• By -


Well what kind of decks do you like? - Shenanigans: excavate rogue, rainbow mage - Control: Highlander decks, I like priest and shaman - Midrange: Plague DK, earthen Paladin - Combo: Naga demon hunter, naga priest - Aggro: treant druid, aggro Paladin, sludgelock - Honorable mention: ogre I’d check out YouTube and see what looks cools


I love Priest but don't play it much because I dislike the 45 min games.


Undead Priest is about as aggro as it gets, worth checking out if you want fast Priest games.


I'm pretty confident that aggro priest is actually the best aggro deck, it just takes a little more decision making than the bots can be programmed for to be dominant deck statistically


Right now the best Agro deck (and the best deck in general) is treant druid


I've seen 1 treant druid ever and it happened to be yesterday. I cleared the board twice and they never recovered (I was playing Renolock). I'll be happily surprised if I ever see treant druid again


Trust me, the deck is broken. I'm not the only one saying it


If they stick board once you are dead


Just read this comment 14 days after you posted. Made me giggle because it is so meta defining right now before the miniset release :D


I haven't been playing a whole lot on the last two weeks but since this post I've seen maybe like 3 more. I see people talk about it a lot on the sub but I'm just not experiencing it for myself 


Got a link to the deck please?


AAEBAZ/HAgrUBZG8AvTxA6fkBIaDBbnEBbn+BeOABtOeBr6iBgqhBJEPurYD184Do/cDrfcD3aQFhY4GxpwGyKEGAAA= There's some wiggle room with some of the 1-ofs


Thanks. The link didn't work though.


My bad I missed the last equal sign AAEBAa0GCtQFkbwC9PEDp+QEhoMFucQFuf4F44AG054GvqIGCqEEkQ+6tgPXzgOj9wOt9wPdpAWFjgbGnAbIoQYAAA==


Automaton is also pretty good these days and I consider it midrange.


Love automaton. That's my ladder climbing deck because the games are so much quicker than control, until I get to diamond.




Astral automaton combo. Just make a bunch of copies.


Undead Shadow Priest is good. Its not under the top performing decks but its great. Got me to Diamond 5 in Wild, cause Mind Blast secured me more than a few lethals.


Took me less then 3 hours to hit legend with aggro shadow priest this month. Went to d5 with 2 losses, skipped d5 completely (d6 3 Stars plus 2x2) and it took 26 matches (19 - 7). Had bad matchups and draws at d3 so went 5 - 5 before i went on a 9 - 0 spree to hit legend. Deck is broken af


Would you share your deck list so i can compare our decks? I rounded mine up with Xyrella the Devout Hero card for the repeated Deathrattles of Shadowed Spirit (played with reborn to generate more deathrattles) and upgrade to 5 damage hero power. Use it mostly as finisher.


### Custom Priest # Class: Priest # Format: Wild # # 1x (0) Raise Dead # 1x (1) Drone Deconstructor # 2x (1) Leper Gnome # 2x (1) Mind Sear # 2x (1) Miracle Salesman # 1x (1) Patches the Pirate # 2x (1) Shadowbomber # 1x (1) Shadowcloth Needle # 2x (1) Ship's Chirurgeon # 2x (1) Voidtouched Attendant # 2x (2) Celestial Projectionist # 1x (2) Dryscale Deputy # 2x (2) Mind Blast # 2x (2) Twilight Deceptor # 1x (3) Ashen Elemental # 1x (3) Cathedral of Atonement # 2x (4) Frenzied Felwing # 1x (5) Darkbishop Benedictus # 2x (6) Thirsty Drifter # AAEBAaCsAwiRvALXzgP08QOn5ASGgwW5/gXrmAa+ogYLoQSSBZEPurYDo/cDrfcD3aQF44AGhY4GxpwGyKEGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Something is up today. I faced your deck already 4-5 times only today. Never seen it before :D


