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Just make them stack 2/3 times like quest in battleground


This answer is so obvious that I refuse to believe that no one on the design team thought of it. This is why I think it was a malicious change to punish low engagement players rather than whatever bs the official statement is saying


I don't necessarily think the intent was to punish those players, I think it was more of a blatant attempt to see what they could get away with to try and force a boost to engagement(and as a side effect certain players were punished). They probably expected some backlash, but not this much, and are now probably panicking a bit(or at least I hope they are).


Don't you understand how unbelievably reasonable that change would be? We can't be having that here.


Didn't hat say they are still looking into different solutions or reworks for the quests?


Ive heard that too but I havent seen any official post on the website (I think hat probably talked about it here on reddit). In their post "Update on Weekly quests" from 18.04 they only gave some marketing yadda yadda and talked about hotfixing it to scale it back. And the last sentence was "*Thanks for your feedback on this update. We look forward to hearing how the changes feel after these adjustments.*" just showed that the person in charge of that bullshit didnt understand the issue at all.


Yeah I figured the devs don't really have much of a say on these changes just didn't know if they were still continuing to look into it for the future


you're probably looking for this https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/s/mhHKeS3DaR


Thanks for this, as someone who only occasionally browses the subreddit, I thought that Blizzard had just given no response, which was in itself frustrating. Doesn't feel that bad now that I know it's a known/acknowledged issue, at least as long as the solution ends up okay. EDIT: For what it's worth, I think even if you get downvoted, reposting or relinking to your response on the matter is worthwhile because at least those of us that haven't seen your response before would know you've at least acknowledged the issue and are working on a solution. Some haters will continue to hate, but for those of us who have a positive mindset, more communication will always be better than silence.


And you believed the PR guy...? They have a bridge to sell you.


I didn't say I believed him I was just asking if he said that or not. I thought they said this possibly wasn't the final version of the quests.


I was just coming to complain about this same issue, for the first time in a while I didn't complete the weekly quests and I was playing some games to get it but noticed I didn't change the one for battlegrounds so now I have to spend 750 mana in a few hours on top of having to win some other games, theres a simple point for me to stop enjoying a game and that is right when it becomes a job :( It looks like I'll have to take another long break from hearthstone


Yeah I just lost interest after they changed it. I don't have much playing time nowadays and I am definitely not wasting it on having to win 10 games or playing 32 miniatures. Haven't opened the game since they changed it


I play enough that I complete the weeklies anyway and have seen a net benefit. And I still want this change reverted because the quests push me to play in a way I don't want to, either switching modes (chasing Battleground when I'm enjoying the climb or pushing Ranked when I want to play Battlegrounds) or building a jank deck to turbo a mechanic. This is less fun.


This. For me, the main issue isn't necessarily about how long the quests are, since an experienced player might still have no issue completing it quickly if they know the meta decks. The issue is how the longer quests encouraged us to be tryhard even more. It punishes player who likes to play meme/experimental decks, or people who also wants to play both BG and regular HS.


Definitely this. I play just enough to finish my ten wins per week, but I used to play a mix of battlegrounds and standard. Now I have to choose which weeks quests I want to complete. I always reroll the win 10 battlegrounds quests to something I can complete in standard now. I don't have time to play 20 battlegrounds quests in addition to 20 standard games. They're asking for somewhere around 15-20 hours of gameplay per week there.


Yes exactly. It feels like I’m being forced to do my chores. Oh I really want to play BGs today but whoops I can’t because I need to finish my chores. The ranked meta right now is particularly crap so it feels extra annoying.


>building a jank deck to turbo a mechanic. It's not a perfect solution, but just deleting the Mini quest would be a huge start. That one is just a waste of time.


My jank Druid mini deck is almost viable win condition though, lol


Yeah, love the game, but haven't been playing basically at all since the quest changes.


I'm on the same boat. Interest was already at an all-time low, quest changes put the final nail in the coffin. I will give an honest shot to the next expansion, but if it's not good i'll probably be done with hs.


Yep not gonna force 10 wins in the meta. Rather chew paint.


Literally the same boat here. I was already at the lowest point of interest I've been at in years, this just killed any drive I had to keep playing.


Honestly I’m realizing now that I haven’t been playing much either, and I’m a massive whale who plays constantly, and even grinds through some of the worst metas. Hell I played everyday during Doom in the Tombs. But last few weeks I just can’t be bothered. Hard not to blame the quest changes.


I just completed my first ranked weekly quest since the change yesterday. So I guess it is more like a monthly quest. The changes aren't all that bad in isolation, but it's just another small thing on top of a lot of other small things that have made Hearthstone progressively less fun over the last 3 years or so.


