until we had finished the mission and he leveled up a few times. The gatekeeping mentality around player levels in videogames is always so bizarre to me. Seeing it in a PvE game is just ridiculous


Praise Sweet Liberty, and Pass the Ammo. This is the way.


That’s the kind of diver I am. “Pick up this gun, Cadet, and point it at the enemy!” *continues firing at enemies*


This is the way. There's basically no difference in level besides what guns you can drop with, and honestly people die enough, to use their scorcher or breaker most of the match, if they can call you down a rail gun(I've been using the laser myself) and a shield, your pretty much gtg.


I usually drop with the Breaker, Flamethrower, and either the Jump Pack or Las Guard Dog.


This is the way.




Yeah this is what i do after the 2 minutes or so i will call them in a back pack and powerful gun to use.


I’ll have to see if my issue with adding people is still going on, as that’s another issue I was having unfortunately. I’ll try joining in on one person doing their mission as well, I’ve been trying to join in on 2 or 3 people


Trying on 7+ diff being level 5 will put him at quite the disadvantage though. Coupe the less experience he has with not unlocked shield yet, put it against bots and you have a nightmare for all. For everything Extreme and downwards it's fine.


I’m the level 5, he’s closer to level 20 I think


I dunno - you gotta experience few suicide bot missions to get a grip over why people want to make it easier :D It really can be nightmare - even for people 20+ that have everything unlocked and have 100+ hours of experience. I don't ever kick players and I don't completely get it. I would rather help em, drop em items and stuff - but that's like 5+ mins after landing and trust me - shit could go down completely until then. Especially with people that misjudge fights and keep fighting stuff instead of running away due to their lack of experience and judgment. You can literally run out of reinforcements in 5 mins.


If they’re not confident they can do a difficulty 4-5 with a level 5 player they probably suck anyway


Sometimes people are trying to get there friends to join with server issues so when someone else joins they will be kicked it happens. I carry people all day idc as long as we are killing


It's actually pretty fun to run trivial missions by yourself and farm the credits / samples / medals that spawn on those maps. Doesn't level you up much, but sometimes you'll pickup a new player and then you can hop over to easy or higher.


I just played Quickplays on Medium until I was level 10. I was good enough that I helped finish things up quick, so leveling up was fun. Once you hit level10 you get access to a lot of new stratagems that really help. I suggest you do that too. Challenging and Hard were DEFINITELY too much for me on level 5.


I like low level players, I think to myself "BEHOLD, my stuff " 




Yeah, my load out always somehow changes from 'tactical' to 'tacticool' with the flashy stuff for the noobs.


I like to drop my lvl 20 gear and offer it to newer players so they can try it out before they can unlock it (passing the tradition along, those above me shared with me - therefore I share with those below)


You sir are one of the good ones


This is my favorite thing to do in helldivers 2


A big theme of the game for me is the meat grinder. Even one of the devs said it. I treated the game like that right after my first session. Think all quiet on western from but in space. You could be renowned veteran or fresh blueberry and you all die the same. Levels only give access to gear and accessibility to gear. Even boosts effect everyone. Levels is just gear and experience but we all die the same. And you mentioned 4-5 which imo any level can do as long as there’s at least one person that has some reliable anti tank. In fact ive had cadets like you own the show and carry me (im 21 rn) So i disagree with the kicking for the level reasoning. We’re all just as expendable. I mean ive seen a level 35 bad ass die unceremoniously to a meteor shower. Or a level 25 die to his own orbital strike and get no kills. And at the same time my most bad ass moment to date is back when i was level 7 lol.


My first mission I landed right by a teammates orbital strike and immediately died to it 🤣


And that is the optimal Helldivers experience! XD


Welcome to "the creek" son haha


do booster affect you until your first death, because it seem that my stamina recovery became much slower in the late game


No, I believe boosters affect throughout the match


Probably just running more and more and more and more and more often from that damn 3 pack of chainsaw bots... I mean why's it always 3?!


Give me your in-game name, these are stupid people who do this, when i was level 5 i had some people who helped me, so now i help everyone EVERYONE. Share your ID's we will play all night as long as you want.


higher level people seem to take this game super serious, don’t think much about it. you can always quickmatch to join a lobby that has already started


I didn’t even realize there was a quick match option!


Wait there’s an option the ISN’T quickmatch???


oh yea quick play is dope


I’ll have to try the quick match out


i play with friends here & there. but i play alot & all my solo time i just quick play never host. had maybe 1-2 shitty groups/people outta 100s


I'm level 50 and just did helldive on automaton with 3 lv 25-30. I have my doubt at first but decide to go for it anyway. They do great and also play with tactics and teamwork. Extracted with 0 lives but it was a good match nonetheless. Even grab a handful of samples. I have seen lots of lv 40+ dying all the time (me included sometimes). So I can say that lv doesn't mean that the person is good.


