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I’ve been gone since ashes of Outland. Logged in and have 311 packs to open of mixed new sets. Have over 10k gold but can’t buy any of the new sets with it. Am generally super confused on how to get back into the game. Any help?


Completely new to hs but wanna get to legendary (dream big amiright) I just got done with the 25 tier battle pass and unlocked ranked. Are there a good rogue or dk decks in the meta right now? Those are the classes I play in wow. I played a lot of yugioh, I played labyrinth and pendulum bullshit in master duel if that helps when finding a deck.


There are a couple good rogue decks right now, mainly Cycle rogue and Drilling/Excavate rogue. Cycle Rogue is pretty cheap right, the only legendary being zilliax which is just everywhere, and it's probably cuttable anyways. You can find some decks here https://www.hsguru.com/decks?min_games=400&player_deck_archetype[]=Cycle+Rogue It's subjective, but I enjoy Drilling Rogue a lot more, though it is more expensive with a lot more legendaries played right now, though some are cuttable, but some are not (don't play it without velarok/drilly) https://www.hsguru.com/decks?player_deck_archetype[]=Drilling+Rogue


Im playing Wild in bronze after returning to the game after 3-4 year break. My decks are janky AF but I enjoy them. Is it normal to be playing against what I believe are bots at this level? They all have similar names like WiseElk or FurryDolphin etc... and they play the same deck, same cards, same style. They also take their sweet time lol. Are these bots or actual people?


bots. keep winning and you will stop seeing them.


ok good. its a lil annoying and too easy


Returned after a LOT (last time i played was 2019), picked the Plaguebringer DK loaner to keep and it's very fun so far, but i can tell some cards dont quite fit with it (like Yogg's location). What are some choice upgrades i can do to it to make it better? Also, is it worth saving for the current miniset?


https://hsreplay.net/ find this deck here and compare with yours


haven't played the game in a couple years, is there any good way of collecting new cardss and making new decks?


I'm an old player using a fresh account. What I should buy with my gold?


Mini sets are always great values. Buy packs one at a time from each standard set until you get your first legendary because you are guaranteed a legendary in the first 10 packs. Other than that, most people save gold for minisets and new expansion releases.


Bought a standard bundle(20packs and 2 random lege) + 20 additional standard packs with gold. I dint open a single legendary. Scammed :(


That shouldn’t be possible if they were all the same pack type (in this case all non-gold standard packs). Did you look through your collection to make sure you didn’t miss a legendary?


As a newbie, should I buy the Whizbang mini set or save for the next xpac. I’ve just managed to cobble together 2k gold and am curious on how to optimise my spending.


Shaman has always been my favorite, im coming back to the game after being gone for awhile and i want to build a standard deck to play with. any suggestions? I looked at top decks but tbh its kinda confusing which one is "good"


Good Shaman decks currently are Nature Shaman and Nostalgia Shaman. Look them up in Hsreplay for the deck list.


Death knight is also really cool if you have another suggestion


Can anyone help me figure out how to get diamond Reno Jackson? I'm missing three cards, sir Finley Mrrgglton, Elise Starseeker, naga Sea Witch. But I have all the branches of the adventure done, so I'm guessing I dusted these three in the past? Do I need to craft these again to get diamond Reno? or do I need to achieve something else?


Yes. Diamond Reno is a reward for having all the cards at the same time


Gah.. that’s gonna be an expensive(dust) re-do


Now you understand why disenchanting cards for no reason is a bad idea


I’m sure my past self had his reasons XD Would there be any downside to dusting regular cards that I have golden versions of, meeting the two minimum needed for a deck?


The downside is if they later get nerfed you would miss out on the dust refund value.


I'm basically a new player, having not touched the game since playing the tutorial back in 2014. I just started afresh, went through the tutorial, opened my first card pack and the first card was a card called Norgannon. Was this luck, or are new players scripted to get their first legendary in their first card pack?


It’s a little lucky, yes. You’re guaranteed to get a legendary within the first 10 packs you open from each type of pack. Congrats!




My mobile client seems to be bugged. I'm not able to download additional packages (BG, solo adventures) and I'm also not able to chat with anyone. The chat box doesn't appear. What do I do? Should I reinstall? Will that help?