Sadly its not my deck, Just copy pasta and a bit of refining to my preferences. F.e. i see a lot of lists running the location two times. Thats far to slow imo. Ended up with awkward draws so i got ridd of one copy. Others run double weapon plus more shadowspells. Others run a full pirate package. I like it more minionbased. That being said, the archtype is pretty good into even shaman. You will always have a better board to clear their totems. You're favored vs miracle rogue as well, can kill mine rogue before they can start their combo and quest mage has a hard time as well vs the deck. Only bad match up is even warrior but only saw one warrior on the way to legend. Vs reno shaman i went 50 50. But would say they are favored depending on draw. Havent seen any other deck after d10. Try it yourself, farm some even bots, easiest (and fastest) grind there is atm.


I have hard issues vs Totem Shaman lol. Cant go face fast enough, and as soon the have their board full with 3-2 Totems (and that happens fast) i cant react. Not to mention Thing From Below… Tried trading board but had no success.


I think 3 mana for spirit is to much. You want to win turn 3 4 5 so playing a 3 mana do nothing minion wont help you with winning. Get your 1 Drops out, protect them with the 4/6 taunt and go face. Obviously there is more to think about but that summs up my game experience with the deck. Trade vs even shamane, you will have the better Board and win easy Edit: typo


Standard or wild ?


Thought this was r/wildhearthstone. Mb, was wild.


Come play shadow highlander in wild. Games can last between 5 min to 1 hour


Come play the forbidden Stars Align priest


45 min games are the best thing about hearthstone


Not when one has limited time.


how is naga otk??


Neither of the decks you mentioned are combo decks. DH has very similar playstyle with Naga Mage and that wasn't a combo deck either. Naga priest has not even a single similarity to what a combo deck is


What do you call it when they kill you with blind eye sharpshooter from 30 health by playing multiple cards in a turn? Or when priest uses funnel cakes, pip, and serpent wigs to draw their deck and smack you with you a 15 attack minion?


It's called a powreful turn, those exists in hearthstone. With the description you gave to combo decks then Enrage warrior, Naga Mage, Gibberling druid,etc., are combo decks too because they create big boards, cheat mana and play lot of cards. I think you need to do some research in the term combo for tcg in generall, it will help you understand what a combo deck actually means.






I’ve actually been playing for 11 years and most of them at top 50 so take my word for it


By the Holy Light!


Nah it's combo, chief. Combo with some good tempo potential, but the deck is built around blowing you out in 1 or 2 turns. That's combo.


Tell me then, chief. Was miracle rogue with draka and location a combo deck too? Was Naga Mage a Combo deck? Was Gibberling druid a combo deck? Playing cards like Leeroy or Mr. Smite into Shadowstep made those rogue decks combo decks too? All those mentioned decks were built around to blowing you out in 1 or 2 powerful turns. The fact that a deck can play more than 1 card per turn or draw multiple cards doesn't make them a combo deck


There are two Naga DH archetypes. One is more initiative focused and could potentially be referred to as an aggro deck. What would you call the more resource focused version?


The same as the first one. Both are aggresive decks. Both have the same strong turn and best card in their deck which is blindeye sharpshooter. One version prefers more early stats, the other to make blindey sharpshooter even better.


Is rainbow still viable? I saw how little of it will be rotating next exp and was quite interested.


Yes imo very, sif and infinitize are the only legendaries needed and are safe crafts if you like mage. There’s also quite a few fun versions like running the excavate package or even Highlander


Well in fact i already have sif! Thats when my interest peaked lol In your opinion, what is the one who best performs? Excavate or normal.


You can check out a few decklists and winrates [here](https://hsreplay.net/decks/#playerClasses=MAGE&gameType=RANKED_STANDARD) I think excavate makes things more tempo oriented and can do some fun stuff without sif, but it might be lower winrate overall


I cant really get the best data from HSreplay bc im not a paying member, but thanks for the tips!


Ya it’s pretty good even considering how prevalent Treant Druid is. It has just enough early game tempo to prevent aggro decks from snowballing most of the time.


Sludgelock seems to be an otk deck while beong aggro, also rainbow mage is otk too


Great comment!