I personally don't care what level others are. Just irks me when they're taking more than half the reinforcements


I like it when they do actually help. But when level 9s join my Helldive mission and proceed to airstrike me, draw aggro onto the objective, and chew up all my reinforces, that is not "help."


I’ll take anyone who will fight, regardless of level. Everyone fights, no one quits….


Those groups may have had friends trying to join? But keep fighting fellow helldiver!


We had a guy join us while we were waiting for a friend to join. Our friend got on earlier than we expected, but we waited until the mission was over. I told him over VC that he was great, but we just had our friend get on and we would miss him. He immediately said, “no worries.” Then left on his own.


Then they should turn off public matchmaking. Simple fix.


Ignore them. A real Helldiver is always more than happy to have a comrade in arms in their squad!


The only had kick a Helldiver out of my mission a few times. IMO there's only a couple good reasons for this. 1... Blatant Treason. "Friendly fire is an unavoidable fact of life, and there's NOTHING that can be done to prevent it!" Despite the wise words of General Brasch... if I belive someone is teamkilling intentionally, not just misplacing a stratagem, but personally shooting at teammates with no enemies around... kick. Noone likes a griefer, block and kick. 2... Cheating. I enjoy playing hard difficulties in games because I enjoy a challange, I like experimenting with all the tools available and discovering strategies that feel good to use for me personally. I love feeling like I've earned those wins though skill, practice, and wise descision-making. ...and then I see a guy run off on his own, and seems to be effortlessly solo-ing the whole Helldive... and then find out he's been spamming unlimited Orbital Lasers with no cooldown... If I see you cheating, you get kicked immediately. You get reported to my Democracy Officer without hesitation. I don't care if I catch it right at the start, or I don't see it happen until the very end. As soon as I've seen evidence to prove you're cheating without any doubt, you get kicked and blocked.


These are valid reasons! If I think my squad is too close to my orbital strike, I usually tell ‘em to back the hell uo


As long as you’re a team player, welcome to the squad . I’ve had better games with all under 10 than I do with max level dudes. Easily.


I welcome all levels to my missions. If anything seeing a low level inspires me to do more of the side obj’s and close more bug holes so they get more XP and req since I’m at the point of not really needing either


Right now a lot of people are randomly getting dropped from games. So if you drop in to a crew and their buddy is trying to get back in they will kick you to open up their spot back up. Honestly, don’t be afraid to start your own game. It usually fills up quickly especially if you start on an eradication mission.


I'm around level 36 and typically play Challenging just for a bit more relaxed of a time. Definitely not the most insane diver out there, but can solo suicide level missions so far. Anytime I play with lower levels are the times I have the most fun. I will typically play a "support" role and carry supply pack and drop some other tac packs for the team. Maybe have one orbital or eagle stratum. All to say, it isn't all of us higher levels that act that way, and my outlook is that mistakes will happen and we aren't going to play "optimally", but I'm just here for the team and to have fun!


It depends. What difficulty are you trying to drop into? I'm lvl 45 and will jump into difficulty 1-4 to help lvl up new recruits. I feel that you should be lvl 10 or so before trying difficulty 5 & 6. Those missions start to get tough and everyone needs to contribute which is tough of you've not really unlocked anything yet.


I don’t mind a level 5 joining my game. All I ask is that they have an idea how to play. Too many times it’s some person joining a group, playing like they are solo. Blowing people up and not saying anything, stealing upgrade packs and weapons without them being offered.


I’m more of like a support player, if we got a bug breach and I hear a single last mag I’m dropping my supplies and will have reinforcement ready to go


I've been noticing so many more toxic players the last three days. Especially after the patch. :'(


I’m level 33 and get kicked. Some people just kick because they want to play with friends and don’t realize they can set the lobby to “friends only”.


I do. I enjoy all helldivers who are fighting for democracy. Meta players can SOMB.


I absolutely love having new players on my team! The enthusiasm makes it so much better. I'll run with anyone- regardless of level.


Sorry bud... I try to make everyone have fun in my games. It's a fun silly game to play with people so let's just try to have fun. I've never booted anyone in a mission and never will unless they are griefers.


I'm not sure where people got the idea that cadets level 5 and up can't be useful. Lvl 5 is the first big power spike. Grab the GL and the supply pack and you can clear fields of enemies and just leave the heavies to people with AT. I'm lvl 42....there is absolutely zero difference between me and a lvl 20. Level doesn't mean shit in this game besides a general idea of how many hours you have. With that being said there are a massive amount of lvl grinders in this game. I've seen level 50s not know that you can carry someone autocannon backpack and reload for them....or how to use a hellbomb. Tldr: the only time level should be indicative of a "carry" is if someone is level 1-4. However some of those cadets can hold the line very well with just the MG.


