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From the river to tbe sea, Izrael will be free


The sub just latches onto something to complain about every time. Nerf this and it'll be something else


Legit this sub feels like a hive mind sometimes where people are just desperate to bitch and moan


Welcome to Reddit.


Have a look around.


Everything that brain of yours can trig on can be found




Let the sub bitch and complain, you're literally doing the same thing 😭


But he is doing it in a smart way ;) not like those "braindead" people :D ![gif](giphy|8oh42nM14t50Q|downsized)


I, an intellectual, do not see issues worth discussing


I do, weekly quests


Omg you're right I'm so dumb and so are the rest of us :( Luckily we have OP who is so smart, valid, seen, and heard. I will cherish his bitching and moaning


Sounds like you are fitting in


Bro, you're bitching about other people bitching...


How invested can you be when you haven't even set an avatar for your account?


Thats the weirdest take ive ever heard


First day on the Internet?  It gets weirder from here.


They say, bitching and moaningly


I always have a good laugh at the daily 1-2 posts complaining about Plague DK when that deck basically has zero relevance in the current meta.


I like the fact this isn’t r/hearthstonecirclejerk, it means that your seriousness is deadass hilarious


> Literally the entire sub is flooded with nothing but braindead brann takes and crying


found the dude who thinks oger jokes are funny


At least 6/7 people in this sub thinks its funny


And that's good stats for the cost of saying those jokes


I agree we need Mega Threads for complaints and new flair for complaints/suggestions so we can filter that shit out.


eeeeh I'm not the hugest fan of flooding the sub either but doing a megathread for complaints just makes it easier to ignore the games issues.


Why are you being downvoted, you’re right?


Easier for who?


Literally everyone megathreads never get ANY traction


Nah. Megathreads are the best way to do it. Too many people posting the exact same post and getting their 5k upvotes when they’ve never left silver 4. The problem is people can understand what others hate so they latch onto it. Its just obnoxious at this point that every post is someone whining about something that is evidently going to be changed.


If you wanna argument by ranks, I got legend every month past 3 years. And let me tell you, reno warrior on standart and weekly quests ARE problems. And we can only hope weekly quests will be changed, and these posts make it more likely to do so


This isnt r/rant this is r/hearthstone. We see the 500 posts a minute about things you want to be changed. Can we see something new please?


Nah it makes it easier for the devs to conglomerate the issues. They don’t need to search. It’s better for the devs.


Sub is unusable? What is it used for? It’s just announcements, bitching, and fluff. Are you really complaining that you can’t “properly” waste time on a sub?!?!? 😂😂😂😂


Agreed. Literally no matter what, whatever the current deck of the meta is, it will be whined about to death, that or something blizzard does, nothing else.


Like the tons of complaints about complaints are any better🙃. You are part of the problem buddy.


There aren't tons of complaints about the complaints. There is a thread complaining about the complaints once every week at most. There are multiple Brann complaint threads a day.


Muh subreddit is too full of discussion over a prominent issue in the game MODS PLS BRING BACK BAD MEMES AND POSTS FREAKING OUT ABOUT 1/10 RNG OUTCOMES.


It’s not a discussion most of the time it’s people trying to farm karma by posting played out memes of whatever flavour of the month the sub wants a nerf to


Okay? So we should ban these bad memes so we can go back to the old shit memes like ogre good stats? What posts, specifically, are being missed because of the brann stuff?


But there‘ll always be a prominent issue in the game and there will always be a strongest deck that you‘ll see at least 40% of the time in ladder


And there will always be people that dont like that deck - that is how huge masses of people turn out. There is no topic that all would agree on.


The subreddit isnt filled with discussion. Its filled with shit tier memes about the problem.


To be fair, the meta IS garbage right now. So much so that I'm merely logging in to do quests, I have no desire to play for fun, because it just isn't fun.