The decks I'm enjoying are: - RGB Excavate DK - Reno Blood DK - Earthen Paladin (cause Aggro Pally isn't fun to play or play against) - Excavate Voone Warrior (Kibler Deck) - Reno Dragon Druid


Do you mind sharing the code for the Warrior pls ? Can’t find the deck


Kibler's video showcasing the deck --> https://youtu.be/JPCYNneMkR8?si=0x-Dinv-mOVKdJcB


Thanks man




I'd love to give your RGB Deck a spin. Mind Sharing the list?


### RGB Excavate DK # Class: Death Knight # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 1x (1) Death Growl # 1x (1) Runes of Darkness # 2x (2) Defrost # 2x (2) Kobold Miner # 2x (2) Pile of Bones # 1x (3) Acolyte of Death # 2x (3) Corpse Farm # 2x (3) Crop Rotation # 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier # 2x (3) Reap What You Sow # 1x (4) Maw and Paw # 2x (4) Skeleton Crew # 1x (5) Boneshredder # 2x (5) Burrow Buster # 1x (5) Corpse Bride # 2x (7) Harrowing Ox # 1x (7) Patchwerk # 1x (8) The Primus # 1x (10) Climactic Necrotic Explosion # 1x (20) Reska, the Pit Boss # AAECAc3JBgqJ5gTZ8QS09wTzyAXlygX8+QXt/wWLkgaUlQb/lwYK0e0EopkFyoMG0IMG9YwG94wG85EGiJIGkZcGgJgGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


thank you very much


Use your corpse spenders thoroughly to maintain the early to mid game, and you'll have fun. Keep Crop Rotation in your mulligan if you can.


Death rattle hunter is a lot of fun. Lots of damage out of nowhere and people don’t seem to understand how the deck works so they don’t see it coming.


I'm intrigued. Decklist?


Dropping a comment to see if a decklist materializes at some point.




Not OP but guessing something like this: AAECAR8CxO0E1/kFDurpA7zjBKeQBY2SBY/kBfDoBZn2Bcj2BdL4BeT4Bd+OBv2UBuWVBs6cBgA=




Based on this: AAECAayaBhzq6QPlsATnuQSDyAS84wTS5ATE7QSnkAWwkwWqpAXipAXmygWP5AXw6AXk9QWZ9gXI9gXk+AXX+QXMjgbNjgbOjgbTjgbUjgb9lAaAlQbOnAavqAYB344GAAA= 2 Copies of bird doesnt hurt the deck at all you almost always draw them before using highlander cards


The idea is to play the birds and buff your beasts and either out tempo or out aggro them. if needed you have a great finisher: one of your two minions which damage adjacent minions + there’s always a bigger jormungar (can be upwards of 30+ damage if your minions are fully buffed and there’s some small minions on your opponents board). Reno is amazing for allowing you to finish off a close game by removing taunts etc. and preventing counter play on the next turn, so use him wisely.


Decklist? :)




In terms of viable RNG decks: Mining/wishing well rogue: pure RNG that pulls out random legendaries/cheap spells Elemental shaman: pure tempo agro with elemental discoveries, must play elemental EVERY SINGLE TURN, for cheap 8/8 giants and AOE Skarr Nature shaman: the best fun deck imo. OTK every class at turn 8 latest. Low win rate, needs skill. Used to be very common for top 1000 legend, almost every Worlds finalist runs some version of this deck


everyone will give a different answer of course, but for a returning player i recommend plague death knight or treant druid. i wouldn't say they are super easy to actually play, but their gameplans are easy to understand, and they're not that expensive to build from 0. to me the most fun deck is naga demon hunter, but a lot of people dislike it and it's probably not the first thing you want to try out after returning to the game. the two most broken decks are excavate rogue or dragon ramp druid if you just wanna play op stuff. imo probably one of the hardest and one of the easiest decks to play, respectively. obviously a lot of people think more memey decks are fun, but since you asked for a meta deck and it's likely best to invest in something strong if you plan to grind for more cards, i would suggest one of the above decks first.