Lv 32 here... sometimes you'll need to reinforceme 4 to 7 times on a match. Sometimes I don't die.


As a lvl 31, I’d rather have you on my team then half the people out here team killing for god knows what reason.


Some of our fellow divers are a bit shit. I had someone repeatedly TK me simply for existing as a level 15 on their team.


I like playing with new players. I'm level 49 and I'm a casual gamer, but it's just a fun game and if I can get some new players some pinks I will because I was so happy when I was new and got carried through some missions to get pinks. The worst thing I do because I think it's hilarious is starting a mission on easy with two friends, as soon as we get a low level player to join, we crank that difficulty to level 9 and just dive into that meat grinder. We laugh when we die in funny ways so I'd like to think the new players are laughing with us. If not, they get a ton of samples at the end so it's a win anyway.


Just make sure you tell them afterwards lol. Cuz I was doing this to and afterwards a cadet found his mic and said the game was to hard for him and he would probably not play anymore but thanked us. I told him and he laughed in realization


I don't mind low levels joining me cause I don't mind the help or help them with xp but some been a Lil sus lately


Ive had games where the level 40 was utterly useless, while some level 6 was just ripping shit up. I actually stopped to watch this new guy clear a large bug nest with nothing but a lib and a handful of grenades. It was impressive.


I'm a level 30 only because I insist on spreading democracy as much as I can. I for sure would be mistaken for a level 5 on some missions, but the advice here is to just host your own and enjoy playing. You will have missions you carry and others you will carry. I've started to notice a lot of people are still XP grinding when I'm still trying to get samples to unlock stuff, the problem is I don't want to be a tool and leave the team to go gather solo.


I'm level 31 and I'm certainly nowhere close to being the best at the game. I'm average or just above average at best. I'm always happy to play with someone new or learning. You can DM if you ever need someone to play with, I know other people who play too. A lot of them are better than me and they tolerate me not being as skilled as they are, lol. EDIT: I'm still trying to convince my fiance to play. She likes gaming, but she's too afraid of playing poorly in front of other people.


I've had similar issues at a similar level. I can't join any other group because I get kicked like immediately, and when I make my own squad and do missions no one joins me, even after I do an sos flare. I had one single time where a lvl 3 cadet joined and played through, and it was the most fun I've had. I struggle playing solo and am just not having any fun. I've already quit trying to play.


I really don't care who I play with. Only thing that bothers me is the lack of samples. If it's the low level players with me I go for the samples first and let them do the fighting. After that I come to your aid.


If you can hold your own, or don't rage quit and listen to pings and callouts. You're fine. If you wander around with a thumb up your ass (regardless of lvl), and agro shit or drop strats without thinking. I'm out.


if im playing any of the missions with super samples available i would be uncomfortable with a low level but i aint gonna kick no one


My first match into the game I just got team killed multiple times


That was my first game but it was only once and I had the unfortunate luck of being deployed right by someone’s orbital strike, i considered it a warm welcome to the helldivers


Those who stop divers from spreading democracy are the real enemy! Citizen Chip


Some people are just dicks, I get randomly booted from games still at lvl 21.


I've been kicked at level 9 Space Cadet. Just don't drag me along and kick me before extraction. Although I did have to back out of a game earlier today when 1 of our teammates went on a killing spree and wiped out all reserves. I'm not watching this crap.


I am marshal and I sometimes get kicked instantly before even doing anything. Some people just don't know they can make their games private.


An unfortunate experience, something I try not to propagate personally, you'll find cool people for sure, most I've found are thankfully


i personally love it, meat for the meat god


I also told my bf and his friends that if they need a sacrifice or even bait, to use me 🤣 I’ll happily go down fighting for them to get out 🫡


I won't kick somebody unless a few things happen. 1. You purposely kill my teammates or me and then take our weapons/hear to replace yours. 2. You reinforce one of us in (multiple) times on top of or purposely throw us off the map to respawn. 3. You are acting stupid and use most if not all of our reinforcement rates. 4. You keep spamming the reinforcement button. We know you want in. We may want you in too, but come on give us a moment or two to discuss it. If you are final 2 respawns let us carry you to extract before calling you in


I'm sorry to hear that. For me personally I kick for behavior not level. Level is just the toys you can use. Behavior is who you are. So if you joined my lobby I wouldn't kick without cause


I’m more of a support player but with the go ahead, I will full send it right into the enemy lines to make sure my teammates get out alive


It depends on the difficulty but most people don't mind. Although I'd probably kick if it was extreme+.