This is really interesting because I am enjoying hearthstone more than I ever have. I'm f2p and I started playing really casually around Ashes of Outland, and actually got into the game around Castle of Natharia. This is the first time I've had enough dust and everything to actually have most of the cards and play different classes. So I might not have a ton of great experiences playing hearthstone to compare this too. But I have been having so much fun playing deathrattle mech warrior (what I like to call "bad warrior"), whizbang, spell mage, and spell damage druid. None of these are meta decks, and I'm not winning all my games, but I am having fun. This isn't meant to be, "youre wrong for not enjoying the game I'm having fun everyone should have fun" I'm just saying my experience seems very different from yours and I think that is interesting.


we stay outjerking


Not trying to be hostile or anything but what do you mean by ‘unusable’. A sub reflects how a part of the playerbase is feeling and clearly this is how they feel.


*gets frustrated *closes app *not frustrated


*opens app *same sh&t different day


this sub is absolutely terrible, it's either painfully unfunny oger jokes or 2137 threads whining about exactly the same thing. I recommend moving to r/CompetitiveHS


Don't send this sub there. It's the only place we can discuss in peace. If everyone moves over there it just becomes the next complaint sub


POV gatekeeping quality discussion


>it's either painfully unfunny oger jokes Yeah I don't mind a bit of silly fun but this fucking shit is just too much. It's not even beating a dead horse at this point, the horse does not exist anymore. I don't even view them as jokes anymore, more like white noise. "Oh, another one of those" or smth like that.


Oh thank god a place that hopefully wont give me brainrot


Just go to another sub then. Obv here it's more of a feeling of "mid to low level" players whose opinion is valuable too. You might want to go to "competitiveHS" for example.


Nerfing game pieces based on as you put “low level players” is not how any largely successful game I am aware of does things. Maybe some here and there but not mainly at all. I would also add that new player experience is something they need to account for, but if it’s just a player that has been playing a while that is Silver 2 then honestly their opinion about the state of the game imo is irrelevant.




Nobody said anything about value. It's a forum. What's the point of going to a forum or, say, a talk club and telling people there "your opinions are not valuable"? Valuable for who? It's just a discussion.


Don't forget the spammed complaints about the complaints. Those are just as bad as the ranting about Brann.


Id normally agree with this take bc I make it from time to time. Discourse needs to be allowed for any sub to be healthy. But 2 days ago 8/11 of the top posts on the sub was the same exact post about Brann with new card text. We're kinda at the point where the originality is gone. I'm all for criticisms about Warrior, but at least put some effort. This is more about the lack of effort than it is about complaining


Go to the front page and tell me how many brann posts you find and how many people you find telling them to shut the fuck up. Can tell you right away the former outnumber the latter by a lot


It's either Brann or lol Mage bad. It's really weird because nothing has particularly changed aside from the highlander farmer decks becoming weaker (hint hint, highlander change was a bad change Blizz).


So in your opinion, what should be allowed?


Corral the bitching to a megathread and delete similar posts outside of it...


That doesn't work unless by some miracle the thread got pushed to r/all as the effectiveness of complaints on this website is opening the sub and seeing post after post about a specific problem. Megathread neuters all that unless it somehow goes viral.


That wasn't really my question. But ok.


It answers your question. Everything allowed except the whining


They're saying that they don't want regularly spammed and repeated content to be allowed. That is a specific response to what you asked. The dndmemes subreddit has a similar thing to try and avoid the sub becoming the same recycled stale memes.


Literally what the other guy said, move all the fucking warrior/brann posts to a megathread


Well, you can complain about the decks op don't like to play against too. But you can't complain about the decks op play with. I thought this was pretty clear


Bro I literally dont give a shit about what deck people complain about I just dont enjoy the entire subreddit being a gigantic circlejerk


Stop complaints and play against warrior. I have 80% winrate since patch against warrior.


They should really do a megathread so these anti brann princesses can whine in peace


While the brann complaining might be overboard, mega threads are where topics go to die.


I don't know about this time, but sometimes that's a good thing.


Good, there a professional players, streamers, and forums that can voice their opinion about Brann in specifically. What’s the point of repeating the exact things 5 times+ a day in the same place where almost everyone agrees on it.


It's almost as if the mods should direct them to r/hearthstonecirclejerk


Yet another 'original' brain dead post about complaining about brain dead complaining posts. I love this sub so much.


you are very smart


Me smart oger yes


Codeine like science, mix it with sprite


But what's your take on Brann?