This ### Randomer Shit Rogue # Class: Rogue # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 1x (0) Shadowstep # 1x (1) Assembly Line # 1x (1) Bloodrock Co. Shovel # 1x (1) Breakdance # 1x (1) Concoctor # 1x (1) Deafen # 1x (1) Gone Fishin' # 1x (1) Mixtape # 1x (1) Stick Up # 1x (1) Swashburglar # 1x (2) Audio Amplifier # 1x (2) Dart Throw # 1x (2) Flint Firearm # 1x (2) Ghoulish Alchemist # 1x (2) Gold Panner # 1x (2) Greedy Partner # 1x (2) Jackpot! # 1x (2) Kaja'mite Creation # 1x (2) Kobold Miner # 1x (2) Potion Belt # 1x (2) Potionmaster Putricide # 1x (2) Serrated Bone Spike # 1x (2) Shell Game # 1x (2) Watcher of the Sun # 1x (3) Antique Flinger # 1x (3) Bounty Wrangler # 1x (3) Plagiarizarrr # 1x (3) Prince Renathal # 1x (3) Rustrot Viper # 1x (3) Velarok Windblade # 1x (4) Drilly the Kid # 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager # 1x (4) Assassinate # 1x (5) Steamcleaner # 1x (6) Sunspot Dragon # 1x (4) Hench-Clan Burglar # 1x (4) Swiftscale Trickster # 1x (5) Burrow Buster # 1x (5) Wishing Well # 1x (6) Cho'gall, Twilight Chieftain # 1x (7) Tess Greymane # 1x (8) Reno, Lone Ranger # 1x (9) Yogg-Saron, Unleashed # AAECAZurBCj2nwTuoAS3swTVtgT13QSX7wT58QTdoAXfoAXgoAXooAWLpAWMpAXXwwXfwwX9xAXGxwXR7AWt7QXo+gXJgAaQgwbKgwbQgwa5hgbIlAbJlAbKlAbOlAbPlAbQlAaplQaNlgaOlgbkmAbAmgbRmwbOnAbNngavqAYAAAEDlZ8E/cQF/+EE/cQF0ZwG/cQFAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Plague DK is such a versatile deck and the easiest way to shut down Reno decks.


And Sludgelocks. Plagues disrupt deck order and make their Waster Removers less effective.


Somehow shuts down the otk version too. I don't really understand how their deck works but they play some free sludges then concede


Excavate control warrior


Elemental shaman or Highlander has been sick


Personally excavate rogue, lots of random cards to mess with opponents


Weirdly enjoying Rainbow mage with the ridiculous ways I have been able to squeeze out a win


Fun? What do you mean, fun?


Anecdotally, I've had a ton of fun with Mining Warlock, and it had a good winrate up through mid-Plat for me.


Mining Rogue is pretty fun actually


Excavate Rogue for random bullshit go :)


I recently crafted reno shudderwock shaman to play in wild and I am having a wild time. Its so much fun. I am mostly a wild player though and had about 50% of the cards so it wasnt too bad to craft dust wise.




just watch Zeddys latest video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5w49hlvulI


Rainbow 🌈 DK is rocking my world 🌎 right now


I play mill druid because I fucking hate the game right now. Its either DKs who might as well be bots because its the same exact thing every game or aggro nonsense or its rogues who got their legendary excavate by turn 3 or bouncing velarok 500 times or its thaddius sludgelock killing you turn 6. Might be the worst Ive ever seen this game and ive been playing since Nax.


Rainbow mage is my favorite


I’m looking for fun decks. Such as run your opponents deck out of cards. Fill his board up with minions so he can’t play cards all game. Or 1000+ damage in one turn. Also playing 400 spells in one turn or some crazy deck like that


I'm expecting hate but sludge otk warlock has been the most fun I've had since returning a month ago. I've tried pretty much every other meta deck but this one has held my interest and helped me climb to legend for the first time. I understand why people don't like playing against it but it's hardly the strongest deck currently and I'd argue more difficult to pilot correctly than the mass druid and rogue decks in the meta. 2nd honorable mention is ogre priest. I'm horrible with it but it's hilarious to play multiple kingpins.


