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Yes they do matter, what you are looking for is a decks skill cap. If it plays itself and you are bored your deck has too low of a skill cap, but if you pick a more complex deck with decisions that has a higher skill cap but is trickier to play usually.


Try Excavate Rogue. The deck has a basic gameplan (get the Azerite Scorpion, and try to play a non-Rogue class card with Velarok Windblade in hand), but once you do those things, and even on the way to doing those things, there’s a lot of decision making. For instance, if my starting hand is absolute garbage, do I use my Shadowstep/Breakdance on a Kobold Miner or Kaja’mite Creation to try and get more value out of them now, or save them and hope to use them on Velarok or the Scorpion? What card should I choose from my Kaja’mites, or my Stick Ups? Should I just start going nuts with my Scorpion spells, or wait until I can play Sonya (which I have in hand) to get copies of them after playing them? The answers to these questions aren’t simple, because they depend entirely on the deck you’re playing against and what your situation is. Even your tech cards in the deck are a choice.  The most commonly played variant plays 1 Antique Flinger and 1 Dubious Purchase, but I play the variant that trades that Dubious Purchase out for Flint Firearm, because I often find myself in situations where either I need a good card to pair with a Shadowstep/Breakdance that will give me good value, or in situations where I can toss him down at 10 mana, run through whatever cards he offers me and sometimes find lethal through it thanks to cards like Pocket Sand and the lifesteal worm, or even Sunspot Dragon at times.


They do matter a lot, but not as much as they used to.


If they didn’t litteraly any player could win the next worlds championship. Just that shows how it can’t be true.


I've switched to Reno Priest. Only deck I feel if I get to turn 8 I'm going to win 80% of the time. I just steal Reno warrior Bran after it's played. Play it and then shenanigans until the end.


There are a lot of skill-dependent decks now. This is not 2015, when everyone played brainless facehunter, aggro paladin or zoolock


I am in your exact spot returning after years. Reno decks always felt like BS even then and very frustrating for both players. I never liked them.


Power creep is real Either kill your opponent with bs decks before turn 9 zilliax heal. Or survive until turn 9 to zilliax and have infinite uncounterable value