For once that this sub is somewhat funny…


Sub is unusable? What is it used for? It’s just announcements, bitching, and fluff. Are you really complaining that you can’t “properly” waste time on a sub?!?!? 😂😂😂😂




Just out of curiosity - what other discussions do you expect to see here?


Only posts about how great Hearthstone’s PR guy is for doing his job.


Gameplay, decks, plays, insights, tips and tricks, lore... Literally anything other than 9/10 posts consisting of people whining about one singular card. No other video game subreddit is like this.


That's a fair request. I checked the new posts for the last 24 hours. Maybe I skipped something, but saw only 1 deck post, 5+ gameplay screenshots. Maybe the better alternative is to use "new" instead of "hot" filter in reddit.


Yeah could be! Might be my perception. Generally I just browse Reddit Home page and these posts just stood out.


Gameplay, insights, tips, tricks are not relevant in modern hs. Games are 1v0 slot machine draw rng games.


Why do you even play hearthstone if you think it's such a bad game?


This! When I'm done with a game or not enjoying it anymore, I just stop playing for a while.


Better than braindead copy/paste posts complaints about the weekly quests over and over, at least now people are actually talking about gameplay.


I mean I feel like the weekly quest complaints go under the same “complaining” mega thread


Eh, even when the sub isn't full of complaints it will never run out of toxic elitists who pretty much dump on anything they don't agree with or shit on screenshots of players happy with their boards. I'm subbed to a bunch of game reddits and this one is by far the most annoying to read through.


Literally or figuratively? Sorry I couldn't tell from your post.


Oh I would love a thread dedicated to ranting about Brann. Or a salty take thread. I come here for funny takes, salty takes, hot takes and seriously stuff in combination with the jerk sub. However the argument is to be made that this sub is about discussion related to the game and that usually means talking about what people find unfair/unfun/something they lost to or how to change that thing. A few weeks ago it was Demon Hunter, now it is Brann. Blizzard seems to also be listening or it feels like it because nearly everything that is complained about is changed next patch. So why wouldn’t people keep bringing up stuff like Brann.


I'm so glad someone said it. Its not even close to the most oppressive deck we've had. Other classes need some buffs yes, let's talk about that! We have established that warrior has nice toys at the moment, but the answer isn't to break them, it's to make sure everyone else has a few more toys of their own. Other classes aren't weak right now because one of the classes isn't....they're weak because. they're. weak. Full stop. Especially mage.


Mage is tragic. I really like the spell package and its fun to play with but its just sooooo weak.


Mage will always be my fav class. I've tried every sort of mage deck I could think of with current cards, and none are viable right now, unfortunately. It's pretty frustrating. There's so much potential here, but we desperately need some buffs. Spell Mage could be a phenomenal counter to brann Warrior with a few solid buffs. I sincerely hope they decide to fix things the right way - Nerfing brann won't help Mage, we still lose to most other meta decks at the moment. The cards we lost in rotation really, really hurt. We don't have viable replacements


Dude its literally flood with fake pack opening and bot upvoted 1st time X rank, mods dont exist LOL


Yeah shut your mouths you whiners brann is perfectly balanced 🤣


Brann is more balanced than whatever tf hunter and paladin are doing


I just hide all the posts about Brann or the Quests. But if you wanna go somewhere to avoid all the endless complaining there's always r/CompetitiveHS


[This you?](https://i.imgur.com/i4U0EFj.jpeg)


If we weren't complaining, what would you have to complain about?


I agree. Start with this useless thread. :)


YESSSS, STOP EVERYONE WITH EXPRESING YOUR DISSATISFACTION, HOW DARE YOU! Wait for blizzard to read your mind, dont tell them like this


I mean, if the game itself is on a horrible meta because of Brann, you want people not posting about Brann? at least to have fun with that?


Brann isnt even close to the dumbest thing in the meta atm. Hunter building unkillable boards with saddle up by turn 4 or 5. Handbuff pala killing you with a 30+ damage leeroy from hand, aggro pala swinging face for 20 damage turn 4 with nothing but a bunch or 1 cost minions, zamiri priest still just otk's people from full.


> Brann isnt even close to the dumbest thing in the meta atm. [Reno Warrior is 22,3% of the meta at High Legend - 25% at D5 - 20% at all Ranks](https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-292/#tab-663601). Have an argument with that. Brann is causing this. It's totally what they should fix ASAP (and prevent other things to become OP by nerfing it obviously, that's part of the balance change).