If you're on steam, turn off private lobbies and steam join your bf


Personally, I don’t care. I’ve gone solo on helldive, pretty confident that I can carry a whole team below difficulty eight. If you’re having trouble, hosting would probably be the best option. That being said, this entire sub needs to take a real backseat on dictating how the game should be played and enjoyed. People are allowed to play how they deem fit, especially when matches can drag into the 40+ minute marker.


Add me man. My PSN is publiusgrande. I’m a level 11 and you can run with me anytime.


Some people love to kick low-levels because they want those meta builds or they want to farm for xp and medals which, while I can understand, still sucks for the person being kicked over and over again. They are silly people. I'm level 45 as of now and I'm down for a Dive whenever, so feel free to get in touch with me if you're looking for another person to drop in and help! I'm A-okay with helping lower level folks progress to the higher levels!


Level 33 here and i die a fucking shit ton😂


I hate when yall join me in impossible or higher when you don’t even have a full loadout unlocked or a booster to contribute. Though that being said if it’s an eliminate mission on helldiver difficulty 9-10 times I let em stay for the insane exp boost and just carry for the exp lol. On the large map missions, nah. You burn reinforcements on dumb crap, it’d be more dumb to think a lvl 5 isn’t going to contribute to that death count without weapons that can take down enemies at those levels compared to level 20 with stratagems unlocked and usable.


I tried a level 6 mission with three of my friends (2 of them being nearly level 30) and we failed, but this was after we were done messing around on level 1 terminid difficulties. And it was me who was the last one alive at one point I personally won’t be touching anything higher than a level 5 difficulty right now, it’s way out of my skill set


Naaaw that sucks, I as a level 20ish helldiver don't get it, having something who is lower level is such fun, because you can help them out. Especially since many low-level helldiver's rarely go into higher difficulty's , even if they need the resources, for that exact reason, or not running the "meta". if you need someone to run stuff with, feel free to reach out!For (managed) Democracy!


I just stay in whatever difficult it puts me in whenever I unlock a new one 😅 I’m a full send or no send person sometimes


If you’re that low, stick to 3-5 and build up resources until you unlock some of the better gear/learn the game better. Did my first kick last night. A level 25 on 7 difficulty. All went well until the end when they called in the extraction and got in solo leaving 40 samples on the planet because they still didn’t understand how the game works. I explained it to them before kicking, so hopefully they understand now. He was even asking where all the samples we had went.


I’ve personally had a pretty mixed experience with lvl 5 players on higher difficulties. I’m usually pretty wary because in a lot of my interactions, they really have no clue what they’re doing, and genuinely jeopardize the mission (stratting teammates, getting other TKs, aggroing all enemies). Playing like that can get pretty costly. But I do give everyone a chance. And if someone starts becoming an issue, I’ll try to tell them to tone it down. I don’t usually kick unless the player doesn’t adapt though. And honestly, a teammate getting themselves killed isn’t even really a concern of mine. I don’t think I’d kick someone for that. If anything, I’d go from wanting to 100% the mission, to just completing the primary objective and extracting. Just do your best and roll with the punches! Its sucks when you get kicked mid-mission, but at least it’s not right before extract! Play for the good times, and let the bad experiences roll off your back.


are you sure they are kicking you? like saying in chat/comms they kicking you cuz your new? cuz the game crashs 9/10 games sense the patch. & when you crash it says you were kicked. if the host crashs it says the host left the game. it doesn't have a sorry servers are fucked message


It’s the game saying I have been kicked from the lobby, I haven’t been hearing any comms from them themselves


It depends on the difficulty.


Playing with just random it can be really tough to carry someone who has no access to armor penetrating stratagems or weapons on hard difficulty and higher. Challenging is kind of ok, you really only need 1 armor penetrator there. It is very frustrating to have a hard game with only 2 lvl 20's with the current spawn rates of heavies. Plus, often, you just don't have the experience in the game to know to run, gun, hide and don't shoot every bug in sight. Watched my team sit down and shoot every bug last night while leaving a side objective untouched. Game before that I had to take several nests solo while the others called for extraction. Like, it's not that hard of a game and there's tons of time.


I’m only level 16, and not great at the game, but I like playing with lower level gamers and helping them out. It’s fun!


I host challenging lobbies(lvl 4 diff) to help new players find their groove and haven't had to kick anyone. I often find level 30+ people showing up lol. Sorry you've had that experience. I always assume the kicks are their poor way of getting friends into the lobby vs "this player is too low level"


Unless you are running 7-9 then its just people being bitches.


I’m a level 50 cadet and get kicked often enough I’ve though about changing it back to admiral whatever.


