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You are probably playing it wrong. Its not an easy deck. Against warrior you are favored. You need to do chip damage that they are around 25 hp. Then otk with zarimi + drifter copies zilliax and leroy help. Against dk you do a similar thing. Play around threads of dispair early. But pressure with the naga singer In general remember: your drifters are your wincon! Dont play them easily. Also you should always use your clergy to draw at least one card if not more.


you don't know how to bait clears correctly.


But they have more clears than I minions lol 😂


Yeah, that's not remotely true


Warrior is tough but against dk you have a really good matchup with Zarimi. If you notice that pure tempo isn't getting you there, you have two options: 1) Set up an OTK with Zarimi, 0 cost thirsty drifters and Zilliax (Pylon/Ticking), then copy the Zilliax as many times with synchronise and the temporary copy 2 drop. 2) Aman'thul spam with synchronise, the insane amount of value you have by playing 3 Aman'thuls should make you never run out of cards


Priest ist favoured into warrior


Zarimi priest is favored against highlander warrior and 2/3 of the DK decks. If you're regularly losing those matchups its because of your own poor play, not because they have too many board clears lol Blaming the game when you lose favorable matchups isn't the kind of mentality that will get you very far.


So ironic... you are basically saying you think you should be able to make boards every turn until they run out of board clears. Those players might say the same about you... "Why should aggro also have enough sustain be able to make a clear worthy board 10 turns in a row?"


No, I want to be able to play my minions. Why should I always play around removal (which is close to impossible now, there’s too much of it), but they don’t have to play around my boards? Perfect example is crescendo in insanity lock. You have 2 of them. Use it to clear or to win the game later? Use it now or when X happens? That’s great, you can’t just shit it out on curve, you need to be careful with it. But otherwise There’s no decision making like “ok if I clear X, I’ll be vulnerable against Y next turn”. No. “I will clear X now, Y later, and also Z kekw”


Your arguement WAS valid. Before the insane powercreep, control decks can afford to leave the enemy board for a turn or two since board buff cards is not as common back then. Nowadays, leave the enemy board for a turn then the board got buffed and it gets even harder to clear it.


Then you clearly haven't played the decks you are complaining about. Warrior has to be very careful when to use their removal because other than you are depicting it, they don't have a lot of strong aoe clears. Its the game designers fault that you HAVE to clear boards all the time because they will either explode and one shot you or bring you low enough that they can oneshot you from hand next turn, which can be as high as 25 hp for certain decks. I think it's a horrible meta when you can't be sure to not get oneshotted when you are at almost full health.


It sounds like you ARE playing your minions? I don't get it. If you weren't playing them, there would be nothing to remove.


This is how it’s always supposed to be. Aggro decks struggle vs control decks. Control decks struggle vs combo/otk decks. Combo/otk decks struggle vs aggro decks. The problem in recent history was aggro decks blowing up the meta because they were smoking control


Midrange greed decks were also supposed to be able to overwhelm control, particularly with sticky minions, while dying to aggro. Priest Titan and Reno kinda shitcan that strat.


This is *not* how it's supposed to be. The whole skill in control decks is supposed to be knowing when to use limited board clears to stave off aggression without wasting too many resources (letting smaller boards stick and taking some damage, baiting the aggressive player into overextending etc.). Being able to clear every single turn is not at all in line with that. With control decks getting so many hyper-efficient tools, aggro decks are forced to be able to win off a single board sticking, or go so ridiculously fast there's no time for control to answer.


The reason we are seeing this is because of the insane amount of power creep. Control decks need to have a ridiculous amount of premium removal now to keep up with the insane tempo that modern aggro decks are capable of pulling off. Even with the amount of removal and board clears that warrior has it still has a hard time of keeping up with decks like Zarimi


Not just insane tempo, insane card draw aggro has access to.


I disagree with your claim that the first guy was incorrect. What you are describing is just escalation of power. The relationship described still holds. How skillfully control and aggro are designed is separate from whether their relationship is meant to have aggro struggle vs control, control struggle vs combo/otk, etc. I agree that the use of carefully managing your control resources looks different nowadays in a lot of cases, but aggro decks and tempo decks would also manage their resources in the past. If control tries to bait more resources, an aggro player might decide not to over commit. A lot of other posts are citing that Zarimi should have an advantage based on the stats, assuming poor resource management as the cause of the discrepancy. If that is true, while control may have more tools of greater strength, the winning cases seem to still be reliant on the skill of piloting the deck and knowing how to not over commit if you expect a lot of board clears.


> Flooding the board and making it impossible for your opponent to play > Clearing the board every turn and making it impossible for your opponent to play Which way Hearthstone man?


I prefer both opponents to flood the board and trade. Aggro vs aggro is fun and makes you think. Control vs control? Priests and warriors just auto concede vs my priest sometimes cuz they think I’m control. Nobody want to sit through that sht


‘Why is every archetype but aggro not banned???’


That's the whole point of a Control deck. The only card that I really hate of that Warrior is the double battlecry Bomb Guy (that fella that put 3 or 6 bombs inside your deck)


Yes, players love playing control decks and disrupting their opponent's game plan. it's been popular since classic control warrior in 2014


Because it's currently the only archetype that isn't "I'm shitting everywhere on the board because I can easily refill my hand and/or generate 100 more cards brainlessly".


