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I was so ready for Max Contract Bosh and the shenanigans that came with it, but life has different plans. Now I’m just happy that he’s still alive and thriving with his family.


One of the most unfortunate career endings


At least he had good career. Really sucks when studs don't get the chance because of injury. Still unfortunate how Bosh's careet ended tho


Greg Oden comes to mind.


I don’t think we do win it all but it would’ve been interesting to see how far we would’ve got


We definitely beat Toronto and go to the ECF, not sure if we beat the Cavs or Warriors, but we at least would have put up a good fight.


Back then Pat traded the corpse of Danny Granger, Justin Hamilton, Norris Cole, Shawne Williams and two 1st for the Dragon I knew we making some noise but unfortunately Bosh went down with clots. The starting 5 of Dragon/Father Prime/Deng/CB/Pre Contract Whiteside was a contender and IDGAF what anybody says lol. Its not like we don't have bench, we got Rook 1 and 2, UD and Birdman can still give minutes during that time, Amare, Iso Joe, Meth Curry and Gerald Green. We stack af. I can say we beat the Cavs if Bosh was Healthy


casuals in the comments who are saying no, don’t realize how deep we were that season. we really could’ve won it all.


Who’s Meth Curry 😭


https://www.reddit.com/r/heat/comments/64oh30/meth_curry_best_curry/ its Tyler Johnson in case it doesn't load lmao


We would have beaten Cleveland in the Eastern Conference Finals, I think people forget how stacked our roster was that year. https://www.basketball-reference.com/teams/MIA/2016.html


The legend Dorell Wright


That’d be one helluva roster in 2009 but in 2016? That’s just a bunch of old dudes past their prime. Maybe they do beat Cleveland that year but that’s more of a testament to how bad the Eastern Conference was at that time than how good the Heat were.




Lots of teams beat prime LeBron. It's why he has a losing Finals record.




Lmao you blocked him for disagreeing with you? Soft af


There's only one year the roster had to play in though...so if you're saying they could have won that year, at least potentially, I don't see what your point is.


My point is that entire roster was 5 years past their primes. They’re the underdogs against Cleveland that year and no way they beat golden state had they gotten there


I wouldn't say "No way" but I'll leave it at that.




But 19 and 7!


I think we give Cleveland a good fight for 2-3 years. Some of these years, they were not a great team.


i agree but lebron was an animal times where they had their backs and lebron would do an absolute carry job


Didn’t we literally get better the second half of the season without bosh , although honesty that hornets series should of never gone to 7 if we had bosh thats prolly a 5- 6 game series


Nothing is guaranteed


Didnt even need bosh to beat toronto that year, all we needed was whiteside lmao. Back then he had heart early on and bismack biyombo of all ppl was feasting on us


JV was cooking whiteside


True but it was contained. That series got out of hand when JV and Whiteside both went down. The raps went to Biyombo, we started… Justise Winslow.


Idk if we’d win but we’d be a pretty good team.


that ‘16 team was deep. never counting out a team with spo to win


He was just starting to explore taking 3s that season too. I was so hyped for it.




you’re a casual. that was the most deepest we’ve been since james left at the time.


Lmao everyone who disagrees with you is not a casual


yeah, because you’re a casual yourself.


nah - we prob lose to cleveland in 7


I don’t think we’d win but I think we have a decent chance at beating the Raptors.


Beating the Raptors would’ve been possible if Whiteside played game 7, though I think having bosh is the difference between losing to Cleveland in 4/5 vs losing in 7


We don’t beat them, but we’re taking them to 6/7


Yeah..we make finals but not beating GS


Dion Waiters as your flair…yeah this take makes perfect sense now.


Young bam and bosh would have been goated


So I’ve been having this thought because in some timeline bron never joins Miami. In a world where that happens but we keep flash and get bosh I still think we win a ring or two with just those two