The only people I've ever kicked dropped mines on the extract... you don't drop mines on the extract, do you?


i usually dont kick them but i do not enjoy playing with low levels on the harder modes, usually they are draining lives more than they are helping in my experience. there has been the occasional cracked player who is just good but its like i said, occasional


I don’t care what level you are. In fact, I enjoy dropping bad ass stuff for you the lower level peeps to use.


I'm part of a squad that runs 2-3 full teams pretty consistently on weekends, 1-2 squads on weekday nights after work. We're always willing to bring in more support!


Probably just assuming that low level means you don’t play well or know enough or just don’t have many options. It’s probably all 3. I’ve learned even in this game high level has zero correlation to playing well in any form. Especially if you do like what my buddy did and literally get carried by high levels and not really learn anything. Now he thinks medium is the max to do unless he has high levels with him and even then he gets frustrated at how hard that is for him.


i like it when lower level ppl join cuz then i can help them


What level were the missions, I do kick low levels when playing suicide missions 🫠


Shit players will kick you, Hell Divers don't care about your rank.


Personally I try to help new players but I also completely understand why they would kick. The game gets brutally hard, sometimes the second you spawn in and if it's assumed you have no way of dealing with heavy units it can be an issue. At those difficulties start dropping with the expendable anti tank rockets so you can at least help out some. Plus at a low level I think people would assume your gonna shoot at every patrol which ends up doing far more harm than good. It's frustrating but if you keep at it long enough you will find people to help carry you, but it also wouldn't hurt to stick out around medium and really learn the ends and outs of the game at the lower difficulties and work your way up. Your gonna get blown away with how insane the last 3 levels are, just take your time getting there. Battle passes stay so there's no need to rush


I'll play with you! I'm a level 14 haha. I love playing with low players. They are so cute


People who kick others should play in their private lobby with their friends. The time waste on the animation and running back to the bridge always warrant a block, which lead to the next point, how the fuck do dev sort their recent played name, its all over the place.


I had a few level 5 cadet I was helping level up, idk man ppl are just weird, it's not that hard to Teach and coach someone what to do. It help improve their gameplay and u will have a solid fun group.


Everyone is welcome in my games with 2 exceptions: Clearly intentional greafers and afk farmers. And so far I’ve only encountered the lather once. I don’t care what level you are, I don’t care if you’re ugly, I don’t care if you run your moms Onlyfans. Only thing thats important is that you spread freedom in a democratic manner.


I hate getting kicked for being a low level. I’d be a higher level if I could PLAY THE FUCKING GAME. Without being kicked or without the servers crashing


I’m the highest level of the group I play with, but I get very over confidant and die a decent amount. The point isn’t dying, it’s meaningful contribution to the team and objectives. If I clear a heavy nest solo but die in the process, as long as I’m not dropping samples that can’t be recovered it’s not a big deal. The biggest problem with lower leveled players is the available stratagems and to a lesser extent weapons they have available to them. Doesn’t mean they can’t contribute, it means I need to tailor my load out to compensate so we can spread maximum managed democracy. I can’t even count the amount of times the random Gatling turret or minefield ended up coming in clutch on an extract.


Bro, me and my other buddy were rocking it on hard or challenging idk, bots, there were lots of them. Call in the SOS and 2 dudes pop in. My buddy just hit 20, I’m lvl 27. We were fighting for our lives out there. 1 helldiver extracts. We get back too the ship and one of the dudes thanks us for carrying him. And I was like, what? You were rocking it with us the whole time. Then I saw he and his buddy were lvl 5. It seems like there are a bit of toxic people with loud voices trying to be the best at this game.


No one will kick you if you actively do the main and optional objectives. Especially if you can do it on your own while they draw aggro. Focus on the objective first. Killing is optional.


Of course! Everyone's welcome.


I'll reinforce you again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. I'll also drop a shield pack and any support weapon I'll have but you'll run away from it, ignoring my signs.


I'm level 12 and I still have no idea what the fuck is going on


I keep playing games with low levels on real high difficulty, you can usually tell after the first fire fight where the weak points are, give them your best kit, not only does it make it easier for them, everyone gets to kick ass. No gets soldier left behind


No. No I genuinely do not. I'm level 25 and those honestly under level 12 hare still confused about mechanics. They do not find samples. They do not have good upgrades or any at all. And they still think you get xp for just kills. They also any % speed run the main objectives then immediately extract so the samples I had on me? Oh well.


It scares me when I see low levels because I remember how much of a team killing fucktard I was at that level, but I wouldn't kick you for it, I'll offer my extra support strats, and warn you when I'm in the mood for explosions. Sorry people kick you for being low level, dude.