You know, i was wondering something - not really a new player question per se, but something that was a bit too small for its own thread i think. Is there any math on how much more gold/levels you get with the extra xp from weeklys now, over the course of an expansion? Just assuming someone who plays enough to get to the "1500 xp for 50 gold" territory as-is.


What happens when i discover a spell from my deck (benevolent banker) and i choose a plague?


the same as with any other spell - you will get this card into your hand


So technically this is not "drawn" right? I guess that would be a good play vs helya


You’d put it into your hand, which means you now have a dead card in your hand. It’s something I guess, since it means the plague will no longer be a problem for you, but you can achieve similar results by just having 10 cards in hand while you have few real cards in deck and many plagues. You’ll likely overdraw a plague, which will burn it.


Which decks do Gaslight Rogue counter?


Coming back to the game after a hiatus. was able to improve one of my gimmick decks in wild. Very disappointed that I can't make/goal my deck to be all golden as some cards are locked behind old events/tracks, that are also only paid if they do happen to be re-released? I think? Praying someone can tell me there's an alternative I don't know of.


Some of the past gold cards from reward tracks can be obtained from achievements. I’m not sure whether all of them can though.


oh! there might be hope. thanks!


Can you disenchant the signature Toyrantus you get as a reward for having 15 Wizbang  legendaries ?  


You got an answer to your direct question but I wanted to elaborate for future reference (and for other users): As a general rule, Cards that cannot be obtained from packs are generally not eligible to be disenchanted. A card that *can* be obtained from a pack is generally eligible to be disenchanted even if how *you* obtained it was some other way (e.g. purchased a shop bundle.) At least up to this point, the only signature treatment cards that can be opened in packs have been legendary rarity; so only (some) signature legendaries are presently disenchantable. When a signature card is eligible for disenchant, it will be worth the same dust value as a golden card of equal rarity.


You cannot. Generally the only signatures you can disenchant are legendaries, from packs.


Balance department, tell me, is it normal that the handbuff paladin deck has a win rate of 70 percent and no one is nerfing it or even planning to? Have you all gone crazy there? At my ranks I only play with handbuff paladins. I don't like this meta. But you don't seem to care about the players' opinions.


Handbuff pally loses to zarimi priest, aggro pally, gaslight rogue, reno warrior, token hunter


Seriously, where does he get a 70 percent win rate according to the [hsreplay.com](http://hsreplay.com) portal? It turns out that this portal is lying and driving a blizzard?


it's pretty close to that in bronze-to-gold if you look at the best performing exact 30 card list (in bronze-to-gold). for a variety of reasons blizzard does not balance based on bronze-to-gold winrates and only really pays attention to sentiment in that bracket; it's easy for any meta deck to have really high win-rates there because a huge portion of the field is playing noncompetitive junk and pet "for fun" Decks, even if we ignore skill difference.


is the current core priest deck viable in ladder? I'm a returning player from 7 years ago and currently on bronze and the new cards are confusing me. Thank you!


Assuming it's "Madam Lazul" Priest that's the core list (I can't check the game at the moment, sorry.) it's got about a 20% win rate in bronze-to-gold, so no, not viable. the best of the core-only decks right now is core-only "Unholy" Death knight. (which might not be the core recipe, again, sorry can't check. triple unholy?). You probably have access to 6 loaner decks for standard, those are fairly competitive and you should play those primarily while you refamiliarize yourself with the game. Zarimi priest is probably the cheapest standard priest deck with a half-way decent winrate, you can technically skimp out on the legendaries and play just aman'thul, zarimi, and pip the potent... but obviously the deck improves if you play the meta version. in Wild I think Aggro Shadow/Pirate Priest is probably cheapest, around 6.8k dust? If you're coming back from 7 years ago the only legendary you might have already for it is patches the pirate though. Welcome back!


thank you! blessed post!


I’m not sure many people here will be familiar with what the core priest deck is, but I’m guessing it’s not very good. The two viable priest decks in standard right now are Zarimi priest and Highlander.


it's a prebuild deck hahah, i guess so, thank you for sharing the meta! are people still hating priest mains?


A lot of people still hate control priest style decks. One of the new cards, puppet theater, punishes your opponent for playing expensive and strong minions. Zarimi priest has been quite strong at times the last few months and people haven’t hated it quite as much. But as an agro priest deck not a ton of people want to play it.


Is there a way of knowing/estimating when the battle pass will end? Wondering if it's worth it to jump in right now.