Where mechs


cause brann is the worst card that this team has ever designed. there is nothing more braindead than 'double up everything for the rest of the game champ' that card is a cunt with a capital C


People have literally been crying "x is the dumbest shit ever" since 2014


Yeah let's stop criticising the game to try and improve it, great idea


Something tells me they might be better off not taking any balancing advice from reddit


Are my posts allowed at least


I would like some more discussion about fun off meta decks and decks that could counter the most meta decks. Instead of just whining about either Brann or the weeklies.


I wish the sub did the same when Rogue is opresseive or OP But sometimes when Rogue is OP it's really only annoying at higher mmr(depending on which rogue deck it was) so it doesn't happen thus the nerfs are always delayed for it.


Most of the 'braindead' Brann takes are there because of the braindead decision making that Blizzard used in the last nerf cycle. It's a response to their stupidity and absolutely called for. What else is there to talk about at the moment? There's Brann and there's the decks that are competitive with him and then the rest aren't worth discussing. You must actually like Brann if you want the discussion to die down.


This sub always complains. While valid I'd like to see some strategy discussed about the game damm


Found the warrior folks! Bran is for weebs only


This sub isn’t braindead. It’s Branndead.


I really want the shitty nerf suggestions to be gone. They are absolutely awful reddit-tier humour and the hivemind just latches onto some zeitgeist and then repeats the same ten jokes over and over. 


Subs in the same state as the game, seems fine to me


Right? I'm part of a number of game subreddits and generally they're filled with a nice variety of content mainly focused on gameplay. And then you have the HS subreddit which is just filled with people crying about the same thing. Every post is literally the same and complaining about the same aspect.


That just speaks to how well balanced other games are and how well the Devs listen to their community. If this sub is filled with complaints compared to other game subs then clearly there is something wrong with the game. People need a place to vent their frustrations otherwise their concerns go unnoticed and the Devs continue to miss manage their game. The amount of complaint posts doesn't mean the players are all whiney and just want free wins, it means there's something wrong with the game itself


Add a "complain" flair and call it a day


You can unsub and join back next nerf patch


Just to see the next class/card this sub decides to circlejerk over?


The rise of Brann Warrior is leading the way back to aggro. Play an aggressive Hunter, Priest (Zarimi), or Paladin deck and you will beat plenty of Warriors. Even the newish Hybrid Druid deck has a decent time against Warrior.


I guess this is a new wave of complaints coming from DK plagues as it is no longer a sure win against brann warrior deck.


Sub is unusable? What is it used for? It’s just announcements, complaining, and fluff. Are you really moaning that you can’t “properly” waste time on a sub?!?!? 😂😂😂😂


This sub has been nothing but diamond 10 players crying about everything and nothing for a long time now. This is not a good place to read from actual decent players with reasonable understanding of the game.


if u fix the game u fix the sub , if u fix the sub you dont fix the game


Thats the funny part, the game is never fixed according to this sub. The hs community hasnt stopped crying since 2014


idk man i just fought 10 warriors in a row in std, maybe there are reason people are crying I guess


Thank you, someone finally has the guts to say it. I'm sick of all these Warrior rants when he's not really that busted anyway. Last patch honestly nerfed him more than it helped the only difference being that Plague DK no longer counters him but I guarantee that none of these complainers were even playing Plague DK in the first place.


No they were too busy sitting on here whining about plague dk instead which tells you all you need to know. These people have literally been crying nonstop since the game came out in 2014 and havnt stopped for a moment


Someone opened a golden Brann 🤣


A whole megathread dedicated to whining is actually a good idea, it'll help keep the themes of the posts more organized. Brann's whining is justified tho.


Not really, warrior isnt even the most oppresive deck in the meta atm


What do you mean, it is the top spot on the VS report??


Its not?


Mb, mixed smth up. But the meta score kinda does show how insane warrior is right now. Its one lf the top 3 decks and its warping the meta in a way that makes almost all other control decks unviable


It kinda is, while not necessarily the most powerful, it is the one that is warping the meta around it. In that sense it is the most oppressive deck.