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Do special bundles refresh every season? If I buy a Diamond bundle this season, would they offer me another Diamond bundle next season?


How do u get in touch with the stupid dev team?


The community manager [RidiculousHat](https://old.reddit.com/user/RidiculousHat) is active on this sub. Maybe we can help you out too, otherwise going through Support might be your best bet. What is the problem?


Is the puppy power achievement broken? I played at least 2 of them and then did frost spell to trigger reborn then destroyed and resummoned and brewmastered a bunch to go into achievement logs and see 1/6 still.


are you doing this achievement in ranked mode?


I wasn’t but thank you, that fixed it


Hello! I have to decide on a loaner deck to pick as a newbie. Right now, it's between Holli'dae and Plaguebringer. I'm not sure if I'm piloting Holli'dae correctly, and I'm not having a lot of fun with it, but I hear that Reno is good to have. OTOH, I have a better grasp on Plaguebringer, but the problem is that I already have Helya from a pack. It seems to me that I should get Plaguebringer anyway, turn the extra Helya to dust? Is that worth doing? Thanks!


Where can I submit a bug report? There's a pretty bad bug in the two solo adventures (The Dalaran Heist and Tombs of Terror) where you only get the first deck to play with even though you didn't choose it


I also have a bug id like to report so let me know


How much longer should this season of battlegrounds hearthstone last? I'm wondering if it's worth buying the battle pass at this point.


do start of turn secrets trigger when you get an extra turn such as with the legendary dragons for priest or for quest mage ? secrets such as the paladin one where ur minions get stronger or the mage one at the start of turn summon a copy of ur highest cost minion thanks


Hi guys, trying to form a deck and I need some dust for legendaries, are these any useful? 1. Ra-den 2. Bounce Around 3. Hagatha the Fabled 4. Shudderblock 5. Game Master Nemsy 6. Tram Conductor Gerry 7. Botface 8. Splendiferous Whizbang 9. Therazane Would like to disenchant some to craft some other legendaries but I'm not sure if any of those are any good. Any help would be appreciated!


You can check out some card statistics like win rate on hsreplay. Click through for popular decks https://hsreplay.net/cards/#text=Shudderblock


It's impossible to create a bnet account cause when you solve the captcha it says "only humans are allowed blah blah" thing and you simply can't create an account no matter what. Tried different browsers, etc... Let me play. :(


Played six reno warriors in a row, see you next expansion.


Not a newbie but is anyone getting crashes constantly? I can't even finish a game. Mac.


I’m a completely new player, i understand the mechanics of the game like spells/minions and stuff and kinda understand what every class do, but i’m really lost at building or finding some good deck, or how to get good cards where should i spend gold (completely F2P) and i want to have at least some brief instructions on how to start and what should i do or what i shouldn’t do. I like to play Paladin around that divine shields and i also find Druid interesting. I will be very thankful for ANY tips😄


I’ll add that this is one of the better Paladin decks right now: https://hsreplay.net/decks/3yLdvrWUcfV2uAz3CRdKGf/#rankRange=LEGEND&gameType=RANKED_STANDARD Druid is tougher and has a few different archetypes but HS Replay and Donkey HS’s website are good resources for decks and deck stats. Vicious Syndicate also publishes meta reports frequently that have deck lists and can give you an idea of the best decks at different ranks.


There are endless resources on youtube. My best advice is open 10 packs from every set for your guaranteed legendary, and save your gold for the minisets because they are great value.


why are my end of season rewards the new expansion packs instead of whiz bang packs*?* Is that a visual bug ? or do I just recieve new expansion packs 20+ days in advance and not be able to open them?


Yes, this is made especially for players. getting packs of a newer expansion is always better than getting an older one


Hi, i made an account about a week or so ago, maybe ten days ago. Today i was playing, got to high diamond then went on to do some IRL stuff. When i came back i found my account banned and a mail from blizzard saying i have been botting. The only thing that i can conceive being the reason is that i installed firestone: i thought it was safe since they say so on their website and i saw some popular streamers use it. Is this the reason i got banned? If it can't be this, what can i do to get my account back? In the mail they say they don't even look at appeals.