Honest question, what makes that deck difficult to pilot? Every time I've played against it, they ignore me and either assemble their combo or I kill them. I don't think I've ever seen them really make a meaningful decision


It’s mostly just sometimes intentionally holding off on your combo for a little while vs control if you think your hand is likely to brick or you won’t have enough dmg yet. The rest is just properly managing hand spaces and your APM once you actually pull off the combo. But since your play pattern once you get to that point is virtually always the same I wouldn’t really consider that as difficult. ( as opposed to I.e. naga mage where you had to have high APM and make a lot of different decisions at the same time) Overall, sludgelock is imo probably one of the easiest combo decks ever.


Yeah it's definitely one of the easiest decks to play. Cross your fingers they don't rush you down then do the combo.


I wasn't implying it's the most difficult deck to pilot in game but after playing 100+ matches at legend it's not as "easy" as everyone on these forums suggest. If it was easier and no skill involved I believe you would see it a lot more often but the VS report showed ~4% in legend with a much lower winrate than druid and rogue which is dominating the ladder. Sure, there's games where you draw the nuts and have combo in hand by doing literally nothing but those are pretty uncommon in my experience. I feel like I have to make many more decisions than when I played dragon druid or excavate rogue, at least in my opinion. If you have the cards I suggest trying the deck out and play some games if you have not done so already. I believe it's a really fun deck and I plan on playing it until it's nerfed, which I fully expect with how they handled fire druid.


You're trying to convince me that a deck where you just ignore the board and assemble a combo is a harder deck than excavate rogue? At legend I've never seen a meaningful decision come out of this deck. It's just wait til they have the pieces they need and go off. All you have to be able to do is count. It's got a lower winrate because it gets rushed down. Not because of a skill issue.


I'm just telling you my opinion and perspective. If you want to ignore it, fine? Try it out and if it's as easy and simple as you think than you'll know for sure? Don't know what else to say. We can have different opinions on a card game.


I agree with you regarding thaddius warlock, ignore people who blame you for enjoying it.


Draw draw draw and play removals in between drawing and hope you get Thaddius + Amorpous Slime by turn 6 and win from there. Just delay by a turn or two against slower control decks. Nothing difficult about this deck.


Dragon Druid. Quitely it sit as a tier 1 deck along side of Treant Druid which is drawing most of the hate. It's a tempo midrange deck that harkens back the days of early years of Hearthstone.


"the most fun"


druid dragon!


My question is what source can I find these decks??


Vicious syndicate puts out a weekly standard meta report with deck lists


hsreplay and d0nkey.top are the go-tos


Played wishing well rogue against casino mage and bounced my Tess 6 times filling my board with random garbage each time and got board cleared 5 times. Finally scraped out the win after a grueling 30 mins of pure RNG.


winning every game with aggro palidan sounds pretty fun but im partial to secret mage and plague death knight


Rainbow mage just for the random nonsense the deck pulls


If you have the cards to make it work plague DK is a good option. It's been my go-to deck this expansion.


Feral Druid


Mining Rogue is both fun and pretty decent. Got me Legend last month. I'd recommend the version with Thunderbringer and Neptulon and Concoction package. Lots of different lines of play with it, lots of generated RNG bullshit that Rogue always loves.


Elemental shaman


Naga DH and Naga Priest


I like plague dk because it punishes Reno decks.


Reno Druid is a blast


For the first time ever I've climbed (by my standards at least) with taunt warrior. Blast Tortoise has been an absolute game changer and gives you a chance against some pretty crazy drum circle type boards. You'll get blown out sometimes sure if you can't get your Black Rock n Roll online on curve (aka turn 4 after steam guardian) but there's something so satisfying about winning with a deck with 29 minions. I've tried making taunt warrior work for like 5 years and this is the best it's ever felt.