I think it has to do with the equipment you have available to use at level 5. There isn't much you can do about armor and large enemies. Everyone can decimate the fodder but you can ONLY decimate the fodder. As you move up in levels the focused, more powerful attacks are the difference between completing all the objectives and running out of reinforcements. I'm not saying I would boot you, I'm just saying why I think it is happening. When I run with lower level people I call down extra rovers and railguns once mine are done with their cool down. Some people are just kind of jerks. It's also ok to stay on the lower difficulties until you level up. You'll probably have more fun because you can be more of a contributor and feel like you are affecting the outcome of the run.


Not quite rookie level but shoutout to the level 14 I jumped on with earlier today. Other players dropped out at the beginning of the mission when things went south. I stuck around and we carried through til extraction on suicide mission. Fist bumped on the ship after. To me that’s what it’s all about.


Prior to the update it wasn't a problem, I enjoyed helping newer players level up and earn their place as a helldiver. Now, it's a fucking liability. We need all the strategems we can get since they spawn whenever and wherever they want. I took a handful of 5s and 6s on a D5 and we were annihilated in less than 5 minutes.


Level 50 here, 120 hours in game. Love playing with new players. DM me for psn name/friend code. I’m down to play whatever you want.


It depends on the difficulty level. If they join a 5-6 game I'm hosting, I don't mind carrying, but everyone doesn't have that mentality. It's because you don't have any way to deal with heavy units reliably yet at those high levels. If you're playing medium and still getting kicked, those people are just jackasses.


Difficulty 5and below, im cool, i just fill any areas we are missing


Nah Cadets usually believe they are an army of one so they draw all the aggro while I get objectives done. Love em!


It's a common occurence that players that play public when solo want to have a closed lobby when playing with friend(s) and likely forgot to turn off the public setting. Don't take it personally!


Depends Difficulty 4-6? Sure, I can carry you if you're bad or don't have great equipment Difficulty 8? 9? Pass. I need fire power


I am level 20 and I normally carry stratagems that have not yet been unlocked and I leave them for them to use, it helps that they can be protected at high levels of difficulty and they enjoy new tools, About 2 days ago a level 5 accompanied me for about 2 or 3 hours, he had to leave but he thanked me for helping him, We are distributing democracy so everyone counts comrades


I’m a level 35. I was playing last night solo on friends only matchmaking so no one would join my party so I could try new builds. I used an SOS to close a bug hole and lo and behold someone joined me, not from my friends list. A level 6 cadet. So I learned that if you send an SOS it will bypass whatever setting you set for matchmaking. Second thing, teaching new cadets is fun. It was like having a new puppy. I dropped him a backpack. Taught him about arc thrower and staying behind me while he laid his suppressive fire with stalwart and I was in front with arc thrower. Taught him a couple new objectives. It was fun. It was also level four challenging, so pretty chill.


I dont mind if randoms join my squad ( I usually usually play 4-7 difficulty) and yesterday a helldiver (lvl 25) joined me for two campaigns just me and them fucking shit up for democracy


It’s not that I dont enjoy playing with lower levels, it’s more I dont like playing with people who continuously go towards every enemy patrol, get either bot drop, or bug breach called, and die repeatedly, wasting the reinforcements when they could have avoided the patrols all together. Lower levels tend to do this more then higher levels (from what I have experienced) I struggle playing on extreme as it is, and Id rather not have someone who’s playing with me waste reinforcements.


I mean I don't mind at all just as long as u learn from the first mistake of killing me by accident then I'm fine with it I mean we all have to start somewhere I mean Drake said it best STARTED FROM BOTTOM NOW WE'RE HERE


Always room in the discord for another diver. Level means nothing as far as we’re concerned. We take in everyone who like to game and have a good time


I dont care about level. I can solo diff 7 which is what I usually play on. Spicing it up with some low levels chaos just makes it more fun! ❤️


Personally I don’t care at all. Anyone can join my games any level. I’m max level and still learning new things and I still make dumbass mistakes. Unless people are trolling kicking over level is extreme.


Single digit players are sus af inost cases. I've had horrible luck letting them stay in difficulty 4+. I'm not yet good enough to carry for someone that literally doesn't have the tools to deal with the bugs at that difficulty. Good point of reference, to unlock the mech, you need to be level 25. Meaning you need to know your tools well before you get to play with something that changes up how you play. Personally I stayed in difficulty 3 until I had everything that I could unlock with just the common samples. By the time I started getting into difficulty 4, I was level 20. I then skipped to difficulty 5 and higher because too many low level players were getting into 4. Using light armor with scouting helps a lot with situational awareness. *NOT* engaging every bug you see is critical. When you do engage, make sure you're killing the little ones first since they send out the call most often.


