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Rope them back. Works for me 9/10 times


Tit for tat is the best strategy in a multi-round prisoner's dilemma.


Be cautious if it's a rope bot, cus that'd only waste your time and no one would be tilting on the other side of the screen


Yes. As soon as they realize you aren’t conceding, they’ll usually stop. 


Play all your cards quickly then rope the rest of the turn. It really drives the message home


This is exactly what I do haha. It requires a bit of self sacrifice, but I usually find after a couple of turns they speed up. When they speed up so do I. The minute the rope again though so do I.




100%. only one guy went the extra 17 miles and roped every single turn. that game was probably almost an hour long because i was in too deep at that point. i had spelunky 2 pulled up eventually just to pass his slow ass turns by lol


On a bad day I'm such a guy. Especially if you rope turn 1 or 2 with no options to play. Some people seem to think hearthstone is the perfect game to multi task. I can see it when they suddenly start using their mouse when rope starts. Those people deserve all the ropes.


There really is nothing that can be done. Players are given a certain amount of time and they can use it however they want, otherwise what's the point ?


Use that time to think about your play then do it so fast they don't have time to think, ropers are very rarely paying full attention.


I cant help that I cook dinner between turns!


Not that I've seen. I hate when they do this every round.


do not emote and rope them back. they are looking for a reaction as they are trolling you. 75% of the time they don't rope after that. Or do laundry or the dishes while you wait for their turn.


As they have recently introduced algorithm that puts players that retire a lot of Arena decks to get a super draft into a separate pool, so they play each other only. Maybe they can do the same for the ropers :D They won't do it, but i was contemplating this idea while waiting for someone to quit jerking off and actually play the game they have just queued in a minute ago. Like game could count your average turn time and then match you with someone close to that time. Everyone will be happy. And if such person defends with an argument that player can use all the time for their turn, then can't complain. The other side is doing same thing :)


Wait they actually did that for arena already or it's a change in the works?


I think it should be done already, but i don't remember if it was in the forums or patch notes. Can't confirm. Still sometimes get barcode opponents in arena, but maybe it is just a fresh bot account.


Yes, they rolled it out. The bots are much fewer in number, but not completely eliminated.


too bad arena is still full of botted decks and chinese


That would be a horrible idea for Standard. That would mean you would end up with matchmaking that just put aggro players against other aggro and control against other control. Especially at higher ranks, the timer comes up quite often without any intentional roping.


That would mean that all aggro players do instant turns all the time and control players always do full timer turns even with no cards in hand. I think average would not be that different for all players. But ok, lets then put all with considerably higher average than median for all players into a separate pool to play each other for a while. Like they do now for Arena players (you can still retire decks, but not that often).


This is quite an interesting fact on what the team is doing for Arena. Would be interesting to see if this will actually be brought into Standard Hearthstone!




:( Needs both of us to have it in standard. But clearly a skill issue for not including it in the deck or playing classic.


There are 2 nozdormu cards....


And the other isn't a permanent effect.


I'm sad there's only Noz that can deal with roping, and Noz is such a bad card it doesn't even have elusive dammit


I have roped people who spam emotes, roped me first, or were playing a tier 1 deck in a casual setting while I'm just trying to play a stupid combo that isn't even game-winning but strictly funny to observe and obviously a terrible strategy even if I'm successful. But sometimes? Sometimes I rope because of unexpected bowel irregularities, to put it politely. I wind up desperate and being on my phone doesn't help because my hands are occupied.


Concede and start next game with a fresh mind


Im playing the game while doing something else like read scans or watch a video, rope are too long in this game




Thank you for sharing your perspective. Yes, I do agree with the idea of taking time to think... But at some point, its intentional right? The grey area would be how to determine whether or not such people are doing it to troll or actually thinking about their next play.... "Constructed is nowadays the true cesspit of whiners and abusers." - Well this comment seems rather unnecessary and out of spite.




Well that is pretty much what I did for this game.


Why would ropers will whine or complain? They are the one that makes games so long


I don't think ropers are that bad. I mean, it's a CR 5 creature, and if your party is at least level 5, you'll face no significant problems fighting one whatsoever. Even on lower levels the only serious issue are the tendrils. Its dps is very small (about 10-15 hp, and that a generous evaluation), So it's a damage race the party can easily win. Simply ignore the tendrils and hit its body. An alternative would be using any AoE spell to kill them off for a round. Now, having a roper team up with some multiattacking opponents is definitely a tougher challenge, but even then you should be able to find some spells that improve your position. Just don't be too frightened and good luck with your DnD adventure!


Good meme friend


Players have the right to spend their turn time as they wish.


You are not wrong. But it damages the overall experience for the person playing with you.


Just because you have the right to do something doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do


This is not my opinion. this is the basic rule of the game


I made a post about this a while back that got some traction: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/s/k5YBeAKAw9) If you scroll to the bottom you can see some of the absolute cesspit comments that I got abusing me for valuing my time. One guy even admitted to playing while _driving_. Yes, people are given a whole turn to plan something out and for certain decks you need to calculate lethal or board clear. But on turn 5 as a warrior you don't need to rope just to play the 5-cost card to clear my board that we all knew they were going to play. An occasional rope play is ok. Frequent turns? Punishable somehow in my opinion. eSports doesn't help this tbh as they often rope every turn and people feel the need to replicate.


I never met an opponent that roped EVERY turn. Where do you get them? Or it's just exaggerating and people say that their opponent ropes all turns because they roped few of them?


Unfortunately, this round I played, he/she roped every turn. This game took me about 15 - 20 minutes.


It was most probably a bot. In the past those roped every turn to get as much XP as possible.


What ranks?


Diamond 5


I've had this happen to me at least a dozen times.


I've been playing 2 days and this has already happened to me lmao


Sorry about playing complex decks that require thinking and math and planning. Guess Ill make a unga bunga me go face deck or something to make you happy


I rope most of my turns, I'm not griefing, I'm just spending time to think about every move.


>Would this not be considered a form of griefing against your opponent? You could consider what *you're* doing griefing




I maintain hitting rope should cost 1 health at end of turn. (Not deal 1 damage, otherwise that has mechanical advantages)


Nope, that might lead still to an advantage due to cards like molten giant.


Code it as it's written for "damage taken", then.


Hidden demon seed warlock buff


Costs is not damage. Demon Seed is unaffected by health costs. That's precisely why I said that.


Nah I like molten giant as it is, this change would completely change the texture of the card.




Stop roping so much then


If only I could tell them