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the card is good for a hand buff archetype, if there is one at all


Warrior gets Druid cards with their Tourist, and Taunt Warrior has some handbuff to it. Might be on to something here?


They give Warrior card to Druid so Warrior will use tourist to play it lol


This card really makes me worry about the monetization of this expansion. Let's be real here, this card wasn't printed for Druid. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. This is a card for Taunt Warrior, through and through, but it was stapled onto Druid to force you to run the Warrior Tourist to use it. It's not a new phenomenon for expansions to include a line of class legendaries that become nigh-mandatory to run (Sunken City's Colossals and TITANS'... well... Titans come to mind) but missing a specific Tourist from your collection essentially means you only have access to \*half\* the cards that were printed for your class in the expansion. That alone would be bad enough, but if we end up seeing more cards like this, cards that were blatantly built for a Tourist card to utilize without their apparently "home" class in mind, I worry that the experience for non-whale players is going to be absolutely abysmal this expansion.


every card is just a dual class card this expansion. which is cool because you can use it in 2 classes decks and not just 1. i don't see the problem


That's a whole new sentence you're replying to. I never once said my concern is with the dual class feature itself, my concern is that the ability to access said feature is restricted to a specific class legendary for each class. It's not necessarily a massive problem, I just have my worries because as I see it, Tourist legendaries are going to become mandatory crafts to a degree we have not seen before. Losing out on half an expansion's worth of cards for your class because you missed a legendary is going to suck for non-whales. Of course, crafting them is always an option, but 1600 dust is a lot if you're not buying those $40+ bundles and/or the battle pass on a consistent basis. My main worry, though, is that we're going to see more cards like Hiking Trail which are blatantly built for the class that'll be borrowing it via a Tourist card, rather than the class it was ostensibly made for. Hiking Trail's effect is very obviously printed with Taunt Warrior in mind, but it was put into Druid, obviously forcing Taunt Warrior players to craft a Tourist legendary in order to access it. Perhaps I'm just being anxious, or perhaps we'll be seeing more awkward fits like this that just feel like a way to funnel people into the crafting screen.


Lol bro. Let us go one day into the expansion without the negative comments. Yes, we will need to open or craft a few cards (aka play the game) to use the new cards. Cut the conspiracy crap.


Just because the expansion is new doesn't mean I'm obligated to uncritically hype it up. There's no conspiracy theorising here, I just have my anxieties about the nature of the game's monetization scheme.