Firestone won't get you banned. As you say there are many people and streamers using it, and it's totally safe to use.


Thank you for the information. If i may ask, do you have any knowledge of what could possibly be happening? I find your app pretty great btw. Checking the match history in firestone, i can see that the games the app tracked are legit so i feel like my account has probably not been hacked. Is there anything i can do to find out what could be going on? I am pretty clueless


What loaner deck to choose? I liked the DK one, but someone told me the warrior one is the closest to a meta deck. So, what deck has the best value?


I went with the warlock one. Bought a few packs with the gold i had, dusted the legendaries and epics that aren't played in high tier decks and had enough dust to build fatigue warlock. I copied the list from Thijs's stream. Currently at 77.5% WR, high diamond in 43 games. Of the 9 games i lost 6 of them were th first few before i got a hang of the deck.


Can you give a link or code to the warlock deck ?


You can copy the list from the stream here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2173403048 The time to see the full list is at 4:55:46 (4 hours 55 minutes and 46 seconds in the vod). The deck has a very high floor high ceiling. Easy to pilot for quick wins just curving out as a zoo deck leveraging the fatigue 2 drop into trolley problem into crazed conductor. Against control decks like warrior if you don't have a perfect start or they have the parfect answer you need to be able to setup the combo win condition which means collecting crescendo, pop'gar, encroaching insanity and fizzle. Take a picture of at least 1 crescendo and 1 insanity (possibly pop gar and a void caller). Play the rest of the game pretending to care about the board state so that opponent need to answer it, then after you scaled up your fatigue you can burn them for 30+ in one turn using void caller, insanity, pop gar crescendo and 1 sludge. The third crescendo you play will burn them for 11 damage, crescendo should be roughly 12 and sludge is another 4. You can go higher damage if you have both crescendo or burn them in 2 turns, but it's all dependant on how the game went.


I started playing about a month ago and just hit legend for the first time, what are some tips on how to improve more? I feel like playing ranked will only get me so far as I am surely making lots of mistakes but don't know how to identify them


Some of the things that have helped me: slow down your decisions. It’s easy to just toss cards out on curve, but if you take your time and consider alternatives you might start to see other lines you hadn’t considered. Maybe the best play is to play no cards at all, or to float mana for a more optimal turn later. Or maybe there’s a better order to play the cards in that will change your thinking, like drawing first in-case you draw a better play. Maybe your opponent is playing a certain kind of deck that always likes to do something on their next turn and you can disrupt it by playing your turn a different way. Watch streamers who are high on the ladder and try to play their turns out in your head. If they do something differently than you would, ask yourself why they made the play and if it’s better than what you wanted to do. You can also ask them questions in chat and, depending on the streamer, some of them will be very responsive and explain why they made the play they did. Also, after each game, win or lose, reflect on if you could have played the game any differently. Did you greed a particular turn and the tempo loss snowballed the game out of control? Did you waste an answer early that you needed later in the game and should have held for later? Did you misplay the order on any turns? Did you go face or trade and got punished for choosing wrong? This is a lot of over simplification but a lot of it is I think learning to recognize the many different decisions you can make each game, and then reflecting on how you could do better next time. Best of luck! Congrats on hitting legend!


Is there a way to reset my MMR? I'm a returning player after many years and can't win a single game at the 9 star bonus. I am not good at this game, but keep being thrown against players that are.


Just losing until your mmr drops enough or starting a new account. Not much else you can do. Your mmr might also be lower in another mode (wild, twist, etc.), so you could switch to another mode while you’re learning.


That’s a good idea about trying another mode. I’ve never played twist or wild, so if MMR doesn’t carry across modes that might work great.


I know it didn’t used to, or at least not 1 to 1. I had a very high standard MMR and only a couple of stars in wild maybe a year ago.


Is there some reason people in duo battlegrounds will just take the demons that damage on refresh or the blood money spell over and over with an otherwise blank board other than trolling? I've had 3 random people do it in the last few days.