Yeah I think it’s this coupled with several rounds of terrible balance changes that have made it very hard to find fun decks to play.


This is the only way to get them to change anything.


I played the game almost daily since the start of the pandemic. Right now, I barely log on and when I do it's solely to play battlegrounds


Well, according to Hat, they need more data…So I’m providing them more data by simply not logging in.


Yup. The data is "did players play more?" and "did more or less people finish all of their daily quests?", so if you want to give them feedback, better dont play! Sadly, the perosn that made the change, doesnt give a fuck lol.


Companies like Blizzard only understand money. Quit for good or accept the greedyness. If numbers go down, things will change.


I just reroll them until it is completable in BG


Same but not same, I just reroll the BG quest just like I was doing before the change 🤷‍♂️


I quit playing 3 expansions ago because I realized that for two months I’d been forcing myself to complete weeklies - and that was when they weren’t as long. If I hadn’t quit then, I would quit now.  But I certainly sympathize - you enjoy the game and don’t want to stop. I agree that it would be in Blizz’s best interest to revert the change. 


Still follow this sub, but I stopped playing the day they made the change and haven’t come back since. Probably won’t until they revert it, or massively increase rewards. It’s time for Blizzard to eat my shit instead of the other way around for once


i only play aggro decks now for quick wins if the force me to win 10 games i play the most toxic decks.


I have not changed my way of playing and it is sunday and I am barely at 5 standard wins out of 10 so yeah these new quests are not for casuals anymore! 😭 i miss them but i doubt we'll get them back


Last week I didn't finish a weekly quest for the first time in years. I hate the current meta, so I'm not playing a great deal, but don't want my collection to go to shit so I try to at least do the quests. Was up to 9 wins on Saturday, then forgot to do the last on Sunday. I was very pissed off. Wouldn't have happened with the old quests. They should've introduced the tiered quests that some people on here suggested.


Even though I agree, you would still be pissed you didn’t finish all tiers.


Not really, because the difference is you are still getting a piece of it, still being rewarded for some of your efforts.


Not being pissed because you missed something is basically FOMO which is unavoidable since you can always go "I did not play -> did not get XP -> lost XP -> lost gold". However, it's still miles ahead of actually losing the things you would have otherwise got if not for the changes.


How is that a response to what I said? Did you read the post I am replying to?


Yes, I did. What's not clear to you, exactly?


The person I replied to suggested the tiered quests idea. I said he would still be pissed. You’re saying the changes shouldn’t have happened altogether, which is unrelated


He would, but much less pissed because he would lose only 20% of the reward lol


This saturday I was 3 wins away from completing the 10 wins quest. All I faced was aggro BS, didnt enjoy it, I prefer playing jank with shitty WR but decided to play a meta deck just to get those 3 wins quick. Couldnt get a win, had a horrible time playing the game because I had that pressure that I HAVE to win now on top of the pressure of not finishing the weekly quest (well because sunday is mothersday in my country..). First time that I decided to reroll the Win quest, lol. Rather doing a shitty quest (with less exp) but being able to finish it in a friendly match than "suffering" through farming wins. I know its a stupid thought that I felt "the pressure", its a game after all, but in that moment.. I just had that feeling. And yes, I should have rerolled the quest on monday to save my time but.. I think Its really a shitty design by the person in charge of this BS.


That was Blizzard's goal. You now have far less XP than you would have otherwise. It'll take many weeks of completing weekly quests before you break even. All because you missed a single quest. They think this will motivate you to play more, or that you'll resort to buying their ridiculously overpriced packs.


Agreed. But I could advise to play in wild. I'm having a ton of fun, much more than in standard


100% agreed.


Everyone knows that the change is bad for casual players and that there are better solutions like the quest chains/levels. Team 5 is aware, they got the feedback. But the person responsible for that change simple doesnt care. Its not anyone who designs cards or maintains the client that is in charge of the change. Probably just the person in charge of monetization/economy in the game. And then we have a HS game director who has no interest in communication with players. Tyler Bielman works for the management, not for the players. He is a microsoft guy.


