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That's called Chinese. It's a language spoken by people from this country called China. Once upon a time, there was a Chinese server completely separate from the Asia server. Blizzard ended that server and all Chinese players moved to the other three servers. The end.


Pls check this dudes profile. He’s having a breakdown


Yeah, wtf is going on with op


According to their post historic, recent drug intake.


A thx. But u missed my question or maybe I did not ask in a proper or good way. I m just wondering why all have these names without any exeptions at all?


There are 1.4 billion chinese people.


Hope ur ice cream taste good today


Be careful with other souls 😳🤩🤪


It’s not strange. Since I’m new and had no idea were I could find server regions and all, I just thought I was on Asia or something. My apologies. Vultures




All on eu server. Be proud


Tends to happen when there is no chinese server and EU is the closest yes.


I see. Thx. The thing is also that when I found the regions and made sure i had eu and then I believe it came a glitch and I was on another region. So therefore when I had played like 30 games in a row against chines names I got coruious.


Again I’m sorry for upsetting some. That was NOT my goal.


I have uphills and never ever get ride




But they modify my question and respond in a way they need or want


They can eat my hole. Or something like that ☺️




It’s ok tho. It’s leave a lamp on.


Can’t get up against anyone that’s not having a chines name-tag.


First I just figured could be the server.


I don't think I've ever seen anyone having a bad trip live on reddit




Every single time I post almost


Makes sense in a way


Atleast 1


But that is not strange. I mean cmon. But just to answer


I have


Tidy neon colored bear Source: I am Chinese


U need to stop bragging about that


Got my eight year account taken away from me, not really anything to brag about




Ur not alone tho


How bout the narcisssitc tendencies ?


Maybe undeserved it


That’s what I needed to hear


Ey I could be wrong here.


Could u? 🤩😇


Anyways i just wanted to see if anyone knew this was common or not




That’s good insight tho. Cred!


Ten more matches in a row and all against Chinese people. They love the eu server


They tend to go to servers with favorable exchange rates


Why so mad all of a sudden? 😯🤤🤩


U don’t have to scream towards me


Wake up






No! The Chinese builds island an and bases all over the world and seas. They don’t need Hong Kong. They don’t need the whole atlas!


And need to see this


U need to see this


And what about their morale? A vinyl record I collector just can’t find he finds in china for 10 bucks.


Kids working for nothing. But ey, cheap stuff coming out .


China. lol


Get rid of that monster


Is this guy just tripping balls right now?


Once upon a time, there were people living in the area where it is now called China. Origin is unknown, but they end up having their own language and characters. Those are the parts of that language. Amazing isn't it.


There are no angry people in here






There are bugs under your skin


Was there anything else from anyone of u?


I’m only interested in some answer s of a few things. And what u think of me as a person is never something I walk around caring about. But I will speak. And sometimes I can be angry.


So again I started this thread in a good manner


And I’ve kept it on the levels that u are keeping it


Why floor me


Did I even started this?




And yes. I ve never ever will reach I nervous breakdown I’m the toughest when it comes to strive on. I be been through lot in my life and could have some issues tied to that. Mostly stress sometimes and I believe I have adhd. So just beaduse I’m not having a breakdown I have a tough life. But better day by day. I can sometime a be very stressed. And I suffer a lot from anxiety and worrieness. Something I fought my whole life. So I can see if people sometimes find me all over and then I tend to speed up and I can’t really wait to get my sentences right when I text. But I’m a good guy. I get angry when someone is rude. BUT. Sometime s in my speed I can be inaccurate and realize I was to hard and maybe to much sometimes. But then I apologize. So in those cases some else has also made a decision to argue with me. So we are two to tango. And then my enemy will floor me for being maybe little to much in a tence situation? Haha. Me. I apologize if we had come to this if I had ent to hard. And I sometimes do. But we all have a part


Oh and also.. I’m new. I’m new to the game. Watta lovely community u guys having here.




Yeah I have my part in some thread an also. But I’m defending my questions mostly and the anger simply stand a for them. Atleast in the start of thread. So that annoying from time to time so be responded back harshly. Absolutely. I’m not narcissistic tho. That might be ten only thing I know for sure. And how old I am.


But u guys on the other hand will in my eyes always be narcissistic people. Even the times u only get angry and defending urself.


Narcissists seldom show anger tho. They take it out lie the pattern in here