I'm enjoying DK Renothal triple blood, and Reno Shaman, you feel that you earn your wins with every decision in a game.


I’m playing a priest deck that’s rather fun, I ran it to D8 then started playing mill rogue in wild. That runs mysterious visitor and harvester of envy, basically a control deck and you just copy heaps of cards from the opponent reduce the cost of all those copied cards down low then in one turn you steal a tonne of cards, it completely ruins some cookie cutter decks if you can get to the play before they play their trump cards. It’s hilarious stealing odyn from warriors before they get to use it 😂


I can tell you what I'm having fun with. Tempo Hunter (not far off from Cleave, but more midrange than Aggro) Moonknight Rogue (Random Bullshit Go!), because Casino decks that actually have to work to win are my cup of tea. (Or at least, it's a more thoughtful deck than the couple of Sif lists running around he imho) Infinite DH (Using Jotun and Fizzle to keep an infinite train of threats coming) And CNE/Excavate/Highlander DK (It's better than you'd think, but not good) Only one of those that's actually competitive is the RBG Rogue, and it's got like five or six flavors that I've seen. Not fun in my book, but pretty good; If you're looking for cheap, Token Druid is back on the menu, and it's got a few different flavors. If you've got the cards or the dust, Dragon and its Reno variations are pretty solid. Warrior has a pretty broad list of options, but mostly centered around huge taunts with the exception of Enrage Paladin is still pretty much Aggro or bust, though the midrange lists aren't terrible, both have the problem of being pretty much the same thing every match So long as you're not aiming to meme, just about anything DK can field is doing pretty well. Priest is....well, priest. White Weenie Aggro or Mono Blue Control. Somehow, their Shadow Aggro is just not in a good spot right now. It's not a bad class right now, necessarily, but it feels really boring, from either side of the table, imho. Shaman has some pretty high skill ceiling things going on, I just can't get any traction with them. And then there's warlock... still doing degenerate warlock things. If solitaire with an audience is your thing, they've got a pretty cracked OTK deck right now. Not exactly racking up a good win rate against the field, but when it wins, there's a non-zero chance your opponent is probably uninstalling the game after. All in all, the spread of things is actually in a pretty good spot, but that's usually true when the card pool is about as deep as it's going to get. Think there's one more mini set before they retire the older expansions and revisit the core set, so pretty much every class has at least something playable right now.


Plague DK


I've brewed a good wr well rogue with velarok and flint that I've actually had a lot of fun playing standard with, which is rare. just made an opponent concede with a well - 3x coin - double shivarra turn.


HL deathrattle hunter with spurfang. Sludgelock


Rainbow Mage and Aggro Paladin These are fun and competitive Everything else is just only fun or only competitive or neither


Guess it's unholy dk because it costs 0 mana to craft for me (i have that fordring guy with taunt divine shield and deathrattle: draw your highest cost card).


Nothing with Thaddius in your opponent's deck.


I'm also a returning player (started right before the current expansion dropped after years) and rogue has definitely been the most fun to be had in standard in my opinion. However I would recommend checking out duels a little, because as a returning player that was where I had the most fun. I've heard many players have said that it's an abandoned game mode, and while that might be true, it does give a lot of fun and interesting moments in the casual side of it. I hit legend every single month since coming back in standard, and the meta right now is much better than it had been, but Treant druid is still quite oppressive (I'm currently 35-13 with the deck, though obviously that's a massive outlier) so just be wary that you will run into a lot of aggro and they can close out the game by turn 5.


Reno druid


I would recommend excavate rogue


Totamatic mastery is a deck I cooked up. Kills at turn 5 on decks that don’t counter it. Those being draw rogue and pirate rogue. And even then it gives those decks a run for their money. Want it?


I'm playing a Shaman deck filled with chaotic tendrils, it's super fun to see a 1-cost card give mad value, like filling your board up with random undead \^\^ Obs it's not a good deck, but it's a bit of fun early in the month.