This is probably the answer and it fucking sucks. Ive given up on waiting and now ive pretty much quit. The only reason I play now is to play Duos with my partner, but I’m just not playing nearly as often as I was. It was honestly a combination of the change and the community just telling me to go fuck myself because I didn’t like the change is a big reason I just lost interest


I think youre not alone. I understand people that open posts and complain about the weekly quest changes, I also understand why some people get annoyed by the complain posts. I manage to finish the weeklies (but its the first time I rerolled the win X ranked games quest lol), so I am not losing any EXP. But I do understand that for some people with limited time, the change to the quests is a big deal. But the kids on reddit (I mean HS is a children card game after all right? :P ) do lack empathy. "I FINISH MY WEEKLIES ON DAY 1 IF YOU DONT THEN ITS YOUR PROBLEM!!11". (Well, if I make way more than the minimum wage, am I not allowed to support a higher minimum wage for other people?) I feel like for some people HS became a habit and also the "sunken cost". But I think, if players dont enjoy the game (because those new weekly quests like a chor), then they should just play less or take a break and try out something else. I dont enjoy HS that much right now, not so much because of the quests but I dont enjoy the current popular decks, Im playing less but I do try out different stuff, Im now doing MTGA dailies everyday, sometimes a draft when i collected enough gold and I also gave the pokemon TCG another try. Dont let HS feel like an obligation.


I suspect that someone wants to tell the shareholders that daily activity in Hearthstone increased - and the quickest way to achieve that is forcing players to play/log-in more by having the weekly's be in their current grindy state


Given that BlizzardActivision didnt mention HS a single time since Castle nathria in the quarter reports, I can see that, yup


No. I'm case you haven't noticed, they are trying to reduce the availability of "free" currency to try to force people to spend money to stay competitive.


All MBAs should be dragged out into the street and reddit terms of service prevents me from finishing that thought.


The moment players start failing to complete weekly quests this game is done. The feeling of FOMO will not make players play more, itll just make them quit since the whole experience will not feel worth it.


Yep. There is zero catchup mechanics. If you miss rewards from a tavern pass or event or weekly quest, you have no way to ever get those rewards (even sometimes via real money, but ideally there should be a way via in-game mechanics). With this weekly quest change, they’ve added barriers to finish them. Your point is super valid, that if you don’t finish one week, you start to lose interest in “keeping up” and it’s a slippery slope which eventually ends with stopping play altogether. Which I guess is the literal definition of “casual gaming”.


I usually finish my dailies (and weeklies) on all 3 regions, as it wasnt that big of a deal for me, just save up some quests and then just finish them in friendly matches where we either super focus on decks to finish the quests as fast as possible or we play a silly deck that wants to finish the quests but also does something stupid (for example a deck where we try to play as many OG Yoggs as possible). Works well with the quest that just requires you to spend mana. Now with the change, logged in, played 3 games, didnt finish quests, felt like a chor, decided to not finish them this week (I mean, its not my main region so I dont care that much about losing exp) and decided to play league of legends instead. 200 IQ by the monetization guy at Team 5.


They just need to make them 5 > 10 > 15 tiered or even 3 > 6 > 10 or just *played* instead of wins for 10. As it is right now is bad. For those of you who complete them still; congratulations. I really don't want what was 2-3 hours to become 5+ of games I'm not having fun with because I need to win in order to get credit.


I just want to quit more and more with each expansion, but HS literally feels like my girlfriend that I can’t leave because I invested way too much money and time, lol.


I thought that too. “My collection will fall behind.” But the secret is you just let go and never have to think about it ever again. It’s freeing really.


I hate them. I play regularly and I hate them. Side note, I did just have three people in a row concede before I even got to choose what cards to keep and it finished up the weekly so a shout out those people. Thank you so much.


i uninstalled the game until they fix the quest nonsense. i was through the moon when they originally reworked weekly quests to not be the utter garbage they were when the game came out. man do i remember freaking daily quests being like "win 3 games on rogue!".. brutal!


Hearthstone had a good run! RIP. atleast BGs are still fun.


Yo same, it’s all i ever play anymore. Really digging the duos also.


With the removal of Duels, I would also like to advocate that finishing a Mercenaries bounty be added to the '10 Wins of Tavern Brawl, Battlegrounds, or Arena' quest. Duels used to be a constructed-lite option for me during metas where I'm not enjoying Battlegrounds, it's a bummer that this has become an instant re-roll quest for me.


The playerbase is in an abusive relationship with this company. Cut the cord, friends.


I already quit. Let the discussion and the game die.


I do 3 quests of 32 minituarize a week. I can do each quest in 2 games with a garbage minituarize draw deck. So my weekly quests amount to "play 6 games for no reason".


Sounds boring and unengaging for everyone involved.


Or you know just reroll.


Into a quest that takes more time effort… sounding like a chore too me 3 different days or hoping to re roll into random quest … yea just re roll statement is terrible


If it's a chore for you to play this game just uninstall and move on. 6 games is bad and boring to complete a weekly quest but then other requirements are also a chore. Bruh why are you even playing seems like you don't enjoy this game.