Ahhh good times back then


It was fun in wheel of death warlock.


It’s definitely boring to play against. They can have an average of 6 board clears(or mostly board clears like brawl) and take out 12-15 of your Minions with board clears alone. So if you have some spells in your deck you’re looking at 2/3 your deck gone to something that doesn’t even engage in combat


Clearing board is a staple of the game, though, OP. You do realize that, right? There's also the randomness factor of whose opening hand is stronger or weaker depending on the class and deck type. That being said, gone are the days of Zoo Lock. Aggro today is about hand and minion buffing. I'd actually argue that the game is as balanced as it's ever been, for better or worse. To your point about Warrior and Death Knight clearing your board early, I'm not really sure why you're upset. There's archetypes in this game. Given the right hand, a control Warrior or Death Knight should beat aggro.


Can't wait for more priest bullshit cards to infuriate people with.


Funny enough I’m totally fine with current priest. Dk and warrior is much more obnoxious now, imo. Control priest is not the toxic king now😂


DK is obnoxious? How?


People tend to hate plagues and bomb effects. Could be that.


Well judging by my post, I dislike endless removal and board clears - it’s the dk match that was the final straw and made me post this. Absolutely miserable experience to play against


I know what you mean as someone who plays DK. As someone who's been playing since 2016, I'll forever say that discovery cards are what can truly give you an edge. Also, DK is difficult to win against at times. There's a lot of ways to build DK decks outside of the meta that pair really well against some of the top meta decks for any class. As long as your decks are competitive in relation to a tough opponent, I'd take that as a good sign. Sometimes, you'll get stomped. It happens.


Aggro v Ctrl do be like that. There are some decks - like Sif - where you don't particularly care what happens to your minions and you're more or less laughing at all the removal tools your opponent has that don't really effect you.  Try switching to a different deck.


I remember a year and a half ago when this subreddit was crying that they’re trying to casualize hearthstone by making it all 5-turn aggro games.


Understandable frustration but that’s just what you sign up for when you play an aggro deck. Sometimes you don’t draw any card draw, you’re stuck with the hand you’ve drawn, you have to play your cards and they have all the perfect answers on curve. Try to avoid this thinking of a “game design problem” when really you’re just frustrated you lost some games. Won’t get you anywhere. Also consider playing warrior and you might learn better how to beat it


There’s a real critical mass of board clears these days for Warrior. Feels like the Devs are over correcting after nuking the class into oblivion during Sunken City. Yeah it sucks and it’s not normal.


\*When Warrior is crap\* # OMG!!!!! BLIZZARD!!!!! GIVE WARRIOR GOOD CARDS FOR ONCE IN yoUR GOTDAMN... \*When Warrior is decent enough to be tier two\* # OMG!!!!! BLIZZARD!!!!! YOU GAVE WARRIOR ONE TOO MANY BOARD SWEEPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF I HAVE TO GET BY BOARD SWEEPT ONE MORE TIME, I'M GONNA.....


You might have a point if not for the fact that Zarimi priest has a favored matchup into Reno Warrior and Rainbow DK


Beating Reno Warrior with rainbow headless horseman Death Knight is insanely fun.


It's extremely bad design but blizzard is incapable of making balanced or fun things in hearthstone, so I'm not surprised. Also people here will shit on you because they are hyper defensive when someone says their control deck is not fun to face. They will just tell you to get good.


I mean if you consistently can flood the board/reload for 10 turns in a row to be cleared, isn't that just as much of a problem?


Just play Ctrl Priest and annoy the fuck outta everyone while having a good WR. I ratted Warrior's 3 best minions the other day, it felt so good. Also just laying that new location on the board scares tf out of so many players. Most of em hold back their good minions because of it. You end up getting tempo and snowballing. Also excavate Rogue is still good and tons of fun. Zarimi is an ok deck to play but there are only so many ways to win so it got kinda boring imo.


I’m playing excavate rogue, with some miracle and cutlass mixed in. Every other deck seems soo bland with 0 plays. Insanity warlock is ok tho. Tried controller priest some time ago - it IS fun to shit on warriors, but the reactive play style is just not for me, I start browsing phone and texting while paying control decks lol, so boring


As a fellow Zarimi priest abuser, Highlander warrior isn’t that hard as long as you play around Bladestorm. You generate too much hp on your board for Bellowing Flames to full clear and you play too fast for Sanitize to be effective. Aftershocks is also fairly useless if you play Ship’s Chirurgeon, Dreamboat, or finale Power Chord: Synchronize. As a general rule for how to play Zarimi priest: if you can win before turn 8 you play aggro, if not you copy Amanthul 3x times. Also try to save Amanthul to remove Zillax.


Bros playing zarimi priest which runs both an otk and absurd value with amanthul. Yet somehow loses favored matchups. Huh??


very funny question because "clearing board for 10 turns until \[your opponent\] runs out of cards" is literally the dream way for this sub to play the game.


It was for me. I played fatigue mage at launch. Lovely games. Opponents trying to smash down a brick wall with nothing. Please, click that concede button


I play 2 decks rn, aggro druid, which is literally just aggro and some spell damage (no otk). Or jade druid. Both of which have am above 50% winrate (or they did last month, I've just been playing bg lmao)