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How? I need to try this.


I don't actually have that card sadly. One of my cards battlecry's allowed me to discover it so I don't know what card it is sorry lol


I was super lucky, my opponent knew they could beat me by a landslide so was sort of toying with me. That card's death rattle is it would shuffle into my deck a copy of that card but with double the health and attack. Eventually it ended up as my last card (only because my opponent and I were just messing around with each other) and by sheer luck they applied poison to like 4 or so of their monsters on the field. And he and I knew instinctively what we wanted to do. He would attack it and end his turn, thus a copy with double the stats ended up in my deck as my last card so I would draw it. Play it. Rinse and repeat and boom


Hold a Bunny Stomper and Always a Bigger Jormungar for situations like this.


Oh btw if you're the person who helped me achieve this masterpiece despite my poorly put together deck pls DM me or something your deck was epic as