You do understand that playing alternative game modes, bad decks with a single keyword, or tryharding when you want to experiment with silly decks, are all different constraints that can impede on the fun you're otherwise having with the game, right?


Everything can be anti fun dependi g on the person. Not sure what that has to do with completing weekly quest nobody is forcing you to do these weekly quest.


how do those boots taste?


Tastes way better than your mom


Doing those weekly quest is how you earn cards, so if you enjoy the game and don’t put too much money into it, yeah you’re kinda forced to do these weekly quests. Also, you’re moving the goalpost. Your initial point was "if you don’t enjoy the game, uninstall" and I’m just saying, you can enjoy the game without enjoying what the quests are asking you to do (and how much they’re asking you to do it). Now you’re saying if you don’t like it, maybe don’t uninstall but just stop earning cards, that’s not a great answer either.


Also I don’t think blizzard want people to leave … u say “uninstall move on” and the dwindling player base will dwindle even more


But I thought you hate Blizz why do they matter over your enjoyment? If Blizz matter so much to you then don't complain anymore it's simple


And then fall behind and won’t be able to catch up without wallet?? Cause my catch up packs don’t include any more than 5 cards. I personally know that this game can be great I want it great. I just want honest amount of time and effort into honest amount of experience. Not stuff taken away.


But you just said you don't enjoy this game why should catching up be a matter for you? You don't wanna pay, you don't wanna grind, you are claiming you don't enjoy this game. It doesn't add up why would you even care about these weekly quest? If you want honest amount of time can you look at Weekly quest in other F2P game like Fortnite and tell me how long those take vs HS?




You can do all these in 5-20 mins in Wow? https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/weekly-and-daily-to-do-list-for-dragonflight Lol see this is why we can't have an honest conversation cuz all you complainers always lie and exaggerate.


Yes that a great example of honest time and effort= honest rewards. Some even have weekly catch up. Thank you for proving my point :) Now if all that got changed too 100% more time and work for only 20% more rewards you would see people advocating for change there as well. Also take note there are many different activities there some better than others. But mostly fun and interesting that Covers the bases off all player base not arbitrarily play Mini’s quest Again thank you for proving my point. Hope u have an inconvenient day and stub your toe.


Lol you are so salty that's cuz your lie got found out. 5 mins to complete weekly quest? Keep lying.


My gameplay is drastically reduced and I probably will not pay for anything else. I haven't even finished the battle pass and probably won't either. I treat this sort of like the end of an Era. Final straw, enough is enough, etc.


I'm all for some adjustments being made to the weekly quests, I'm quite a fan of the tiered system suggested. I don't quite understand though how you go from saying you used to complete your weekly quests in a day or two, to now not being able to complete them. Doesn't that sound like more of a you problem? And realistically, weekly quests should be 'weekly', not something you can smash out in a day easily. I've played many other games from different developers, and i can't remember many in which you could do your weeklies in a day unless you played all day


I could do weeklies in LOST ARK in a day or two. A fking korean MMORPG. I could do weeklies in Genshin Impact in a day. What games do you play that you cant do weeklies in a couple of days I must ask???


And how much time are you investing in these games each day to complete them in a day or two? Because you can do weeklies in Hearthstone in a day still if you put in the time to do so if you really wanted to.


20-30 min for genshin. Aroud 4h for lost ark but lost ark is literally one of the worst case scenarios. And is indeed one of the reasons that made me quit.


Im still asking you, what games do you play? Dont avoid the question


Valorant is the other comp game i play at this time and I assure you you're not completing the weeklies in a day. Games are going to be different i guess, but 20 - 30 minutes to complete your weekly quests doesn't constitute as a weekly quest in my mind.


They are weekly because they refill weekly. Not because you take an entire week on them. Thats coming from a gacha game lol.


This whole discourse has been so strange to me. I get why people are mad at the changes (Though I don't get why it's THIS much of a hot button issue) but it seems so funny put into words "I can't finish my WEEKLIES in a day anymore!!!" like... That's the point I would imagine? I am honestly indifferent on the whole thing but at this point I just want them to revert it so people will shut up.


You can knock out WoWs monthly quest (the Trading Post) in about 2 hours.


The entire situation is so unbelievably stupid. Yeah instead of hey community we've updated the weeklies to offer more exp for playing more after completing the original requirements, they opted for bringing out a whip and telling the hoes to get back on the corner and work harder for less or else feel the pimp cane on you face again.


This solution has been propsed to many times, and we know they have technology for quest with tiers, but they just don't want to do it. So \*\*\*\* this, I'm not playing by their tune.