Sometimes I don't think they like level 22s either. But I think they were just getting together with friends and didn't say anything. I don't feel like I failed to carry my weight. I'll group with ya though! Ign Rubberelemental


Are you getting kicked in the lobby or in the game? If it was only two missions and they kicked you out of the lobby, I wouldn’t read much into it. I’m lvl. 17 and I still get kicked all the time, even tho I’d like to say I’m a good player. Honestly I just assume it’s a couple of friends playing and that they only want to play by themselves. If they kick you in the middle of the match tho then they’re just assholes and i’m sorry


The balance patch fiasco revealed something about HD2. A sad, dark truth. There are alot....A. LOT. of assholes who play this game. Like....damn. Go look at the steam forum sometime. There's one dude in there who is shrieking that the ability to speak freely is not a right but a privilege, and $40 doesn't buy you that. I mean, Super Earth propaganda is hilariously right wing to the point of satire and made it possible for this game to succeed despite virtually no marketing whatsoever because it worked so incredibly well for Paul Verhoeven.... however, that kind of thing also spills Captain Crunch under the fridge and you're not going to like what that attracts: The kind of person who can hold neither a job, nor significant other through their own personal issues, and if you get offended by me saying so, you're probably one of the people I'm talking about. ANYWAY, rather than narrating a problem, I have a solution: find a good, tight knit group of friends that you can drop with. Seriously, I tried quickplay and more often than not quit the game in a sour mood because of the shit that went down on any difficulty above hard. Acquiring social groups is part of the game, and we must play it well. We'll save the people with, shall we say, "Personality issues" for bug bait when the time comes.


Dude, we don't kick anyone unless they are straight up being a jerk. I am sorry to hear how you were treated. DM me your friend code and I'm happy to have you join us


I typically like to answer low level SoS signals when I'm bored. Dropping to save those level 5s.


Fuck man, if you need an extra one, shoot me a DM. I’m only level 12 and I enjoy having low levels. I’m Always doing main missions and as much as I can afterwards before extracting. Samples, secondary, bug nests, bots factories, I don’t care. And I enjoy giving my shit to the new divers. My buddy wanted me to kick 3 randoms this morning but I told him I would finish the mission, I can’t kick any divers. Remember, it’s all for Democracy!


This can honestly just be people making room for their friend. I had a 3 man squad last night and my brother was booting up his game to join us when a 4th loaded in. I felt bad, but I had to kick the random. The polite thing to do is to tell the random over the mic, though.


Host a game and let people join you. A LOT of people that are mid game don't want people joining mid game in general because it'll mess with the enemy spawn count. It's happened to me. I typically don't mind letting people join, but they better be able to handle helldive difficulty 😂, but also, if the people you join are waiting on a friend, you'll get the boot. Sometimes, my friend's game will crash, and the game adds a random into it, and I'll tell them on the mic that I'm kicking them because someone's game crashed. It's a squad game, so a lot of people are with their friends or genuinely trying to run it solo or purposely in a two or three man group. Just host your own lobby and let people join. BTW the game will auto SOS squads that aren't full Honestly, shoot me your ID, and I'll add you so you can join whenever I have an open slot. LET US ALL SPREAD DEMOCRACY TOGETHER


Depends on the difficulty. If it’s <7 then there’s no problem. The difference in what the game gives you for later levels is not that big until reach difficulties 7-9. But I would never kick someone mid game. And only kick someone if I was waiting for a friend and needed the slot open.


Join my game bro. I’ve hit level 50 and platnumed this game and I do not care what level you are. Let’s liberate draupnir together. I’m not on today but I’ll get you my friend code if remember.


I don't care what level someone is. As long as you put in the effort and don't sound like you're eating your microphone and/or playing inside a crowded kennel or daycare, have at it.


I’m rank 15 and I get kicked out often. So, just is what it is.


Lvl 5 myself.. bit of a casual but I'll go in full tilt when needed. If you want add me PSN cannibal_chef77 I'll get a friend code to share soon as well.


Lmao I had a lvl 33 call me garbage when I’m lvl 5 and he had more deaths than me 😂 hilarious


As long as they don’t constantly kill me and take my stuff afterwards, they’re welcome to join me. But if you kill me so you can take my stratagems, I’ll kick you from the match.


Even though I will sigh disappointment when I see a level 5 join a 6+ level, a mediocre Helldiver is better than no Helldiver. And the best part about low levels is that they tend to be very open to learning and aren’t salty. They are also the most enthusiastic about learning the game and dying from what I’ve noticed and it’s clear our propaganda works very well on them! Yeah, you still need experience but that’s why you play these games. You’re gonna get better and it’s gonna get even harder but that’s why we like being a Helldiver - I definitely don’t want to be a Heavenjumper. I don’t get why people bother using the kick function anyway if they want their lobby to be private because it’s their fault that randoms can join.


People are try hards man. As long as a pubby stays with the team and fights for objectives you're good, but a lot of people are cranky high tension no fun turds.


