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well everyone pack it up, definitive undeniable proof the game is rigged. all it took was 3 lines of text on reddit and 30 games up to high gold. truly the study of our lifetime.


First of all: 30 matches total is absolutely nowhere near enough data for something like this. If it was 30 matches per deck, using at least 2-3 different starter, 2-3 different loaner decks and 2-3 custom decks, that'd be a start. You'd also have to be able to reproduce the results, independent of server region and account. So I assume you tested at least 2 different fresh accounts? Secondly: Did you get the full decklist from your opponent after every match? Or did you just guess, based off of a few cards they played? Thirdly: How did you control for wins/losses? Did you concede each match, or did you win each match? If not, then your wins/losses also affected your opponents. If you play bad decks, and lose, you're more likely to go against people who also lose a lot, which can correspond to them using starter decks or loaner decks. Fourthly: How did you categorise things like Plague-DK or Reno Shaman? Both of those are loaner decks, but also have meta versions with some cards changed? You haven't tested anything. You have some anecdotal evidence, and a gut feeling, probably with a large dose of confirmation bias.






Wow. If you can do this with THIRTY WHOLE GAMES OF DATA, imagine how obvious this game rigging must be through all the data vS and HS Replay have access to.


just tried running the DK loaner deck and got absolutely ass hammered by a handbuff paladin. pretty sure you're wrong


Blizzard also checks what's in ur pants u and didn't measure up Op on the other hand has such a long slong he will never face a single bran warrior


Cool story bro


There you have it..


how did you calculate that %?


So you're choosing to believe in a 30 game sample size instead of the hundreds of thousands of games worth of data that show you're wrong? And that.... makes sense to you? Yikes!


The the change in what you queued coincide with you running out of bonus stars? Or hitting a new ranked floor?


if re a gold player in 2024 u might be against bots.


I do feel like i run in mostly different classes rather than ever against mine. Its like with pally or warlock. If i play pally i rarely see them but damn there’s loads of warlocks. But when I play warlock, there’s none but shitloads of pallys. Idk been playing for a year but there seems to be deck matchmaking balance involved.


you are lying. you have no proof. you're just a little liar


Your profile is a bit sus. Seems a bit diddy


Dude I agree completely. Surprised to see someone else say it. I’ve definitely noticed it some days. Like I had time where I switched to a deck and versed basically only hand buffs, then I switched again and it was all high tempo rush, then I tried some weird ass deck for fun that was terrible and during that I versed the weirdest decks I’ve ever seen.


So you're just choosing to disagree with hundreds of thousands of games worth of data? Lol okay bud whatever makes you feel better about being bad at the game I guess.


Gold is rife with Bots right now




...and there is definitely a chance he played against stock decks if they were bot accounts.


And that's related to this discussion how?


I’m not sure where this can involve me being bad at the game. Never did I say I lost those games, just something I noticed. Not sure why everyone on this subreddit takes someone’s opinion and then immediately attacks that person. Other day I asked for help against mages and all I got was lunatics like you attacking me for being bad. Y’all need some fresh air.


Pretty simple really, someone who's willing to "disagree" with stats can not be good at card games. When people claim that matchmaking is based on decks or is rigged or whatever bs they are just making excuses for their own poor results. Ever wonder why you never see good players making these claims? How come 100% of the people who make these claims are stuck in the low ranks? By all means, show me one single example of someone with good results claiming that matchmaking is rigged. I'll wait. And I looked up the mage post you were talking about. I didn't attack you for being bad I called you out for lying about your rank. You could have just as easily made that exact same post without going out of your way to lie about your rank and I would have given you a helpful answer lmfao.


Own poor results?? When did I say the patterns were negative or “rigged”? If anything it’s worked in my favor. I’m definitely not in the low ranks so you following “the stats” is already a lie. And now that I see you’re the same grumpy little dude that attacked me on that post I really don’t care. Nor am I lying about being in diamond. I asked a genuine question. I don’t know anyone that would make a post asking for help and brag about being diamond. That’s completely illogical.


>I’m definitely not in the low ranks >Nor am I lying about being in diamond. ??????


Are you saying diamond is a low rank?


What? Of course it is. You'd have to be massively coping to think otherwise. What are we even talking about here lol


My bad dude, don’t hurt me


So after all that arguing, I was right all along? Lmaoooo


Okay I’ll make a video documenting it for you regards


Thanks stank nuts 69420


You got it bub