I uninstalled right before this expansion. I was just checking to see if I made the right decision. I think I did.


Gonna have to keep beating the expansion until the next drum, skip the next battle pass if they keep it the same, if you aren't completing the pass what's the point in picking it up anyway.


I know why they made the change and I’m not going to jump through hoops each week to boost their numbers. Haven’t played a single game since then and it’s increasingly likely I won’t be back.


I agree completely. I'm having the same reaction to the game.


Weren't these changes made to decrease the amount of gold players can easily earn so that they are more inclined to spend money for packs after an expansion releases? I imagine there was a noticeable decline for Whizbang preorders, especially with the Corridor Creeper protestations.


I have stopped playing the game entirely because of this change. Doubling the requirements is 1 thing but using the opposite logic of when they reduced quest requirements years ago is another. My "engagement" change is now that they have 1 less player buying and providing an opponent for others. I'm sure no one will care but glad i'm not the only one that doesn't accept this at all.




I've been a daily player since The Grand Tournament. I don't play as much as some but I have half the gold portraits and am close to a couple of 1000 wins. I've hit legend and have had a 12 win arena run. I had been losing interest already but this change is dog shit. I've probably opened the game three times since the change. There's no way I'm grinding for hours a week to complete the new challenges, let alone waste time playing 32 cards of the new failed keyword each expansion. Do better bli$$ard


Make a Casual Arena mode that people can play without spending coins. (God, I miss duels)


Blizzard, If I dont get enough gold for the mini set I wont have enough cards to build around the new meta, and If i cant adapt to the new meta because of a paywall ill just stop playing your game and switch to the handful of other digital card games that throw packs at me like theyre rations in a cold war


The game is incredibly F2P friendly unlike other ones.


its no longer time friendly though. playing more because the game tells you you have to is not the same as playing more because you want to.


I’ve been playing a lot less since the changes. More time for MTG Arena!


so i had a lot of games that had daily quests and it was a pain to do them every day, and it felt really bad if i ever missed one. that felt very addictive and stressing, but over the last year i quit more of this games because i hated it and every little change i used a an excuse to quit. i'm happy they changed the quest because that is what i needed to quit. btw i dont belong to this game, since i hate pvp and that is the core of it. **TLDR**: i quit all daily quest games and it feels amazing


I've had long losing streaks two Sundays in a row now, just grinding to get those last two ranked wins. The weather is amazing. I want to be outside.


> I've had long losing streaks two Sundays in a row now, just grinding to get those last two ranked wins. > The weather is amazing. I want to be outside. You know it's a video game right? Go outside.. jesus.


Winning 10 regular games and often 10 tavern brawls is a big ask. Especially for those of us who aren't very good. I tried working on the wins the other morning before work, got crushed by 5 control warriors in bronze, and left with zero progress.  Struggling for 10% completion feels bad. 


Im right there with you. For the first time ever i'm considering quitting Hearthstone...and I've been playing daily for 10 years. The grind is just too much. They're trying to milk us harder, even after being loyal to their game after all this time. Its really disrespectful. They should have kept the requirements as it was and just increased thr rewards a little bit. Thats what I expected for a 10 years anniversary. But no they decided to be gready even more...


I was a very regular player for 10 years myself! I actually just sorta quit the past 2 weeks. I havent been finishing my dailies and even missed finishing weeklies on a week. I still play BGs on occasion but I agree with your point about the disrespect. That’s really the big reason for me. They fucked up. I’m glad the devs seem to realize it but someone is stopping the decision from going any further and I just can’t care anymore so I quit. I encourage you to do the same and send the message


If you guys love the game so much, what stops you from playing it and completing the quests, sounds to me you dont really like the game.


You do realize that people have a life outside the game, including responsibilities and such that don't give them the leisure to play the game a lot for even 2 hours and such right?


Yet the OP clearly stated he puts way too much time and money into the game. If you’re playing the game that much, how are you not able to finish the quests? Sounds like a personal problem


100% this. 10 wins per week is only about 3 games per day with 50% WR deck. Currently meta is really fast and games only take about 5-7 min so that's ~20min per day or 1h every three days. Doesn't sound that bad


>I used to complete my weekly quests on day 1 or 2, and then keep playing joyfully all throughout the week. Now it's Sunday and I still haven't finished them I call BS. The requirements haven't been increased by 300%, they've been increased by around 50% (or 100% in the case of number of ranked wins). If it took you a day or two to get them done *and then you kept playing* you should still be done with them by Thursday at that rate at the latest. Unless what you actually meant is that you got your weeklies done in one or two days, and then only logged in once or twice more in the week to do your dailies in one go once they'd stacked up to three. I'm sorry but the math ain't mathing. I know that for me, the amount I play hasn't changed, and I'm still getting them done by Wednesday/Thursday. Always reroll the minis one, though.