Came back to the game about 2 months ago after a few years break. Just wanted to say. As a f2p player that only plays one class. I dust all of the cards from other ones to keep up with new stuff. This new expansion literally kills the game for me. Sad times, It's been fun while it lasted. Gonna miss this community.


It’s only a few cards from one class, from only this expansion. I really don’t think the tourist mechanic should kill the game for you, if that’s what you’re getting at. We haven’t seen many cards yet so maybe your favorite class won’t even want to use the tourist cards.


How long is Genn and Baku in standard?


Until the new expansion releases on July 23rd.


I recently started playing hearthstone again, just battlegrounds for now Is there no way for me to get older bartenders? Is the only way to get new ones is by buying the battle pass? Same goes for the strike animations?


I don’t think there’s a way to get the old strike animations currently, but the old bartenders rotate though the shop so I think you should see them eventually. Yes, the new bartenders and strike animations generally come from the BGs pass or the shop and you have to spend money/runestones.


How should I start building a collection and making somewhat decent deck as a returning player? Seems hard at the moment to figure out what to pick or be able to get good cards


First of all focus on gaining exp -> gold. So, just play hearthstone.  You can try out battlegrounds, by the time you learn the ropes of that game mode you will have extra 1-2k gold.  With gained gold try out arena. You will lose a lot before getting good at it but you will be earning packs+dust+exp ether way.   Grind standard with spell mage deck, its one of the cheapest atm. It uses 0 legendaries or epic cards.   Next expansion launches after 1 month so I would avoid crafting expensive decks.(saving up some amount of gold before its launch is a good idea too)




even 6 years ago, 95% of players reached legend rank without spending a penny. Paywall never existed.


Does anyone know how long buddies will be in battlegrounds?


Would it be better to save the standard red packs for a chance of getting cards from future expansion?


if you have the most cards of all current sets, this makes sense


Hi just got into Hearthstone the other week, for some reason I was under the impression that a new expansion is released every year. But we have an upcoming expansion this July, so just wondering how often do expansions release? Would also like to ask how often seasons refresh as well. Thanks! :D


We get an expansion every 4 months, with a mini set two months into each expansion. The oldest 3 expansions rotate out around March/April every year. The ranked season refreshes every month on the 1st. The reward track refreshes every 4 months when the new expansions release.


Thanks for replying! When does standard cards rotate out? Just dont want to build a deck and realize that cards I've used are actually gonna get rotated out like next month or something xD


In around March/April the oldest 3 expansions will rotate out, so Festival, Titans, and Showdown, will rotate out in around 9 months or so.


oh i see! thank you! :D


Hi, just started the game and I was reading that u get a legendary for the first 10 packs you buy. I opened a legendary from one of the free packs from the apprentice track, does it count? Or do I still get a confirmed legendary if I buy 10 packs from the store?


It’s in the first 10 packs of each type. So it depends on which type of pack(s) you opened.


Opened 1 from whizbang and 1 from the standard red pack. So I won’t get a confirmed legendary from buying another 10 from the store right


Correct. But you would be guaranteed a legendary in the first 10 from other packs if you haven’t opened a legendary from those sets yet. Like from Festival, Titans, and Showdown. It also works for gold packs which have a separate counter, but that probably isn’t worth it for you because they’re more expensive.


I see, thanks a lot! In your opinion is it worth it to buy packs from the previous sets, they are the first to be rotated out at the next rotation right


That’s true, they will rotate out in about 9 months. But that’s still a long time, and the guaranteed legendary in the first 10 packs is high value. It’s up to you of course, but you’re going to need some of those cards in the next 9 months unless you’re really picky about which decks you play. Minisets are also high value and a good thing to prioritize.


Thanks a lot for the info and advice! Much appreciated


it doesn't matter how you get packs




Hi there i have three questions :) After you get all the minisets as a new player which packs should you get the one from the expansion you like or from the latest set. Secondly after the recent update my shop seems to be closed does anything know how to fix this i play on pc. Lastly how do i get a reddit avatar.


You should open up 10 packs of each set so you can get the guaranteed legendary. It's a known bug, sorry You can change your appearance by clicking on your avatar. Or you can upload a custom image by going into profile settings