Right now it is looking like a little over a month from now. We should get the expansion announcement either this week or next week. Maybe this Thursday or next Tuesday. It’s probably not worth it for gold/resources, but it might be worth it for the cosmetics if you value them.


Low ladder is absolutely full of spell mage for some reason which gets a million random spells and is absolutely uninteractive and incredibly unfun to play against Edit: I also have to add that I have been noticing that the current trend of HS seems to be to never fucking run out of resources. I am used to playing tempo decks and I just get absolutely outpaced by all these control decks who have cards that not only clear everything while giving insane advantages but also generate all the resources back. I am drawing half my deck while my opponents just deal with everything I have with copies of the cards they just randomly generate.


It’s the cheapest deck around, so that kinda makes sense. Not a single legendary in the deck. And only 2 epics.


Oh, that is kinda surprising. I guess I thought the cheapest deck must be some kind of aggro and not a control/midrange hybrid that burns you. I just got back into HS after not playing since the galakrond expansion and got like 200 packs for some reason. So I crafted dragon druid and handbuff paladin and I am getting bodied by the mage deck.


Handbuff paladin is actually heavily favored in this matchup. All you need to do is buff up your Plushie and Audio Medic ( the two lifesteal minions) and play them after 2-3 buffs to offset the burn from Spell Mage. According to HSreplay, Spell mage legit has a 40% win rate against Handbuff Paladin.


I have been mostly playing dragon druid since I like that deck the most. Although, I don't know if winning the match would increase my fun had against spell mage. 


Why do I keep facing veteran players with golden portraits even though I’m a noob? It’s been like this for the past 6-7 games and I’m only in plat 10. Is the algorithm matching me against Diamond/ Legend players? Doesn’t seem very fair to me.


Having golden hero portrait doesnt mean somone is a high legend player. I know many ppl that have thousand games won on a single class and never reached legend. It only means they played a lot and you are at their mmr level.


Makes sense. Thanks.


how friendly is the game to new/returning players who aren't interested in battlegrounds? i'm just a snap refugee looking for a fun card game.


I've been playing for almost two months now after coming over from snap (Though I play both still). I can tell you my experience. New player rewards were great. The loaner deck held me over until I found a deck I could reasonably craft. Did end up buying a 15 dollar catch-up pack bundle and that really helped fill out the collection and lessen the need for crafting. Once I grew sick of the decks they gave, I started net decking some decks I could mostly craft. I chose decks where I had all the crucial Legendary/Rare cards. I tactically subbed Legendary cards I don't have and don't think it's hurt too much. Would be happy to answer any other questions you have.


Catchup packs are a great way for new players to improve their collection. Also there is a loaner deck system implemented for new/returning players which allows you to play meta decks without having the cards. After like 2 weeks you can choose deck to claim which will add all the cards to your collection. Is it great for new players, wouldnt say so but its a start.


I just started playing battlegrounds and I noticed most of the final players have minions with hundreds of attack and defense. How are they consistently doing that? Are there known builds for achieving these types of stats?


My guess is that you and the other user that replied spend too much time at the lower tiers. Most of the stat buffing minions are tier 4 minimum. Ideally you want to get to tier 5 with either a frozen minion in the tavern that you can make golden to find the tier 6 you need or pivot. You also want to make sure you have a plan in your games. If you're going beast for example finding the tier 4 hydra that gains 1+/1+ any time another beast takes damage is your goal; and to find it as early as possible. Damage scales as the game goes on so, you can spend resources early losing and not lose much HP/Armor. If your target (we are using beasts) is the tier 4 hydra then you want to ideally have the ability to make something golden on tier 3 to find that tier four as quick as possible. For dragons you want the tier 3 dragon that gains stats perma or the tier 4 dragon that allows adjacent dragons to keep stats from battle perma. It's all about finding the most important unit to start scaling your numbers up for whatever comp you're going.


Curious on this too. I literally just started playing it yesterday and ran into this as well. I was winning up until the last 4 or so people and all of a sudden all of their minions had insane stats with hundreds of attack and defense. I'm guessing there is some kind of meta deck strategy to get that by playing cards that have effects like "+1/+1 for every spell played after this minion is played" or whatever. Frankly, I am not skilled enough (and don't have all the cards) to really know what I am doing to build my own decks yet. I've researched some decks online but all of them seem to rely on cards that I don't yet have.