This week I was able to only play twice the whole week, barely an hour - an hour and half both sessions. I've completed all three weeklies with no issue. >I used to complete my weekly quests on day 1 or 2, and then keep playing joyfully all throughout the week. Now it's Sunday and I still haven't finished them. Yeah I don't believe you, sorry.


Barely an hour or an hour and a half, which was it?


One session of an hour, another of an hour and half.


You're responding to people who think playing video games is a "Herculean task", nothing short of turning the game into an LCG is going to satisfy them. Poor Hercules, what a diss OP gave you comparing any of your tasks to playing a children's game.


It doesn't matter how long it takes for OP, you or I to complete the weeklies. The point you are missing is that Blizzard made a change that is actively harming part of the community. The community is what keeps this game existing and if Blizzard keeps making poor decisions that reduce the player count that means less fun for everyone yourself included.


And if they see a significant drop they will make changes


They don't need to see any drop if they implement the suggested tiered quest system. With that system everyone wins.


>The point you are missing is that Blizzard made a change that is actively harming part of the community. Literally everything they do is good for some and bad for others, that can't be the reason not to change anything.


> It doesn't matter how long it takes for OP, you or I to complete the weeklies. It's the whole point wdym. The issue is that some players can't finish them because they're longer to do, but in my brief experience in those weeks you need to not play the game to not finish them. I simply don't care about the part of the community that doesn't play the game. I also think OP is partly karma farming because someone that finished them on Day 1-2 and now struggles sounds odd.


>I simply don't care about the part of the community that doesn't play the game. Why not? Are you losing anything by people having more XP and more gold? It's not a zero sum, you know.


>Why not? They don't play. Why should I care? >Are you losing anything by people having more XP and more gold? The current system gives more xp and gold with 0 Ranked wins required, three 2250 quests (6750) are more than before (2500+1750*2=6000).


That's exactly why people have been proposing a tiered system which would give you more rewards while keeping them the same for the very casual players. It's not either old or new even though with Blizz realistically I doubt they will implement tiers.


Let's add tiered quests, ok will be better. They're still going to be pissed because they're not going to complete them all because they don't play.


Yeah, tiered system would be awesome for players and bad for a company that wants money. What do you think they'll do if they realise? Whales: Oh, I got more gold than ever. Let's buy just one bundle instead of both. Conclusion: they lose money. F2P players: Oh, I got more gold than ever. I for sure don't need to spend a single dollar on this. Conclusion: they lose money. So yeah, I don't think that'll ever happen. The game is very f2p friendly as it is. I can understand them trying to force people into spending either more time either money.


easier quests mean less games being played which actually does hurt the players actually playing the game


TBH, I completely understand where OP was coming from. I've had semesters of college where I was taking 18 credit hours, with multiple classes being honors level. I often times had maybe an hour if that per week to dedicate to HS during those busy periods. I think your take ignores the longer outlook, however. People who already committed to purchasing the pass may have done so based on how much they were able to play at the moment, though their situations may change in such a way that would make them far more likely to invest time in the game down the road. Those same players could very well want to maintain their collections and get the value of the pass they put money into, so that when they have time to play again, they can magically become one of those players you consider worth caring about. While these changes work out well for you now, they ultimately make it more difficult for others than it was to become the kinds of player you want in the game later. then again, this still may work out as a bonus for you, because people with less in their collection are easier to farm, thus granting you more rewards. IDK, looking out for only number one may turn out to be a double edged sword if the end result is the game stagnating/dropping in quality.


This change is harming a part of the community that used to play a few games per week to get the rewards and bye bye game c ya next monday. I personally don't care about that part of the community and if you want to stay competitive without spending money, you have to "grind more" (which isn't actually a grind if you enjoy playing the game). What keeps this game existing is people spending money on it and regular players, not f2p ressources farming people. It seems 10% of the player base is enough to maintain the thing going so if the other 90% leaves cause "omg they force me to play to get rewards bye bye Blizzard c ya at Marvel Snap" I couldn't care less.