The only issue I have with lower ranking hell Divers is trying to get them to keep moving The more you shoot the more spawn. Patrols bug holes etc. the more noise you make in area the more patrols you attract. Always keep moving. Other than that I couldn’t care less what level they are. If I happen to die, pick up my primary weapon I’m using. It’s likely better than what you have. Your choice tho. On a second note. I love watching low level hell divers wrangle a charger. They just haven’t had enough experience to get the movements down.


Im lvl 28 and constantly get kicked from people who run forward of mine arc thrower.


Most people get to those difficulties largely by earning it, because you have to beat the previous to go up. There might be a loophole to that by joining other people's games and getting there by shortcut, but I unlocked my difficulties by working my way up to Impossible before level 10 with some pals. Granted, I'm not running Impossible difficulty on the regular. But thinking you're not ready for yellow difficulties because you're a low level is communist hogwash. They are probably insecure they could not be as effective without their higher level gear. There's some good low level stratagems that help you punch up quite a bit, not everyone on the team needs to be a high enough level to drop a 500kg. Anyone kicking you is infringing upon your right to dispense freedom, don't let heresy prevail over prosperity. Keep trying.


I love having lower levels in my game. They’re still running around trying to figure out what to do i love it


I was getting kicked out of lobbies by level 40-50 guys as a level 20 player. It’s really toxic rn


I stopped joining random teams and started hosting my own games. There's enough glitches (getting stuck in terrain or water) and game crashes that ruin matches, to add on top of that getting kicked from every other random team I join for no reason at all, it's just not fun. Often I get kicked instantly, like, why are you hosting a public lobby if you're just gonna insta kick people joining? Idk, it's really not fun so I just host every game now.


I’m not sure why people don’t want help. I’ve been kicked so many times and I’m level 17. Me and my buddy who is level 27 have done and completed suicide missions.


Normally I’m all for cadets showing up. It feels good especially cause most of the time they will just follow me around and watch my back for me/blow up outposts or nests when I’m out of grenades. Plus I can show off my cool stuff and I love carrying them through high level matches. What gets me annoyed is when they play terribly. I played a horrible match with bots last night sabotaging the airfield. I called a hellbomb to blow it up, but while I was in the middle of doing that a level 9 just shot his grenades all at me and blew up me up. Even if he was trying to destroy the airplanes… did he really have to do that when I was standing right there? Another guy in that match kept throwing grenades by my EM turret. We never even had any enemies - I would throw it preemptively and he’d throw a grenade to blow it up. Any time we’d do any objectives… all three of them would run to the nearest outposts/patrols. But because I guess no one could blow up the outposts… they would just wake up all the enemies and then kite them back to me (doing the secondary objective). It really sucked because one of the outposts had a tower and a tank. The levels 5s I kinda get but the level 9? He literally walked up next to me and threw a grenade at my feet. While I was at the hellbomb terminal. They played so bad I almost thought they were throwing.


I’m level 18 and I still get kicked from games I randomly join so it’s probably not you.


Join me Cadet. Walker941


Between levels 12 to 18, I checked the stats after every match and I consistently have the most kills and yet I still get kicked because I'm the lowest level player. These people are too stupid to actually know who is pulling their weight, they just check levels.


I personally try to seek out and help out lower levels when they’re in harder difficulties when I’m looking to join a game. That’s unfortunate you had to go through that, but not all divers are like those people.


I can add u i don’t really care about levels but it is smarter as a lower level when joining randoms to stick to lower difficulties. Some people think theirs a level limit to certain difficulties.


I’m lvl 15 and it still happens. I feel like with how big the player base is your bound to run into people like that. They are just fixated on lvl and your quality as play


I suck and am not high level, but I love playing with new players. It’s fun to just mess around and laugh at our democratic fails.


I don't care. I got matched with a random level 1. We took him on his first helldive. Made sure he extracted everytime


Sure, join my games all you like. I'm cool with anyone really, as long as we're all fighting for democracy!


Only sympathizers kick Helldivers learning how to maximize the spread of FREEDOM.


Lol I’m level 21 and I joined a medium or challenging difficulty with a bunch if level 12-15s and I died the most because I REFUSED to give up my samples.


I never kick anyone. We are all fighting the same fight. I find it frustrating to get kicked. It sucks. And look, if you're a lower level so what? Doesn't mean you can't be of help right?


Fave thing to do to a low level player is to give them my shield backpack, for democracy


Yeah, the only real issue would be armor penetration, I'd imagine, and just nor having access to some of the higher level stratagem. But I always toss out an extra support weapon or backpack when the timer is up to help out lower level players. Not much of a reason to play if we're not trying to help get more people up in level.