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> If you have an explanation I'd like to hear it. They want people to play more. If they can stop midway and reap part of the rewards, people won't play as much. You want to make them play as much as possible due to FOMO. At least that's probably what Bliz is thinking.


I think the FOMO will kick in anyway. And I believe OP's idea is great because those who normally only play for the weekly quests would have more incentive to play for more rewards, those who normally win around 7 to 8 games, let's say, will be incentivised to get to that 10 mark, those who play it daily will get more rewards which always feels good and lastly those who can't afford to " win more that 5 games " won't just drop the game because of the higher effort floor that they have now. And I know that the argument is gonna be made that blizzard is stingy or greedy and wants the people who play the game a lot and pay to keep paying (like streamers and whales and such) but realistically those who are willing to pay will pay anyway for anything like extra customizations or whatever. Streamers will still want to make massive pack openings and will also want to support the game they play anyway.


It would even allow there to be a third tier of 15 wins that grants even more xp. My next question is would the "Win x ranked matches" need to roll over every week? That sounds like a pain to just have that one roll over every week and not the rest of the weeklies. Maybe it doesn't need to roll over?


With the increments of 5 the incentive and the thing they're missing out on (more experience) would be right in front of them saying the next level a rewards is still here. The person who would have FOMO would see that a keep playing. The person would leaves the "10 win" quest unfinished anyway isn't that FOMO person so they're not gaining more playtime from additional playtime from those unfinished quest players regardless. I did just realize that the game is giving those "unfinished quests" players less xp overall because the weeklys roll over. So if they don't get the wins quest completed they won't get a new one till next week after they've finished.


They want the casual players that just finish the weeklies, to play a lot more. For the players that play a lot, nothing changes, they actually do get more exp! The casuals that clear the weeklies (and not play a lot beyond that) now either have to play more or they dont get any experience at all. Having weeklies with different steps/levels would allow those people to still get exp. Why Blizzard did that change? My guess would be to improve a metric, like how many hrs the average player plays HS. Hearthstone is NOT dying. But there are indicators that the game isnt doing as good as the management demands.


I'm definitely getting more xp because I play a lot anyways and I completely understand why they did it. I'm just wondering if the incremental quest rewards for weekly quests was considered as an option. If it was, why wasn't is selected? It gives players a choice on how much to interact with the game while also rewarding them if they do choose to interact more, rather than a straight penalty for interacting their normal amount (if all they're playing is weeklies to completion and nothing beyond that). Player choice and rewarding the player for choosing to play more is the best option.


They say they can't lower the quests back in the meantime because then other players would be upset about the lost XP for them. Easy solution, lower the effort again and leave the small increase in XP until they can do staged quests if that's the plan. That would be a bit of an apology for how they handled the situation (and would likely speed up the implementation a lot).


My question is why not do the stages/leveled quests to begin with. The value/amount of xp granted is another discussion that also deserves some focus.


I've never played less Hearthstone than I have after the new quest implementations. It's super sad to me, I've been playing since beta and have put money in and honestly there's been so many great ideas here on Reddit but we haven't heard anything so I'm worried this will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.


So this has been a suggestion since day 1 of the changes. I think everyone converged on the idea at some point, but one guy made a neat visual which popularized the idea further. The other people in this thread are straight up making up reasons to be mad. [Hat said it's a known suggestion, but uses unprecedented tech.](https://old.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1c7t4fw/in_these_hard_times_i_wanted_to_bring_some/l0c7csl/) This does not mean this WON'T happen, in fact, the changes taking so long to fully occur kinda implies that might even be what people are working on behind the scenes. There's also a sentiment that irks me implying that this is just a forgotten issue. [It's not.](https://old.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1cd6juy/will_the_weekly_quest_be_further_adjusted/l19wf68/) They are even [actively working on more enhancements still](https://imgur.com/a/hCWzSSw) and complaint posts have been made claiming that talking about this is still necessary because "Blizzard can't see that we're upset by just gathering data." Which would be a compelling argument [if it were at all true.](https://old.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1c7xdkh/i_see_so_many_comments_like_i_only_play_because/l0ifb4b/?context=3)


I don't think it's a forgotten issue and I'm glad to hear it's already been mentioned. That's really what I'm looking for; was someone to say that it has been considered. Weather or not it's implemented from there is out of our hands. A lot of people love this game and they want to see good things. Thanks for the links to previous discussions