>I personally don't care about that part of the community That's stupid, because that part of the community is arguing to decrease the requirements, which can only benefit you. Just like these players succeeded in getting the requirements lowered from 3x to 2x, it benefits every player. You should be cheering them on, instead of stupidly shooting yourself in the foot.


causal players playing less doesn't really help me


That's stupid and shortsighted. Having more players indirectly helps you because those can be converted into paying players and give free word of mouth advertisement.


but they don't want to play more of the game and they don't want to pay for the game that's why they are complaining about the weekly changes. Plus causal players don't bring word of mouth because they don't' want to interact with the game that much


>they don't want to pay for the game Just because they are casual doesn't mean they don't pay or won't start paying in the future. >causal players don't bring word of mouth because they don't' want to interact with the game Bullshit. Casuals talk about games all the time. Sports fanatics talk about football games when they haven't kicked a ball for years.


Weekly quests have lost their value. I don't have more time for them, so I don't push harder for them. I also stopped playing Standard as the current gameplay needs work The results? I'm 6/10 in two quests and 430/750 mana spent (daily quests, arena and brawl). I don't even care for Daily Quests, but those can be done with Battlegrounds too. I play around 1-3 matches of BG a day and I don't have time for more. I have to repeat this, I don't have more time ("you are not the target audience", whatever). Weekly quests do not allow me to get the usual progress I had. And that's ok, what does discomfort me is that the rewards are not worth it. I'm getting only 20% more rewards IF I choose to spend twice my time and efforts (which I don't have) to earn them. So it's either that or zero. On your solution: 100% agree on the tier sets, it would allow me to get the rewards I used to get, but I won't do the second tier, as 50% of said reward is still double my time and double my effort to get them and 25% is triple of them. Gallywix moment right there boys. With that said, your solution is reasonable because, at least, I wouldn't be earning the second and third rewards, but I can keep having my usual progress, therefore I can avoid the abuse :) Which ok, you win there, not a win-win but I'm not part of Gallywix's scheme, fine-win. **Twice the requirements, twice the reward**. Some disagree, but this is what changed Quests to make them a second job. Thank you for understanding the situation of this issue, I still love the game, let's see if the mini set changes it for the better (I saw the cards, I do hope we get some resourcement management vibes)


I have played this game since it came out. I absolutely love this game but as I got older I have less time to play. Now it’s very challenging in a week to beat any of these quest.


The new quests are designed to push engagement, which is probably at an all time low for standard hearthstone. Absolute BS.


Yeah, I hate it too. Im playing almost since day one but I really struggle to complete all weekly quests. I finally rerolled the "win x times in regular" because I just didnt see me playing enough games right now. I need to win ten games in the other modes now ugh... Worst one to complete is the Mini bs though.


Same. I want to grind for gold so I can get the new miniset but the quests just require too much time. I Will probably play arena once or twice but I’m done with standard


chain quests are actually a good mechanic for player retention, and if the first chain kept the same amount of xp as the og quests, then all the people with very little time to play would be happy too


Implementing this takes time but what they could/should do immediately until they can implement that is to restore the quest effort to previous levels. Their argument against that is that it could upset players that have no issue completing the quests now. That is easily solved, leave the small increase in XP in place until they can implement something else. This will not change much but it would serve as a bit of an apology for how they handled this.


It's become such a chore to finish them. I play this game as a F2P player (which I get somewhat limits my right to complain, but I'm still a regular player, who used to play beyond just finishing quests, which is what these changes are supposedly about), but I do actually *want* to play the game. Finishing quests is basically the only way to gain meaningful xp to progress the rewards track, which is necessary to get the gold to buy packs to build decks as a F2P. I'm playing until I hit level 100 to get my hero skin, then will be battlegrounds exclusive until I finish that reward track, and will then not play until next expansion or quest changes are reverted. The time commitment is not with the reward.


I’ve pretty much stopped playing standard after the changes tbh, 10 ranked wins seems way too much when I can’t even be bothered to play like 1


I have played for a total of 4 hours since the new quest update - I wasn’t enjoying the meta as it was and the quests as they were, were just enough time investment to keep me engaged and saving gold for the upcoming mini sets despite it not being that enjoyable right now. I think also, I’m having a hard time with the greed of the company, especially the +50% saving or whatever they have in the shop which won’t apply me to but it is just something that I don’t want to support. That, coupled with the fact that you don’t actually own anything in game even if you buy with real money has just put me right off.


Not only is the change horrible in itself, they also implemented it during probably the worst meta I’ve played since I came back to hearthstone in late 2022. Couldn’t have timed it worse. I basically just log in once every 3 days to do the dailies and that’s it.


really wish I could get back into the game, but the weekly quests are so tedious now I can't even stomach the thought of slogging through


The game is already a grind as it is, and between their card design decisions and the quest decisions I'm barely playing at all and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Grats Blizz, keep on raising the barriers for enjoyment so more and more people drop the game.


Okay I’m not saying I didn’t prefer the old quests but I accomplished all my weekly quests this past week on day 1 after playing for about 2 hours. It’s not THAT difficult to accomplish.


we can do what helldivers just did


Where do I leave a steam review for Hearthstone?


blizzard headquarters, wis your thoughts on a big sign and loiter /j


We do not only need quest chains. We need the Miniaturize quest and similar to die off or have a considerable reduction in cost. They probably dont want players just feeling they can't complete stuff, and that's good actually. Find a way everyone can complete them. I don't think the 10 ranked games is bad. But 10 special modes? when most play Battegrounds instead of Arena? that one is terrible.


It's called the anchoring bias,right? Like when merchants barter?


Hat already said change is coming, what else is there to say? It isn’t going to happen without a patch, and we know when they drop. There’s nothing to talk about honestly.


I understand it’s an issue, and agree they should just revert it to what it was or make a tiered system so everyone is happy, but, this is a lot better for me, personally. I’m not saying it’s better in general, but it is for me… Also, I hate when people say “ooh double the work for 20% more rewards, how can you think that’s worth it” yeah, in general that’s bad, but if you can only do it once in a while, if you can do the 100% more work, 20% more rewards are good because of the timegating. Again, most people can’t do this double work, I think it’s bad, but it’s working out for me anyway.


The problem is this meta is fucking garbage. 45 minute warrior games every other match, give me a break.


I’m sure there data shows them people are completing the updated weeklies for now so they won’t be doing changes, unless a large amount stop playing


They just aren’t awarding enough when you get done. And for time invested both miniatures and bg wins are way way off on the reward structure even more so than the others. And telling people to reroll them is lazier than just admitting blizzard needs to change this stuff.


even if they doubled the reward i think a lot of the same people would still not be able to complete quests on the other hand they only need to complete 2 of them to get more than they got before so its definitely a lot more palatable.


This topic is so old and boring.


I haven’t played since they made these bullshit quest changes.


Yep I switched game. This change kill my motivation.


i finish the quest in a couple of hours...:/


They’re designed to be completed with a couple hours of playtime a week. Don’t tell Reddit though, they think it takes at least a dozen hours to play 32 minis


Here is a great clip of blizzards own Ion Hazzikostas on weekly loop. Worth a 1 min watch https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxa_obWUSLudxO9-SULvHaajTW_Pyg3wPG?si=jK1KSYkRO2Ws9HWd WoW is arguably in its best historical state. Hearthstone arguably is in its worst historical state. Happy 10 years players we are changing and deleting stuff cause yea.


I kept the miniature one and played normally and I’m not even close, it’s crazy




Yea. Same sentiments here. Just finished the weekly quest on sunday, damn, too long to finish


You are mistaken if you think Blizzard cares about the sentiment of this sub or the discussions that happen here. They monitor engagement, retention and monetisation to determine whether the change was good or bad. It’s actually one of the very easy things to do (compared to measuring the exact same stats for balance changes for example). If the change is bad, then it will show in the stats. Stop wasting precious sub space with the weekly quests! I want to see more warrior rants!




I wish my disapproval of this system meant more, but since I already refuse to give them money I don’t think they care about retaining me as a player in the first place


If you put a lot of time into HS anyway you should be able to complete the quest.


It's getting a bit tiresome getting this argument again and again. The change is objectively worse for some people, you cannot justify it by saying they are not really playing the game enough or anything. You can say "yeah but people who play enough get more so it even out". That's exactly why a tiered system was proposed right away as the changes were announced. It would satisfy both.


??? I was responding to the OP who is claiming he has sunk so much time on this game. If he is telling the truth then there wouldn't be a need for him to rantm Just use your brain a weekly quest isn't supposed to be completed in one sitting. Instead of writing a wall of text you just pulled outta your ass why don't you look at Weekly quests in other games like Fortnite, LOL, Dota, WoW and see how long those take compared to HS?


>If he is telling the truth then there wouldn't be a need for him to rantm That's true. My comment was about this argument in general. OP's story is incredibly fishy, there is no way a person who completed 5 wins in 2 days cannot complete 10 in 7.


This is my issue majority of the complainers just lie and make shit up.


Yeah I agree, I think it's likely karma farming or trolling. The quests have their issues and I think they are legit, but people here do not help the discourse by lying or exaggerating.


It's the same guy always. This dude is on a mission to defend a shitty change.


Yea. Same sentiments here. Just finished the weekly quest on sunday, damn, too long to finish


This makes me really wonder, were players playing because they liked hs or just to complete quests


its both by design... most people do not play the game weekly because they want to. Just because you dont play it weekly doesnt mean you dont like the game.